add, call from

Compare current test results to the expected results, and exit in error on

Add (trivially) grep junit xml output to determine which
tests passed and which didn't, and compare against an expected-result.log,
another junit file from a previous run. Summarize and determine success.

Include an "xfail" feature: tests that are expected to fail are marked as
"xfail", unexpected failures as "FAIL".

In various subdirs, copy the current jenkins jobs' junit xml outputs as
expected-results.log, so that we will start getting useful output in both
jenkins runs and manual local runs.

In, after running the tests, invoke the results comparison.

Due to the single-line parsing nature, the script so far does not distinguish
between error and failure. I doubt that we actually need to do that though.

Related: OS#3136
Change-Id: I87d62a8be73d73a5eeff61a842e7c27a0066079d
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cb80a0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+usage() {
+  echo "
+  $(basename "$0") expected_results.junit-log current_results.junit-log [--allow-* [...]]
+Return 0 if the expected results match the current results exactly.
+  --allow-skip   Allow runnning less tests than are listed in the expected file.
+                 Default is to return failure on any skipped tests.
+  --allow-new    Allow more test results than found in the expected file.
+                 Default is to return failure on any unknown tests.
+  --allow-xpass  If a test was expected to fail but passed, return success.
+                 Default is to return failure on any mismatch.
+if [ ! -f "$expected_file" ]; then
+  usage
+  echo "Expected file not found: '$expected_file'"
+  exit 1
+if [ ! -f "$results_file" ]; then
+  usage
+  echo "Current results file not found: '$results_file'"
+  exit 1
+while test -n "$1"; do
+  arg="$1"
+  if [ "x$arg" = "x--allow-xpass" ]; then
+    allow_xpass=1
+  elif [ "x$arg" = "x--allow-skip" ]; then
+    allow_skip=1
+  elif [ "x$arg" = "x--allow-new" ]; then
+    allow_new=1
+  else
+    usage
+    echo "Unknown argument: '$arg'"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  shift
+echo "Comparing expected results $expected_file against results in $results_file
+parse_testcase() {
+  line="$1"
+  suite_name="$(echo "$line" | sed 's,.*classname='"'"'\([^'"'"']*\)'"'"'.*,\1,')"
+  test_name="$(echo "$line" | sed 's,.*\<name='"'"'\([^'"'"']*\)'"'"'.*,\1,')"
+  if [ -n "$(echo "$line" | grep '/>$')" ]; then
+    test_result="pass"
+  else
+    test_result="FAIL"
+  fi
+while read line; do
+  parse_testcase "$line"
+  exp_suite_name="$suite_name"
+  exp_test_name="$test_name"
+  exp_test_result="$test_result"
+  matched="0"
+  while read line; do
+    parse_testcase "$line"
+    if [ "x$exp_suite_name" != "x$suite_name" ]; then
+      continue
+    fi
+    if [ "x$exp_test_name" != "x$test_name" ]; then
+      continue
+    fi
+    if [ "x$exp_test_result" = "x$test_result" ]; then
+      if [ "x$exp_test_result" = "xFAIL" ]; then
+        exp_test_result="xfail"
+	(( xfail += 1 ))
+      else
+        (( pass += 1 ))
+      fi
+      echo "$exp_test_result $suite_name.$test_name"
+    else
+      if [ "x$exp_test_result" = "xFAIL" ]; then
+        exp_test_result="xfail"
+      fi
+      echo "$exp_test_result->$test_result $suite_name.$test_name"
+      if [ "x$test_result" = "xFAIL" ]; then
+        (( more_failures += 1 ))
+      else
+	(( more_successes += 1 ))
+      fi
+    fi
+    matched="1"
+    break
+  done <<< "$(grep "<testcase" "$results_file")"
+  if [ "x$matched" = "x0" ]; then
+    echo "skipped $exp_suite_name.$exp_test_name"
+    (( skipped += 1 ))
+  fi
+done <<< "$(grep "<testcase" "$expected_file")"
+# Also catch all new tests that aren't covered in the expected results
+while read line; do
+  parse_testcase "$line"
+  got_suite_name="$suite_name"
+  got_test_name="$test_name"
+  got_test_result="$test_result"
+  matched="0"
+  while read line; do
+    parse_testcase "$line"
+    if [ "x$got_suite_name" != "x$suite_name" ]; then
+      continue
+    fi
+    if [ "x$got_test_name" != "x$test_name" ]; then
+      continue
+    fi
+    matched="1"
+    break
+  done <<< "$(grep "<testcase" "$expected_file")"
+  if [ "x$matched" = "x0" ]; then
+    echo "NEW-$got_test_result $got_suite_name.$got_test_name"
+    (( new += 1 ))
+  fi
+done <<< "$(grep "<testcase" "$results_file")"
+echo "--------------------"
+if [ "x$pass" != x0 ]; then
+  echo "$pass pass"
+if [ "x$xfail" != x0 ]; then
+  echo "$xfail xfail"
+if [ "x$skipped" != x0 ]; then
+  echo "$skipped skipped"
+  if [ "x$allow_skip" = x0 ]; then
+    overall_verdict=4
+    echo "   Failing due to skipped tests. If tests were removed, update the expected results!"
+  fi
+if [ "x$new" != x0 ]; then
+  echo "$new new"
+  if [ "x$allow_new" = x0 ]; then
+    overall_verdict=3
+    echo "   Failing due to new tests. Update the expected results!"
+  fi
+if [ "x$more_successes" != x0 ]; then
+  echo "$more_successes pass unexpectedly"
+  if [ "x$allow_xpass" = x0 ]; then
+    overall_verdict=2
+    echo "   Update the expected results!"
+  fi
+if [ "x$more_failures" != x0 ]; then
+  echo "$more_failures FAIL"
+  overall_verdict=1
+if [ "x$overall_verdict" != x0 ]; then
+  echo "FAILURE"
+  echo "ok"
+exit $overall_verdict