blob: c7b0ed154ee41f2ced92869be7bfed76daf033dd [file] [log] [blame]
%% diameter callbacks
-export([peer_up/3, peer_down/3, pick_peer/4, prepare_request/3, prepare_retransmit/3,
handle_answer/4, handle_error/4, handle_request/3]).
-define(UNEXPECTED, erlang:error({unexpected, ?MODULE, ?LINE})).
peer_up(_SvcName, {PeerRef, Caps}, State) ->
lager:info("Peer up ~p - ~p~n", [PeerRef, lager:pr(Caps, ?MODULE)]),
peer_down(_SvcName, {PeerRef, Caps}, State) ->
lager:info("Peer down ~p - ~p~n", [PeerRef, lager:pr(Caps, ?MODULE)]),
pick_peer(_, _, _SvcName, _State) ->
prepare_request(_, _SvcName, _Peer) ->
prepare_retransmit(_Packet, _SvcName, _Peer) ->
handle_answer(_Packet, _Request, _SvcName, _Peer) ->
handle_error(_Reason, _Request, _SvcName, _Peer) ->
lager:error("Request error: ~p~n", [_Reason]),
% generate Diameter E-UTRAN / UTRAN / GERAN Vectors from GSUP tuple input
-spec gsup_tuple2dia_eutran('GSUPAuthTuple'(), binary(), integer()) -> #'E-UTRAN-Vector'{}.
gsup_tuple2dia_eutran(#{autn:=Autn, ck:=Ck, ik:=Ik, rand:=Rand, res:=Res}, Vplmn, Idx) ->
#'E-UTRAN-Vector'{'Item-Number'=Idx, 'RAND'=Rand, 'XRES'=Res , 'AUTN'=Autn,
'KASME'=compute_kasme(Ck, Ik, Vplmn, Autn)}.
-spec gsup_tuple2dia_utran('GSUPAuthTuple'()) -> #'UTRAN-Vector'{}.
gsup_tuple2dia_utran(#{autn:=Autn, ck:=Ck, ik:=Ik, rand:=Rand, res:=Res}) ->
#'UTRAN-Vector'{'RAND'=Rand, 'XRES'=Res, 'AUTN'=Autn, 'Confidentiality-Key'=Ck, 'Integrity-Key'=Ik}.
-spec gsup_tuple2dia_geran('GSUPAuthTuple'()) -> #'GERAN-Vector'{}.
gsup_tuple2dia_geran(#{rand:=Rand, sres:=Sres, kc:=Kc}) ->
#'GERAN-Vector'{'RAND'=Rand, 'SRES'=Sres, 'Kc'=Kc}.
-spec gsup_tuples2dia_eutran(['GSUPAuthTuple'()], binary()) -> [#'E-UTRAN-Vector'{}].
gsup_tuples2dia_eutran(List, Vplmn) -> gsup_tuples2dia_eutran(List, Vplmn, [], 1).
gsup_tuples2dia_eutran([], _Vplmn, Out, _Idx) -> Out;
gsup_tuples2dia_eutran([Head|Tail], Vplmn, Out, Ctr) ->
Dia = gsup_tuple2dia_eutran(Head, Vplmn, Ctr),
gsup_tuples2dia_eutran(Tail, Vplmn, [Dia|Out], Ctr+1).
-type int_or_false() :: false | integer().
-spec gsup_tuples2dia(['GSUPAuthTuple'()], binary(), int_or_false(), int_or_false(), int_or_false()) -> #'Authentication-Info'{}.
gsup_tuples2dia(Tuples, Vplmn, NumEutran, NumUtran, NumGeran) ->
case NumEutran of
false -> EutranVecs = [];
0 -> EutranVecs = [];
_ -> EutranVecs = gsup_tuples2dia_eutran(lists:sublist(Tuples,NumEutran), Vplmn)
case NumUtran of
false -> UtranVecs = [];
0 -> UtranVecs = [];
_ -> UtranVecs = lists:map(fun gsup_tuple2dia_utran/1, lists:sublist(Tuples,NumUtran))
case NumGeran of
false -> GeranVecs = [];
0 -> GeranVecs = [];
_ -> GeranVecs = lists:map(fun gsup_tuple2dia_geran/1, lists:sublist(Tuples,NumGeran))
#'Authentication-Info'{'E-UTRAN-Vector'=EutranVecs, 'UTRAN-Vector'=UtranVecs,
-spec compute_kasme(<<_:16>>, <<_:16>>, <<_:3>>, <<_:16>>) -> <<_:32>>.
