Add a new pySim-shell program

pySim-prog was nice when there were only 5 parameters on a SIM that we
could program, and where the use case was pretty limited.  Today, we
have SIM/USIM/ISIM cards with hundreds of files and even more parameters
to program.  We cannot add a command line argument for each file to

Instead, this introduces an interactive command-line shell / REPL,
in which one can navigate the file system of the card, read and update
files both in raw format and in decoded/parsed format.

The idea is primarily inspired by Henryk Ploatz' venerable
cyberflex-shell, but implemented on a more modern basis using
the cmd2 python module.

for some related background.

Most code by Harald Welte. Some bug fixes by Philipp Maier
have been squashed.

Change-Id: Iad117596e922223bdc1e5b956f84844b7c577e02
Related: OS#4963
diff --git a/pySim/ b/pySim/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..256a697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pySim/
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+"""Utilities / Functions related to ETSI TS 102 221, the core UICC spec.
+(C) 2021 by Harald Welte <>
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+from pytlv.TLV import *
+from struct import pack, unpack
+from pySim.utils import *
+from pySim.filesystem import *
+    '82': 'file_descriptor',
+    '83': 'file_identifier',
+    '84': 'df_name',
+    'A5': 'proprietary_info',
+    '8A': 'life_cycle_status_int',
+    '8B': 'security_attrib_ref_expanded',
+    '8C': 'security_attrib_compact',
+    'AB': 'security_attrib_espanded',
+    'C6': 'pin_status_template_do',
+    '80': 'file_size',
+    '81': 'total_file_size',
+    '88': 'short_file_id',
+    }
+# ETSI TS 102 221
+FCP_Proprietary_TLV_MAP = {
+    '80': 'uicc_characteristics',
+    '81': 'application_power_consumption',
+    '82': 'minimum_app_clock_freq',
+    '83': 'available_memory',
+    '84': 'file_details',
+    '85': 'reserved_file_size',
+    '86': 'maximum_file_size',
+    '87': 'suported_system_commands',
+    '88': 'specific_uicc_env_cond',
+    '89': 'p2p_cat_secured_apdu',
+    # Additional private TLV objects (bits b7 and b8 of the first byte of the tag set to '1')
+    }
+# ETSI TS 102 221
+def interpret_file_descriptor(in_hex):
+    in_bin = h2b(in_hex)
+    out = {}
+    ft_dict = {
+        0: 'working_ef',
+        1: 'internal_ef',
+        7: 'df'
+    }
+    fs_dict = {
+        0: 'no_info_given',
+        1: 'transparent',
+        2: 'linear_fixed',
+        6: 'cyclic',
+    }
+    fdb = in_bin[0]
+    ftype = (fdb >> 3) & 7
+    fstruct = fdb & 7
+    out['shareable'] = True if fdb & 0x40 else False
+    out['file_type'] = ft_dict[ftype] if ftype in ft_dict else ftype
+    out['structure'] = fs_dict[fstruct] if fstruct in fs_dict else fstruct
+    if len(in_bin) >= 5:
+        out['record_len'] = int.from_bytes(in_bin[2:4], 'big')
+        out['num_of_rec'] = int.from_bytes(in_bin[4:5], 'big')
+    return out
+# ETSI TS 102 221
+def interpret_life_cycle_sts_int(in_hex):
+    lcsi = int(in_hex, 16)
+    if lcsi == 0x00:
+        return 'no_information'
+    elif lcsi == 0x01:
+        return 'creation'
+    elif lcsi == 0x03:
+        return 'initialization'
+    elif lcsi & 0x05 == 0x05:
+        return 'operational_activated'
+    elif lcsi & 0x05 == 0x04:
+        return 'operational_deactivated'
+    elif lcsi & 0xc0 == 0xc0:
+        return 'termination'
+    else:
+        return in_hex
+# ETSI TS 102 221
+FCP_Pin_Status_TLV_MAP = {
+    '90': 'ps_do',
+    '95': 'usage_qualifier',
+    '83': 'key_reference',
+    }
+def interpret_ps_templ_do(in_hex):
+    # cannot use the 'TLV' parser due to repeating tags
+    #psdo_tlv = TLV(FCP_Pin_Status_TLV_MAP)
+    #return psdo_tlv.parse(in_hex)
+    return in_hex
+# 'interpreter' functions for each tag
+FCP_interpreter_map = {
