blob: a0d81a1c68a13730db182ae817c2f197a77b4c8f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Lev Walkin <>.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and modifications are permitted subject to BSD license.
#include <asn_internal.h>
#include <constr_SEQUENCE.h>
* Number of bytes left for this structure.
* (ctx->left) indicates the number of bytes _transferred_ for the structure.
* (size) contains the number of bytes in the buffer passed.
#define LEFT ((size<(size_t)ctx->left)?size:(size_t)ctx->left)
* If the subprocessor function returns with an indication that it wants
* more data, it may well be a fatal decoding problem, because the
* size is constrained by the <TLV>'s L, even if the buffer size allows
* reading more data.
* For example, consider the buffer containing the following TLVs:
* <T:5><L:1><V> <T:6>...
* The TLV length clearly indicates that one byte is expected in V, but
* if the V processor returns with "want more data" even if the buffer
* contains way more data than the V processor have seen.
#define SIZE_VIOLATION (ctx->left >= 0 && (size_t)ctx->left <= size)
* This macro "eats" the part of the buffer which is definitely "consumed",
* i.e. was correctly converted into local representation or rightfully skipped.
#undef ADVANCE
#define ADVANCE(num_bytes) do { \
size_t num = num_bytes; \
ptr = ((const char *)ptr) + num;\
size -= num; \
if(ctx->left >= 0) \
ctx->left -= num; \
consumed_myself += num; \
} while(0)
* Switch to the next phase of parsing.
#undef PHASE_OUT
#define NEXT_PHASE(ctx) do { \
ctx->phase++; \
ctx->step = 0; \
} while(0)
#define PHASE_OUT(ctx) do { ctx->phase = 10; } while(0)
* Return a standardized complex structure.
#undef RETURN
#define RETURN(_code) do { \
rval.code = _code; \
rval.consumed = consumed_myself;\
return rval; \
} while(0)
* Check whether we are inside the extensions group.
#define IN_EXTENSION_GROUP(specs, memb_idx) \
( ((memb_idx) > (specs)->ext_after) \
&&((memb_idx) < (specs)->ext_before))
* Tags are canonically sorted in the tag2element map.
static int
_t2e_cmp(const void *ap, const void *bp) {
const asn_TYPE_tag2member_t *a = (const asn_TYPE_tag2member_t *)ap;
const asn_TYPE_tag2member_t *b = (const asn_TYPE_tag2member_t *)bp;
int a_class = BER_TAG_CLASS(a->el_tag);
int b_class = BER_TAG_CLASS(b->el_tag);
if(a_class == b_class) {
ber_tlv_tag_t a_value = BER_TAG_VALUE(a->el_tag);
ber_tlv_tag_t b_value = BER_TAG_VALUE(b->el_tag);
if(a_value == b_value) {
if(a->el_no > b->el_no)
return 1;
* Important: we do not check
* for a->el_no <= b->el_no!
return 0;
} else if(a_value < b_value)
return -1;
return 1;
} else if(a_class < b_class) {
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
* The decoder of the SEQUENCE type.
SEQUENCE_decode_ber(asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_codec_ctx, asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
void **struct_ptr, const void *ptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
* Bring closer parts of structure description.
asn_SEQUENCE_specifics_t *specs = (asn_SEQUENCE_specifics_t *)td->specifics;
asn_TYPE_member_t *elements = td->elements;
* Parts of the structure being constructed.
void *st = *struct_ptr; /* Target structure. */
asn_struct_ctx_t *ctx; /* Decoder context */
ber_tlv_tag_t tlv_tag; /* T from TLV */
asn_dec_rval_t rval; /* Return code from subparsers */
ssize_t consumed_myself = 0; /* Consumed bytes from ptr */
int edx; /* SEQUENCE element's index */
ASN_DEBUG("Decoding %s as SEQUENCE", td->name);
* Create the target structure if it is not present already.
if(st == 0) {
st = *struct_ptr = CALLOC(1, specs->struct_size);
if(st == 0) {
* Restore parsing context.
ctx = (asn_struct_ctx_t *)((char *)st + specs->ctx_offset);
* Start to parse where left previously
switch(ctx->phase) {
case 0:
* PHASE 0.
* Check that the set of tags associated with given structure
* perfectly fits our expectations.
rval = ber_check_tags(opt_codec_ctx, td, ctx, ptr, size,
tag_mode, 1, &ctx->left, 0);
if(rval.code != RC_OK) {
ASN_DEBUG("%s tagging check failed: %d",
td->name, rval.code);
return rval;
if(ctx->left >= 0)
ctx->left += rval.consumed; /* ?Substracted below! */
ASN_DEBUG("Structure consumes %ld bytes, buffer %ld",
(long)ctx->left, (long)size);
/* Fall through */
case 1:
* PHASE 1.
* From the place where we've left it previously,
* try to decode the next member from the list of
* this structure's elements.
* (ctx->step) stores the member being processed
* between invocations and the microphase {0,1} of parsing
* that member:
* step = (<member_number> * 2 + <microphase>).
for(edx = (ctx->step >> 1); edx < td->elements_count;
edx++, ctx->step = (ctx->step & ~1) + 2) {
void *memb_ptr; /* Pointer to the member */
void **memb_ptr2; /* Pointer to that pointer */
ssize_t tag_len; /* Length of TLV's T */
int opt_edx_end; /* Next non-optional element */
int use_bsearch;
int n;
if(ctx->step & 1)
goto microphase2;
* MICROPHASE 1: Synchronize decoding.
