manuals: Update VTY documentation

Related: OS#1700
Change-Id: I4a5da9b2b1caa625754383b0f9a180e7503bc60e
diff --git a/doc/manuals/vty/osmo-pcu_vty_reference.xml b/doc/manuals/vty/osmo-pcu_vty_reference.xml
index bf1532d..235e307 100644
--- a/doc/manuals/vty/osmo-pcu_vty_reference.xml
+++ b/doc/manuals/vty/osmo-pcu_vty_reference.xml
@@ -1,941 +1,1781 @@
-<vtydoc xmlns='urn:osmocom:xml:libosmocore:vty:doc:1.0'>

-  <node id='0'>

-  </node>

-  <node id='1'>

-    <command id='show version'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='version' doc='Displays program version' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show online-help'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='online-help' doc='Online help' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='list'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='list' doc='Print command list' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='exit'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='help'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='enable'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='enable' doc='Turn on privileged mode command' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='terminal length &lt;0-512&gt;'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />

-        <param name='length' doc='Set number of lines on a screen' />

-        <param name='&lt;0-512&gt;' doc='Number of lines on screen (0 for no pausing)' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='terminal no length'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />

-        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

-        <param name='length' doc='Set number of lines on a screen' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='echo .MESSAGE'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='echo' doc='Echo a message back to the vty' />

-        <param name='.MESSAGE' doc='The message to echo' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='who'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='who' doc='Display who is on vty' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show history'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='history' doc='Display the session command history' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging enable'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='enable' doc='Enables logging to this vty' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging disable'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='disable' doc='Disables logging to this vty' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging filter all (0|1)'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='filter' doc='Filter log messages' />

-        <param name='all' doc='Do you want to log all messages?' />

-        <param name='0' doc='Only print messages matched by other filters' />

-        <param name='1' doc='Bypass filter and print all messages' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging color (0|1)'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='color' doc='Configure color-printing for log messages' />

-        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t use color for printing messages' />

-        <param name='1' doc='Use color for printing messages' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging timestamp (0|1)'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='timestamp' doc='Configure log message timestamping' />

-        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />

-        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with current timestamp' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging set-log-mask MASK'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='set-log-mask' doc='Set the logmask of this logging target' />

-        <param name='MASK' doc='The logmask to use' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging set log mask MASK'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='set' doc='Decide which categories to output.' />

-        <param name='log' doc='Log commands' />

-        <param name='mask' doc='Mask commands' />

-        <param name='MASK' doc='The logmask to use' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging level (all|csn1|l1if|rlcmac|rlcmacdata|rlcmacdl|rlcmacul|rlcmacsched|rlcmacmeas|bssgp|pcu|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms) (everything|debug|info|notice|error|fatal)'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />

-        <param name='all' doc='Global setting for all subsystems' />

-        <param name='csn1' doc='Concrete Syntax Notation One (CSN1)' />

-        <param name='l1if' doc='GPRS PCU L1 interface (L1IF)' />

-        <param name='rlcmac' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer (RLCMAC)' />

-        <param name='rlcmacdata' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Data (RLCMAC)' />

-        <param name='rlcmacdl' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Downlink (RLCMAC)' />

-        <param name='rlcmacul' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Uplink (RLCMAC)' />

-        <param name='rlcmacsched' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Scheduling (RLCMAC)' />

-        <param name='rlcmacmeas' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Measurements (RLCMAC)' />

-        <param name='bssgp' doc='GPRS BSS Gateway Protocol (BSSGP)' />

-        <param name='pcu' doc='GPRS Packet Control Unit (PCU)' />

-        <param name='lglobal' doc='Library-internal global log family' />

-        <param name='llapd' doc='LAPD in libosmogsm' />

-        <param name='linp' doc='A-bis Intput Subsystem' />

-        <param name='lmux' doc='A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex' />

-        <param name='lmi' doc='A-bis Input Driver for Signalling' />

-        <param name='lmib' doc='A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)' />

-        <param name='lsms' doc='Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)' />

-        <param name='everything' doc='Log simply everything' />

-        <param name='debug' doc='Log debug messages and higher levels' />

-        <param name='info' doc='Log informational messages and higher levels' />

-        <param name='notice' doc='Log noticable messages and higher levels' />

-        <param name='error' doc='Log error messages and higher levels' />

-        <param name='fatal' doc='Log only fatal messages' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show logging vty'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='logging' doc='Show current logging configuration' />

-        <param name='vty' doc='Show current logging configuration for this vty' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show alarms'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='alarms' doc='Show current logging configuration' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show bts statistics'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='bts' doc='BTS related functionality' />

-        <param name='statistics' doc='Statistics' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show tbf all'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='tbf' doc='information about all current TBFs' />

-        <param name='all' doc='(null)' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-  </node>

-  <node id='2'>

-  </node>

-  <node id='3'>

-    <command id='help'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='list'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='list' doc='Print command list' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write terminal'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-        <param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write file'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-        <param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write memory'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-        <param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show running-config'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='exit'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='disable'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='disable' doc='Turn off privileged mode command' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='configure terminal'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='configure' doc='Configuration from vty interface' />

-        <param name='terminal' doc='Configuration terminal' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='copy running-config startup-config'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='copy' doc='Copy configuration' />

-        <param name='running-config' doc='Copy running config to... ' />

-        <param name='startup-config' doc='Copy running config to startup config (same as write file)' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show startup-config'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='startup-config' doc='Contentes of startup configuration' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show version'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='version' doc='Displays program version' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show online-help'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='online-help' doc='Online help' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='terminal length &lt;0-512&gt;'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />

-        <param name='length' doc='Set number of lines on a screen' />

-        <param name='&lt;0-512&gt;' doc='Number of lines on screen (0 for no pausing)' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='terminal no length'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />

-        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

-        <param name='length' doc='Set number of lines on a screen' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='echo .MESSAGE'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='echo' doc='Echo a message back to the vty' />

-        <param name='.MESSAGE' doc='The message to echo' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='who'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='who' doc='Display who is on vty' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show history'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='history' doc='Display the session command history' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='terminal monitor'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />

-        <param name='monitor' doc='Copy debug output to the current terminal line' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='terminal no monitor'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />

-        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

-        <param name='monitor' doc='Copy debug output to the current terminal line' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging enable'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='enable' doc='Enables logging to this vty' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging disable'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='disable' doc='Disables logging to this vty' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging filter all (0|1)'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='filter' doc='Filter log messages' />

-        <param name='all' doc='Do you want to log all messages?' />

-        <param name='0' doc='Only print messages matched by other filters' />

-        <param name='1' doc='Bypass filter and print all messages' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging color (0|1)'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='color' doc='Configure color-printing for log messages' />

-        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t use color for printing messages' />

-        <param name='1' doc='Use color for printing messages' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging timestamp (0|1)'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='timestamp' doc='Configure log message timestamping' />

-        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />

-        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with current timestamp' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging set-log-mask MASK'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='set-log-mask' doc='Set the logmask of this logging target' />

-        <param name='MASK' doc='The logmask to use' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging set log mask MASK'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='set' doc='Decide which categories to output.' />

-        <param name='log' doc='Log commands' />

-        <param name='mask' doc='Mask commands' />

-        <param name='MASK' doc='The logmask to use' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging level (all|csn1|l1if|rlcmac|rlcmacdata|rlcmacdl|rlcmacul|rlcmacsched|rlcmacmeas|bssgp|pcu|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms) (everything|debug|info|notice|error|fatal)'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />

-        <param name='all' doc='Global setting for all subsystems' />

-        <param name='csn1' doc='Concrete Syntax Notation One (CSN1)' />

-        <param name='l1if' doc='GPRS PCU L1 interface (L1IF)' />

-        <param name='rlcmac' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer (RLCMAC)' />

-        <param name='rlcmacdata' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Data (RLCMAC)' />

-        <param name='rlcmacdl' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Downlink (RLCMAC)' />

-        <param name='rlcmacul' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Uplink (RLCMAC)' />

-        <param name='rlcmacsched' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Scheduling (RLCMAC)' />

-        <param name='rlcmacmeas' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Measurements (RLCMAC)' />

-        <param name='bssgp' doc='GPRS BSS Gateway Protocol (BSSGP)' />

-        <param name='pcu' doc='GPRS Packet Control Unit (PCU)' />

-        <param name='lglobal' doc='Library-internal global log family' />

-        <param name='llapd' doc='LAPD in libosmogsm' />

-        <param name='linp' doc='A-bis Intput Subsystem' />

-        <param name='lmux' doc='A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex' />

-        <param name='lmi' doc='A-bis Input Driver for Signalling' />

-        <param name='lmib' doc='A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)' />

-        <param name='lsms' doc='Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)' />

-        <param name='everything' doc='Log simply everything' />

-        <param name='debug' doc='Log debug messages and higher levels' />

-        <param name='info' doc='Log informational messages and higher levels' />

-        <param name='notice' doc='Log noticable messages and higher levels' />

-        <param name='error' doc='Log error messages and higher levels' />

-        <param name='fatal' doc='Log only fatal messages' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show logging vty'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='logging' doc='Show current logging configuration' />

-        <param name='vty' doc='Show current logging configuration for this vty' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show alarms'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='alarms' doc='Show current logging configuration' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show bts statistics'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='bts' doc='BTS related functionality' />

