blob: 0330dbfa0df77d301dad209eb9e6d17ca0ad1208 [file] [log] [blame]
* An elementary chunk of target language text.
typedef struct out_chunk {
char *buf;
int len;
TQ_ENTRY(struct out_chunk) next;
} out_chunk_t;
typedef struct compiler_streams {
enum {
OT_IGNORE, /* Ignore this output */
OT_INCLUDES, /* #include files */
OT_DEPS, /* Dependencies (other than #includes) */
OT_FWD_DECLS, /* Forward declarations */
OT_FWD_DEFS, /* Forward definitions */
OT_TYPE_DECLS, /* Type declarations */
OT_FUNC_DECLS, /* Function declarations */
OT_POST_INCLUDE,/* #include after type definition */
OT_CTABLES, /* Constraint tables */
OT_CODE, /* Some code */
OT_CTDEFS, /* Constraint definitions */
OT_STAT_DEFS, /* Static definitions */
} target;
struct compiler_stream_destination_s {
TQ_HEAD(out_chunk_t) chunks;
int indent_level;
int indented;
} destination[OT_MAX];
} compiler_streams_t;
static char *_compiler_stream2str[] __attribute__ ((unused))
int asn1c_compiled_output(arg_t *arg, const char *fmt, ...);
* Useful macros for invoking asn1c_compiled_output() and friends.
/* Redirect output to a different stream. */
#define REDIR(foo) do { arg->target->target = foo; } while(0)
#define INDENT_LEVEL \
#define INDENT(val) INDENT_LEVEL += (val)
#define INDENTED(code) do { \
INDENT(+1); \
do { code; } while(0); \
INDENT(-1); \
} while(0)
#define EMBED(ev) do { \
arg->embed++; \
INDENTED(arg_t _tmp = *arg; \
_tmp.expr = ev; \
_tmp.default_cb(&_tmp); \
); \
arg->embed--; \
if(ev->expr_type != A1TC_EXTENSIBLE) \
OUT(";\n"); \
assert(arg->target->target == OT_TYPE_DECLS || \
arg->target->target == OT_FWD_DEFS); \
} while(0)
/* Output a piece of text into a default stream */
#define OUT(fmt, args...) asn1c_compiled_output(arg, fmt, ##args)
#define OUT_NOINDENT(fmt, args...) do { \
int _saved_indent = INDENT_LEVEL; \
OUT(fmt, ##args); \
INDENT_LEVEL = _saved_indent; \
} while(0)
#define OUT_DEBUG(fmt, args...) do { \
if(arg->flags & A1C_DEBUG) OUT(fmt, ##args); \
} while(0)
/* Generate #include line */
#define GEN_INCLUDE_STD(typename) do { \
if((arg->flags & A1C_INCLUDES_QUOTED)) { \
GEN_INCLUDE("\"" typename ".h\""); \
} else { \
GEN_INCLUDE("<" typename ".h>"); \
} } while(0)
#define GEN_INCLUDE(filename) do { \
int saved_target = arg->target->target; \
if(!filename) break; \
OUT_NOINDENT("#include %s\n", filename); \
REDIR(saved_target); \
} while(0)
#define GEN_POSTINCLUDE(filename) do { \
int saved_target = arg->target->target; \
if(!filename) break; \
OUT_NOINDENT("#include %s\n", filename); \
REDIR(saved_target); \
} while(0)
/* Generate ASN.1 type declaration */
#define GEN_DECLARE(type_name, expr) do { \
int saved_target = arg->target->target; \
OUT_NOINDENT("extern asn_TYPE_descriptor_t " \
"asn_DEF_%s;\n", MKID(expr)); \
if (expr->_type_referenced) { \
OUT_NOINDENT("extern asn_%s_specifics_t " \
"asn_SPC_%s_specs_%d;\n", type_name, \
MKID(expr), expr->_type_unique_index); \
if(expr_elements_count(arg, expr)) \
OUT_NOINDENT("extern asn_TYPE_member_t " \
"asn_MBR_%s_%d[%d];\n", \
MKID(expr), expr->_type_unique_index, \
expr_elements_count(arg, expr)); \
} \
REDIR(saved_target); \
} while(0)
* Format LONG_MIN according to C90 rules.
#define OINT(iv) \
do { \
if(iv == (-2147483647L - 1)) \
OUT("(-2147483647L - 1)"); \
else \
OUT("%s", asn1p_itoa(iv)); \
} while(0)
#define OINTS(iv) \
do { \
if(iv == (-2147483647L - 1)) \
OUT("(-2147483647L - 1)"); \
else \
OUT("%s%s", (iv >= 0) ? " " : "", asn1p_itoa(iv)); \
} while(0)