add new mangle_tt_sri_sm module and associated eunit tests

This module is able to match a SCCP message against a given
Destination-GT prefix and checks if the message contains an
Invoke(SRI-for-SM).  If both conditions are true, it alters the TT from
whatever it may currently be to 3.

This is used for SMS special routing cases at the STP.
diff --git a/src/mangle_tt_sri_sm.erl b/src/mangle_tt_sri_sm.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25db695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mangle_tt_sri_sm.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+% (C) 2012 by Harald Welte <>
+% (C) 2012 OnWaves
+% All Rights Reserved
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+% along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+% Additional Permission under GNU AGPL version 3 section 7:
+% If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or
+% combining it with runtime libraries of Erlang/OTP as released by
+% Ericsson on (or a modified version of these
+% libraries), containing parts covered by the terms of the Erlang Public
+% License (, the licensors of this
+% Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work
+% without the need to license the runtime libraries of Erlang/OTP under
+% the GNU Affero General Public License. Corresponding Source for a
+% non-source form of such a combination shall include the source code
+% for the parts of the runtime libraries of Erlang/OTP used as well as
+% that of the covered work.
+-author("Harald Welte <>").
+-export([gt_match_pfx/2, gt_match_pfx_list/2,
+	 isup_party_match_pfx/2, isup_party_match_pfx_list/2]).
+-export([get_tcap_components/1, get_tcap_operation/1, get_tcap_operations/1,
+	 check_for_tcap_op/3, check_for_invoke_sri_sm/1]).
+% high-level function to determine if a Sccp / MAP message contains a Invoke SRI-SM
+check_for_invoke_sri_sm(MapDec) ->
+	check_for_tcap_op(invoke, {local, 45}, MapDec).
+% check if there's a prefix match between a given GT and prefix
+gt_match_pfx(GT, MatchPfx) when is_record(GT, global_title),
+				is_integer(MatchPfx) ->
+	gt_match_pfx(GT, osmo_util:int2digit_list(MatchPfx));
+gt_match_pfx(GT, MatchPfx) when is_record(GT, global_title),
+				is_list(MatchPfx) ->
+	match_pfx(GT#global_title.phone_number, MatchPfx).
+% check if there's a prefix match between a given ISUP party_addr and prefix
+isup_party_match_pfx(Party, MatchPfx) when is_record(Party, party_number),
+	       				   is_integer(MatchPfx)	->
+	isup_party_match_pfx(Party, osmo_util:int2digit_list(MatchPfx));
+isup_party_match_pfx(Party, MatchPfx) when is_record(Party, party_number) ->
+	DigitsIn = Party#party_number.phone_number,
+	match_pfx(DigitsIn, MatchPfx).
+match_pfx(DigitsIn, MatchPfx) when is_list(DigitsIn), is_list(MatchPfx) ->
+	MatchPfxLen = length(MatchPfx),
+	Pfx = lists:sublist(DigitsIn, 1, MatchPfxLen),
+	case Pfx of
+		MatchPfx ->
+			true;
+		_ ->
+			false
+	end.
+% check if there's a prefix match of Global Titles among a list of prefixes
+gt_match_pfx_list(GT, []) when is_record(GT, global_title) ->
+	false;
+gt_match_pfx_list(GT, [MatchPfx|Tail]) when is_record(GT, global_title) ->
+	case gt_match_pfx(GT, MatchPfx) of
+		true ->
+			true;
+		_ ->
+			gt_match_pfx_list(GT, Tail)
+	end.
+% check if there's a prefix match of ISUP Party number among a list of prefixes
+isup_party_match_pfx_list(PN, []) when is_record(PN, party_number) ->
+	false;
+isup_party_match_pfx_list(PN, [MatchPfx|Tail]) when is_record(PN, party_number) ->
+	case isup_party_match_pfx(PN, MatchPfx) of
+		true ->
+			true;
+		_ ->
+			isup_party_match_pfx_list(PN, Tail)
+	end.
+% get a list of components from the decoded TCAP+MAP nested record
+get_tcap_components({'begin', Beg}) ->
+	get_tcap_components(Beg);
+get_tcap_components({'end', Beg}) ->
+	get_tcap_components(Beg);
+get_tcap_components({'continue', Beg}) ->
+	get_tcap_components(Beg);
+% map.erl
+get_tcap_components(#'MapSpecificPDUs_begin'{components=Comps}) ->
+	Comps;
+get_tcap_components(#'MapSpecificPDUs_continue'{components=Comps}) ->
+	Comps;
+get_tcap_components(#'MapSpecificPDUs_end'{components=Comps}) ->
+	Comps;
+get_tcap_components(_) ->
+	[].
