move Runtime{State,Lchan} from pySim.filesystem to new pySim.runtime

Those two are really separate concepts, so let's keep them in separate
source code files.

Change-Id: I9ec54304dd8f4a4cba9487054a8eb8d265c2d340
diff --git a/pySim/ b/pySim/
index 2bcd363..9f3ee17 100644
--- a/pySim/
+++ b/pySim/
@@ -51,18 +51,6 @@
 Size = Tuple[int, Optional[int]]
-def lchan_nr_from_cla(cla: int) -> int:
-    """Resolve the logical channel number from the CLA byte."""
-    # TS 102 221 10.1.1 Coding of Class Byte
-    if cla >> 4 in [0x0, 0xA, 0x8]:
-        # Table 10.3
-        return cla & 0x03
-    elif cla & 0xD0 in [0x40, 0xC0]:
-        # Table 10.4a
-        return 4 + (cla & 0x0F)
-    else:
-        raise ValueError('Could not determine logical channel for CLA=%2X' % cla)
 class CardFile:
     """Base class for all objects in the smart card filesystem.
     Serve as a common ancestor to all other file types; rarely used directly.
@@ -1285,486 +1273,6 @@
         self.size = size
         self.shell_commands = [self.ShellCommands()]
-class RuntimeState:
-    """Represent the runtime state of a session with a card."""
-    def __init__(self, card, profile: 'CardProfile'):
-        """
-        Args:
-            card : instance
-            profile : CardProfile instance
-        """
- = CardMF(profile=profile)
-        self.card = card
-        self.profile = profile
-        self.lchan = {}
-        # the basic logical channel always exists
-        self.lchan[0] = RuntimeLchan(0, self)
-        # make sure the class and selection control bytes, which are specified
-        # by the card profile are used
-        self.card.set_apdu_parameter(
-            cla=self.profile.cla, sel_ctrl=self.profile.sel_ctrl)
-        for addon_cls in self.profile.addons:
-            addon = addon_cls()
-            if addon.probe(self.card):
-                print("Detected %s Add-on \"%s\"" % (self.profile, addon))
-                for f in addon.files_in_mf:
-        # go back to MF before the next steps (addon probing might have changed DF)
-        self.card._scc.select_file('3F00')
-        # add application ADFs + MF-files from profile
-        apps = self._match_applications()
-        for a in apps:
-            if a.adf:
-        for f in self.profile.files_in_mf:
-        self.conserve_write = True
-        # make sure that when the runtime state is created, the card is also
-        # in a defined state.
-        self.reset()
-    def _match_applications(self):
-        """match the applications from the profile with applications on the card"""
-        apps_profile = self.profile.applications
-        # When the profile does not feature any applications, then we are done already
-        if not apps_profile:
-            return []
-        # Read AIDs from card and match them against the applications defined by the
-        # card profile
-        aids_card = self.card.read_aids()
-        apps_taken = []
-        if aids_card:
-            aids_taken = []
-            print("AIDs on card:")
-            for a in aids_card:
-                for f in apps_profile:
-                    if f.aid in a:
-                        print(" %s: %s (EF.DIR)" % (, a))
-                        aids_taken.append(a)
-                        apps_taken.append(f)
-            aids_unknown = set(aids_card) - set(aids_taken)
-            for a in aids_unknown:
-                print(" unknown: %s (EF.DIR)" % a)
-        else:
-            print("warning: EF.DIR seems to be empty!")
-        # Some card applications may not be registered in EF.DIR, we will actively
-        # probe for those applications
-        for f in set(apps_profile) - set(apps_taken):
-            try:
-                data, sw = self.card.select_adf_by_aid(f.aid)
-                if sw == "9000":
-                    print(" %s: %s" % (, f.aid))
-                    apps_taken.append(f)
-            except (SwMatchError, ProtocolError):
-                pass
-        return apps_taken
-    def reset(self, cmd_app=None) -> Hexstr:
-        """Perform physical card reset and obtain ATR.
-        Args:
-            cmd_app : Command Application State (for unregistering old file commands)
-        """
-        # delete all lchan != 0 (basic lchan)
-        for lchan_nr in self.lchan.keys():
-            if lchan_nr == 0:
-                continue
-            del self.lchan[lchan_nr]
-        atr = i2h(self.card.reset())
-        # select MF to reset internal state and to verify card really works
-        self.lchan[0].select('MF', cmd_app)
-        self.lchan[0].selected_adf = None
-        return atr
-    def add_lchan(self, lchan_nr: int) -> 'RuntimeLchan':
-        """Add a logical channel to the runtime state.  You shouldn't call this
-        directly but always go through RuntimeLchan.add_lchan()."""
