Adding in the missing Transceiver52M directory

git-svn-id: 19bc5d8c-e614-43d4-8b26-e1612bc8e597
diff --git a/Transceiver52M/radioInterface.cpp b/Transceiver52M/radioInterface.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5266bfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Transceiver52M/radioInterface.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+* Copyright 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero Public License.
+* See the COPYING file in the main directory for details.
+* This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions.
+* See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details.
+	This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+	(at your option) any later version.
+	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+	along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+//#define NDEBUG
+#include "radioInterface.h"
+#include <Logger.h>
+GSM::Time VectorQueue::nextTime() const
+  GSM::Time retVal;
+  ScopedLock lock(mLock);
+  while (mQ.size()==0) mWriteSignal.wait(mLock);
+  return>time();
+radioVector* VectorQueue::getStaleBurst(const GSM::Time& targTime)
+  ScopedLock lock(mLock);
+  if ((mQ.size()==0)) {
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  if (>time() < targTime) {
+    radioVector* retVal =;
+    mQ.pop();
+    return retVal;
+  }
+  return NULL;
+radioVector* VectorQueue::getCurrentBurst(const GSM::Time& targTime)
+  ScopedLock lock(mLock);
+  if ((mQ.size()==0)) {
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  if (>time() == targTime) {
+    radioVector* retVal =;
+    mQ.pop();
+    return retVal;
+  }
+  return NULL;
+RadioInterface::RadioInterface(RadioDevice *wRadio,
+                               int wReceiveOffset,
+			       int wRadioOversampling,
+			       int wTransceiverOversampling,
+			       GSM::Time wStartTime)
+  underrun = false;
+  sendCursor = 0; 
+  rcvCursor = 0;
+  mOn = false;
+  mRadio = wRadio;
+  receiveOffset = wReceiveOffset;
+  samplesPerSymbol = wRadioOversampling;
+  mClock.set(wStartTime);
+  powerScaling = 1.0;
+RadioInterface::~RadioInterface(void) {
+  if (rcvBuffer!=NULL) delete rcvBuffer;
+  //mReceiveFIFO.clear();
+double RadioInterface::fullScaleInputValue(void) {
+  return mRadio->fullScaleInputValue();
+double RadioInterface::fullScaleOutputValue(void) {
+  return mRadio->fullScaleOutputValue();
+void RadioInterface::setPowerAttenuation(double dBAtten)
+  float HWdBAtten = mRadio->setTxGain(-dBAtten);
+  dBAtten -= (-HWdBAtten);
+  float linearAtten = powf(10.0F,0.1F*dBAtten);
+  if (linearAtten < 1.0)
+    powerScaling = 1.0;
+  else
+    powerScaling = 1.0/sqrt(linearAtten);
+  LOG(INFO) << "setting HW gain to " << HWdBAtten << " and power scaling to " << powerScaling;
+short *RadioInterface::radioifyVector(signalVector &wVector, short *retVector, double scale, bool zeroOut) 
+  signalVector::iterator itr = wVector.begin();
+  short *shortItr = retVector;
+  if (zeroOut) {
+    while (itr < wVector.end()) {
+      *shortItr++ = 0;
+      *shortItr++ = 0;
+      itr++;
+    }
+  }
+  else if (scale != 1.0) { 
+    while (itr < wVector.end()) {
+      *shortItr++ = (short) (itr->real()*scale);
+      *shortItr++ = (short) (itr->imag()*scale);
+      itr++;
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    while (itr < wVector.end()) {
+      *shortItr++ = (short) (itr->real());
+      *shortItr++ = (short) (itr->imag());
+      itr++;
+    }
+  }
+  return retVector;
+void RadioInterface::unRadioifyVector(short *shortVector, signalVector& newVector)
+  signalVector::iterator itr = newVector.begin();
+  short *shortItr = shortVector;
+  while (itr < newVector.end()) {
+    *itr++ = Complex<float>(*shortItr,*(shortItr+1));
+    //LOG(DEBUG) << (*(itr-1));
+    shortItr += 2;
+  }
+bool started = false;
+void RadioInterface::pushBuffer(void) {
+  if (sendCursor < 2*INCHUNK*samplesPerSymbol) return;
+  // send resampleVector
+  int samplesWritten = mRadio->writeSamples(sendBuffer,
+					  INCHUNK*samplesPerSymbol,
+					  &underrun,
+					  writeTimestamp); 
