library/PCUIF_Types.ttcn: add explicit ALIGN(left) attribute

In the documentation of Eclipse Titan compiler before [1] it was clearly
stated that if the length of the actual value can be determined and it
is less than the specified FIELDLENGTH, the remaining bits / bytes will
be padded with zeros. The attribute ALIGN specifies the sequence of the
actual value and the padding within the encoded field:

  Attribute syntax: ALIGN(<parameter>);
  Parameters allowed: left, right;
  Default value: 'right'.

Since [1], the default value is:

  'left' for octetstrings, 'right' for all other types.


In the most 'BTS_Tests.TC_pcu_*', including both 'TC_pcu_data_req_agch'
and 'TC_pcu_data_req_imm_ass_pch' we do pass the payload of length 23
bytes to ts_PCUIF_DATA_REQ(), what is less than the actual field length
(162 bytes). Thus when using titan.core <= 6.5.3, the payload appears
at the end of the buffer on the BTS side, so it reads 23 zero-bytes
from the beginning and does transmit them.

Let's explicitly add ALIGN(left) to field 'data' of 'PCUIF_data', so
the alignment would be done correctly, as expected by the BTS. Let's
also drop 'OCT162' type, as it doesn't make sense outside the
message definition.

This change makes the following test cases pass:

  - 'TC_pcu_data_req_agch' and
  - 'TC_pcu_data_req_imm_ass_pch'.

Change-Id: Ic4f358e5053e30e0dd7be8b6ac9c1d86cf9d8065
1 file changed