ASN_DEBUG("In %s SEQUENCE left %d, edx=%d flags=%d"
" opt=%d ec=%d",
td->name, (int)ctx->left, edx,
elements[edx].flags, elements[edx].optional,
if(ctx->left == 0 /* No more stuff is expected */
&& (
/* Explicit OPTIONAL specification reaches the end */
(edx + elements[edx].optional
== td->elements_count)
/* All extensions are optional */
&& specs->ext_before > td->elements_count)
) {
ASN_DEBUG("End of SEQUENCE %s", td->name);
* Found the legitimate end of the structure.
* Fetch the T from TLV.
tag_len = ber_fetch_tag(ptr, LEFT, &tlv_tag);
ASN_DEBUG("Current tag in %s SEQUENCE for element %d "
"(%s) is %s encoded in %d bytes, of frame %ld",
td->name, edx, elements[edx].name,
ber_tlv_tag_string(tlv_tag), (int)tag_len, (long)LEFT);
switch(tag_len) {
/* Fall through */
case -1: RETURN(RC_FAIL);
if(ctx->left < 0 && ((const uint8_t *)ptr)[0] == 0) {
if(LEFT < 2) {
} else if(((const uint8_t *)ptr)[1] == 0) {
ASN_DEBUG("edx = %d, opt = %d, ec=%d",
edx, elements[edx].optional,
if((edx + elements[edx].optional
== td->elements_count)
|| (IN_EXTENSION_GROUP(specs, edx)
&& specs->ext_before
> td->elements_count)) {
* Yeah, baby! Found the terminator
* of the indefinite length structure.
* Proceed to the canonical
* finalization function.
* No advancing is necessary.
goto phase3;
* Find the next available type with this tag.
use_bsearch = 0;
opt_edx_end = edx + elements[edx].optional + 1;
if(opt_edx_end > td->elements_count)
opt_edx_end = td->elements_count; /* Cap */
else if(opt_edx_end - edx > 8) {
/* Limit the scope of linear search... */
opt_edx_end = edx + 8;
use_bsearch = 1;
/* ... and resort to bsearch() */
for(n = edx; n < opt_edx_end; n++) {
if(BER_TAGS_EQUAL(tlv_tag, elements[n].tag)) {
* Found element corresponding to the tag
* being looked at.
* Reposition over the right element.
edx = n;
ctx->step = 1 + 2 * edx; /* Remember! */
goto microphase2;
} else if(elements[n].flags & ATF_OPEN_TYPE) {
* This is the ANY type, which may bear
* any flag whatsoever.
edx = n;
ctx->step = 1 + 2 * edx; /* Remember! */
goto microphase2;
} else if(elements[n].tag == (ber_tlv_tag_t)-1) {
use_bsearch = 1;
if(use_bsearch) {
* Resort to a binary search over
* sorted array of tags.
asn_TYPE_tag2member_t *t2m;
asn_TYPE_tag2member_t key;
key.el_tag = tlv_tag;
key.el_no = edx;
t2m = (asn_TYPE_tag2member_t *)bsearch(&key,
specs->tag2el, specs->tag2el_count,
sizeof(specs->tag2el[0]), _t2e_cmp);
if(t2m) {
asn_TYPE_tag2member_t *best = 0;
asn_TYPE_tag2member_t *t2m_f, *t2m_l;
int edx_max = edx + elements[edx].optional;
* Rewind to the first element with that tag,
* `cause bsearch() does not guarantee order.
t2m_f = t2m + t2m->toff_first;
t2m_l = t2m + t2m->toff_last;
for(t2m = t2m_f; t2m <= t2m_l; t2m++) {
if(t2m->el_no > edx_max) break;
if(t2m->el_no < edx) continue;
best = t2m;
if(best) {
edx = best->el_no;
ctx->step = 1 + 2 * edx;
goto microphase2;
n = opt_edx_end;
if(n == opt_edx_end) {
* If tag is unknown, it may be either
* an unknown (thus, incorrect) tag,
* or an extension (...),
* or an end of the indefinite-length structure.
edx + elements[edx].optional)) {
ASN_DEBUG("Unexpected tag %s (at %d)",
ber_tlv_tag_string(tlv_tag), edx);
ASN_DEBUG("Expected tag %s (%s)%s",
?" or alternatives":"");
} else {
/* Skip this tag */
ssize_t skip;
edx += elements[edx].optional;
ASN_DEBUG("Skipping unexpected %s (at %d)",
ber_tlv_tag_string(tlv_tag), edx);
skip = ber_skip_length(opt_codec_ctx,
(const char *)ptr + tag_len,
LEFT - tag_len);
ASN_DEBUG("Skip length %d in %s",
(int)skip, td->name);
switch(skip) {
/* Fall through */
case -1: RETURN(RC_FAIL);
ADVANCE(skip + tag_len);
ctx->step -= 2;
continue; /* Try again with the next tag */
* MICROPHASE 2: Invoke the member-specific decoder.
ctx->step |= 1; /* Confirm entering next microphase */
ASN_DEBUG("Inside SEQUENCE %s MF2", td->name);
* Compute the position of the member inside a structure,
* and also a type of containment (it may be contained
* as pointer or using inline inclusion).