+% get the MAP operation of a specific component
+get_tcap_operation({basicROS, Rec}) ->
+	get_tcap_operation(Rec);
+get_tcap_operation({invoke, Rec}) ->
+	get_tcap_operation(Rec);
+get_tcap_operation({returnResult, Rec}) ->
+	get_tcap_operation(Rec);
+get_tcap_operation({returnResultNotLast, Rec}) ->
+	get_tcap_operation(Rec);
+% map.erl
+get_tcap_operation(#'MapSpecificPDUs_begin_components_SEQOF_basicROS_invoke'{opcode=Op}) ->
+	{invoke, Op};
+get_tcap_operation(#'MapSpecificPDUs_continue_components_SEQOF_basicROS_invoke'{opcode=Op}) ->
+	{invoke, Op};
+get_tcap_operation(#'MapSpecificPDUs_end_components_SEQOF_basicROS_invoke'{opcode=Op}) ->
+	{invoke, Op};
+get_tcap_operation(#'MapSpecificPDUs_begin_components_SEQOF_basicROS_returnResult'{result=Res}) ->
+	{returnResult, Res#'MapSpecificPDUs_begin_components_SEQOF_basicROS_returnResult_result'.opcode};
+get_tcap_operation(#'MapSpecificPDUs_continue_components_SEQOF_basicROS_returnResult'{result=Res}) ->
+	{returnResult, Res#'MapSpecificPDUs_continue_components_SEQOF_basicROS_returnResult_result'.opcode};
+get_tcap_operation(#'MapSpecificPDUs_end_components_SEQOF_basicROS_returnResult'{result=Res}) ->
+	{returnResult, Res#'MapSpecificPDUs_end_components_SEQOF_basicROS_returnResult_result'.opcode};
+get_tcap_operation(#'MapSpecificPDUs_begin_components_SEQOF_returnResultNotLast'{result=Res}) ->
+	{returnResult, Res#'MapSpecificPDUs_begin_components_SEQOF_returnResultNotLast_result'.opcode};
+get_tcap_operation(#'MapSpecificPDUs_continue_components_SEQOF_returnResultNotLast'{result=Res}) ->
+	{returnResult, Res#'MapSpecificPDUs_continue_components_SEQOF_returnResultNotLast_result'.opcode};
+get_tcap_operation(#'MapSpecificPDUs_end_components_SEQOF_returnResultNotLast'{result=Res}) ->
+	{returnResult, Res#'MapSpecificPDUs_end_components_SEQOF_returnResultNotLast_result'.opcode}.
+% get a list of the MAP operations inside the components of a MAP message
+get_tcap_operations(MapDec) ->
+	Comps = get_tcap_components(MapDec),
+	[get_tcap_operation(X) || X <- Comps].
+check_for_tcap_op(Comp, Op, SccpDec) when is_record(SccpDec, sccp_msg) ->
+	UserData = proplists:get_value(user_data, SccpDec#sccp_msg.parameters),
+	MapDec = map_codec:parse_tcap_msg(UserData),
+	check_for_tcap_op(Comp, Op, MapDec);
+check_for_tcap_op(Comp, Op, MapDec) ->
+	MapOps = get_tcap_operations(MapDec),
+	% check for invoke of SRI-for-SM:
+	lists:member({Comp, Op}, MapOps).
+mangle_tt_sri_sm(from_msc, _Path, ?SCCP_MSGT_UDT, SccpDec = #sccp_msg{parameters=Opts}) ->
+	CalledParty = proplists:get_value(called_party_addr, Opts),
+	CalledGT = CalledParty#sccp_addr.global_title,
+	{ok, PrefixList} = application:get_env(mgw_nat, mangle_tt_sri_sm_pfx),
+	case gt_match_pfx_list(CalledGT, PrefixList) of
+		true ->
+			case check_for_invoke_sri_sm(SccpDec) of
+				true ->
+					CalledGTNew = CalledGT#global_title{trans_type = 3},
+					CalledPartyNew = CalledParty#sccp_addr{global_title = CalledGTNew},
+					ParamsOut = lists:keyreplace(called_party_addr, 1, Opts,
+								     {called_party_addr, CalledPartyNew}),
+					SccpDec#sccp_msg{parameters=ParamsOut};
+				_ ->
+					SccpDec
+			end;
+		_ ->
+			SccpDec
+	end;
+mangle_tt_sri_sm(_, _, _, SccpIn) ->
+	SccpIn.
diff --git a/test/mangle_tt_sri_sm_tests.erl b/test/mangle_tt_sri_sm_tests.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fef47b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mangle_tt_sri_sm_tests.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+% Eunit test rig for mangle_tt_sri_sm
+-author('Harald Welte <>').
