Speed up AT command interface (~130 times faster)

Previous implementation waits 300ms for response after
each command issued. But many commands finish earlier.

This patch improves the command execution time by frequently
checking for the response to complete (i.e. ends with
OK or ERROR), or the occurence of a timeout (default 200ms).

Timeout can be adapted per command to support long response
times of certain commands like AT+COPS=? (network search)

Execution time benchmark (20 AT commands/responses):
Previous: 6.010s (100.0%)
New code: 0.045s (  0.7%)

Change-Id: I69b1cbc0a20d54791e5800bf27ebafc2c8606d93
diff --git a/pySim/transport/modem_atcmd.py b/pySim/transport/modem_atcmd.py
index eef38cb..43614f1 100644
--- a/pySim/transport/modem_atcmd.py
+++ b/pySim/transport/modem_atcmd.py
@@ -32,53 +32,85 @@
 	def __init__(self, device:str='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate:int=115200, **kwargs):
 		self._sl = serial.Serial(device, baudrate, timeout=5)
+		self._echo = False		# this will be auto-detected by _check_echo()
 		self._device = device
 		self._atr = None
+		# Check the AT interface
+		self._check_echo()
 		# Trigger initial reset
 	def __del__(self):
-	def send_at_cmd(self, cmd):
+	def send_at_cmd(self, cmd, timeout=0.2, patience=0.002):
 		# Convert from string to bytes, if needed
 		bcmd = cmd if type(cmd) is bytes else cmd.encode()
 		bcmd += b'\r'
+		# Clean input buffer from previous/unexpected data
+		self._sl.reset_input_buffer()
 		# Send command to the modem
-		log.debug('Sending AT command: %s' % cmd)
+		log.debug('Sending AT command: %s', cmd)
 			wlen = self._sl.write(bcmd)
 			assert(wlen == len(bcmd))
 			raise ReaderError('Failed to send AT command: %s' % cmd)
-		# Give the modem some time...
-		time.sleep(0.3)
+		rsp = b''
+		its = 1
+		t_start = time.time()
+		while True:
+			rsp = rsp + self._sl.read(self._sl.in_waiting)
+			if rsp.endswith(b'OK\r\n'):
+				log.debug('Command finished with result: OK')
+				break
+			if rsp.endswith(b'ERROR\r\n'):
+				log.debug('Command finished with result: ERROR')
+				break
+			if time.time() - t_start >= timeout:
+				log.debug('Command finished with timeout >= %ss', timeout)
+				break
+			time.sleep(patience)
+			its += 1
+		log.debug('Command took %0.6fs (%d cycles a %fs)', time.time() - t_start, its, patience)
-		# Read the response
-		try:
-			# Skip characters sent back
-			self._sl.read(wlen)
-			# Read the rest
-			rsp = self._sl.read_all()
+		if self._echo:
+			# Skip echo chars
+			rsp = rsp[wlen:]
+		rsp = rsp.strip()
+		rsp = rsp.split(b'\r\n\r\n')
-			# Strip '\r\n'
-			rsp = rsp.strip()
-			# Split into a list
-			rsp = rsp.split(b'\r\n\r\n')
-		except:
-			raise ReaderError('Failed parse response to AT command: %s' % cmd)
-		log.debug('Got response from modem: %s' % rsp)
+		log.debug('Got response from modem: %s', rsp)
 		return rsp
-	def reset_card(self):
-		# Make sure that we can talk to the modem
-		if self.send_at_cmd('AT') != [b'OK']:
-			raise ReaderError('Failed to connect to modem')
+	def _check_echo(self):
+		"""Verify the correct response to 'AT' command
+		and detect if inputs are echoed by the device
+		Although echo of inputs can be enabled/disabled via
+		ATE1/ATE0, respectively, we rather detect the current
+		configuration of the modem without any change.
+		"""
+		# Next command shall not strip the echo from the response
+		self._echo = False
+		result = self.send_at_cmd('AT')
+		# Verify the response
+		if len(result) > 0:
+			if result[-1] == b'OK':
+				self._echo = False
+				return
+			elif result[-1] == b'AT\r\r\nOK':
+				self._echo = True
+				return
+		raise ReaderError('Interface \'%s\' does not respond to \'AT\' command' % self._device)
+	def reset_card(self):
 		# Reset the modem, just to be sure
 		if self.send_at_cmd('ATZ') != [b'OK']:
 			raise ReaderError('Failed to reset the modem')