if(elements[edx].flags & ATF_POINTER) {
/* Member is a pointer to another structure */
memb_ptr2 = (void **)((char *)st + elements[edx].memb_offset);
} else {
* A pointer to a pointer
* holding the start of the structure
memb_ptr = (char *)st + elements[edx].memb_offset;
memb_ptr2 = &memb_ptr;
* Invoke the member fetch routine according to member's type
rval = elements[edx].type->ber_decoder(opt_codec_ctx,
memb_ptr2, ptr, LEFT,
ASN_DEBUG("In %s SEQUENCE decoded %d %s of %d "
"in %d bytes rval.code %d, size=%d",
td->name, edx, elements[edx].type->name,
(int)LEFT, (int)rval.consumed, rval.code, (int)size);
switch(rval.code) {
case RC_OK:
case RC_WMORE: /* More data expected */
ASN_DEBUG("Size violation (c->l=%ld <= s=%ld)",
(long)ctx->left, (long)size);
/* Fall through */
case RC_FAIL: /* Fatal error */
} /* switch(rval) */
} /* for(all structure members) */
ctx->phase = 3;
case 3: /* 00 and other tags expected */
case 4: /* only 00's expected */
ASN_DEBUG("SEQUENCE %s Leftover: %ld, size = %ld",
td->name, (long)ctx->left, (long)size);
* Skip everything until the end of the SEQUENCE.
while(ctx->left) {
ssize_t tl, ll;
tl = ber_fetch_tag(ptr, LEFT, &tlv_tag);
switch(tl) {
/* Fall through */
case -1: RETURN(RC_FAIL);
* If expected <0><0>...
if(ctx->left < 0
&& ((const uint8_t *)ptr)[0] == 0) {
if(LEFT < 2) {
} else if(((const uint8_t *)ptr)[1] == 0) {
* Correctly finished with <0><0>.
ctx->phase = 4;
if(!IN_EXTENSION_GROUP(specs, td->elements_count)
|| ctx->phase == 4) {
ASN_DEBUG("Unexpected continuation "
"of a non-extensible type "
"%s (SEQUENCE): %s",
ll = ber_skip_length(opt_codec_ctx,
(const char *)ptr + tl, LEFT - tl);
switch(ll) {
/* Fall through */
case -1: RETURN(RC_FAIL);
ADVANCE(tl + ll);
* The DER encoder of the SEQUENCE type.
SEQUENCE_encode_der(asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
void *sptr, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
size_t computed_size = 0;
asn_enc_rval_t erval;
ssize_t ret;
int edx;
cb?"Encoding":"Estimating", td->name);
* Gather the length of the underlying members sequence.
for(edx = 0; edx < td->elements_count; edx++) {
asn_TYPE_member_t *elm = &td->elements[edx];
void *memb_ptr;
if(elm->flags & ATF_POINTER) {
memb_ptr = *(void **)((char *)sptr + elm->memb_offset);
if(!memb_ptr) {
if(elm->optional) continue;
/* Mandatory element is missing */
} else {
memb_ptr = (void *)((char *)sptr + elm->memb_offset);
erval = elm->type->der_encoder(elm->type, memb_ptr,
elm->tag_mode, elm->tag,
0, 0);
if(erval.encoded == -1)
return erval;
computed_size += erval.encoded;
ASN_DEBUG("Member %d %s estimated %ld bytes",
edx, elm->name, (long)erval.encoded);
* Encode the TLV for the sequence itself.
ret = der_write_tags(td, computed_size, tag_mode, 1, tag, cb, app_key);
ASN_DEBUG("Wrote tags: %ld (+%ld)", (long)ret, (long)computed_size);
if(ret == -1)
erval.encoded = computed_size + ret;
if(!cb) _ASN_ENCODED_OK(erval);
* Encode all members.
for(edx = 0; edx < td->elements_count; edx++) {
asn_TYPE_member_t *elm = &td->elements[edx];
asn_enc_rval_t tmperval;
void *memb_ptr;
if(elm->flags & ATF_POINTER) {
memb_ptr = *(void **)((char *)sptr + elm->memb_offset);
if(!memb_ptr) continue;
} else {
memb_ptr = (void *)((char *)sptr + elm->memb_offset);
tmperval = elm->type->der_encoder(elm->type, memb_ptr,
elm->tag_mode, elm->tag,
cb, app_key);
if(tmperval.encoded == -1)
return tmperval;
computed_size -= tmperval.encoded;
ASN_DEBUG("Member %d %s of SEQUENCE %s encoded in %ld bytes",
edx, elm->name, td->name, (long)tmperval.encoded);
if(computed_size != 0)
* Encoded size is not equal to the computed size.
#define XER_ADVANCE(num_bytes) do { \
size_t num = num_bytes; \
buf_ptr = ((const char *)buf_ptr) + num;\
size -= num; \
consumed_myself += num; \
} while(0)
* Decode the XER (XML) data.
SEQUENCE_decode_xer(asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_codec_ctx, asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
void **struct_ptr, const char *opt_mname,
const void *buf_ptr, size_t size) {
* Bring closer parts of structure description.
asn_SEQUENCE_specifics_t *specs
= (asn_SEQUENCE_specifics_t *)td->specifics;
asn_TYPE_member_t *elements = td->elements;
const char *xml_tag = opt_mname ? opt_mname : td->xml_tag;
* ... and parts of the structure being constructed.
void *st = *struct_ptr; /* Target structure. */
asn_struct_ctx_t *ctx; /* Decoder context */
asn_dec_rval_t rval; /* Return value from a decoder */
ssize_t consumed_myself = 0; /* Consumed bytes from ptr */
int edx; /* Element index */
int edx_end;
* Create the target structure if it is not present already.
if(st == 0) {
st = *struct_ptr = CALLOC(1, specs->struct_size);
if(st == 0) RETURN(RC_FAIL);
* Restore parsing context.
ctx = (asn_struct_ctx_t *)((char *)st + specs->ctx_offset);
* Phases of XER/XML processing:
* Phase 0: Check that the opening tag matches our expectations.