compute_kasme(Ck, Ik, VplmnId, Autn) ->
Autn6 = binary_part(Autn, 0, 6),
K = <<Ck:16/binary, Ik:16/binary>>,
S = <<16, VplmnId:3/binary, 0, 3, Autn6:6/binary, 0, 6>>,
crypto:hmac(sha256, K, S, 32).
-spec req_num_of_vec([tuple()]) -> int_or_false().
req_num_of_vec([#'Requested-EUTRAN-Authentication-Info'{'Number-Of-Requested-Vectors'=[]}]) -> false;
req_num_of_vec([#'Requested-EUTRAN-Authentication-Info'{'Number-Of-Requested-Vectors'=[Num]}]) -> Num;
req_num_of_vec([#'Requested-UTRAN-GERAN-Authentication-Info'{'Number-Of-Requested-Vectors'=[]}]) -> false;
req_num_of_vec([#'Requested-UTRAN-GERAN-Authentication-Info'{'Number-Of-Requested-Vectors'=[Num]}]) -> Num;
req_num_of_vec(_) -> false.
-define(PDP_TYPE_DEFAULT, <<0,0,0,16#21>>). % IPv4
-define(PDP_QOS_DEFAULT, <<0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0>>). % fixme
-spec gsup_pdp2dia('GSUPPdpInfo'()) -> #'PDP-Context'{}.
gsup_pdp2dia(GsupPdpInfo) ->
#'PDP-Context'{'PDP-Type' = maps:get(pdp_type, GsupPdpInfo, ?PDP_TYPE_DEFAULT),
'Context-Identifier' = maps:get(pdp_context_id, GsupPdpInfo),
'Service-Selection' = maps:get(access_point_name, GsupPdpInfo),
'QoS-Subscribed' = maps:get(quality_of_service, GsupPdpInfo, ?PDP_QOS_DEFAULT)
-define(PDN_TYPE_DEFAULT, 0). % IPv4
-spec gsup_pdp2dia_apn('GSUPPdpInfo'()) -> #'APN-Configuration'{}.
gsup_pdp2dia_apn(GsupPdpInfo) ->
#'APN-Configuration'{'Context-Identifier' = maps:get(pdp_context_id, GsupPdpInfo),
'PDN-Type' = maps:get(pdp_type, GsupPdpInfo, ?PDN_TYPE_DEFAULT),
% The EPS-Subscribed-QoS-Profile AVP and the AMBR AVP shall be present in the
% APN-Configuration AVP when the APN-Configuration AVP is sent in the
% APN-Configuration-Profile AVP and when the APN-Configuration-Profile AVP is
% sent within a ULA (as part of the Subscription-Data AVP).
'EPS-Subscribed-QoS-Profile' = ?EPS_QOS_DEFAULT,
'AMBR' = #'AMBR'{'Max-Requested-Bandwidth-UL' = 100000000,
'Max-Requested-Bandwidth-DL' = 100000000},
% The default APN Configuration shall not contain the Wildcard APN (see 3GPP TS
% 23.003 [3], clause 9.2); the default APN shall always contain an explicit APN
'Service-Selection' = "internet"%maps:get(access_point_name, GsupPdpInfo)
% transient (only in Experimental-Result-Code)
% permanent (only in Experimental-Result-Code)
-define(GMM_CAUSE_IMSI_UNKNOWN, 16#02).
-define(GMM_CAUSE_INV_MAND_INFO, 16#60).
-define(GMM_CAUSE_NET_FAIL, 16#11).
% TODO: more values
-define(EXP_RES(Foo), #'Experimental-Result'{'Vendor-Id'=fixme, 'Experimental-Result-Code'=Foo}).