-        if lchan_nr in self.lchan.keys():
-            raise ValueError('Cannot create already-existing lchan %d' % lchan_nr)
-        self.lchan[lchan_nr] = RuntimeLchan(lchan_nr, self)
-        return self.lchan[lchan_nr]
-    def del_lchan(self, lchan_nr: int):
-        if lchan_nr in self.lchan.keys():
-            del self.lchan[lchan_nr]
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    def get_lchan_by_cla(self, cla) -> Optional['RuntimeLchan']:
-        lchan_nr = lchan_nr_from_cla(cla)
-        if lchan_nr in self.lchan.keys():
-            return self.lchan[lchan_nr]
-        else:
-            return None
-class RuntimeLchan:
-    """Represent the runtime state of a logical channel with a card."""
-    def __init__(self, lchan_nr: int, rs: RuntimeState):
-        self.lchan_nr = lchan_nr
- = rs
-        self.selected_file =
-        self.selected_adf = None
-        self.selected_file_fcp = None
-        self.selected_file_fcp_hex = None
-    def add_lchan(self, lchan_nr: int) -> 'RuntimeLchan':
-        """Add a new logical channel from the current logical channel. Just affects
-        internal state, doesn't actually open a channel with the UICC."""
-        new_lchan =
-        # See TS 102 221 Table 8.3
-        if self.lchan_nr != 0:
-            new_lchan.selected_file = self.get_cwd()
-            new_lchan.selected_adf = self.selected_adf
-        return new_lchan
-    def selected_file_descriptor_byte(self) -> dict:
-        return self.selected_file_fcp['file_descriptor']['file_descriptor_byte']
-    def selected_file_shareable(self) -> bool:
-        return self.selected_file_descriptor_byte()['shareable']
-    def selected_file_structure(self) -> str:
-        return self.selected_file_descriptor_byte()['structure']
-    def selected_file_type(self) -> str:
-        return self.selected_file_descriptor_byte()['file_type']
-    def selected_file_num_of_rec(self) -> Optional[int]:
-        return self.selected_file_fcp['file_descriptor'].get('num_of_rec')
-    def get_cwd(self) -> CardDF:
-        """Obtain the current working directory.
-        Returns:
-            CardDF instance
-        """
-        if isinstance(self.selected_file, CardDF):
-            return self.selected_file
-        else:
-            return self.selected_file.parent
-    def get_application_df(self) -> Optional[CardADF]:
-        """Obtain the currently selected application DF (if any).
-        Returns:
-            CardADF() instance or None"""
-        # iterate upwards from selected file; check if any is an ADF
-        node = self.selected_file
-        while node.parent != node:
-            if isinstance(node, CardADF):
-                return node
-            node = node.parent
-        return None
-    def interpret_sw(self, sw: str):
-        """Interpret a given status word relative to the currently selected application
-        or the underlying card profile.
-        Args:
-            sw : Status word as string of 4 hex digits
-        Returns:
-            Tuple of two strings
-        """
-        res = None
-        adf = self.get_application_df()
-        if adf:
-            app = adf.application
-            # The application either comes with its own interpret_sw
-            # method or we will use the interpret_sw method from the
-            # card profile.
-            if app and hasattr(app, "interpret_sw"):
-                res = app.interpret_sw(sw)
-        return res or
-    def probe_file(self, fid: str, cmd_app=None):
-        """Blindly try to select a file and automatically add a matching file
-               object if the file actually exists."""
-        if not is_hex(fid, 4, 4):
-            raise ValueError(
-                "Cannot select unknown file by name %s, only hexadecimal 4 digit FID is allowed" % fid)
-        try:
-            (data, sw) =
-        except SwMatchError as swm:
-            k = self.interpret_sw(swm.sw_actual)
-            if not k:
-                raise(swm)
-            raise RuntimeError("%s: %s - %s" % (swm.sw_actual, k[0], k[1]))
-        select_resp = self.selected_file.decode_select_response(data)
-        if (select_resp['file_descriptor']['file_descriptor_byte']['file_type'] == 'df'):
-            f = CardDF(fid=fid, sfid=None, name="DF." + str(fid).upper(),
-                       desc="dedicated file, manually added at runtime")
-        else:
-            if (select_resp['file_descriptor']['file_descriptor_byte']['structure'] == 'transparent'):
-                f = TransparentEF(fid=fid, sfid=None, name="EF." + str(fid).upper(),
-                                  desc="elementary file, manually added at runtime")
-            else:
-                f = LinFixedEF(fid=fid, sfid=None, name="EF." + str(fid).upper(),
-                               desc="elementary file, manually added at runtime")
-        self.selected_file.add_files([f])
-        self.selected_file = f
-        return select_resp, data
-    def _select_pre(self, cmd_app):
-        # unregister commands of old file
-        if cmd_app and self.selected_file.shell_commands:
-            for c in self.selected_file.shell_commands:
-                cmd_app.unregister_command_set(c)
-    def _select_post(self, cmd_app):
-        # register commands of new file
-        if cmd_app and self.selected_file.shell_commands:
-            for c in self.selected_file.shell_commands:
-                cmd_app.register_command_set(c)
-    def select_file(self, file: CardFile, cmd_app=None):
-        """Select a file (EF, DF, ADF, MF, ...).