* Phase 1: Processing body and reacting on closing tag.
* Phase 2: Processing inner type.
* Phase 3: Skipping unknown extensions.
* Phase 4: PHASED OUT
for(edx = ctx->step; ctx->phase <= 3;) {
pxer_chunk_type_e ch_type; /* XER chunk type */
ssize_t ch_size; /* Chunk size */
xer_check_tag_e tcv; /* Tag check value */
asn_TYPE_member_t *elm;
int n;
* Go inside the inner member of a sequence.
if(ctx->phase == 2) {
asn_dec_rval_t tmprval;
void *memb_ptr; /* Pointer to the member */
void **memb_ptr2; /* Pointer to that pointer */
elm = &td->elements[edx];
if(elm->flags & ATF_POINTER) {
/* Member is a pointer to another structure */
memb_ptr2 = (void **)((char *)st
+ elm->memb_offset);
} else {
memb_ptr = (char *)st + elm->memb_offset;
memb_ptr2 = &memb_ptr;
/* Invoke the inner type decoder, m.b. multiple times */
tmprval = elm->type->xer_decoder(opt_codec_ctx,
elm->type, memb_ptr2, elm->name,
buf_ptr, size);
if(tmprval.code != RC_OK)
ctx->phase = 1; /* Back to body processing */
ctx->step = ++edx;
ASN_DEBUG("XER/SEQUENCE phase => %d, step => %d",
ctx->phase, ctx->step);
/* Fall through */
* Get the next part of the XML stream.
ch_size = xer_next_token(&ctx->context, buf_ptr, size,
switch(ch_size) {
case -1: RETURN(RC_FAIL);
switch(ch_type) {
case PXER_COMMENT: /* Got XML comment */
case PXER_TEXT: /* Ignore free-standing text */
XER_ADVANCE(ch_size); /* Skip silently */
case PXER_TAG:
break; /* Check the rest down there */
tcv = xer_check_tag(buf_ptr, ch_size, xml_tag);
ASN_DEBUG("XER/SEQUENCE: tcv = %d, ph=%d [%s]",
tcv, ctx->phase, xml_tag);
/* Skip the extensions section */
if(ctx->phase == 3) {
switch(xer_skip_unknown(tcv, &ctx->left)) {
case -1:
ctx->phase = 4;
case 0:
case 1:
ctx->phase = 1;
case 2:
ctx->phase = 1;
switch(tcv) {
if(ctx->phase == 0) break;
ctx->phase = 0;
/* Fall through */
case XCT_BOTH:
if(ctx->phase == 0) {
if(edx >= td->elements_count
/* Explicit OPTIONAL specs reaches the end */
(edx + elements[edx].optional
== td->elements_count)
/* All extensions are optional */
&& specs->ext_before
> td->elements_count)
) {
ctx->phase = 4; /* Phase out */
} else {
ASN_DEBUG("Premature end of XER SEQUENCE");
/* Fall through */
if(ctx->phase == 0) {
ctx->phase = 1; /* Processing body phase */
/* Fall through */
ASN_DEBUG("XER/SEQUENCE: tcv=%d, ph=%d, edx=%d",
tcv, ctx->phase, edx);
if(ctx->phase != 1) {
break; /* Really unexpected */
if(edx < td->elements_count) {
* Search which member corresponds to this tag.
edx_end = edx + elements[edx].optional + 1;
if(edx_end > td->elements_count)
edx_end = td->elements_count;
for(n = edx; n < edx_end; n++) {
elm = &td->elements[n];
tcv = xer_check_tag(buf_ptr,
ch_size, elm->name);
switch(tcv) {
case XCT_BOTH:
* Process this member.
ctx->step = edx = n;
ctx->phase = 2;
n = edx_end;
break; /* Phase out */
if(n != edx_end)
} else {
ASN_DEBUG("Out of defined members: %d/%d",
edx, td->elements_count);
/* It is expected extension */
edx + (edx < td->elements_count
? elements[edx].optional : 0))) {
ASN_DEBUG("Got anticipated extension at %d",
* Check for (XCT_BOTH or XCT_UNKNOWN_BO)
* By using a mask. Only record a pure
* <opening> tags.