-        <param name='statistics' doc='Statistics' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show tbf all'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='tbf' doc='information about all current TBFs' />

-        <param name='all' doc='(null)' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-  </node>

-  <node id='4'>

-    <command id='help'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='list'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='list' doc='Print command list' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write terminal'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-        <param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write file'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-        <param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write memory'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-        <param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show running-config'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='exit'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='end'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode.' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='hostname WORD'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='hostname' doc='Set system&apos;s network name' />

-        <param name='WORD' doc='This system&apos;s network name' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='no hostname [HOSTNAME]'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

-        <param name='hostname' doc='Reset system&apos;s network name' />

-        <param name='[HOSTNAME]' doc='Host name of this router' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='password (8|) WORD'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='password' doc='Assign the terminal connection password' />

-        <param name='8' doc='Specifies a HIDDEN password will follow' />

-        <param name='' doc='dummy string ' />

-        <param name='WORD' doc='The HIDDEN line password string' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='password LINE'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='password' doc='Assign the terminal connection password' />

-        <param name='LINE' doc='The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) line password' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='enable password (8|) WORD'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='enable' doc='Modify enable password parameters' />

-        <param name='password' doc='Assign the privileged level password' />

-        <param name='8' doc='Specifies a HIDDEN password will follow' />

-        <param name='' doc='dummy string ' />

-        <param name='WORD' doc='The HIDDEN &apos;enable&apos; password string' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='enable password LINE'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='enable' doc='Modify enable password parameters' />

-        <param name='password' doc='Assign the privileged level password' />

-        <param name='LINE' doc='The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) &apos;enable&apos; password' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='no enable password'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

-        <param name='enable' doc='Modify enable password parameters' />

-        <param name='password' doc='Assign the privileged level password' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='banner motd default'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='banner' doc='Set banner string' />

-        <param name='motd' doc='Strings for motd' />

-        <param name='default' doc='Default string' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='banner motd file [FILE]'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='banner' doc='Set banner' />

-        <param name='motd' doc='Banner for motd' />

-        <param name='file' doc='Banner from a file' />

-        <param name='[FILE]' doc='Filename' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='no banner motd'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

-        <param name='banner' doc='Set banner string' />

-        <param name='motd' doc='Strings for motd' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='service terminal-length &lt;0-512&gt;'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='service' doc='Set up miscellaneous service' />

-        <param name='terminal-length' doc='System wide terminal length configuration' />

-        <param name='&lt;0-512&gt;' doc='Number of lines of VTY (0 means no line control)' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='no service terminal-length [&lt;0-512&gt;]'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

-        <param name='service' doc='Set up miscellaneous service' />

-        <param name='terminal-length' doc='System wide terminal length configuration' />

-        <param name='[&lt;0-512&gt;]' doc='Number of lines of VTY (0 means no line control)' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='line vty'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='line' doc='Configure a terminal line' />

-        <param name='vty' doc='Virtual terminal' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='service advanced-vty'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='service' doc='Set up miscellaneous service' />

-        <param name='advanced-vty' doc='Enable advanced mode vty interface' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='no service advanced-vty'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

-        <param name='service' doc='Set up miscellaneous service' />

-        <param name='advanced-vty' doc='Enable advanced mode vty interface' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show history'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='history' doc='Display the session command history' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='log stderr'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />

-        <param name='stderr' doc='Logging via STDERR of the process' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='no log stderr'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

-        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />

-        <param name='stderr' doc='Logging via STDERR of the process' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='log file .FILENAME'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />

-        <param name='file' doc='Logging to text file' />

-        <param name='.FILENAME' doc='Filename' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='no log file .FILENAME'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

-        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />

-        <param name='file' doc='Logging to text file' />

-        <param name='.FILENAME' doc='Filename' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='log alarms &lt;2-32700&gt;'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />

-        <param name='alarms' doc='Logging alarms to osmo_strrb' />

-        <param name='&lt;2-32700&gt;' doc='Maximum number of messages to log' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='no log alarms'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

-        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />

-        <param name='alarms' doc='Logging alarms to osmo_strrb' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='log syslog (authpriv|cron|daemon|ftp|lpr|mail|news|user|uucp)'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />

-        <param name='syslog' doc='Logging via syslog' />

-        <param name='authpriv' doc='Security/authorization messages facility' />

-        <param name='cron' doc='Clock daemon (cron/at) facility' />

-        <param name='daemon' doc='General system daemon facility' />

-        <param name='ftp' doc='Ftp daemon facility' />

-        <param name='lpr' doc='Line printer facility' />

-        <param name='mail' doc='Mail facility' />

-        <param name='news' doc='News facility' />

-        <param name='user' doc='Generic facility' />

-        <param name='uucp' doc='UUCP facility' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='log syslog local &lt;0-7&gt;'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />

-        <param name='syslog' doc='Logging via syslog' />

-        <param name='local' doc='Syslog LOCAL facility' />

-        <param name='&lt;0-7&gt;' doc='Local facility number' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='no log syslog'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

-        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />

-        <param name='syslog' doc='Logging via syslog' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='pcu'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='pcu' doc='BTS specific configure' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-  </node>

-  <node id='7'>

-    <command id='help'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='list'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='list' doc='Print command list' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write terminal'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-        <param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write file'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-        <param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write memory'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-        <param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show running-config'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='exit'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='end'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode.' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging filter all (0|1)'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='filter' doc='Filter log messages' />

-        <param name='all' doc='Do you want to log all messages?' />

-        <param name='0' doc='Only print messages matched by other filters' />

-        <param name='1' doc='Bypass filter and print all messages' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging color (0|1)'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='color' doc='Configure color-printing for log messages' />

-        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t use color for printing messages' />

-        <param name='1' doc='Use color for printing messages' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging timestamp (0|1)'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='timestamp' doc='Configure log message timestamping' />

-        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />

-        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with current timestamp' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='logging level (all|csn1|l1if|rlcmac|rlcmacdata|rlcmacdl|rlcmacul|rlcmacsched|rlcmacmeas|bssgp|pcu|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms) (everything|debug|info|notice|error|fatal)'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

-        <param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />

-        <param name='all' doc='Global setting for all subsystems' />

-        <param name='csn1' doc='Concrete Syntax Notation One (CSN1)' />

-        <param name='l1if' doc='GPRS PCU L1 interface (L1IF)' />

-        <param name='rlcmac' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer (RLCMAC)' />

-        <param name='rlcmacdata' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Data (RLCMAC)' />

-        <param name='rlcmacdl' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Downlink (RLCMAC)' />

-        <param name='rlcmacul' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Uplink (RLCMAC)' />

-        <param name='rlcmacsched' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Scheduling (RLCMAC)' />

-        <param name='rlcmacmeas' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Measurements (RLCMAC)' />

-        <param name='bssgp' doc='GPRS BSS Gateway Protocol (BSSGP)' />

-        <param name='pcu' doc='GPRS Packet Control Unit (PCU)' />

-        <param name='lglobal' doc='Library-internal global log family' />

-        <param name='llapd' doc='LAPD in libosmogsm' />

-        <param name='linp' doc='A-bis Intput Subsystem' />

-        <param name='lmux' doc='A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex' />

-        <param name='lmi' doc='A-bis Input Driver for Signalling' />

-        <param name='lmib' doc='A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)' />

-        <param name='lsms' doc='Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)' />

-        <param name='everything' doc='Log simply everything' />

-        <param name='debug' doc='Log debug messages and higher levels' />

-        <param name='info' doc='Log informational messages and higher levels' />

-        <param name='notice' doc='Log noticable messages and higher levels' />

-        <param name='error' doc='Log error messages and higher levels' />

-        <param name='fatal' doc='Log only fatal messages' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-  </node>

-  <node id='8'>

-    <command id='help'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='list'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='list' doc='Print command list' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write terminal'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-        <param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write file'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-        <param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write memory'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-        <param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show running-config'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='exit'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='end'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode.' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='login'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='login' doc='Enable password checking' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='no login'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

-        <param name='login' doc='Enable password checking' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-  </node>

-  <node id='14'>

-    <command id='help'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='list'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='list' doc='Print command list' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write terminal'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-        <param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write file'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-        <param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write memory'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-        <param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='write'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='show running-config'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

-        <param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='no two-phase-access'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

-        <param name='two-phase-access' doc='Only use two phase access when requested my MS' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='cs &lt;1-4&gt; [&lt;1-4&gt;]'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='cs' doc='Set the Coding Scheme to be used, (overrides BTS config)' />

-        <param name='&lt;1-4&gt;' doc='Initial CS used' />

-        <param name='[&lt;1-4&gt;]' doc='Alternative uplink CS' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='no cs'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

-        <param name='cs' doc='Don&apos;t force given Coding Scheme, (use BTS config)' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='queue lifetime &lt;1-65534&gt;'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='queue' doc='Packet queue options' />

-        <param name='lifetime' doc='Set lifetime limit of LLC frame in centi-seconds (overrides the value given by SGSN)' />

-        <param name='&lt;1-65534&gt;' doc='Lifetime in centi-seconds' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='queue lifetime infinite'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='queue' doc='Packet queue options' />

-        <param name='lifetime' doc='Set lifetime limit of LLC frame in centi-seconds (overrides the value given by SGSN)' />