-type empty_or_intl() :: [] | [integer()].
-spec gsup_cause2dia(integer()) -> {empty_or_intl(), empty_or_intl()}.
%gsup_cause2dia(?GMM_CAUSE_INV_MAND_INFO) ->
%gsup_cause2dia(?GMM_CAUSE_NET_FAIL) ->
% TODO: more values
gsup_cause2dia(_) -> {fixme, []}.
% get the value for a tiven key in Map1. If not found, try same key in Map2. If not found, return Default
-spec twomap_get(atom(), map(), map(), any()) -> any().
twomap_get(Key, Map1, Map2, Default) ->
maps:get(Key, Map1, maps:get(Key, Map2, Default)).
handle_request(#diameter_packet{msg = Req, errors = []}, _SvcName, {_, Caps}) when is_record(Req, 'AIR') ->
lager:info("AIR: ~p~n", [Req]),
% extract relevant fields from DIAMETER AIR
#diameter_caps{origin_host = {OH,_}, origin_realm = {OR,_}} = Caps,
#'AIR'{'Session-Id' = SessionId,
'User-Name' = UserName,
'Visited-PLMN-Id' = VplmnId,
'Requested-EUTRAN-Authentication-Info' = ReqEU,
'Requested-UTRAN-GERAN-Authentication-Info' = ReqUG} = Req,
VplmnIdBin = list_to_binary(VplmnId),
NumEutran = req_num_of_vec(ReqEU),
NumUgran = req_num_of_vec(ReqUG),
lager:info("Num EUTRAN=~p, UTRAN=~p~n", [NumEutran, NumUgran]),
% construct GSUP request to HLR and transceive it
GsupTx1 = #{message_type => send_auth_info_req, imsi => list_to_binary(UserName),
supported_rat_types => [rat_eutran_sgs], current_rat_type => rat_eutran_sgs},
case ReqEU of
#'Requested-EUTRAN-Authentication-Info'{'Re-Synchronization-Info' = ReSyncInfo}
when is_binary(ReSyncInfo) ->
GsupTx2 = #{rand => string:substr(ReSyncInfo, 1, 16),
auts => string:substr(ReSyncInfo, 17)};
_ ->
GsupTx2 = #{}
GsupTx = maps:merge(GsupTx1, GsupTx2),
GsupRx = gen_server:call(gsup_client, {transceive_gsup, GsupTx, send_auth_info_res, send_auth_info_err}),
lager:info("GsupRx: ~p~n", [GsupRx]),
% construct DIAMETER AIA response
case GsupRx of
#{message_type:=send_auth_info_res, auth_tuples:=GsupAuthTuples} ->
AuthInfo = gsup_tuples2dia(GsupAuthTuples, VplmnIdBin, NumEutran, NumUgran, NumUgran),
Resp = #'AIA'{'Session-Id'=SessionId, 'Origin-Host'=OH, 'Origin-Realm'=OR,
'Result-Code'=2001, 'Auth-Session-State'=1,
#{message_type := send_auth_info_err} ->
Resp = #'AIA'{'Session-Id'=SessionId, 'Origin-Host'=OH, 'Origin-Realm'=OR,
timeout ->
Resp = #'AIA'{'Session-Id'=SessionId, 'Origin-Host'=OH, 'Origin-Realm'=OR,
'Result-Code'=4181, 'Auth-Session-State'=1}
lager:info("Resp: ~p~n", [Resp]),
{reply, Resp};
handle_request(#diameter_packet{msg = Req, errors = []}, _SvcName, {_, Caps}) when is_record(Req, 'ULR') ->
% extract relevant fields from DIAMETER ULR
#diameter_caps{origin_host = {OH,_}, origin_realm = {OR,_}} = Caps,
#'ULR'{'Session-Id' = SessionId,
'RAT-Type' = RatType,
'ULR-Flags' = UlrFlags,
'User-Name' = UserName} = Req,
% construct GSUP UpdateLocation request to HLR and transceive it; expect InsertSubscrDataReq