if(tcv & XCT_CLOSING) {
/* Found </extension> without body */
} else {
ctx->left = 1;
ctx->phase = 3; /* Skip ...'s */
/* Fall through */
ASN_DEBUG("Unexpected XML tag in SEQUENCE [%c%c%c%c%c%c]",
size>0?((const char *)buf_ptr)[0]:'.',
size>1?((const char *)buf_ptr)[1]:'.',
size>2?((const char *)buf_ptr)[2]:'.',
size>3?((const char *)buf_ptr)[3]:'.',
size>4?((const char *)buf_ptr)[4]:'.',
size>5?((const char *)buf_ptr)[5]:'.');
ctx->phase = 4; /* "Phase out" on hard failure */
SEQUENCE_encode_xer(asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, void *sptr,
int ilevel, enum xer_encoder_flags_e flags,
asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
asn_enc_rval_t er;
int xcan = (flags & XER_F_CANONICAL);
int edx;
er.encoded = 0;
for(edx = 0; edx < td->elements_count; edx++) {
asn_enc_rval_t tmper;
asn_TYPE_member_t *elm = &td->elements[edx];
void *memb_ptr;
const char *mname = elm->name;
unsigned int mlen = strlen(mname);
if(elm->flags & ATF_POINTER) {
memb_ptr = *(void **)((char *)sptr + elm->memb_offset);
if(!memb_ptr) {
/* Mandatory element is missing */
} else {
memb_ptr = (void *)((char *)sptr + elm->memb_offset);
if(!xcan) _i_ASN_TEXT_INDENT(1, ilevel);
_ASN_CALLBACK3("<", 1, mname, mlen, ">", 1);
/* Print the member itself */
tmper = elm->type->xer_encoder(elm->type, memb_ptr,
ilevel + 1, flags, cb, app_key);
if(tmper.encoded == -1) return tmper;
_ASN_CALLBACK3("</", 2, mname, mlen, ">", 1);
er.encoded += 5 + (2 * mlen) + tmper.encoded;
if(!xcan) _i_ASN_TEXT_INDENT(1, ilevel - 1);
SEQUENCE_print(asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr, int ilevel,
asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
int edx;
int ret;
if(!sptr) return (cb("<absent>", 8, app_key) < 0) ? -1 : 0;
/* Dump preamble */
if(cb(td->name, strlen(td->name), app_key) < 0
|| cb(" ::= {", 6, app_key) < 0)
return -1;
for(edx = 0; edx < td->elements_count; edx++) {
asn_TYPE_member_t *elm = &td->elements[edx];
const void *memb_ptr;
if(elm->flags & ATF_POINTER) {
memb_ptr = *(const void * const *)((const char *)sptr + elm->memb_offset);
if(!memb_ptr) {
if(elm->optional) continue;
/* Print <absent> line */
/* Fall through */
} else {
memb_ptr = (const void *)((const char *)sptr + elm->memb_offset);
/* Indentation */
/* Print the member's name and stuff */
if(cb(elm->name, strlen(elm->name), app_key) < 0
|| cb(": ", 2, app_key) < 0)
return -1;
/* Print the member itself */
ret = elm->type->print_struct(elm->type, memb_ptr, ilevel + 1,
cb, app_key);
if(ret) return ret;
return (cb("}", 1, app_key) < 0) ? -1 : 0;
SEQUENCE_free(asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, void *sptr, int contents_only) {
int edx;
if(!td || !sptr)
ASN_DEBUG("Freeing %s as SEQUENCE", td->name);
for(edx = 0; edx < td->elements_count; edx++) {
asn_TYPE_member_t *elm = &td->elements[edx];
void *memb_ptr;
if(elm->flags & ATF_POINTER) {
memb_ptr = *(void **)((char *)sptr + elm->memb_offset);
ASN_STRUCT_FREE(*elm->type, memb_ptr);
} else {
memb_ptr = (void *)((char *)sptr + elm->memb_offset);
ASN_STRUCT_FREE_CONTENTS_ONLY(*elm->type, memb_ptr);
if(!contents_only) {
SEQUENCE_constraint(asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
asn_app_constraint_failed_f *ctfailcb, void *app_key) {
int edx;
if(!sptr) {
_ASN_CTFAIL(app_key, td, sptr,
"%s: value not given (%s:%d)",
td->name, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return -1;
* Iterate over structure members and check their validity.
for(edx = 0; edx < td->elements_count; edx++) {
asn_TYPE_member_t *elm = &td->elements[edx];
const void *memb_ptr;
if(elm->flags & ATF_POINTER) {
memb_ptr = *(const void * const *)((const char *)sptr + elm->memb_offset);
if(!memb_ptr) {
_ASN_CTFAIL(app_key, td, sptr,
"%s: mandatory element %s absent (%s:%d)",
td->name, elm->name, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return -1;
} else {
memb_ptr = (const void *)((const char *)sptr + elm->memb_offset);
if(elm->memb_constraints) {
int ret = elm->memb_constraints(elm->type, memb_ptr,
ctfailcb, app_key);
if(ret) return ret;
} else {
int ret = elm->type->check_constraints(elm->type,
memb_ptr, ctfailcb, app_key);
if(ret) return ret;
* Cannot inherit it earlier:
* need to make sure we get the updated version.
