blob: f19491aa89e982c135a60cb442e695f8313be3c9 [file] [log] [blame]
% Wrapper code, wrapping sctp_handler.erl into OTP gen_server
% (C) 2011 by Harald Welte <>
% (C) 2011 OnWaves
% All Rights Reserved
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
% License, or (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% Additional Permission under GNU AGPL version 3 section 7:
% If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or
% combining it with runtime libraries of Erlang/OTP as released by
% Ericsson on (or a modified version of these
% libraries), containing parts covered by the terms of the Erlang Public
% License (, the licensors of this
% Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work
% without the need to license the runtime libraries of Erlang/OTP under
% the GNU Affero General Public License. Corresponding Source for a
% non-source form of such a combination shall include the source code
% for the parts of the runtime libraries of Erlang/OTP used as well as
% that of the covered work.
-author("Harald Welte <>").
-export([start_link/1, stop/0]).
-export([init/1, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2]).
start_link(Params) ->
MscName = get_cfg_pl_val(msc_name, Params),
gen_server:start_link({local, MscName}, ?MODULE, Params, []).
stop() ->
gen_server:cast(?MODULE, stop).
%% Callback functions of the OTP behavior
init(Params) ->
io:format("Starting mgw_nat_usr with Args ~p~n", [Params]),
MscLocalIp = get_cfg_pl_val(msc_local_ip, Params),
MscLocalPort = get_cfg_pl_val(msc_local_port, Params),
MscRemoteIp = get_cfg_pl_val(msc_remote_ip, Params),
StpRemoteIp = get_cfg_pl_val(stp_remote_ip, Params),
StpRemotePort = get_cfg_pl_val(stp_remote_port, Params),
RewriteActMod = get_cfg_pl_val(rewrite_act_mod, Params),
SctpHdlrArgs = [MscLocalIp, MscLocalPort, MscRemoteIp,
StpRemoteIp, StpRemotePort, RewriteActMod],
{ok, LoopDat} = apply(sctp_handler, init, SctpHdlrArgs),
{ok, {Params, LoopDat}}.
% this cast is produced by mgw_nat_sup child walker
handle_cast(reload_config, L = {Params, _LoopData}) ->
RewriteActMod = get_cfg_pl_val(rewrite_act_mod, Params),
{noreply, L};
handle_cast(stop, LoopData) ->
{stop, normal, LoopData}.
terminate(_Reason, _LoopData) ->
% callback for other events like incoming SCTP message
handle_info({sctp, Sock, Ip, Port, Data}, {InitParams, LoopData}) ->
NewL = sctp_handler:handle_sctp(LoopData, {sctp, Sock, Ip, Port, Data}),
{noreply, {InitParams, NewL}}.
% wrapper around proplists:get_value() to check for missing stuff
get_cfg_pl_val(Name, List) ->
case proplists:get_value(Name, List) of
undefined ->
error_logger:error_report([{error, app_cfg_missing},
{get_cfg_pl_val, Name}]);
Val ->