-        Args:
-            file : CardFile [or derived class] instance
-            cmd_app : Command Application State (for unregistering old file commands)
-        """
-        # we need to find a path from our self.selected_file to the destination
-        inter_path = self.selected_file.build_select_path_to(file)
-        if not inter_path:
-            raise RuntimeError('Cannot determine path from %s to %s' % (self.selected_file, file))
-        self._select_pre(cmd_app)
-        for p in inter_path:
-            try:
-                if isinstance(p, CardADF):
-                    (data, sw) =
-                    self.selected_adf = p
-                else:
-                    (data, sw) =
-                self.selected_file = p
-            except SwMatchError as swm:
-                self._select_post(cmd_app)
-                raise(swm)
-        self._select_post(cmd_app)
-    def select(self, name: str, cmd_app=None):
-        """Select a file (EF, DF, ADF, MF, ...).
-        Args:
-            name : Name of file to select
-            cmd_app : Command Application State (for unregistering old file commands)
-        """
-        # handling of entire paths with multiple directories/elements
-        if '/' in name:
-            prev_sel_file = self.selected_file
-            pathlist = name.split('/')
-            # treat /DF.GSM/foo like MF/DF.GSM/foo
-            if pathlist[0] == '':
-                pathlist[0] = 'MF'
-            try:
-                for p in pathlist:
-          , cmd_app)
-                return
-            except Exception as e:
-                # if any intermediate step fails, go back to where we were
-                self.select_file(prev_sel_file, cmd_app)
-                raise e
-        sels = self.selected_file.get_selectables()
-        if is_hex(name):
-            name = name.lower()
-        self._select_pre(cmd_app)
-        if name in sels:
-            f = sels[name]
-            try:
-                if isinstance(f, CardADF):
-                    (data, sw) =
-                else:
-                    (data, sw) =
-                self.selected_file = f
-            except SwMatchError as swm:
-                k = self.interpret_sw(swm.sw_actual)
-                if not k:
-                    raise(swm)
-                raise RuntimeError("%s: %s - %s" % (swm.sw_actual, k[0], k[1]))
-            select_resp = f.decode_select_response(data)
-        else:
-            (select_resp, data) = self.probe_file(name, cmd_app)
-        # store the raw + decoded FCP for later reference
-        self.selected_file_fcp_hex = data
-        self.selected_file_fcp = select_resp
-        self._select_post(cmd_app)
-        return select_resp
-    def status(self):
-        """Request STATUS (current selected file FCP) from card."""
-        (data, sw) =
-        return self.selected_file.decode_select_response(data)
-    def get_file_for_selectable(self, name: str):
-        sels = self.selected_file.get_selectables()
-        return sels[name]
-    def activate_file(self, name: str):
-        """Request ACTIVATE FILE of specified file."""
-        sels = self.selected_file.get_selectables()
-        f = sels[name]
-        data, sw =
-        return data, sw
-    def read_binary(self, length: int = None, offset: int = 0):
-        """Read [part of] a transparent EF binary data.
-        Args:
-            length : Amount of data to read (None: as much as possible)
-            offset : Offset into the file from which to read 'length' bytes
-        Returns:
-            binary data read from the file
-        """
-        if not isinstance(self.selected_file, TransparentEF):
-            raise TypeError("Only works with TransparentEF")
-        return, length, offset)
-    def read_binary_dec(self) -> Tuple[dict, str]:
-        """Read [part of] a transparent EF binary data and decode it.