elm->memb_constraints = elm->type->check_constraints;
return 0;
* #10.1, #10.2
static int
uper_put_open_type(asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, asn_per_constraints_t *constraints, void *sptr, asn_per_outp_t *po) {
void *buf;
ssize_t size;
ASN_DEBUG("Encoding as open type %s", td->name);
size = uper_encode_to_new_buffer(td, constraints, sptr, &buf);
if(size <= 0) return -1;
ASN_DEBUG("Putting %s of length %d", td->name, size);
while(size) {
ssize_t maySave = uper_put_length(po, size);
if(maySave < 0) break;
if(per_put_many_bits(po, buf, maySave * 8)) break;
buf = (char *)buf + maySave;
size -= maySave;
if(size) {
return -1;
return 0;
typedef struct uper_ugot_key {
asn_per_data_t oldpd; /* Old per data source */
size_t unclaimed;
size_t ot_moved; /* Number of bits moved by OT processing */
int repeat;
} uper_ugot_key;
static int
uper_ugot_refill(asn_per_data_t *pd) {
uper_ugot_key *arg = pd->refill_key;
ssize_t next_chunk_bytes, next_chunk_bits;
ssize_t avail;
asn_per_data_t *oldpd = &arg->oldpd;
ASN_DEBUG("REFILLING [from %d (%d->%d)] now [%d (%d->%d)] uncl %d",
oldpd->nbits - oldpd->nboff, oldpd->nboff, oldpd->nbits,
pd->nbits - pd->nboff, pd->nboff, pd->nbits, arg->unclaimed);
/* Advance our position to where pd is */
oldpd->buffer = pd->buffer;
oldpd->nboff = pd->nboff;
oldpd->nbits -= pd->moved - arg->ot_moved;
oldpd->moved += pd->moved - arg->ot_moved;
arg->ot_moved = pd->moved;
if(arg->unclaimed) {
/* Refill the container */
if(per_get_few_bits(oldpd, 1))
return -1;
if(oldpd->nboff == 0) {
return -1;
pd->buffer = oldpd->buffer;
pd->nboff = oldpd->nboff - 1;
pd->nbits = oldpd->nbits;
return 0;
if(!arg->repeat) {
ASN_DEBUG("Want more but refill doesn't have it");
return -1;
next_chunk_bytes = uper_get_length(oldpd, -1, &arg->repeat);
ASN_DEBUG("Open type LENGTH %d bytes, old %d (%d->%d) repeat %d",
next_chunk_bytes, oldpd->nbits - oldpd->nboff, oldpd->nboff, oldpd->nbits, arg->repeat);
if(next_chunk_bytes < 0) return -1;
if(next_chunk_bytes == 0) {
pd->refill = 0; /* No more refills, naturally */
assert(!arg->repeat); /* Implementation guarantee */
pd->buffer = oldpd->buffer;
pd->nboff = oldpd->nboff;
pd->nbits = oldpd->nbits;
next_chunk_bits = next_chunk_bytes << 3;
avail = pd->nbits - pd->nboff;
ASN_DEBUG("now at %d bits, want %d, avail %d",
((((int)pd->buffer ) & 0x7) << 3) + pd->nboff,
next_chunk_bits, avail);
if(avail >= next_chunk_bits) {
pd->nbits = pd->nboff + next_chunk_bits;
arg->unclaimed = 0;
} else {
arg->unclaimed = next_chunk_bits - avail;
ASN_DEBUG("Parent has %d, require %d, will claim %d", avail, next_chunk_bits, arg->unclaimed);
ASN_DEBUG("now at %d bits",
((((int)pd->buffer ) & 0x7) << 3) + pd->nboff);
return 0;
uper_get_open_type(asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_codec_ctx, asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
asn_per_constraints_t *constraints, void **sptr, asn_per_data_t *pd) {
uper_ugot_key arg;
asn_dec_rval_t rv;
ssize_t padding;
ASN_DEBUG("Getting open type from %d bits (%d+%d), %p", pd->nbits - pd->nboff, pd->nboff, pd->nbits, pd->buffer);
arg.oldpd = *pd;
arg.unclaimed = 0;
arg.ot_moved = 0;
arg.repeat = 1;
pd->refill = uper_ugot_refill;
pd->refill_key = &arg;
pd->nbits = pd->nboff; /* 0 bits at this point, wait for refill */
rv = td->uper_decoder(opt_codec_ctx, td, constraints, sptr, pd);
ASN_DEBUG("Open type unconsumed unclaimed=%d, repeat=%d, nbdiff=%d (%d->%d, old=%d (%d->%d))",
arg.unclaimed, arg.repeat,
pd->nbits - pd->nboff, pd->nboff, pd->nbits,
arg.oldpd.nbits - arg.oldpd.nboff, arg.oldpd.nboff, arg.oldpd.nbits);
ASN_DEBUG("now at %d bits",
((((int)pd->buffer ) & 0x7) << 3) + pd->nboff);
padding = pd->nbits - pd->nboff;
if(padding > 7) {
ASN_DEBUG("Too large padding in open type %p (%d->%d) %d",
pd->buffer, pd->nboff, pd->nbits, padding);
rv.code = RC_FAIL;
return rv;
ASN_DEBUG("nboff = %d, nbits %d, padding = %d, plus %d/%p", pd->nboff, pd->nbits, padding, pd->buffer - arg.oldpd.buffer, arg.oldpd.buffer);
ASN_DEBUG("Getting padding of %d bits", padding);
switch(per_get_few_bits(pd, padding)) {
case -1:
ASN_DEBUG("Padding skip failed");
case 0: break;
ASN_DEBUG("Non-blank padding");
pd->refill = arg.oldpd.refill;
pd->refill_key = arg.oldpd.refill_key;
/* Skip data not consumed by the decoder */
while(arg.unclaimed) {
size_t toget = 24;
if(arg.unclaimed < toget)
toget = arg.unclaimed;
arg.unclaimed -= toget;
switch(per_get_few_bits(pd, toget)) {
case -1:
ASN_DEBUG("Claim of %d failed", toget);
case 0:
ASN_DEBUG("Got claim of %d", toget);
/* Padding must be blank */
ASN_DEBUG("Non-blank unconsumed padding");
ASN_DEBUG("now at %d bits",
((((int)pd->buffer ) & 0x7) << 3) + pd->nboff);
if(arg.repeat) {
ASN_DEBUG("Not consumed the whole thing");
rv.code = RC_FAIL;
return rv;
return rv;
static int
uper_skip_open_type(asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_codec_ctx, asn_per_data_t *pd) {
asn_dec_rval_t rv;
rv = uper_get_open_type(opt_codec_ctx, 0, 0, 0, pd);
if(rv.code != RC_OK)
return -1;
return 0;
SEQUENCE_decode_uper(asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_codec_ctx, asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
asn_per_constraints_t *constraints, void **sptr, asn_per_data_t *pd) {
asn_SEQUENCE_specifics_t *specs = (asn_SEQUENCE_specifics_t *)td->specifics;
void *st = *sptr; /* Target structure. */
int extpresent; /* Extension additions are present */
uint8_t *opres; /* Presence of optional root members */
asn_per_data_t opmd;
asn_dec_rval_t rv;
int edx;
if(!st) {
st = *sptr = CALLOC(1, specs->struct_size);
ASN_DEBUG("Decoding %s as SEQUENCE (UPER)", td->name);
/* Handle extensions */
if(specs->ext_before >= 0) {
extpresent = per_get_few_bits(pd, 1);
if(extpresent < 0) _ASN_DECODE_STARVED;
} else {
extpresent = 0;
/* Prepare a place and read-in the presence bitmap */
memset(&opmd, 0, sizeof(opmd));
if(specs->roms_count) {
opres = (uint8_t *)MALLOC(((specs->roms_count + 7) >> 3) + 1);
if(!opres) _ASN_DECODE_FAILED;
/* Get the presence map */
if(per_get_many_bits(pd, opres, 0, specs->roms_count)) {
opmd.buffer = opres;
opmd.nbits = specs->roms_count;
ASN_DEBUG("Read in presence bitmap for %s of %d bits (%x..)",
td->name, specs->roms_count, *opres);
} else {
opres = 0;
* Get the sequence ROOT elements.