-        <param name='infinite' doc='Infinite lifetime' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='no queue lifetime'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

-        <param name='queue' doc='Packet queue options' />

-        <param name='lifetime' doc='Disable lifetime limit of LLC frame (use value given by SGSN)' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='alloc-algorithm (a|b)'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='alloc-algorithm' doc='Select slot allocation algorithm to use when assigning timeslots on PACCH' />

-        <param name='a' doc='Single slot is assigned only' />

-        <param name='b' doc='Multiple slots are assigned for semi-duplex operation' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='two-phase-access'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='two-phase-access' doc='Force two phase access when MS requests single phase access' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='flow-control-interval &lt;1-10&gt;'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='flow-control-interval' doc='Interval between sending subsequent Flow Control PDUs' />

-        <param name='&lt;1-10&gt;' doc='Interval time in seconds' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='alpha &lt;0-10&gt;'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='alpha' doc='Alpha parameter for MS power control in units of 0.1 (see TS 05.08) NOTE: Be sure to set Alpha value at System information 13 too.' />

-        <param name='&lt;0-10&gt;' doc='Alpha in units of 0.1' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='gamma &lt;0-62&gt;'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='gamma' doc='Gamma parameter for MS power control in units of dB (see TS 05.08)' />

-        <param name='&lt;0-62&gt;' doc='Gamma in even unit of dBs' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-    <command id='end'>