GsupTxUlReq = #{message_type => location_upd_req, imsi => list_to_binary(UserName),
cn_domain => 1},
GsupRxIsdReq = gen_server:call(gsup_client,
{transceive_gsup, GsupTxUlReq, insert_sub_data_req, location_upd_err}),
lager:info("GsupRxIsdReq: ~p~n", [GsupRxIsdReq]),
case GsupRxIsdReq of
#{message_type:=location_upd_err, cause:=Cause} ->
{Res, ExpRes} = gsup_cause2dia(Cause),
Resp = #'ULA'{'Session-Id'= SessionId, 'Auth-Session-State'=1,
'Origin-Host'=OH, 'Origin-Realm'=OR,
'Result-Code'=Res, 'Experimental-Result'=ExpRes};
#{message_type:=insert_sub_data_req} ->
% construct GSUP InsertSubscrData response to HLR and transceive it; expect
% UpdateLocationRes
GsupTxIsdRes = #{message_type => insert_sub_data_res,
imsi => list_to_binary(UserName)},
GsupRxUlRes = gen_server:call(gsup_client,
{transceive_gsup, GsupTxIsdRes, location_upd_res, location_upd_err}),
lager:info("GsupRxUlRes: ~p~n", [GsupRxUlRes]),
case GsupRxUlRes of
#{message_type:=location_upd_res} ->
Msisdn = twomap_get(msisdn, GsupRxIsdReq, GsupRxUlRes, []),
Compl = twomap_get(pdp_info_complete, GsupRxIsdReq, GsupRxUlRes, 0),
% build the GPRS Subscription Data
PdpInfoList = twomap_get(pdp_info_list, GsupRxIsdReq, GsupRxUlRes, []),
PdpContexts = lists:map(fun gsup_pdp2dia/1, PdpInfoList),
GSubD = #'GPRS-Subscription-Data'{'Complete-Data-List-Included-Indicator'=Compl,
% build the APN-Configuration-Profile
ApnCfgList = lists:map(fun gsup_pdp2dia_apn/1, PdpInfoList),
FirstApn = lists:nth(1, ApnCfgList),
DefaultCtxId = FirstApn#'APN-Configuration'.'Context-Identifier',
ApnCfgProf = #'APN-Configuration-Profile'{'Context-Identifier' = DefaultCtxId,
'APN-Configuration' = ApnCfgList},
% put together the Subscription-Data and finally the ULA response
SubscrData = #'Subscription-Data'{'MSISDN' = Msisdn,
'Network-Access-Mode' = 0, % PACKET_AND_CIRCUIT
'GPRS-Subscription-Data' = GSubD,
% Subscriber-Status must be present in ULA
'Subscriber-Status' = 0,
% AMBR must be present if this is an ULA; let's permit 100MBps UL + DL
'AMBR' = #'AMBR'{'Max-Requested-Bandwidth-UL' = 100000000,
'Max-Requested-Bandwidth-DL' = 100000000},
'APN-Configuration-Profile' = ApnCfgProf},
Resp = #'ULA'{'Session-Id' = SessionId, 'Auth-Session-State' = 1,
'Origin-Host' = OH, 'Origin-Realm' = OR,
'Result-Code' = 2001,
'Subscription-Data' = SubscrData, 'ULA-Flags' = 0};
#{message_type:=location_upd_err, cause:=Cause} ->
{Res, ExpRes} = gsup_cause2dia(Cause),
Resp = #'ULA'{'Session-Id'= SessionId, 'Auth-Session-State'=1,
'Origin-Host'=OH, 'Origin-Realm'=OR,
'Result-Code'=Res, 'Experimental-Result'=ExpRes};
_ ->
Resp = #'ULA'{'Session-Id'= SessionId, 'Auth-Session-State'=1,
'Origin-Host'=OH, 'Origin-Realm'=OR,
lager:info("ULR Resp: ~p~n", [Resp]),
{reply, Resp};
handle_request(Packet, _SvcName, {_,_}) ->
lager:error("Unsuppoerted message: ~p~n", [Packet]),