for(edx = 0; edx < td->elements_count; edx++) {
asn_TYPE_member_t *elm = &td->elements[edx];
void *memb_ptr; /* Pointer to the member */
void **memb_ptr2; /* Pointer to that pointer */
if(IN_EXTENSION_GROUP(specs, edx))
/* Fetch the pointer to this member */
if(elm->flags & ATF_POINTER) {
memb_ptr2 = (void **)((char *)st + elm->memb_offset);
} else {
memb_ptr = (char *)st + elm->memb_offset;
memb_ptr2 = &memb_ptr;
/* Deal with optionality */
if(elm->optional) {
int present = per_get_few_bits(&opmd, 1);
ASN_DEBUG("Member %s->%s is optional, p=%d (%d->%d)",
td->name, elm->name, present,
(int)opmd.nboff, (int)opmd.nbits);
if(present == 0) {
/* This element is not present */
if(elm->default_value) {
/* Fill-in DEFAULT */
if(elm->default_value(1, memb_ptr2)) {
/* The member is just not present */
/* Fall through */
/* Fetch the member from the stream */
ASN_DEBUG("Decoding member %s in %s", elm->name, td->name);
rv = elm->type->uper_decoder(opt_codec_ctx, elm->type,
elm->per_constraints, memb_ptr2, pd);
if(rv.code != RC_OK) {
ASN_DEBUG("Failed decode %s in %s",
elm->name, td->name);
return rv;
/* Optionality map is not needed anymore */
* Deal with extensions.
if(extpresent) {
ssize_t bmlength;
uint8_t *epres; /* Presence of extension members */
asn_per_data_t epmd;
bmlength = uper_get_nslength(pd);
if(bmlength < 0) _ASN_DECODE_STARVED;
ASN_DEBUG("Extensions %d present in %s", bmlength, td->name);
epres = (uint8_t *)MALLOC((bmlength + 15) >> 3);
/* Get the extensions map */
if(per_get_many_bits(pd, epres, 0, bmlength))
memset(&epmd, 0, sizeof(epmd));
epmd.buffer = epres;
epmd.nbits = bmlength;
ASN_DEBUG("Read in extensions bitmap for %s of %d bits (%x..)",
td->name, bmlength, *epres);
/* Go over extensions and read them in */
for(edx = specs->ext_after + 1; edx < td->elements_count; edx++) {
asn_TYPE_member_t *elm = &td->elements[edx];
void *memb_ptr; /* Pointer to the member */
void **memb_ptr2; /* Pointer to that pointer */
int present;
if(!IN_EXTENSION_GROUP(specs, edx)) {
ASN_DEBUG("%d is not extension", edx);
/* Fetch the pointer to this member */
if(elm->flags & ATF_POINTER) {
memb_ptr2 = (void **)((char *)st + elm->memb_offset);
} else {
memb_ptr = (void *)((char *)st + elm->memb_offset);
memb_ptr2 = &memb_ptr;
present = per_get_few_bits(&epmd, 1);
if(present <= 0) {
if(present < 0) break; /* No more extensions */
ASN_DEBUG("Decoding member %s in %s %p", elm->name, td->name, *memb_ptr2);
rv = uper_get_open_type(opt_codec_ctx, elm->type,
elm->per_constraints, memb_ptr2, pd);
if(rv.code != RC_OK) {
return rv;
/* Skip over overflow extensions which aren't present
* in this system's version of the protocol */
while(per_get_few_bits(&epmd, 1) >= 0) {
if(uper_skip_open_type(opt_codec_ctx, pd)) {
/* Fill DEFAULT members in extensions */
for(edx = specs->roms_count; edx < specs->roms_count
+ specs->aoms_count; edx++) {
asn_TYPE_member_t *elm = &td->elements[edx];
void **memb_ptr2; /* Pointer to member pointer */
if(!elm->default_value) continue;
/* Fetch the pointer to this member */
if(elm->flags & ATF_POINTER) {
memb_ptr2 = (void **)((char *)st
+ elm->memb_offset);
if(*memb_ptr2) continue;
} else {
continue; /* Extensions are all optionals */
/* Set default value */
if(elm->default_value(1, memb_ptr2)) {
rv.consumed = 0;
rv.code = RC_OK;
return rv;
static int
SEQUENCE_handle_extensions(asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, void *sptr,
asn_per_outp_t *po1, asn_per_outp_t *po2) {
asn_SEQUENCE_specifics_t *specs
= (asn_SEQUENCE_specifics_t *)td->specifics;
int exts_present = 0;
int exts_count = 0;
int edx;
if(specs->ext_before < 0)
return 0;
/* Find out which extensions are present */
for(edx = specs->ext_after + 1; edx < td->elements_count; edx++) {
asn_TYPE_member_t *elm = &td->elements[edx];