-      <params>

-        <param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode' />

-      </params>

-    </command>

-  </node>

\ No newline at end of file
+<vtydoc xmlns='urn:osmocom:xml:libosmocore:vty:doc:1.0'>
+  <node id='_common_cmds_'>
+    <name>Common Commands</name>
+    <description>These commands are available on all VTY nodes. They are listed here only once, to unclutter the VTY reference.</description>
+    <command id='help'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='list'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='list' doc='Print command list' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='write terminal'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
+        <param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='write file'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
+        <param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='write memory'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
+        <param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='write'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show running-config'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='exit'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='end'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode.' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+  </node>
+  <node id='view'>
+    <name>view</name>
+    <command id='show version'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='version' doc='Displays program version' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show online-help'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='online-help' doc='Online help' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='enable'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='enable' doc='Turn on privileged mode command' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='terminal length &lt;0-512&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />
+        <param name='length' doc='Set number of lines on a screen' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-512&gt;' doc='Number of lines on screen (0 for no pausing)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='terminal no length'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='length' doc='Set number of lines on a screen' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='who'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='who' doc='Display who is on vty' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show history'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='history' doc='Display the session command history' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging enable'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='enable' doc='Enables logging to this vty' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging disable'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='disable' doc='Disables logging to this vty' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging filter all (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='filter' doc='Filter log messages' />
+        <param name='all' doc='Do you want to log all messages?' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Only print messages matched by other filters' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Bypass filter and print all messages' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging color (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='color' doc='Configure color-printing for log messages' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t use color for printing messages' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Use color for printing messages' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging timestamp (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='timestamp' doc='Configure log message timestamping' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with current timestamp' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging print extended-timestamp (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='print' doc='Log output settings' />
+        <param name='extended-timestamp' doc='Configure log message timestamping' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with current timestamp with YYYYMMDDhhmmssnnn' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging print category (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='print' doc='Log output settings' />
+        <param name='category' doc='Configure log message' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with category/subsystem name' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging print category-hex (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='print' doc='Log output settings' />
+        <param name='category-hex' doc='Configure log message' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with category/subsystem nr in hex (&apos;&lt;000b&gt;&apos;)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging print level (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='print' doc='Log output settings' />
+        <param name='level' doc='Configure log message' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with the log level name' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging print file (0|1|basename) [last]'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='print' doc='Log output settings' />
+        <param name='file' doc='Configure log message' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with the source file and line' />
+        <param name='basename' doc='Prefix each log message with the source file&apos;s basename (strip leading paths) and line' />
+        <param name='[last]' doc='Log source file info at the end of a log line. If omitted, log source file info just before the log text.' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging set-log-mask MASK'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='set-log-mask' doc='Set the logmask of this logging target' />
+        <param name='MASK' doc='List of logging categories to log, e.g. &apos;abc:mno:xyz&apos;. Available log categories depend on the specific application, refer to the &apos;logging level&apos; command. Optionally add individual log levels like &apos;abc,1:mno,3:xyz,5&apos;, where the level numbers are LOGL_DEBUG=1 LOGL_INFO=3 LOGL_NOTICE=5 LOGL_ERROR=7 LOGL_FATAL=8' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging level (csn1|l1if|rlcmac|rlcmacdata|rlcmacdl|rlcmacul|rlcmacsched|rlcmacmeas|tbf|tbfdl|tbful|ns|bssgp|pcu|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms|lctrl|lgtp|lstats|lgsup|loap|lss7|lsccp|lsua|lm3ua|lmgcp|ljibuf|lrspro) (debug|info|notice|error|fatal)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />
+        <param name='csn1' doc='Concrete Syntax Notation One (CSN1)' />
+        <param name='l1if' doc='GPRS PCU L1 interface (L1IF)' />
+        <param name='rlcmac' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer (RLCMAC)' />
+        <param name='rlcmacdata' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Data (RLCMAC)' />
+        <param name='rlcmacdl' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Downlink (RLCMAC)' />
+        <param name='rlcmacul' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Uplink (RLCMAC)' />
+        <param name='rlcmacsched' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Scheduling (RLCMAC)' />
+        <param name='rlcmacmeas' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Measurements (RLCMAC)' />
+        <param name='tbf' doc='Temporary Block Flow (TBF)' />
+        <param name='tbfdl' doc='Temporary Block Flow (TBF) Downlink' />
+        <param name='tbful' doc='Temporary Block Flow (TBF) Uplink' />
+        <param name='ns' doc='GPRS Network Service Protocol (NS)' />
+        <param name='bssgp' doc='GPRS BSS Gateway Protocol (BSSGP)' />
+        <param name='pcu' doc='GPRS Packet Control Unit (PCU)' />
+        <param name='lglobal' doc='Library-internal global log family' />
+        <param name='llapd' doc='LAPD in libosmogsm' />
+        <param name='linp' doc='A-bis Intput Subsystem' />
+        <param name='lmux' doc='A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex' />
+        <param name='lmi' doc='A-bis Input Driver for Signalling' />
+        <param name='lmib' doc='A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)' />
+        <param name='lsms' doc='Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)' />
+        <param name='lctrl' doc='Control Interface' />
+        <param name='lgtp' doc='GPRS GTP library' />
+        <param name='lstats' doc='Statistics messages and logging' />
+        <param name='lgsup' doc='Generic Subscriber Update Protocol' />
+        <param name='loap' doc='Osmocom Authentication Protocol' />
+        <param name='lss7' doc='libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7' />
+        <param name='lsccp' doc='libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementation' />
+        <param name='lsua' doc='libosmo-sigtran SCCP User Adaptation' />
+        <param name='lm3ua' doc='libosmo-sigtran MTP3 User Adaptation' />
+        <param name='lmgcp' doc='libosmo-mgcp Media Gateway Control Protocol' />
+        <param name='ljibuf' doc='libosmo-netif Jitter Buffer' />
+        <param name='lrspro' doc='Remote SIM protocol' />
+        <param name='debug' doc='Log debug messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='info' doc='Log informational messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='notice' doc='Log noticeable messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='error' doc='Log error messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='fatal' doc='Log only fatal messages' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging level set-all (debug|info|notice|error|fatal)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />
+        <param name='set-all' doc='Once-off set all categories to the given log level. There is no single command to take back these changes -- each category is set to the given level, period.' />
+        <param name='debug' doc='Log debug messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='info' doc='Log informational messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='notice' doc='Log noticeable messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='error' doc='Log error messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='fatal' doc='Log only fatal messages' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging level force-all (debug|info|notice|error|fatal)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />
+        <param name='force-all' doc='Globally force all logging categories to a specific level. This is released by the &apos;no logging level force-all&apos; command. Note: any &apos;logging level &lt;category&gt; &lt;level&gt;&apos; commands will have no visible effect after this, until the forced level is released.' />
+        <param name='debug' doc='Log debug messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='info' doc='Log informational messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='notice' doc='Log noticeable messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='error' doc='Log error messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='fatal' doc='Log only fatal messages' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no logging level force-all'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />
+        <param name='force-all' doc='Release any globally forced log level set with &apos;logging level force-all &lt;level&gt;&apos;' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show logging vty'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='logging' doc='Show current logging configuration' />
+        <param name='vty' doc='Show current logging configuration for this vty' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show alarms'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='alarms' doc='Show current logging configuration' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show stats'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='stats' doc='Show statistical values' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show stats level (global|peer|subscriber)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='stats' doc='Show statistical values' />
+        <param name='level' doc='Set the maximum group level' />
+        <param name='global' doc='Show global groups only' />
+        <param name='peer' doc='Show global and network peer related groups' />
+        <param name='subscriber' doc='Show global, peer, and subscriber groups' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show asciidoc counters'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='asciidoc' doc='Asciidoc generation' />
+        <param name='counters' doc='Generate table of all registered counters' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show rate-counters'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='rate-counters' doc='Show all rate counters' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show bts statistics'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='bts' doc='BTS related functionality' />
+        <param name='statistics' doc='Statistics' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show tbf (all|ccch|pacch)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='tbf' doc='information about TBFs' />
+        <param name='all' doc='All TBFs' />
+        <param name='ccch' doc='TBFs allocated via CCCH' />
+        <param name='pacch' doc='TBFs allocated via PACCH' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show ms all'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='ms' doc='information about MSs' />
+        <param name='all' doc='All TBFs' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show ms tlli TLLI'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='ms' doc='information about MSs' />
+        <param name='tlli' doc='Select MS by TLLI' />
+        <param name='TLLI' doc='TLLI as hex' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show ms imsi IMSI'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='ms' doc='information about MSs' />
+        <param name='imsi' doc='Select MS by IMSI' />
+        <param name='IMSI' doc='IMSI' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show ns'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='ns' doc='Display information about the NS protocol' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show ns stats'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='ns' doc='Display information about the NS protocol' />
+        <param name='stats' doc='Include statistics' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show ns persistent'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='ns' doc='Display information about the NS protocol' />
+        <param name='persistent' doc='Show only persistent NS' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show ns (nsei|nsvc) &lt;0-65535&gt; [stats]'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='ns' doc='Display information about the NS protocol' />
+        <param name='nsei' doc='Select one NSE by its NSE Identifier' />
+        <param name='nsvc' doc='Select one NSE by its NS-VC Identifier' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='The Identifier of selected type' />
+        <param name='[stats]' doc='Include Statistics' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging filter nsvc (nsei|nsvci) &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='filter' doc='Filter log messages' />
+        <param name='nsvc' doc='Filter based on NS Virtual Connection' />
+        <param name='nsei' doc='Identify NS-VC by NSEI' />
+        <param name='nsvci' doc='Identify NS-VC by NSVCI' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='Numeric identifier' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+  </node>
