debian/rules: remove override_dh_autoreconf

The Makefile already runs autoreconf -fi in the "utils" target:

  	(cd host && \
  	 autoreconf -fi && \
  	 ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-werror && \

The override is not useful, as it leads to debhelper running autoreconf
as well, but without running ./configure and make in the host directory
afterwards. So autoreconf just runs twice.

I've also considered to change debian/rules to only run the "fw"
target, and not the "utils" target of the Makefile. But that only makes
it more complex, as debhelper would then need to run make twice, once in
the root directory (as "make fw"), and once in the host directory. We
would need to add several lines to debian/rules to do effectively the
same thing.

Make this change now, as "cd host && dh_autoreconf" doesn't work with
debhelper compat level v10 anymore (--sourcedir could be used instead,
but as mentioned above, it's not useful).

Related: OS#5958
Change-Id: I12f379b4ec2de6adc86557d89319ab1d04ed5e73
1 file changed
tree: 89af415b2d676d79df60129912f0f7a74cca0d86
  1. contrib/
  2. debian/
  3. firmware/
  4. hardware/
  5. host/
  6. .checkpatch.conf
  7. .clang-format
  8. .gitignore
  9. .gitmodules
  10. .gitreview
  12. git-version-gen
  13. Makefile

SIMtrace v2.0

This is the repository for the next-generation SIMtrace devices, providing abilities to trace the communication between (U)SIM card and phone, remote (U)SIM card forward, (U)SIM man-in-the-middle, and more.

NOTE: Nothing in this repository applies to the SIMtrace v1.x hardware or its associated firmware. SIMtrace v1.x is based on a different CPU / microcontroller architecture and uses a completely different software stack and host software.

Supported Hardware

  • Osmocom SIMtrace 1.x with SAM3 controller ** this is open hardware and schematics / PCB design is published
  • sysmocom sysmoQMOD (with 4 Modems, 4 SIM slots and 2 SAM3) ** this is a proprietary device, publicly available from sysmocom
  • sysmocom OWHW (with 2 Modems and 1 SAM3 onboard) ** this is not publicly available hardware, but still supported

This Repository

This repository contains several directory

  • firmware - the firmware to run on the actual devices
  • hardware - some information related to the hardware
  • host - Programs to use on the USB host to interface with the hardware

The host software includes

  • libosmo-simtrace2 - a shared library to talk to devices running the simtrace2 firmware
  • simtrace2-list - list any USB-attached devices running simtrace2 firmware
  • simtrace2-sniff - interface the 'trace' firmware to obtain card protocol traces
  • simtrace2-cardem-pcsc - interface the 'cardem' fimrware to use a SIM in a PC/SC reader