MGCP_CodecPort: Update to IPL4asp R.29.A of 2017-Oct-17

This introduces a new ASP_ConnId_ReadyToRelease which we must
handle in the translation port
diff --git a/mgw/MGCP_CodecPort.ttcn b/mgw/MGCP_CodecPort.ttcn
index 6fedeeb..06072af 100644
--- a/mgw/MGCP_CodecPort.ttcn
+++ b/mgw/MGCP_CodecPort.ttcn
@@ -54,10 +54,12 @@
 	type port MGCP_CODEC_PT message {
 		out	MGCP_Send;
 		in	MGCP_RecvFrom,
+			ASP_ConnId_ReadyToRelease,
 	} with { extension "user IPL4asp_PT
 		out(MGCP_Send -> ASP_Send:function(MGCP_to_IPL4_Send))
 		in(ASP_RecvFrom -> MGCP_RecvFrom: function(IPL4_to_MGCP_RecvFrom);
+		   ASP_ConnId_ReadyToRelease -> ASP_ConnId_ReadyToRelease: simple;
 		   ASP_Event -> ASP_Event: simple)"