+    '80': lambda x: int(x, 16),
+    '82': interpret_file_descriptor,
+    '8A': interpret_life_cycle_sts_int,
+    'C6': interpret_ps_templ_do,
+    }
+FCP_prorietary_interpreter_map = {
+    '83': lambda x: int(x, 16),
+    }
+# pytlv unfortunately doesn't have a setting using which we can make it
+# accept unknown tags.  It also doesn't raise a specific exception type but
+# just the generic ValueError, so we cannot ignore those either.  Instead,
+# we insert a dict entry for every possible proprietary tag permitted
+def fixup_fcp_proprietary_tlv_map(tlv_map):
+    if 'D0' in tlv_map:
+        return
+    for i in range(0xd0, 0xff):
+        i_hex = i2h([i]).upper()
+        tlv_map[i_hex] = 'proprietary_' + i_hex
+def tlv_key_replace(inmap, indata):
+    def newkey(inmap, key):
+        if key in inmap:
+            return inmap[key]
+        else:
+            return key
+    return {newkey(inmap, d[0]): d[1] for d in indata.items()}
+def tlv_val_interpret(inmap, indata):
+    def newval(inmap, key, val):
+        if key in inmap:
+            return inmap[key](val)
+        else:
+            return val
+    return {d[0]: newval(inmap, d[0], d[1]) for d in indata.items()}
+# ETSI TS 102 221 Section
+def decode_select_response(resp_hex):
+    fixup_fcp_proprietary_tlv_map(FCP_Proprietary_TLV_MAP)
+    resp_hex = resp_hex.upper()
+    # outer layer
+    fcp_base_tlv = TLV(['62'])
+    fcp_base = fcp_base_tlv.parse(resp_hex)
+    # actual FCP
+    fcp_tlv = TLV(FCP_TLV_MAP)
+    fcp = fcp_tlv.parse(fcp_base['62'])
+    # further decode the proprietary information
+    if fcp['A5']:
+        prop_tlv = TLV(FCP_Proprietary_TLV_MAP)
+        prop = prop_tlv.parse(fcp['A5'])
+        fcp['A5'] = tlv_val_interpret(FCP_prorietary_interpreter_map, prop)
+        fcp['A5'] = tlv_key_replace(FCP_Proprietary_TLV_MAP, fcp['A5'])
+    # finally make sure we get human-readable keys in the output dict
+    r = tlv_val_interpret(FCP_interpreter_map, fcp)
+    return tlv_key_replace(FCP_TLV_MAP, r)
+# TS 102 221 Section 13.1
+class EF_DIR(LinFixedEF):
+    def __init__(self, fid='2f00', sfid=0x1e, name='EF.DIR', desc='Application Directory'):
+        super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, rec_len={5,54})
+    def _decode_record_hex(self, raw_hex_data):
+        raw_hex_data = raw_hex_data.upper()
+        atempl_base_tlv = TLV(['61'])
+        atempl_base = atempl_base_tlv.parse(raw_hex_data)
+        atempl_TLV_MAP = {'4F': 'aid_value', 50:'label'}
+        atempl_tlv = TLV(atempl_TLV_MAP)
+        atempl = atempl_tlv.parse(atempl_base['61'])
+        # FIXME: "All other Dos are according to ISO/IEC 7816-4"
+        return tlv_key_replace(atempl_TLV_MAP, atempl)
+# TS 102 221 Section 13.2
+class EF_ICCID(TransparentEF):
+    def __init__(self, fid='2fe2', sfid=0x02, name='EF.ICCID', desc='ICC Identification'):
+        super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size={10,10})
+    def _decode_hex(self, raw_hex):
+        return {'iccid': dec_iccid(raw_hex)}
+    def _encode_hex(self, abstract):
+        return enc_iccid(abstract['iccid'])
+# TS 102 221 Section 13.3
+class EF_PL(TransRecEF):
+    def __init__(self, fid='2f05', sfid=0x05, name='EF.PL', desc='Preferred Languages'):
+        super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, rec_len=2, size={2,None})
+# TS 102 221 Section 13.4
+class EF_ARR(LinFixedEF):
+    def __init__(self, fid='2f06', sfid=0x06, name='EF.ARR', desc='Access Rule Reference'):
+        super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc)
+# TS 102 221 Section 13.6
+class EF_UMPC(TransparentEF):
+    def __init__(self, fid='2f08', sfid=0x08, name='EF.UMPC', desc='UICC Maximum Power Consumption'):
+        super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size={5,5})
+class CardProfileUICC(CardProfile):
