blob: b28e817ad3a13aaf919585b021d34ce4ab2f965f [file] [log] [blame]
The X.509 (PKIX1) certificate decoder. Invoking `make` will compile the ASN.1
specifications from the rfc3280.txt in the above directory.
The ../../skeletons/converter-sample.c will supply the missing
"int main()" routine which drives the decoding process.
x509dump USAGE
To use the code, you'll have to prepare an X.509 certificate in DER encoding.
The typical X.509 certificate will have a PEM form (DER encoded data wrapped
in base64, wrapped in PEM "BEGIN" and "END" sections). The openssl x509 utility
may be used to convert between PEM and DER.
EXAMPLE: Convert 'certificate.pem' into 'certificate.der':
openssl x509 -inform PEM -in certificate.pem \
-outform DER -out certificate.der
After convertsion, the x509dump utility may be used to dump the contents
of the DER-encoded X.509 certificate:
./x509dump certificate.der # Print as XML (BASIC-XER)
The full list of recognized command line options may be obtained with
> ./x509dump -h