+  <node id='enable'>
+    <name>enable</name>
+    <command id='disable'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='disable' doc='Turn off privileged mode command' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='configure terminal'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='configure' doc='Configuration from vty interface' />
+        <param name='terminal' doc='Configuration terminal' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='copy running-config startup-config'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='copy' doc='Copy configuration' />
+        <param name='running-config' doc='Copy running config to... ' />
+        <param name='startup-config' doc='Copy running config to startup config (same as write file)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show startup-config'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='startup-config' doc='Contentes of startup configuration' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show version'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='version' doc='Displays program version' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show online-help'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='online-help' doc='Online help' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='terminal length &lt;0-512&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />
+        <param name='length' doc='Set number of lines on a screen' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-512&gt;' doc='Number of lines on screen (0 for no pausing)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='terminal no length'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='length' doc='Set number of lines on a screen' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='who'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='who' doc='Display who is on vty' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show history'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='history' doc='Display the session command history' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='terminal monitor'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />
+        <param name='monitor' doc='Copy debug output to the current terminal line' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='terminal no monitor'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='monitor' doc='Copy debug output to the current terminal line' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging enable'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='enable' doc='Enables logging to this vty' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging disable'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='disable' doc='Disables logging to this vty' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging filter all (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='filter' doc='Filter log messages' />
+        <param name='all' doc='Do you want to log all messages?' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Only print messages matched by other filters' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Bypass filter and print all messages' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging color (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='color' doc='Configure color-printing for log messages' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t use color for printing messages' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Use color for printing messages' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging timestamp (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='timestamp' doc='Configure log message timestamping' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with current timestamp' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging print extended-timestamp (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='print' doc='Log output settings' />
+        <param name='extended-timestamp' doc='Configure log message timestamping' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with current timestamp with YYYYMMDDhhmmssnnn' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging print category (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='print' doc='Log output settings' />
+        <param name='category' doc='Configure log message' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with category/subsystem name' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging print category-hex (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='print' doc='Log output settings' />
+        <param name='category-hex' doc='Configure log message' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with category/subsystem nr in hex (&apos;&lt;000b&gt;&apos;)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging print level (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='print' doc='Log output settings' />
+        <param name='level' doc='Configure log message' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with the log level name' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging print file (0|1|basename) [last]'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='print' doc='Log output settings' />
+        <param name='file' doc='Configure log message' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with the source file and line' />
+        <param name='basename' doc='Prefix each log message with the source file&apos;s basename (strip leading paths) and line' />
+        <param name='[last]' doc='Log source file info at the end of a log line. If omitted, log source file info just before the log text.' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging set-log-mask MASK'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='set-log-mask' doc='Set the logmask of this logging target' />
+        <param name='MASK' doc='List of logging categories to log, e.g. &apos;abc:mno:xyz&apos;. Available log categories depend on the specific application, refer to the &apos;logging level&apos; command. Optionally add individual log levels like &apos;abc,1:mno,3:xyz,5&apos;, where the level numbers are LOGL_DEBUG=1 LOGL_INFO=3 LOGL_NOTICE=5 LOGL_ERROR=7 LOGL_FATAL=8' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging level (csn1|l1if|rlcmac|rlcmacdata|rlcmacdl|rlcmacul|rlcmacsched|rlcmacmeas|tbf|tbfdl|tbful|ns|bssgp|pcu|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms|lctrl|lgtp|lstats|lgsup|loap|lss7|lsccp|lsua|lm3ua|lmgcp|ljibuf|lrspro) (debug|info|notice|error|fatal)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />
+        <param name='csn1' doc='Concrete Syntax Notation One (CSN1)' />
+        <param name='l1if' doc='GPRS PCU L1 interface (L1IF)' />
+        <param name='rlcmac' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer (RLCMAC)' />
+        <param name='rlcmacdata' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Data (RLCMAC)' />
+        <param name='rlcmacdl' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Downlink (RLCMAC)' />
+        <param name='rlcmacul' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Uplink (RLCMAC)' />
+        <param name='rlcmacsched' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Scheduling (RLCMAC)' />
+        <param name='rlcmacmeas' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Measurements (RLCMAC)' />
+        <param name='tbf' doc='Temporary Block Flow (TBF)' />
+        <param name='tbfdl' doc='Temporary Block Flow (TBF) Downlink' />
+        <param name='tbful' doc='Temporary Block Flow (TBF) Uplink' />
+        <param name='ns' doc='GPRS Network Service Protocol (NS)' />
+        <param name='bssgp' doc='GPRS BSS Gateway Protocol (BSSGP)' />
+        <param name='pcu' doc='GPRS Packet Control Unit (PCU)' />
+        <param name='lglobal' doc='Library-internal global log family' />
+        <param name='llapd' doc='LAPD in libosmogsm' />
+        <param name='linp' doc='A-bis Intput Subsystem' />
+        <param name='lmux' doc='A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex' />
+        <param name='lmi' doc='A-bis Input Driver for Signalling' />
+        <param name='lmib' doc='A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)' />
+        <param name='lsms' doc='Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)' />
+        <param name='lctrl' doc='Control Interface' />
+        <param name='lgtp' doc='GPRS GTP library' />
+        <param name='lstats' doc='Statistics messages and logging' />
+        <param name='lgsup' doc='Generic Subscriber Update Protocol' />
+        <param name='loap' doc='Osmocom Authentication Protocol' />
+        <param name='lss7' doc='libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7' />
+        <param name='lsccp' doc='libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementation' />
+        <param name='lsua' doc='libosmo-sigtran SCCP User Adaptation' />
+        <param name='lm3ua' doc='libosmo-sigtran MTP3 User Adaptation' />
+        <param name='lmgcp' doc='libosmo-mgcp Media Gateway Control Protocol' />
+        <param name='ljibuf' doc='libosmo-netif Jitter Buffer' />
+        <param name='lrspro' doc='Remote SIM protocol' />
+        <param name='debug' doc='Log debug messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='info' doc='Log informational messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='notice' doc='Log noticeable messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='error' doc='Log error messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='fatal' doc='Log only fatal messages' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging level set-all (debug|info|notice|error|fatal)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />
+        <param name='set-all' doc='Once-off set all categories to the given log level. There is no single command to take back these changes -- each category is set to the given level, period.' />
+        <param name='debug' doc='Log debug messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='info' doc='Log informational messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='notice' doc='Log noticeable messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='error' doc='Log error messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='fatal' doc='Log only fatal messages' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging level force-all (debug|info|notice|error|fatal)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />
+        <param name='force-all' doc='Globally force all logging categories to a specific level. This is released by the &apos;no logging level force-all&apos; command. Note: any &apos;logging level &lt;category&gt; &lt;level&gt;&apos; commands will have no visible effect after this, until the forced level is released.' />
+        <param name='debug' doc='Log debug messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='info' doc='Log informational messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='notice' doc='Log noticeable messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='error' doc='Log error messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='fatal' doc='Log only fatal messages' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no logging level force-all'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />
+        <param name='force-all' doc='Release any globally forced log level set with &apos;logging level force-all &lt;level&gt;&apos;' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show logging vty'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='logging' doc='Show current logging configuration' />
+        <param name='vty' doc='Show current logging configuration for this vty' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show alarms'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='alarms' doc='Show current logging configuration' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show stats'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='stats' doc='Show statistical values' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show stats level (global|peer|subscriber)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='stats' doc='Show statistical values' />
+        <param name='level' doc='Set the maximum group level' />
+        <param name='global' doc='Show global groups only' />
+        <param name='peer' doc='Show global and network peer related groups' />
+        <param name='subscriber' doc='Show global, peer, and subscriber groups' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show asciidoc counters'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='asciidoc' doc='Asciidoc generation' />
+        <param name='counters' doc='Generate table of all registered counters' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show rate-counters'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='rate-counters' doc='Show all rate counters' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show bts statistics'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='bts' doc='BTS related functionality' />
+        <param name='statistics' doc='Statistics' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show tbf (all|ccch|pacch)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='tbf' doc='information about TBFs' />
+        <param name='all' doc='All TBFs' />
+        <param name='ccch' doc='TBFs allocated via CCCH' />
+        <param name='pacch' doc='TBFs allocated via PACCH' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show ms all'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='ms' doc='information about MSs' />
+        <param name='all' doc='All TBFs' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show ms tlli TLLI'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='ms' doc='information about MSs' />
+        <param name='tlli' doc='Select MS by TLLI' />
+        <param name='TLLI' doc='TLLI as hex' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show ms imsi IMSI'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='ms' doc='information about MSs' />
+        <param name='imsi' doc='Select MS by IMSI' />
+        <param name='IMSI' doc='IMSI' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show ns'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='ns' doc='Display information about the NS protocol' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show ns stats'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='ns' doc='Display information about the NS protocol' />
+        <param name='stats' doc='Include statistics' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show ns persistent'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='ns' doc='Display information about the NS protocol' />
+        <param name='persistent' doc='Show only persistent NS' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show ns (nsei|nsvc) &lt;0-65535&gt; [stats]'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='ns' doc='Display information about the NS protocol' />
+        <param name='nsei' doc='Select one NSE by its NSE Identifier' />
+        <param name='nsvc' doc='Select one NSE by its NS-VC Identifier' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='The Identifier of selected type' />
+        <param name='[stats]' doc='Include Statistics' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging filter nsvc (nsei|nsvci) &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='filter' doc='Filter log messages' />
+        <param name='nsvc' doc='Filter based on NS Virtual Connection' />
+        <param name='nsei' doc='Identify NS-VC by NSEI' />
+        <param name='nsvci' doc='Identify NS-VC by NSVCI' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='Numeric identifier' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='nsvc (nsei|nsvci) &lt;0-65535&gt; (block|unblock|reset)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='nsvc' doc='Perform an operation on a NSVC' />