+	#sccp_msg{msg_type = 9,
+		  parameters = [{protocol_class, {0,0}},
+			        {called_party_addr, #sccp_addr{res_nat_use = 0,
+							       route_on_ssn = 0,
+							       point_code = undefined,
+							       ssn = 6,
+							       global_title = #global_title{gti = 4,
+											    nature_of_addr_ind = 4,
+											    trans_type = 0,
+											    encoding = undefined,
+											    numbering_plan = 1,
+											    phone_number = [9,1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]}}},
+				{calling_party_addr, #sccp_addr{res_nat_use = 0,
+								route_on_ssn = 0,
+								point_code = undefined,
+								ssn = 8,
+								global_title = #global_title{gti = 4,
+											     nature_of_addr_ind = 4,
+											     trans_type = 0,
+											     encoding = undefined,
+											     numbering_plan = 1,
+											     phone_number = [9,8,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]}}},
+				{user_data,<<98,70,72,4,81,1,13,65,107,30,40,28,6,7,0,17,134,5,1,1,1,160,17,96,15,128,2,7,128,161,9,6,7,4,0,0,1,0,20,2,108,30,161,28,2,1,64,2,1,45,48,20,128,7,145,114,39,67,83,32,249,129,1,1,130,6,145,83,132,9,0,103>>}]
+		}).
+-define(MAP_INV_SRI_SM, {'begin',
+		#'MapSpecificPDUs_begin'{
+		   otid = [81,1,2,200],
+		   dialoguePortion = {'EXTERNAL', {syntax,{0,0,17,773,1,1,1}}, asn1_NOVALUE,
+				      [96,15,128,2,7,128,161,9,6,7,4,0,0,1,0,1,3]},
+		   components = [{basicROS,
+		     {invoke, #'MapSpecificPDUs_begin_components_SEQOF_basicROS_invoke'{
+		       invokeId = {present,64},
+		       linkedId = asn1_NOVALUE,
+		       opcode = {local,45},
+		       argument = #'RoutingInfoForSM-Arg'{
+			 msisdn = [145,114,39,67,83,32,249],
+			 'sm-RP-PRI' = true,
+			 serviceCentreAddress = [145,83,132,9,0,103],
+			 _ = asn1_NOVALUE},
+		       _ = asn1_NOVALUE}}}],
+		    _ = asn1_NOVALUE}}).
+% helper functions
+make_party_number(Digits) when is_integer(Digits) ->
+	#party_number{phone_number = osmo_util:int2digit_list(Digits)}.
+make_gt(Digits) when is_integer(Digits) ->
+	#global_title{phone_number = osmo_util:int2digit_list(Digits)}.
+make_sccp_sri_sm_to(CalledPartyNum) ->
+	NumL = osmo_util:int2digit_list(CalledPartyNum),
+	Called = proplists:get_value(called_party_addr, SccpIn#sccp_msg.parameters),
+	Dgt = Called#sccp_addr.global_title,
+	CalledNew = Called#sccp_addr{global_title=Dgt#global_title{phone_number=NumL}},
+	ParamsOut = lists:keyreplace(called_party_addr, 1, SccpIn#sccp_msg.parameters,
+				     {called_party_addr, CalledNew}),
+	SccpIn#sccp_msg{parameters=ParamsOut}.
+get_dgt_tt(Sccp) when is_record(Sccp, sccp_msg) ->
+	Called = proplists:get_value(called_party_addr, Sccp#sccp_msg.parameters),
+	Dgt = Called#sccp_addr.global_title,
+	Dgt#global_title.trans_type.
+% actual test cases
+tcap_comps() ->
+	{'begin', BeginInvoke} = ?MAP_INV_SRI_SM,
+	Comps = mangle_tt_sri_sm:get_tcap_components(?MAP_INV_SRI_SM),
+	?assertEqual(BeginInvoke#'MapSpecificPDUs_begin'.components, Comps).
