Initial proof-of-concept SM-DP+ for GSMA consumer eSIM RSP

This commit introduces

* the program implementing the main procedures and the
  HTTP/REST based ES9+
* python modules for ES8+ and non-volatile RSP Session State storage
* the ASN.1 source files required to parse/encode RSP
* 3GPP test certificates from SGP.26
* an unsigned profile package (UPP) of a SAIP v2.3 TS48 test profile

As I couldn't get the 'Klein' tls support to work, the SM-DP+ code
currently does not support HTTPS/TLS but plan HTTP, so you either have
to modify your LPA to use HTTP instead of HTTPS, or put a TLS proxy in

I have successfully installed an eSIM profile on a test eUICC that
contains certificate/key data within the test CI defined in GSMA SGP.26

Change-Id: I6232847432dc6920cd2bd08c84d7099c29ca1c11
diff --git a/smdpp-data/certs/DPtls/CERT_S_SM_DP4_TLS.ext.cnf b/smdpp-data/certs/DPtls/CERT_S_SM_DP4_TLS.ext.cnf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31f6463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/smdpp-data/certs/DPtls/CERT_S_SM_DP4_TLS.ext.cnf
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@

+# Extensions for a DPTLS

+keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature

+extendedKeyUsage = critical, serverAuth, clientAuth

+certificatePolicies =

+subjectKeyIdentifier = hash

+authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer


+# RID shall be aligend with SGP.23 value SM-DP+OID4 

+# DNS name shall be aligned with SGP.23 value #TEST_DP_ADDRESS4

+subjectAltName =, RID:2.999.14


+crlDistributionPoints=URI:, URI:
