blob: f1b723f21372b79144129403c1a722e960862798 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <asn_application.h>
#include <asn_internal.h>
#include <per_decoder.h>
uper_decode(asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_codec_ctx, asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, void **sptr, const void *buffer, size_t size, int skip_bits) {
asn_codec_ctx_t s_codec_ctx;
asn_dec_rval_t rval;
asn_per_data_t pd;
if(skip_bits < 0 || skip_bits > 7 || (skip_bits > 0 && !size))
* Stack checker requires that the codec context
* must be allocated on the stack.
if(opt_codec_ctx) {
if(opt_codec_ctx->max_stack_size) {
s_codec_ctx = *opt_codec_ctx;
opt_codec_ctx = &s_codec_ctx;
} else {
/* If context is not given, be security-conscious anyway */
memset(&s_codec_ctx, 0, sizeof(s_codec_ctx));
s_codec_ctx.max_stack_size = _ASN_DEFAULT_STACK_MAX;
opt_codec_ctx = &s_codec_ctx;
/* Fill in the position indicator */
pd.buffer = (const uint8_t *)buffer;
pd.nboff = skip_bits;
pd.nbits = 8 * size; /* 8 is CHAR_BIT from <limits.h> */
* Invoke type-specific decoder.
_ASN_DECODE_FAILED; /* PER is not compiled in */
rval = td->uper_decoder(opt_codec_ctx, td, 0, sptr, &pd);
if(rval.code == RC_FAIL) {
rval.consumed = 0;
} else {
/* Return the number of consumed bits */
rval.consumed = ((pd.buffer - (const uint8_t *)buffer) << 3)
+ pd.nboff - skip_bits;
return rval;