+        <param name='nsei' doc='NSEI to identify NS-VC Identifier (NS-VCI)' />
+        <param name='nsvci' doc='NS-VC Identifier (NS-VCI)' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='The NSEI' />
+        <param name='block' doc='Initiate BLOCK procedure' />
+        <param name='unblock' doc='Initiate UNBLOCK procedure' />
+        <param name='reset' doc='Initiate RESET procedure' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+  </node>
+  <node id='config'>
+    <name>config</name>
+    <command id='hostname WORD'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='hostname' doc='Set system&apos;s network name' />
+        <param name='WORD' doc='This system&apos;s network name' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no hostname [HOSTNAME]'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='hostname' doc='Reset system&apos;s network name' />
+        <param name='[HOSTNAME]' doc='Host name of this router' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='password (8|) WORD'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='password' doc='Assign the terminal connection password' />
+        <param name='8' doc='Specifies a HIDDEN password will follow' />
+        <param name='' doc='dummy string ' />
+        <param name='WORD' doc='The HIDDEN line password string' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='password LINE'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='password' doc='Assign the terminal connection password' />
+        <param name='LINE' doc='The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) line password' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='enable password (8|) WORD'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='enable' doc='Modify enable password parameters' />
+        <param name='password' doc='Assign the privileged level password' />
+        <param name='8' doc='Specifies a HIDDEN password will follow' />
+        <param name='' doc='dummy string ' />
+        <param name='WORD' doc='The HIDDEN &apos;enable&apos; password string' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='enable password LINE'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='enable' doc='Modify enable password parameters' />
+        <param name='password' doc='Assign the privileged level password' />
+        <param name='LINE' doc='The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) &apos;enable&apos; password' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no enable password'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='enable' doc='Modify enable password parameters' />
+        <param name='password' doc='Assign the privileged level password' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='banner motd default'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='banner' doc='Set banner string' />
+        <param name='motd' doc='Strings for motd' />
+        <param name='default' doc='Default string' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='banner motd file [FILE]'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='banner' doc='Set banner' />
+        <param name='motd' doc='Banner for motd' />
+        <param name='file' doc='Banner from a file' />
+        <param name='[FILE]' doc='Filename' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no banner motd'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='banner' doc='Set banner string' />
+        <param name='motd' doc='Strings for motd' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='service terminal-length &lt;0-512&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='service' doc='Set up miscellaneous service' />
+        <param name='terminal-length' doc='System wide terminal length configuration' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-512&gt;' doc='Number of lines of VTY (0 means no line control)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no service terminal-length [&lt;0-512&gt;]'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='service' doc='Set up miscellaneous service' />
+        <param name='terminal-length' doc='System wide terminal length configuration' />
+        <param name='[&lt;0-512&gt;]' doc='Number of lines of VTY (0 means no line control)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='line vty'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='line' doc='Configure a terminal line' />
+        <param name='vty' doc='Virtual terminal' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='service advanced-vty'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='service' doc='Set up miscellaneous service' />
+        <param name='advanced-vty' doc='Enable advanced mode vty interface' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no service advanced-vty'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='service' doc='Set up miscellaneous service' />
+        <param name='advanced-vty' doc='Enable advanced mode vty interface' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='show history'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
+        <param name='history' doc='Display the session command history' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='log stderr'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />
+        <param name='stderr' doc='Logging via STDERR of the process' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no log stderr'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />
+        <param name='stderr' doc='Logging via STDERR of the process' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='log file .FILENAME'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />
+        <param name='file' doc='Logging to text file' />
+        <param name='.FILENAME' doc='Filename' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no log file .FILENAME'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />
+        <param name='file' doc='Logging to text file' />
+        <param name='.FILENAME' doc='Filename' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='log alarms &lt;2-32700&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />
+        <param name='alarms' doc='Logging alarms to osmo_strrb' />
+        <param name='&lt;2-32700&gt;' doc='Maximum number of messages to log' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no log alarms'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />
+        <param name='alarms' doc='Logging alarms to osmo_strrb' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='log syslog (authpriv|cron|daemon|ftp|lpr|mail|news|user|uucp)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />
+        <param name='syslog' doc='Logging via syslog' />
+        <param name='authpriv' doc='Security/authorization messages facility' />
+        <param name='cron' doc='Clock daemon (cron/at) facility' />
+        <param name='daemon' doc='General system daemon facility' />
+        <param name='ftp' doc='Ftp daemon facility' />
+        <param name='lpr' doc='Line printer facility' />
+        <param name='mail' doc='Mail facility' />
+        <param name='news' doc='News facility' />
+        <param name='user' doc='Generic facility' />
+        <param name='uucp' doc='UUCP facility' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='log syslog local &lt;0-7&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />
+        <param name='syslog' doc='Logging via syslog' />
+        <param name='local' doc='Syslog LOCAL facility' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-7&gt;' doc='Local facility number' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no log syslog'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />
+        <param name='syslog' doc='Logging via syslog' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='log gsmtap [HOSTNAME]'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />
+        <param name='gsmtap' doc='Logging via GSMTAP' />
+        <param name='[HOSTNAME]' doc='Host name to send the GSMTAP logging to (UDP port 4729)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='stats reporter statsd'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='stats' doc='Configure stats sub-system' />
+        <param name='reporter' doc='Configure a stats reporter' />
+        <param name='statsd' doc='Report to a STATSD server' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no stats reporter statsd'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='stats' doc='Configure stats sub-system' />
+        <param name='reporter' doc='Configure a stats reporter' />
+        <param name='statsd' doc='Report to a STATSD server' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='stats reporter log'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='stats' doc='Configure stats sub-system' />
+        <param name='reporter' doc='Configure a stats reporter' />
+        <param name='log' doc='Report to the logger' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no stats reporter log'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='stats' doc='Configure stats sub-system' />
+        <param name='reporter' doc='Configure a stats reporter' />
+        <param name='log' doc='Report to the logger' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='stats interval &lt;1-65535&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='stats' doc='Configure stats sub-system' />
+        <param name='interval' doc='Set the reporting interval' />
+        <param name='&lt;1-65535&gt;' doc='Interval in seconds' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='pcu'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='pcu' doc='BTS specific configure' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='ns'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='ns' doc='Configure the GPRS Network Service' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+  </node>
+  <node id='config-log'>
+    <name>config-log</name>
+    <command id='logging filter all (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='filter' doc='Filter log messages' />
+        <param name='all' doc='Do you want to log all messages?' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Only print messages matched by other filters' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Bypass filter and print all messages' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging color (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='color' doc='Configure color-printing for log messages' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t use color for printing messages' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Use color for printing messages' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging timestamp (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='timestamp' doc='Configure log message timestamping' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with current timestamp' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging print extended-timestamp (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='print' doc='Log output settings' />
+        <param name='extended-timestamp' doc='Configure log message timestamping' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with current timestamp with YYYYMMDDhhmmssnnn' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging print category (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='print' doc='Log output settings' />
+        <param name='category' doc='Configure log message' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with category/subsystem name' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging print category-hex (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='print' doc='Log output settings' />
+        <param name='category-hex' doc='Configure log message' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with category/subsystem nr in hex (&apos;&lt;000b&gt;&apos;)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging print level (0|1)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='print' doc='Log output settings' />
+        <param name='level' doc='Configure log message' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with the log level name' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging print file (0|1|basename) [last]'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='print' doc='Log output settings' />
+        <param name='file' doc='Configure log message' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with the source file and line' />
+        <param name='basename' doc='Prefix each log message with the source file&apos;s basename (strip leading paths) and line' />
+        <param name='[last]' doc='Log source file info at the end of a log line. If omitted, log source file info just before the log text.' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging level (csn1|l1if|rlcmac|rlcmacdata|rlcmacdl|rlcmacul|rlcmacsched|rlcmacmeas|tbf|tbfdl|tbful|ns|bssgp|pcu|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms|lctrl|lgtp|lstats|lgsup|loap|lss7|lsccp|lsua|lm3ua|lmgcp|ljibuf|lrspro) (debug|info|notice|error|fatal)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />
+        <param name='csn1' doc='Concrete Syntax Notation One (CSN1)' />
+        <param name='l1if' doc='GPRS PCU L1 interface (L1IF)' />
+        <param name='rlcmac' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer (RLCMAC)' />
+        <param name='rlcmacdata' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Data (RLCMAC)' />
+        <param name='rlcmacdl' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Downlink (RLCMAC)' />
+        <param name='rlcmacul' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Uplink (RLCMAC)' />
+        <param name='rlcmacsched' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Scheduling (RLCMAC)' />
+        <param name='rlcmacmeas' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Measurements (RLCMAC)' />
+        <param name='tbf' doc='Temporary Block Flow (TBF)' />
+        <param name='tbfdl' doc='Temporary Block Flow (TBF) Downlink' />
+        <param name='tbful' doc='Temporary Block Flow (TBF) Uplink' />
+        <param name='ns' doc='GPRS Network Service Protocol (NS)' />
+        <param name='bssgp' doc='GPRS BSS Gateway Protocol (BSSGP)' />
+        <param name='pcu' doc='GPRS Packet Control Unit (PCU)' />
+        <param name='lglobal' doc='Library-internal global log family' />
+        <param name='llapd' doc='LAPD in libosmogsm' />
+        <param name='linp' doc='A-bis Intput Subsystem' />
+        <param name='lmux' doc='A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex' />
+        <param name='lmi' doc='A-bis Input Driver for Signalling' />
+        <param name='lmib' doc='A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)' />
+        <param name='lsms' doc='Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)' />
+        <param name='lctrl' doc='Control Interface' />
+        <param name='lgtp' doc='GPRS GTP library' />
+        <param name='lstats' doc='Statistics messages and logging' />
+        <param name='lgsup' doc='Generic Subscriber Update Protocol' />
+        <param name='loap' doc='Osmocom Authentication Protocol' />
+        <param name='lss7' doc='libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7' />
+        <param name='lsccp' doc='libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementation' />
+        <param name='lsua' doc='libosmo-sigtran SCCP User Adaptation' />
+        <param name='lm3ua' doc='libosmo-sigtran MTP3 User Adaptation' />
+        <param name='lmgcp' doc='libosmo-mgcp Media Gateway Control Protocol' />
+        <param name='ljibuf' doc='libosmo-netif Jitter Buffer' />
+        <param name='lrspro' doc='Remote SIM protocol' />
