remove map_as_server and make module compile again
diff --git a/ebin/ b/ebin/
index 86a5c01..6502f41 100644
--- a/ebin/
+++ b/ebin/
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 {application, osmo_map,
 	[{description, "Osmocom SS7 MAP"},
 	 {vsn, "1"},
-	 {modules, [map, map_codec,
-		    tcap_asn, tcap_helper]},
+	 {modules, [map, map_codec, map_helper,
+		    tcap_asn, tcap_helper,
+		    map_only,
+		    map_app_sup, map_ss_server, map_dlg_server]},
 	 {registered, []},
 	 {applications, []},
 	 {env, [
diff --git a/src/map_as_server.erl b/src/map_as_server.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 86c03af..0000000
--- a/src/map_as_server.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
--export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
--export([bind_ac/1, unbind_ac/1, dump/0]).
--record(ass_state, {sap_sup_pid, as_tbl}).
--record(ass_record, {ac, user_pid}).
-% client side
-bind_ac(Srv, AcName) when is_list(AcName) ->
-	bind_ac(Srv, list_to_tuple(AcName);
-bind_ac(Srv, AcName) when is_tuple(AcName) ->
-	gen_server:call(Srv, {bind_ac, AcName}).
-unbind_ac(Srv, AcName) when is_list(AcName) ->
-	unbind_ac(Srv, list_to_tuple(AcName);
-unbind_ac(Srv, AcName) when is_tuple(AcName) ->
-	gen_server:call(Srv, {unbind_ac, AcName}).
-dump() ->
-	fixme.
-% gen_fsm callbacks
-start_link(Ssn, {M, A, O}) when is_integer(Ssn) ->
-	ProcName = list_to_atom(?MODULE ++ "_" ++ integer_to_list(Ssn)),
-	gen_server:start_link({local, ProcName}, ?MODULE, [Ssn, {M, A, O}], []).
-init([Ssn, {M, A, O}]) ->
-	{ok, SapSupPid} = tcap_sap_sup:start_link(M, A, O),
-	AssTbl = ets:new(list_to_atom(?MODULE ++ "_" ++ integer_to_list(Ssn)),
-			 [ordered_set, named_table, {keypos,}]),
-	{ok, #ass_state{sap_sup_pid = SapSupPid, as_tbl = AssTbl}}.
-handle_call({bind_ac, Ac}, {FromPid, _FromRef}, LoopDat) ->
-	NewRec = #actbl_record{ac = Ac, user_pid = FromPid},
-	case ets:insert_new(LoopDat#ass_state.as_tbl, NewRec) of
-		false ->
-			{reply, {error, ets_insert}, LoopDat};
-		_ ->
-			link(FromPid),
-			{reply, ok, LoopDat}
-	end;
-handle_call({unbind_ac, Ac}, {FromPid, _FromRef}, LoopDat) ->
-	DelRec = #actbl_record{ac = Ac, user_pid = FromPid},
-	ets:delete_object(LoopDat#ass_state.as_tbl, DelRec),
-	{reply, ok, LoopDat}.
-handle_cast(Info, LoopDat) ->
-	error_logger:error_report(["unknown handle_cast",
-				  {module, ?MODULE}, {info, Info},
-				  {state, LoopDat}]),
-	{noreply, LoopDat}.
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, LoopDat) ->
-	io:format("EXIT from process ~p (~p), cleaning up tables~n",
-		  [Pid, Reason]),
-	ets:match_delete(LoopDat#ass_state.as_tbl, #actbl_record{user_pid = Pid}),
-	{noreply, LoopDat};
-handle_info(Info, LoopDat) ->
-	error:logger:error_report(["unknown handle_info",
-				  {module, ?MODULE}, {info, Info},
-				  {state, LoopDat}]),
-	{noreply, LoopDat}.
-terminate(Reason, _LoopDat) ->
-	io:format("terminating ~p with reason ~p~n", [self(), Reason]),
-	ok.
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
-	{ok, State}.
-% server side
-as_for_ac(Ac, LoopDat) ->
-	case ets:lookup(LoopDat#ass_state.as_tbl, Ac) of
-		[#ass_record{user_pid = UserPid}] ->
-			{ok, UserPid};
-		_ ->
-			{error, no_such_ac}
-	end.
-	     I='TC-BEGIN'{appContextName = Ac, dialogueID = DlgId}}, LoopDat) ->
-	case as_for_ac(Ac, LoopDat) of
-		{ok, UserPid} ->
-			gen_fsm:send_event(UserPid, I);
-		{error, Reason} ->
-			error_logger:error_report(["TC-BEGIN for non-existing AC",
-						  {application_context, Ac}]),
-			ok
-	end;
-handle_tcap({'TC', What, indication, P}) when
-			What == 'CONTINUE'; What == 'END';
-			What == 'U-ABORT'; What == 'P-ABORT';
-			What == 'NOTICE' ->
-	% look up the Pid for the specific Dialogue Handler
-	case as_for_ac(Ac, LoopDat) of
-	ok;
-handle_tcap({'TC', 'INVOKE', indication, P}) when
-	% look up AS for AC, start new invoke in dialogue
-handle_tcap({'TC', What, indication, P}) when
-			What == 'RESULT-L'; What == 'RESULT-NL';
-			What == 'U-ERROR'; What == 'L-CANCEL';
-			What == 'L-REJECT'; What == 'U-REJECT';
-			What == 'TIMER-RESET' ->
-	% look up the gen_fsm for the specific Invoke
-	ok.