-        Args:
-            length : Amount of data to read (None: as much as possible)
-            offset : Offset into the file from which to read 'length' bytes
-        Returns:
-            abstract decode data read from the file
-        """
-        (data, sw) = self.read_binary()
-        dec_data = self.selected_file.decode_hex(data)
-        return (dec_data, sw)
-    def update_binary(self, data_hex: str, offset: int = 0):
-        """Update transparent EF binary data.
-        Args:
-            data_hex : hex string of data to be written
-            offset : Offset into the file from which to write 'data_hex'
-        """
-        if not isinstance(self.selected_file, TransparentEF):
-            raise TypeError("Only works with TransparentEF")
-        return, data_hex, offset,
-    def update_binary_dec(self, data: dict):
-        """Update transparent EF from abstract data. Encodes the data to binary and
-        then updates the EF with it.
-        Args:
-            data : abstract data which is to be encoded and written
-        """
-        data_hex = self.selected_file.encode_hex(data)
-        return self.update_binary(data_hex)
-    def read_record(self, rec_nr: int = 0):
-        """Read a record as binary data.
-        Args:
-            rec_nr : Record number to read
-        Returns:
-            hex string of binary data contained in record
-        """
-        if not isinstance(self.selected_file, LinFixedEF):
-            raise TypeError("Only works with Linear Fixed EF")
-        # returns a string of hex nibbles
-        return, rec_nr)
-    def read_record_dec(self, rec_nr: int = 0) -> Tuple[dict, str]:
-        """Read a record and decode it to abstract data.
-        Args:
-            rec_nr : Record number to read
-        Returns:
-            abstract data contained in record
-        """
-        (data, sw) = self.read_record(rec_nr)
-        return (self.selected_file.decode_record_hex(data, rec_nr), sw)
-    def update_record(self, rec_nr: int, data_hex: str):
-        """Update a record with given binary data
-        Args:
-            rec_nr : Record number to read
-            data_hex : Hex string binary data to be written
-        """
-        if not isinstance(self.selected_file, LinFixedEF):
-            raise TypeError("Only works with Linear Fixed EF")
-        return, rec_nr, data_hex,
-    def update_record_dec(self, rec_nr: int, data: dict):
-        """Update a record with given abstract data.  Will encode abstract to binary data
-        and then write it to the given record on the card.
-        Args:
-            rec_nr : Record number to read
-            data_hex : Abstract data to be written
-        """
-        data_hex = self.selected_file.encode_record_hex(data, rec_nr)
-        return self.update_record(rec_nr, data_hex)
-    def retrieve_data(self, tag: int = 0):
-        """Read a DO/TLV as binary data.
-        Args:
-            tag : Tag of TLV/DO to read
-        Returns:
-            hex string of full BER-TLV DO including Tag and Length
-        """
-        if not isinstance(self.selected_file, BerTlvEF):
-            raise TypeError("Only works with BER-TLV EF")
-        # returns a string of hex nibbles
-        return, tag)
-    def retrieve_tags(self):
-        """Retrieve tags available on BER-TLV EF.
-        Returns:
-            list of integer tags contained in EF
-        """
-        if not isinstance(self.selected_file, BerTlvEF):
-            raise TypeError("Only works with BER-TLV EF")
-        data, sw =, 0x5c)
-        tag, length, value, remainder = bertlv_parse_one(h2b(data))
-        return list(value)
-    def set_data(self, tag: int, data_hex: str):
-        """Update a TLV/DO with given binary data
-        Args:
-            tag : Tag of TLV/DO to be written
-            data_hex : Hex string binary data to be written (value portion)
-        """
-        if not isinstance(self.selected_file, BerTlvEF):
-            raise TypeError("Only works with BER-TLV EF")
-        return, tag, data_hex,
-    def unregister_cmds(self, cmd_app=None):
-        """Unregister all file specific commands."""
-        if cmd_app and self.selected_file.shell_commands:
-            for c in self.selected_file.shell_commands:
-                cmd_app.unregister_command_set(c)
 def interpret_sw(sw_data: dict, sw: str):
     """Interpret a given status word.
@@ -1828,7 +1336,7 @@
-    def add_files(cls, rs: RuntimeState):
+    def add_files(cls, rs: 'RuntimeState'):
         """Add model specific files to given RuntimeState."""
@@ -1843,7 +1351,7 @@
         return False
-    def apply_matching_models(scc: SimCardCommands, rs: RuntimeState):
+    def apply_matching_models(scc: SimCardCommands, rs: 'RuntimeState'):
         """Check if any of the CardModel sub-classes 'match' the currently inserted card
         (by ATR or overriding the 'match' method). If so, call their 'add_files'