change from \r\n (CRLF) to \n\r (LFCR)

For some strange reason my output is garbled in both the 'screen' and
'cu' teerminal programs and 'raw' terminal (stty) mode.  I fail to
understand why, but let's simply adjust the code as needed for now.
diff --git a/firmware/libcommon/include/assert.h b/firmware/libcommon/include/assert.h
index f96339e..a52ffa9 100644
--- a/firmware/libcommon/include/assert.h
+++ b/firmware/libcommon/include/assert.h
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
         /// \param condition  Condition to verify.
         #define ASSERT(condition)  { \
             if (!(condition)) { \
-                printf("-F- ASSERT: %s %s:%d\r\n", #condition, __BASE_FILE__, __LINE__); \
+                printf("-F- ASSERT: %s %s:%d\n\r", #condition, __BASE_FILE__, __LINE__); \
                 while (1); \
             } \