+    def __init__(self):
+        files = [
+            EF_DIR(),
+            EF_ICCID(),
+            EF_PL(),
+            EF_ARR(),
+            # FIXME: DF.CD
+            EF_UMPC(),
+        ]
+        sw = {
+          'Normal': {
+            '9000': 'Normal ending of the command',
+            '91xx': 'Normal ending of the command, with extra information from the proactive UICC containing a command for the terminal',
+            '92xx': 'Normal ending of the command, with extra information concerning an ongoing data transfer session',
+            },
+          'Postponed processing': {
+            '9300': 'SIM Application Toolkit is busy. Command cannot be executed at present, further normal commands are allowed',
+            },
+          'Warnings': {
+            '6200': 'No information given, state of non-volatile memory unchanged',
+            '6281': 'Part of returned data may be corrupted',
+            '6282': 'End of file/record reached before reading Le bytes or unsuccessful search',
+            '6283': 'Selected file invalidated',
+            '6284': 'Selected file in termination state',
+            '62f1': 'More data available',
+            '62f2': 'More data available and proactive command pending',
+            '62f3': 'Response data available',
+            '63f1': 'More data expected',
+            '63f2': 'More data expected and proactive command pending',
+            '63cx': 'Command successful but after using an internal update retry routine X times',
+            },
+          'Execution errors': {
+            '6400': 'No information given, state of non-volatile memory unchanged',
+            '6500': 'No information given, state of non-volatile memory changed',
+            '6581': 'Memory problem',
+            },
+          'Checking errors': {
+            '6700': 'Wrong length',
+            '67xx': 'The interpretation of this status word is command dependent',
+            '6b00': 'Wrong parameter(s) P1-P2',
+            '6d00': 'Instruction code not supported or invalid',
+            '6e00': 'Class not supported',
+            '6f00': 'Technical problem, no precise diagnosis',
+            '6fxx': 'The interpretation of this status word is command dependent',
+            },
+          'Functions in CLA not supported': {
+            '6800': 'No information given',
+            '6881': 'Logical channel not supported',
+            '6882': 'Secure messaging not supported',
+            },
+          'Command not allowed': {
+            '6900': 'No information given',
+            '6981': 'Command incompatible with file structure',
+            '6982': 'Security status not satisfied',
+            '6983': 'Authentication/PIN method blocked',
+            '6984': 'Referenced data invalidated',
+            '6985': 'Conditions of use not satisfied',
+            '6986': 'Command not allowed (no EF selected)',
+            '6989': 'Command not allowed - secure channel - security not satisfied',
+            },
+          'Wrong parameters': {
+            '6a80': 'Incorrect parameters in the data field',
+            '6a81': 'Function not supported',
+            '6a82': 'File not found',
+            '6a83': 'Record not found',
+            '6a84': 'Not enough memory space',
+            '6a86': 'Incorrect parameters P1 to P2',
+            '6a87': 'Lc inconsistent with P1 to P2',
+            '6a88': 'Referenced data not found',
+            },
+          'Application errors': {
+            '9850': 'INCREASE cannot be performed, max value reached',
+            '9862': 'Authentication error, application specific',
+            '9863': 'Security session or association expired',
+            '9864': 'Minimum UICC suspension time is too long',
+            },
+          }
+        super().__init__('UICC', 'ETSI TS 102 221', files, sw)