+  //LOG(DEBUG) << "writeTimestamp: " << writeTimestamp << ", samplesWritten: " << samplesWritten;
+  writeTimestamp += (TIMESTAMP) samplesWritten;
+  if (sendCursor > 2*samplesWritten) 
+    memcpy(sendBuffer,sendBuffer+samplesWritten*2,sizeof(short)*2*(sendCursor-2*samplesWritten));
+  sendCursor = sendCursor - 2*samplesWritten;
+void RadioInterface::pullBuffer(void)
+  bool localUnderrun;
+   // receive receiveVector
+  short* shortVector = rcvBuffer+rcvCursor;  
+  //LOG(DEBUG) << "Reading USRP samples at timestamp " << readTimestamp;
+  int samplesRead = mRadio->readSamples(shortVector,OUTCHUNK*samplesPerSymbol,&overrun,readTimestamp,&localUnderrun);
+  underrun |= localUnderrun;
+  readTimestamp += (TIMESTAMP) samplesRead;
+  while (samplesRead < OUTCHUNK*samplesPerSymbol) {
+    int oldSamplesRead = samplesRead;
+    samplesRead += mRadio->readSamples(shortVector+2*samplesRead,
+				     OUTCHUNK*samplesPerSymbol-samplesRead,
+				     &overrun,
+				     readTimestamp,
+				     &localUnderrun);
+    underrun |= localUnderrun;
+    readTimestamp += (TIMESTAMP) (samplesRead - oldSamplesRead);
+  }
+  //LOG(DEBUG) << "samplesRead " << samplesRead;
+  rcvCursor += samplesRead*2;
+bool RadioInterface::tuneTx(double freq)
+  return mRadio->setTxFreq(freq);
+bool RadioInterface::tuneRx(double freq)
+  return mRadio->setRxFreq(freq);
+void RadioInterface::start()
+  LOG(INFO) << "starting radio interface...";
+  mAlignRadioServiceLoopThread.start((void * (*)(void*))AlignRadioServiceLoopAdapter,
+                                     (void*)this);
+  writeTimestamp = mRadio->initialWriteTimestamp();
+  readTimestamp = mRadio->initialReadTimestamp();
+  mRadio->start(); 
+  LOG(DEBUG) << "Radio started";
+  mRadio->updateAlignment(writeTimestamp-10000); 
+  mRadio->updateAlignment(writeTimestamp-10000);
+  sendBuffer = new short[2*2*INCHUNK*samplesPerSymbol];
+  rcvBuffer = new short[2*2*OUTCHUNK*samplesPerSymbol];
+  mOn = true;
+void *AlignRadioServiceLoopAdapter(RadioInterface *radioInterface)
+  while (1) {
+    radioInterface->alignRadio();
+    pthread_testcancel();
+  }
+  return NULL;
+void RadioInterface::alignRadio() {
+  sleep(60);
+  mRadio->updateAlignment(writeTimestamp+ (TIMESTAMP) 10000);
+void RadioInterface::driveTransmitRadio(signalVector &radioBurst, bool zeroBurst) {
+  if (!mOn) return;
+  radioifyVector(radioBurst, sendBuffer+sendCursor, powerScaling, zeroBurst);
+  sendCursor += (radioBurst.size()*2);
+  pushBuffer();
+void RadioInterface::driveReceiveRadio() {
+  if (!mOn) return;
+  if (mReceiveFIFO.size() > 8) return;
+  pullBuffer();
+  GSM::Time rcvClock = mClock.get();
+  rcvClock.decTN(receiveOffset);
+  unsigned tN = rcvClock.TN();
+  int rcvSz = rcvCursor/2;
+  int readSz = 0;
+  const int symbolsPerSlot = gSlotLen + 8;
+  // while there's enough data in receive buffer, form received 
+  //    GSM bursts and pass up to Transceiver
+  // Using the 157-156-156-156 symbols per timeslot format.
+  while (rcvSz > (symbolsPerSlot + (tN % 4 == 0))*samplesPerSymbol) {
+    signalVector rxVector((symbolsPerSlot + (tN % 4 == 0))*samplesPerSymbol);
+    unRadioifyVector(rcvBuffer+readSz*2,rxVector);
+    GSM::Time tmpTime = rcvClock;
+    if (rcvClock.FN() >= 0) {
+      //LOG(DEBUG) << "FN: " << rcvClock.FN();
+      radioVector *rxBurst = NULL;
+      if (!loadTest)
+        rxBurst = new radioVector(rxVector,tmpTime);
+      else {
+	if (tN % 4 == 0)
+	  rxBurst = new radioVector(*finalVec9,tmpTime);
+        else
+          rxBurst = new radioVector(*finalVec,tmpTime); 
+      }
+      mReceiveFIFO.put(rxBurst); 
+    }
+    mClock.incTN(); 
+    rcvClock.incTN();
+    //if (mReceiveFIFO.size() >= 16) mReceiveFIFO.wait(8);
+    //LOG(DEBUG) << "receiveFIFO: wrote radio vector at time: " << mClock.get() << ", new size: " << mReceiveFIFO.size() ;
+    readSz += (symbolsPerSlot+(tN % 4 == 0))*samplesPerSymbol;
+    rcvSz -= (symbolsPerSlot+(tN % 4 == 0))*samplesPerSymbol;
+    tN = rcvClock.TN();
+  }
+  if (readSz > 0) { 
+    memcpy(rcvBuffer,rcvBuffer+2*readSz,sizeof(short)*2*(rcvCursor-readSz));
+    rcvCursor = rcvCursor-2*readSz;
+  }