BSC_Tests_CBSP.ttcn: Fix tons of compiler warnings

the argument given to tr_ASP_RSL_UD() needs a 'present' qualifier, as it
cannot be 'omit'

 BSC_Tests_CBSP.ttcn:524.1-537.1: In testcase definition `TC_cbsp_write_lac':
  BSC_Tests_CBSP.ttcn:532.2-535.2: In interleave statement:
   BSC_Tests_CBSP.ttcn:533.5-41: In guard operation:
    BSC_Tests_CBSP.ttcn:533.5-41: In receive statement:
     BSC_Tests_CBSP.ttcn:533.37-40: In actual parameter list of template `@IPA_Emulation.tr_ASP_RSL_UD':
      BSC_Tests_CBSP.ttcn:533.38-39: In parameter #1 for `rsl':
       BSC_Tests_CBSP.ttcn:533.38-39: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template variable `tr', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
       BSC_Tests_CBSP.ttcn:531.27-82: note: Referenced template variable is here
   BSC_Tests_CBSP.ttcn:534.5-41: In guard operation:
    BSC_Tests_CBSP.ttcn:534.5-41: In receive statement:
     BSC_Tests_CBSP.ttcn:534.37-40: In actual parameter list of template `@IPA_Emulation.tr_ASP_RSL_UD':
      BSC_Tests_CBSP.ttcn:534.38-39: In parameter #1 for `rsl':
       BSC_Tests_CBSP.ttcn:534.38-39: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template variable `tr', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
       BSC_Tests_CBSP.ttcn:531.27-82: note: Referenced template variable is here

Change-Id: Id64e8e135b690c34293487304d7a175b5b56265b
1 file changed