blob: 3463c6c00e033212973efbb23985da685c9e6c02 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Lev Walkin <>. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and modifications are permitted subject to BSD license.
#ifndef _CONSTR_TYPE_H_
#define _CONSTR_TYPE_H_
#include <asn_types.h> /* System-dependent types */
#include <ber_tlv_length.h>
#include <ber_tlv_tag.h>
#include <ber_decoder.h>
#include <der_encoder.h>
#include <constraints.h>
struct asn1_TYPE_descriptor_s; /* Forward declaration */
struct asn1_TYPE_member_s; /* Forward declaration */
* Free the structure according to its specification.
* If (free_contents_only) is set, the wrapper structure itself (struct_ptr)
* will not be freed. (It may be useful in case the structure is allocated
* statically or arranged on the stack, yet its elements are allocated
* dynamically.)
typedef void (asn_struct_free_f)(
struct asn1_TYPE_descriptor_s *type_descriptor,
void *struct_ptr, int free_contents_only);
* Print the structure according to its specification.
typedef int (asn_struct_print_f)(
struct asn1_TYPE_descriptor_s *type_descriptor,
const void *struct_ptr,
int level, /* Indentation level */
asn_app_consume_bytes_f *callback, void *app_key);
* Return the outmost tag of the type.
* If the type is untagged CHOICE, the dynamic operation is performed.
* NOTE: This function pointer type is only useful internally.
* Do not use it in your application.
typedef ber_tlv_tag_t (asn_outmost_tag_f)(
struct asn1_TYPE_descriptor_s *type_descriptor,
const void *struct_ptr, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag);
/* The instance of the above function type; used internally. */
asn_outmost_tag_f asn1_TYPE_outmost_tag;
* The definitive description of the destination language's structure.
typedef struct asn1_TYPE_descriptor_s {
char *name; /* A name of the ASN.1 type */
* Generalized functions for dealing with the specific type.
* May be directly invoked by applications.
asn_constr_check_f *check_constraints; /* Constraints validator */
ber_type_decoder_f *ber_decoder; /* Free-form BER decoder */
der_type_encoder_f *der_encoder; /* Canonical DER encoder */
asn_struct_print_f *print_struct; /* Human readable output */
asn_struct_free_f *free_struct; /* Free the structure */
* Functions used internally. Should not be used by applications.
asn_outmost_tag_f *outmost_tag; /* <optional, internal> */
* Tags that are expected, with some of their vital properties.
ber_tlv_tag_t *tags; /* At least one tag must be specified */
int tags_count; /* Number of tags which are expected */
int tags_impl_skip; /* Tags to skip in implicit mode */
int last_tag_form; /* Acceptable form of the tag (prim, constr) */
* An ASN.1 production type members (members of SEQUENCE, SET, CHOICE).
struct asn1_TYPE_member_s *elements;
int elements_count;
* Additional information describing the type, used by appropriate
* functions above.
void *specifics;
} asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t;
* An element of the constructed type, i.e. SEQUENCE, SET, CHOICE.
typedef struct asn1_TYPE_member_s {
enum asn1_TYPE_flags_e {
ATF_POINTER = 0x01, /* Represented by the pointer */
} flags; /* Element's presentation flags */
int optional; /* Following optional members, including current */
int memb_offset; /* Offset of the element */
ber_tlv_tag_t tag; /* Outmost (most immediate) tag */
int tag_mode; /* IMPLICIT/no/EXPLICIT tag at current level */
asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *type; /* Member type descriptor */
asn_constr_check_f *memb_constraints; /* Constraints validator */
char *name; /* ASN.1 identifier of the element */
} asn1_TYPE_member_t;
* BER tag to element number mapping.
typedef struct asn1_TYPE_tag2member_s {
ber_tlv_tag_t el_tag; /* Outmost tag of the member */
int el_no; /* Index of the associated member, base 0 */
int toff_first; /* First occurence of the el_tag, relative */
int toff_last; /* Last occurence of the el_tag, relatvie */
} asn1_TYPE_tag2member_t;
* This function is a wrapper around (td)->print_struct, which prints out
* the contents of the target language's structure (struct_ptr) into the
* file pointer (stream) in human readable form.
* 0: The structure is printed.
* -1: Problem dumping the structure.
int asn_fprint(FILE *stream, /* Destination stream descriptor */
asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, /* ASN.1 type descriptor */
const void *struct_ptr); /* Structure to be printed */
#endif /* _CONSTR_TYPE_H_ */