+tcap_ops() ->
+	Ops = mangle_tt_sri_sm:get_tcap_operations(?MAP_INV_SRI_SM),
+	?assertEqual([{invoke,{local,45}}], Ops).
+sri_sm() ->
+	% test with decoded MAP as well as SCCP input
+	?assertEqual(true, mangle_tt_sri_sm:check_for_invoke_sri_sm(?MAP_INV_SRI_SM)),
+	?assertEqual(true, mangle_tt_sri_sm:check_for_invoke_sri_sm(?SCCP_MAP_INV_SRI_SM)).
+isup_pfx_match() ->
+	TrueNum = make_party_number(9101234567),
+	FalseNum = make_party_number(4901234567),
+	% test with integer and list input
+	?assertEqual(true, mangle_tt_sri_sm:isup_party_match_pfx(TrueNum, 91)),
+	?assertEqual(true, mangle_tt_sri_sm:isup_party_match_pfx(TrueNum, [9,1])),
+	?assertEqual(false, mangle_tt_sri_sm:isup_party_match_pfx(FalseNum, 91)),
+	?assertEqual(false, mangle_tt_sri_sm:isup_party_match_pfx(FalseNum, [9,1])).
+gt_pfx_match() ->
+	TrueNum = make_gt(9101234567),
+	FalseNum = make_gt(4901234567),
+	% test with integer and list input
+	?assertEqual(true, mangle_tt_sri_sm:gt_match_pfx(TrueNum, 91)),
+	?assertEqual(true, mangle_tt_sri_sm:gt_match_pfx(TrueNum, [9,1])),
+	?assertEqual(false, mangle_tt_sri_sm:gt_match_pfx(FalseNum, 91)),
+	?assertEqual(false, mangle_tt_sri_sm:gt_match_pfx(FalseNum, [9,1])).
+gt_pfx_list_match() ->
+	TrueNum = make_gt(9101234567),
+	FalseNum = make_gt(4901234567),
+	?assertEqual(true, mangle_tt_sri_sm:gt_match_pfx_list(TrueNum, [91, 53])),
+	?assertEqual(true, mangle_tt_sri_sm:gt_match_pfx_list(TrueNum, [53, 91])),
+	?assertEqual(false, mangle_tt_sri_sm:gt_match_pfx_list(FalseNum, [91, 53])),
+	?assertEqual(false, mangle_tt_sri_sm:gt_match_pfx_list(FalseNum, [53, 91])).
+tt_mangle() ->
+	% test the overall macro-function for mangling the TT in case the DGT matches a
+	% prefix and the message contains an Invoke(SRI-for-SM)
+	Sccp91 = make_sccp_sri_sm_to(9101234567),
+	SccpOut91 = mangle_tt_sri_sm:mangle_tt_sri_sm(from_msc, path, ?SCCP_MSGT_UDT, Sccp91),
+	?assertEqual(3, get_dgt_tt(SccpOut91)),
+	Sccp43 = make_sccp_sri_sm_to(4301234567),
+	SccpOut43 = mangle_tt_sri_sm:mangle_tt_sri_sm(from_msc, path, ?SCCP_MSGT_UDT, Sccp91),
+	?assertEqual(3, get_dgt_tt(SccpOut43)),
+	Sccp49 = make_sccp_sri_sm_to(4901234567),
+	SccpOut49 = mangle_tt_sri_sm:mangle_tt_sri_sm(from_msc, path, ?SCCP_MSGT_UDT, Sccp49),
+	?assertEqual(get_dgt_tt(Sccp49), get_dgt_tt(SccpOut49)).
+% setup and teardown
+setup() ->
+	application:set_env(mgw_nat, mangle_tt_sri_sm_pfx, [ 91, 43 ]).
+teardown(_) ->
+	application:unset_env(mgw_nat, mangle_tt_sri_sm_pfx).
+mangle_tt_sri_test_() ->
+	{setup,
+		fun setup/0,
+		fun teardown/1,
+		[
+			?_test(tcap_comps()),
+			?_test(tcap_ops()),
+			?_test(sri_sm()),
+			?_test(isup_pfx_match()),
+			?_test(gt_pfx_match()),
+			?_test(gt_pfx_list_match()),
+			?_test(tt_mangle())
+		]
+	}.