void *memb_ptr; /* Pointer to the member */
void **memb_ptr2; /* Pointer to that pointer */
int present;
if(!IN_EXTENSION_GROUP(specs, edx)) {
ASN_DEBUG("%d is not extension", edx);
/* Fetch the pointer to this member */
if(elm->flags & ATF_POINTER) {
memb_ptr2 = (void **)((char *)sptr + elm->memb_offset);
present = (*memb_ptr2 != 0);
} else {
memb_ptr = (void *)((char *)sptr + elm->memb_offset);
memb_ptr2 = &memb_ptr;
present = 1;
ASN_DEBUG("checking ext %d is present => %d", edx, present);
exts_present += present;
/* Encode as presence marker */
if(po1 && per_put_few_bits(po1, present, 1))
return -1;
/* Encode as open type field */
if(po2 && present && uper_put_open_type(elm->type,
elm->per_constraints, *memb_ptr2, po2))
return -1;
return exts_present ? exts_count : 0;
SEQUENCE_encode_uper(asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
asn_per_constraints_t *constraints, void *sptr, asn_per_outp_t *po) {
asn_SEQUENCE_specifics_t *specs
= (asn_SEQUENCE_specifics_t *)td->specifics;
asn_enc_rval_t er;
int n_extensions;
int edx;
int i;
er.encoded = 0;
ASN_DEBUG("Encoding %s as SEQUENCE (UPER)", td->name);
* X.691#18.1 Whether structure is extensible
* and whether to encode extensions
if(specs->ext_before >= 0) {
n_extensions = SEQUENCE_handle_extensions(td, sptr, 0, 0);
per_put_few_bits(po, n_extensions ? 1 : 0, 1);
} else {
n_extensions = 0; /* There are no extensions to encode */
/* Encode a presence bitmap */
for(i = 0; i < specs->roms_count; i++) {
asn_TYPE_member_t *elm;
void *memb_ptr; /* Pointer to the member */
void **memb_ptr2; /* Pointer to that pointer */
int present;
edx = specs->oms[i];
elm = &td->elements[edx];
/* Fetch the pointer to this member */
if(elm->flags & ATF_POINTER) {
memb_ptr2 = (void **)((char *)sptr + elm->memb_offset);
present = (*memb_ptr2 != 0);
} else {
memb_ptr = (void *)((char *)sptr + elm->memb_offset);
memb_ptr2 = &memb_ptr;
present = 1;
/* Eliminate default values */
if(present && elm->default_value
&& elm->default_value(0, memb_ptr2) == 1)
present = 0;
ASN_DEBUG("Element %s %s %s->%s is %s",
elm->flags & ATF_POINTER ? "ptr" : "inline",
elm->default_value ? "def" : "wtv",
td->name, elm->name, present ? "present" : "absent");
if(per_put_few_bits(po, present, 1))
* Encode the sequence ROOT elements.
ASN_DEBUG("ext_after = %d, ec = %d, eb = %d", specs->ext_after, td->elements_count, specs->ext_before);
for(edx = 0; edx < ((specs->ext_before < 0)
? td->elements_count : specs->ext_after); edx++) {
asn_TYPE_member_t *elm = &td->elements[edx];
void *memb_ptr; /* Pointer to the member */
void **memb_ptr2; /* Pointer to that pointer */
/* Fetch the pointer to this member */
if(elm->flags & ATF_POINTER) {
memb_ptr2 = (void **)((char *)sptr + elm->memb_offset);
if(!*memb_ptr2) {
ASN_DEBUG("Element %s %d not present",
elm->name, edx);
/* Mandatory element is missing */
} else {
memb_ptr = (void *)((char *)sptr + elm->memb_offset);
memb_ptr2 = &memb_ptr;
/* Eliminate default values */
if(elm->default_value && elm->default_value(0, memb_ptr2) == 1)
er = elm->type->uper_encoder(elm->type, elm->per_constraints,
*memb_ptr2, po);
if(er.encoded == -1)
return er;
/* No extensions to encode */
if(!n_extensions) _ASN_ENCODED_OK(er);
ASN_DEBUG("Length of %d bit-map", n_extensions);
/* #18.8. Write down the presence bit-map length. */
if(uper_put_nslength(po, n_extensions))
ASN_DEBUG("Bit-map of %d elements", n_extensions);
/* #18.7. Encoding the extensions presence bit-map. */
/* TODO: act upon NOTE in #18.7 for canonical PER */
if(SEQUENCE_handle_extensions(td, sptr, po, 0) != n_extensions)
ASN_DEBUG("Writing %d extensions", n_extensions);
/* #18.9. Encode extensions as open type fields. */
if(SEQUENCE_handle_extensions(td, sptr, 0, po) != n_extensions)