Import BSSAP+, BSSGP, BSSMAP, GTP, GTPv2, LLC and MobileL3

this has been kindly provided by Ericsson and will soon (September-ish)
be released officially as FOSS on the git server.
diff --git a/BSSMAP_v11.2.0_CNL113761_LATEST/src/BSSMAP_V11.2.0.grp b/BSSMAP_v11.2.0_CNL113761_LATEST/src/BSSMAP_V11.2.0.grp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02e3cd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BSSMAP_v11.2.0_CNL113761_LATEST/src/BSSMAP_V11.2.0.grp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//                                                                           //
+// Copyright Test Competence Center (TCC) ETH 2012                           //
+//                                                                           //
+// The copyright to the computer  program(s) herein  is the property of TCC. //
+// The program(s) may be used and/or copied only with the written permission //
+// of TCC or in accordance with  the terms and conditions  stipulated in the //
+// agreement/contract under which the program(s) has been supplied.          //
+//                                                                           //
+//  File:               BSSMAP_V11.2.0.grp
+//  Description:        BSSMAP_V11.2.0 Protocol Module group file
+//  Rev:                R1A01
+//  Prodnr:             CNL 113 761
+//  Updated:            2012-11-06
+//  Contact:  
+<!DOCTYPE TITAN_GUI_FileGroup_file>
+<FileGroup TITAN_version="1.10.pl0" >
+    <File_Group name="BSSMAP_V11.2.0" >
+        <File path="BSSAP_Types.ttcn" />
+    </File_Group>