+        <param name='debug' doc='Log debug messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='info' doc='Log informational messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='notice' doc='Log noticeable messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='error' doc='Log error messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='fatal' doc='Log only fatal messages' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging level set-all (debug|info|notice|error|fatal)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />
+        <param name='set-all' doc='Once-off set all categories to the given log level. There is no single command to take back these changes -- each category is set to the given level, period.' />
+        <param name='debug' doc='Log debug messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='info' doc='Log informational messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='notice' doc='Log noticeable messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='error' doc='Log error messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='fatal' doc='Log only fatal messages' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging level force-all (debug|info|notice|error|fatal)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />
+        <param name='force-all' doc='Globally force all logging categories to a specific level. This is released by the &apos;no logging level force-all&apos; command. Note: any &apos;logging level &lt;category&gt; &lt;level&gt;&apos; commands will have no visible effect after this, until the forced level is released.' />
+        <param name='debug' doc='Log debug messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='info' doc='Log informational messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='notice' doc='Log noticeable messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='error' doc='Log error messages and higher levels' />
+        <param name='fatal' doc='Log only fatal messages' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no logging level force-all'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />
+        <param name='force-all' doc='Release any globally forced log level set with &apos;logging level force-all &lt;level&gt;&apos;' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='logging filter nsvc (nsei|nsvci) &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure logging' />
+        <param name='filter' doc='Filter log messages' />
+        <param name='nsvc' doc='Filter based on NS Virtual Connection' />
+        <param name='nsei' doc='Identify NS-VC by NSEI' />
+        <param name='nsvci' doc='Identify NS-VC by NSVCI' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='Numeric identifier' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+  </node>
+  <node id='config-stats'>
+    <name>config-stats</name>
+    <command id='local-ip ADDR'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='local-ip' doc='Set the IP address to which we bind locally' />
+        <param name='ADDR' doc='IP Address' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no local-ip'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='local-ip' doc='Set the IP address to which we bind locally' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='remote-ip ADDR'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='remote-ip' doc='Set the remote IP address to which we connect' />
+        <param name='ADDR' doc='IP Address' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='remote-port &lt;1-65535&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='remote-port' doc='Set the remote port to which we connect' />
+        <param name='&lt;1-65535&gt;' doc='Remote port number' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='mtu &lt;100-65535&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='mtu' doc='Set the maximum packet size' />
+        <param name='&lt;100-65535&gt;' doc='Size in byte' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no mtu'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='mtu' doc='Set the maximum packet size' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='prefix PREFIX'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='prefix' doc='Set the item name prefix' />
+        <param name='PREFIX' doc='The prefix string' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no prefix'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='prefix' doc='Set the item name prefix' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='level (global|peer|subscriber)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='level' doc='Set the maximum group level' />
+        <param name='global' doc='Report global groups only' />
+        <param name='peer' doc='Report global and network peer related groups' />
+        <param name='subscriber' doc='Report global, peer, and subscriber groups' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='enable'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='enable' doc='Enable the reporter' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='disable'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='disable' doc='Disable the reporter' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+  </node>
+  <node id='config-line'>
+    <name>config-line</name>
+    <command id='login'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='login' doc='Enable password checking' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no login'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='login' doc='Enable password checking' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='bind A.B.C.D [&lt;0-65535&gt;]'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='bind' doc='Accept VTY telnet connections on local interface' />
+        <param name='A.B.C.D' doc='Local interface IP address (default:' />
+        <param name='[&lt;0-65535&gt;]' doc='Local TCP port number' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+  </node>
+  <node id='config-ns'>
+    <name>config-ns</name>
+    <command id='nse &lt;0-65535&gt; nsvci &lt;0-65534&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='nse' doc='Persistent NS Entity' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='NS Entity ID (NSEI)' />
+        <param name='nsvci' doc='NS Virtual Connection' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-65534&gt;' doc='NS Virtual Connection ID (NSVCI)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='nse &lt;0-65535&gt; remote-ip A.B.C.D'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='nse' doc='Persistent NS Entity' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='NS Entity ID (NSEI)' />
+        <param name='remote-ip' doc='Remote IP Address' />
+        <param name='A.B.C.D' doc='Remote IP Address' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='nse &lt;0-65535&gt; remote-port &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='nse' doc='Persistent NS Entity' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='NS Entity ID (NSEI)' />
+        <param name='remote-port' doc='Remote UDP Port' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='Remote UDP Port Number' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='nse &lt;0-65535&gt; fr-dlci &lt;16-1007&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='nse' doc='Persistent NS Entity' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='NS Entity ID (NSEI)' />
+        <param name='fr-dlci' doc='Frame Relay DLCI' />
+        <param name='&lt;16-1007&gt;' doc='Frame Relay DLCI Number' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='nse &lt;0-65535&gt; encapsulation (udp|framerelay-gre)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='nse' doc='Persistent NS Entity' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='NS Entity ID (NSEI)' />
+        <param name='encapsulation' doc='Encapsulation for NS' />
+        <param name='udp' doc='UDP/IP Encapsulation' />
+        <param name='framerelay-gre' doc='Frame-Relay/GRE/IP Encapsulation' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='nse &lt;0-65535&gt; remote-role (sgsn|bss)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='nse' doc='Persistent NS Entity' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='NS Entity ID (NSEI)' />
+        <param name='remote-role' doc='Remote NSE Role' />
+        <param name='sgsn' doc='Remote Peer is SGSN' />
+        <param name='bss' doc='Remote Peer is BSS' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no nse &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Delete Persistent NS Entity' />
+        <param name='nse' doc='Delete Persistent NS Entity' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='NS Entity ID (NSEI)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='timer (tns-block|tns-block-retries|tns-reset|tns-reset-retries|tns-test|tns-alive|tns-alive-retries|tsns-prov) &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='timer' doc='Network Service Timer' />
+        <param name='tns-block' doc='(un)blocking Timer (Tns-block) timeout' />
+        <param name='tns-block-retries' doc='(un)blocking Timer (Tns-block) number of retries' />
+        <param name='tns-reset' doc='Reset Timer (Tns-reset) timeout' />
+        <param name='tns-reset-retries' doc='Reset Timer (Tns-reset) number of retries' />
+        <param name='tns-test' doc='Test Timer (Tns-test) timeout' />
+        <param name='tns-alive' doc='Alive Timer (Tns-alive) timeout' />
+        <param name='tns-alive-retries' doc='Alive Timer (Tns-alive) number of retries' />
+        <param name='tsns-prov' doc='SNS Provision Timer (Tsns-prov) timeout' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='Timer Value' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='encapsulation udp local-ip A.B.C.D'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='encapsulation' doc='NS encapsulation options' />
+        <param name='udp' doc='NS over UDP Encapsulation' />
+        <param name='local-ip' doc='Set the IP address on which we listen for NS/UDP' />
+        <param name='A.B.C.D' doc='IP Address' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='encapsulation udp local-port &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='encapsulation' doc='NS encapsulation options' />
+        <param name='udp' doc='NS over UDP Encapsulation' />
+        <param name='local-port' doc='Set the UDP port on which we listen for NS/UDP' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='UDP port number' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='encapsulation udp dscp &lt;0-255&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='encapsulation' doc='NS encapsulation options' />
+        <param name='udp' doc='NS over UDP Encapsulation' />
+        <param name='dscp' doc='Set DSCP/TOS on the UDP socket' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='DSCP Value' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='encapsulation framerelay-gre enabled (1|0)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='encapsulation' doc='NS encapsulation options' />
+        <param name='framerelay-gre' doc='NS over Frame Relay over GRE Encapsulation' />
+        <param name='enabled' doc='Enable or disable Frame Relay over GRE' />
+        <param name='1' doc='Enable' />
+        <param name='0' doc='Disable' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='encapsulation framerelay-gre local-ip A.B.C.D'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='encapsulation' doc='NS encapsulation options' />
+        <param name='framerelay-gre' doc='NS over Frame Relay over GRE Encapsulation' />
+        <param name='local-ip' doc='Set the IP address on which we listen for NS/FR/GRE' />
+        <param name='A.B.C.D' doc='IP Address' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+  </node>
+  <node id='config-pcu'>
+    <name>config-pcu</name>
+    <command id='egprs only'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='egprs' doc='EGPRS configuration' />
+        <param name='only' doc='Use EGPRS and disable plain GPRS' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no egprs'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='egprs' doc='EGPRS configuration' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no two-phase-access'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='two-phase-access' doc='Only use two phase access when requested my MS' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='cs &lt;1-4&gt; [&lt;1-4&gt;]'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='cs' doc='Coding Scheme configuration' />
+        <param name='&lt;1-4&gt;' doc='Initial CS value to be used (overrides BTS config)' />
+        <param name='[&lt;1-4&gt;]' doc='Use a different initial CS value for the uplink' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no cs'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='cs' doc='Coding Scheme configuration' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='cs max &lt;1-4&gt; [&lt;1-4&gt;]'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='cs' doc='Coding Scheme configuration' />
+        <param name='max' doc='Set maximum values for adaptive CS selection (overrides BTS config)' />
+        <param name='&lt;1-4&gt;' doc='Maximum CS value to be used' />
+        <param name='[&lt;1-4&gt;]' doc='Use a different maximum CS value for the uplink' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no cs max'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='cs' doc='Coding Scheme configuration' />
+        <param name='max' doc='Set maximum values for adaptive CS selection (overrides BTS config)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='cs threshold &lt;0-100&gt; &lt;0-100&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='cs' doc='Coding Scheme configuration' />
+        <param name='threshold' doc='set thresholds for error rate based CS adjustment' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-100&gt;' doc='lower limit in %' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-100&gt;' doc='upper limit in %' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no cs threshold'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='cs' doc='Coding Scheme configuration' />
+        <param name='threshold' doc='set thresholds for error rate based CS adjustment' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='cs downgrade-threshold &lt;1-10000&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='cs' doc='Coding Scheme configuration' />
+        <param name='downgrade-threshold' doc='set threshold for data size based CS downgrade' />
+        <param name='&lt;1-10000&gt;' doc='downgrade if less octets left' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no cs downgrade-threshold'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='cs' doc='Coding Scheme configuration' />
+        <param name='downgrade-threshold' doc='set threshold for data size based CS downgrade' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='cs link-quality-ranges cs1 &lt;0-35&gt; cs2 &lt;0-35&gt; &lt;0-35&gt; cs3 &lt;0-35&gt; &lt;0-35&gt; cs4 &lt;0-35&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='cs' doc='Coding Scheme configuration' />
+        <param name='link-quality-ranges' doc='Set link quality ranges' />
+        <param name='cs1' doc='Set quality range for CS-1 (high value only)' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='CS-1 high (dB)' />
+        <param name='cs2' doc='Set quality range for CS-2' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='CS-2 low (dB)' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='CS-2 high (dB)' />
+        <param name='cs3' doc='Set quality range for CS-3' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='CS-3 low (dB)' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='CS-3 high (dB)' />
+        <param name='cs4' doc='Set quality range for CS-4 (low value only)' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='CS-4 low (dB)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='mcs link-quality-ranges mcs1 &lt;0-35&gt; mcs2 &lt;0-35&gt; &lt;0-35&gt; mcs3 &lt;0-35&gt; &lt;0-35&gt; mcs4 &lt;0-35&gt; &lt;0-35&gt; mcs5 &lt;0-35&gt; &lt;0-35&gt; mcs6 &lt;0-35&gt; &lt;0-35&gt; mcs7 &lt;0-35&gt; &lt;0-35&gt; mcs8 &lt;0-35&gt; &lt;0-35&gt; mcs9 &lt;0-35&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='mcs' doc='Coding Scheme configuration' />
