Send poweroff in
diff --git a/usb_application/ b/usb_application/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..48178ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usb_application/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3 
+import usb.core
+import usb.util
+import sys
+class find_class(object):
+    def __init__(self, class_):
+        self._class = class_
+    def __call__(self, device):
+        # first, let's check the device
+        if device.bDeviceClass == self._class:
+            return True
+        # ok, transverse all devices to find an
+        # interface that matches our class
+        for cfg in device:
+            # find_descriptor: what's it?
+            intf = usb.util.find_descriptor(
+                                        cfg,
+                                        bInterfaceClass=self._class
+                                )
+            if intf is not None:
+                return True
+        return False
+# main code
+def main():
+    devs = usb.core.find(find_all=1, custom_match=find_class(0xb))  # 0xb = Smartcard
+    for dev in devs:
+        dev.set_configuration(2)
+    dev.reset()
+    dev.write(0x1, {0x63, 0x63})    # PC_TO_RDR_ICCPOWEROFF
+    ret =, 64)
+    print(ret)
+    #dev.write(0x1, {0x62, 0x62})    # PC_TO_RDR_ICCPOWERON
+    return
+#    (epi, epo) = find_eps(dev)
+    while True:
+        #ep_out.write("Hello")
+        try:
+            ans =, 64, 1000)
+            print("".join("%02x " % b for b in ans))
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            print("Bye")
+            sys.exit()
+        except: 
+            print("Timeout")
+    #    print(, 5000));