+        <param name='link-quality-ranges' doc='Set link quality ranges' />
+        <param name='mcs1' doc='Set quality range for MCS-1 (high value only)' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='MCS-1 high (dB)' />
+        <param name='mcs2' doc='Set quality range for MCS-2' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='MCS-2 high (dB)' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='MCS-2 low (dB)' />
+        <param name='mcs3' doc='Set quality range for MCS-3' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='MCS-3 high (dB)' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='MCS-3 low (dB)' />
+        <param name='mcs4' doc='Set quality range for MCS-4' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='MCS-4 high (dB)' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='MCS-4 low (dB)' />
+        <param name='mcs5' doc='Set quality range for MCS-5' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='MCS-5 high (dB)' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='MCS-5 low (dB)' />
+        <param name='mcs6' doc='Set quality range for MCS-6' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='MCS-6 low (dB)' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='MCS-6 high (dB)' />
+        <param name='mcs7' doc='Set quality range for MCS-7' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='MCS-7 low (dB)' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='MCS-7 high (dB)' />
+        <param name='mcs8' doc='Set quality range for MCS-8' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='MCS-8 low (dB)' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='MCS-8 high (dB)' />
+        <param name='mcs9' doc='Set quality range for MCS-9 (low value only)' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-35&gt;' doc='MCS-9 low (dB)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='mcs &lt;1-9&gt; [&lt;1-9&gt;]'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='mcs' doc='Modulation and Coding Scheme configuration (EGPRS)' />
+        <param name='&lt;1-9&gt;' doc='Initial MCS value to be used (default 1)' />
+        <param name='[&lt;1-9&gt;]' doc='Use a different initial MCS value for the uplink' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='egprs dl arq-type (spb|arq2)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='egprs' doc='EGPRS configuration' />
+        <param name='dl' doc='downlink specific configuration' />
+        <param name='arq-type' doc='ARQ options' />
+        <param name='spb' doc='enable SPB(ARQ1) support' />
+        <param name='arq2' doc='enable ARQ2 support' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no mcs'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='mcs' doc='Modulation and Coding Scheme configuration (EGPRS)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='mcs max &lt;1-9&gt; [&lt;1-9&gt;]'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='mcs' doc='Modulation and Coding Scheme configuration (EGPRS)' />
+        <param name='max' doc='Set maximum values for adaptive CS selection (overrides BTS config)' />
+        <param name='&lt;1-9&gt;' doc='Maximum MCS value to be used' />
+        <param name='[&lt;1-9&gt;]' doc='Use a different maximum MCS value for the uplink' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no mcs max'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='mcs' doc='Modulation and Coding Scheme configuration (EGPRS)' />
+        <param name='max' doc='Set maximum values for adaptive CS selection (overrides BTS config)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='window-size &lt;0-1024&gt; [&lt;0-256&gt;]'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='window-size' doc='Window size configuration (b + N_PDCH * f)' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-1024&gt;' doc='Base value (b)' />
+        <param name='[&lt;0-256&gt;]' doc='Factor for number of PDCH (f)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='queue lifetime &lt;1-65534&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='queue' doc='Packet queue options' />
+        <param name='lifetime' doc='Set lifetime limit of LLC frame in centi-seconds (overrides the value given by SGSN)' />
+        <param name='&lt;1-65534&gt;' doc='Lifetime in centi-seconds' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='queue lifetime infinite'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='queue' doc='Packet queue options' />
+        <param name='lifetime' doc='Set lifetime limit of LLC frame in centi-seconds (overrides the value given by SGSN)' />
+        <param name='infinite' doc='Infinite lifetime' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no queue lifetime'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='queue' doc='Packet queue options' />
+        <param name='lifetime' doc='Disable lifetime limit of LLC frame (use value given by SGSN)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='queue hysteresis &lt;1-65535&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='queue' doc='Packet queue options' />
+        <param name='hysteresis' doc='Set lifetime hysteresis of LLC frame in centi-seconds (continue discarding until lifetime-hysteresis is reached)' />
+        <param name='&lt;1-65535&gt;' doc='Hysteresis in centi-seconds' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no queue hysteresis'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='queue' doc='Packet queue options' />
+        <param name='hysteresis' doc='Set lifetime hysteresis of LLC frame in centi-seconds (continue discarding until lifetime-hysteresis is reached)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='queue codel'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='queue' doc='Packet queue options' />
+        <param name='codel' doc='Set CoDel queue management' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='queue codel interval &lt;1-1000&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='queue' doc='Packet queue options' />
+        <param name='codel' doc='Set CoDel queue management' />
+        <param name='interval' doc='Specify interval' />
+        <param name='&lt;1-1000&gt;' doc='Interval in centi-seconds' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no queue codel'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='queue' doc='Packet queue options' />
+        <param name='codel' doc='Set CoDel queue management' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='queue idle-ack-delay &lt;1-65535&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='queue' doc='Packet queue options' />
+        <param name='idle-ack-delay' doc='Request an ACK after the last DL LLC frame in centi-seconds' />
+        <param name='&lt;1-65535&gt;' doc='Idle ACK delay in centi-seconds' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no queue idle-ack-delay'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='queue' doc='Packet queue options' />
+        <param name='idle-ack-delay' doc='Request an ACK after the last DL LLC frame in centi-seconds' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='alloc-algorithm (a|b|dynamic)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='alloc-algorithm' doc='Select slot allocation algorithm to use when assigning timeslots on PACCH' />
+        <param name='a' doc='Single slot is assigned only' />
+        <param name='b' doc='Multiple slots are assigned for semi-duplex operation' />
+        <param name='dynamic' doc='Dynamically select the algorithm based on the system state' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='two-phase-access'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='two-phase-access' doc='Force two phase access when MS requests single phase access' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='flow-control-interval &lt;1-10&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='flow-control-interval' doc='Interval between sending subsequent Flow Control PDUs' />
+        <param name='&lt;1-10&gt;' doc='Interval time in seconds' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='flow-control bucket-time &lt;1-65534&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='flow-control' doc='BSSGP Flow Control configuration' />
+        <param name='bucket-time' doc='Set target downlink maximum queueing time (only affects the advertised bucket size)' />
+        <param name='&lt;1-65534&gt;' doc='Time in centi-seconds' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no flow-control bucket-time'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='flow-control' doc='BSSGP Flow Control configuration' />
+        <param name='bucket-time' doc='Set target downlink maximum queueing time (only affects the advertised bucket size)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='flow-control force-bvc-bucket-size &lt;1-6553500&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='flow-control' doc='BSSGP Flow Control configuration' />
+        <param name='force-bvc-bucket-size' doc='Force a fixed value for the BVC bucket size' />
+        <param name='&lt;1-6553500&gt;' doc='Bucket size in octets' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no flow-control force-bvc-bucket-size'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='flow-control' doc='BSSGP Flow Control configuration' />
+        <param name='force-bvc-bucket-size' doc='Force a fixed value for the BVC bucket size' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='flow-control force-bvc-leak-rate &lt;1-6553500&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='flow-control' doc='BSSGP Flow Control configuration' />
+        <param name='force-bvc-leak-rate' doc='Force a fixed value for the BVC leak rate' />
+        <param name='&lt;1-6553500&gt;' doc='Leak rate in bit/s' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no flow-control force-bvc-leak-rate'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='flow-control' doc='BSSGP Flow Control configuration' />
+        <param name='force-bvc-leak-rate' doc='Force a fixed value for the BVC leak rate' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='flow-control force-ms-bucket-size &lt;1-6553500&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='flow-control' doc='BSSGP Flow Control configuration' />
+        <param name='force-ms-bucket-size' doc='Force a fixed value for the default MS bucket size' />
+        <param name='&lt;1-6553500&gt;' doc='Bucket size in octets' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no flow-control force-ms-bucket-size'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='flow-control' doc='BSSGP Flow Control configuration' />
+        <param name='force-ms-bucket-size' doc='Force a fixed value for the default MS bucket size' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='flow-control force-ms-leak-rate &lt;1-6553500&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='flow-control' doc='BSSGP Flow Control configuration' />
+        <param name='force-ms-leak-rate' doc='Force a fixed value for the default MS leak rate' />
+        <param name='&lt;1-6553500&gt;' doc='Leak rate in bit/s' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no flow-control force-ms-leak-rate'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='flow-control' doc='BSSGP Flow Control configuration' />
+        <param name='force-ms-leak-rate' doc='Force a fixed value for the default MS leak rate' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='alpha &lt;0-10&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='alpha' doc='Alpha parameter for MS power control in units of 0.1 (see TS 05.08) NOTE: Be sure to set Alpha value at System information 13 too.' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-10&gt;' doc='Alpha in units of 0.1' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='gamma &lt;0-62&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='gamma' doc='Gamma parameter for MS power control in units of dB (see TS 05.08)' />
+        <param name='&lt;0-62&gt;' doc='Gamma in even unit of dBs' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='dl-tbf-idle-time &lt;1-5000&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='dl-tbf-idle-time' doc='keep an idle DL TBF alive for the time given' />
+        <param name='&lt;1-5000&gt;' doc='idle time in msec' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no dl-tbf-idle-time'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='dl-tbf-idle-time' doc='keep an idle DL TBF alive for the time given' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='ms-idle-time &lt;1-7200&gt;'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='ms-idle-time' doc='keep an idle MS object alive for the time given' />
+        <param name='&lt;1-7200&gt;' doc='idle time in sec' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no ms-idle-time'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='ms-idle-time' doc='keep an idle MS object alive for the time given' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='gsmtap-category (dl-unknown|dl-dummy|dl-ctrl|dl-data-gprs|dl-data-egprs|dl-ptcch|ul-unknown|ul-dummy|ul-ctrl|ul-data-gprs|ul-data-egprs)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='gsmtap-category' doc='GSMTAP Category' />
+        <param name='dl-unknown' doc='Unknown / Unparseable / Erroneous Downlink Blocks' />
+        <param name='dl-dummy' doc='Downlink Dummy Blocks' />
+        <param name='dl-ctrl' doc='Downlink Control Blocks' />
+        <param name='dl-data-gprs' doc='Downlink Data Blocks (GPRS)' />
+        <param name='dl-data-egprs' doc='Downlink Data Blocks (EGPRS)' />
+        <param name='dl-ptcch' doc='Downlink PTCCH Blocks' />
+        <param name='ul-unknown' doc='Unknown / Unparseable / Erroneous Downlink Blocks' />
+        <param name='ul-dummy' doc='Uplink Dummy Blocks' />
+        <param name='ul-ctrl' doc='Uplink Control Blocks' />
+        <param name='ul-data-gprs' doc='Uplink Data Blocks (GPRS)' />
+        <param name='ul-data-egprs' doc='Uplink Data Blocks (EGPRS)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='no gsmtap-category (dl-unknown|dl-dummy|dl-ctrl|dl-data-gprs|dl-data-egprs|dl-ptcch|ul-unknown|ul-dummy|ul-ctrl|ul-data-gprs|ul-data-egprs)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
+        <param name='gsmtap-category' doc='GSMTAP Category' />
+        <param name='dl-unknown' doc='Unknown / Unparseable / Erroneous Downlink Blocks' />
+        <param name='dl-dummy' doc='Downlink Dummy Blocks' />
+        <param name='dl-ctrl' doc='Downlink Control Blocks' />
+        <param name='dl-data-gprs' doc='Downlink Data Blocks (GPRS)' />
+        <param name='dl-data-egprs' doc='Downlink Data Blocks (EGPRS)' />
+        <param name='dl-ptcch' doc='Downlink PTCCH Blocks' />
+        <param name='ul-unknown' doc='Unknown / Unparseable / Erroneous Downlink Blocks' />
+        <param name='ul-dummy' doc='Uplink Dummy Blocks' />
+        <param name='ul-ctrl' doc='Uplink Control Blocks' />
+        <param name='ul-data-gprs' doc='Uplink Data Blocks (GPRS)' />
+        <param name='ul-data-egprs' doc='Uplink Data Blocks (EGPRS)' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='pcu-socket PATH'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='pcu-socket' doc='Configure the osmo-bts PCU socket file/path name' />
+        <param name='PATH' doc='Path of the socket to connect to' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+    <command id='gb-dialect (classic|ip-sns)'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='gb-dialect' doc='Select which Gb interface dialect to use' />
+        <param name='classic' doc='Classic Gb interface with NS-{RESET,BLOCK,UNBLOCK} and static configuration' />
+        <param name='ip-sns' doc='Modern Gb interface with IP-SNS (Sub Network Service) and dynamic configuration' />
+      </params>
+    </command>
+  </node>