initial checkin of manuals to public repo

The manuals existed in different form for several years in an internal
sysmocom repository.  However, since they had just recently been
converted from docboox-xml to asciidoc and all files have been
re-shuffled for enabling the public release, there's not much point in
keeping the history with git-filter-branch.
diff --git a/doc/manuals/Makefile b/doc/manuals/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f742e07
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+++ b/doc/manuals/Makefile
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+# XSL stylesheets downloaded from
+# Makefile from BitBake/OpenEmbedded manuals
+EXTRA_DEPS = gen-vty-docbook
+topdir = .
+pcu_reference = $(topdir)/osmopcu-vty-reference.xml
+manuals = $(bts_manual) $(pcu_reference)
+# types = pdf txt rtf ps xhtml html man tex texi dvi
+# types = pdf txt
+types = $(docbooktotypes)
+docbooktotypes = pdf
+# htmlcssfile =
+# htmlcss =
+TOPDIR := ..
+ASCIIDOCS := osmopcu-usermanual
+include $(TOPDIR)/build/
+include $(TOPDIR)/build/
+osmopcu-usermanual.pdf: chapters/*.adoc
+	rm -rf $(cleanfiles)
+	rm -rf gen-vty-docbook
+gen-vty-docbook: FORCE
+	$(call command,xsltproc -o generated/combined1.xml \
+		--stringparam with $(PWD)/../common/vty_additions.xml \
+		$(MERGE_DOC) vty/osmo-pcu_vty_reference.xml, \
+		XSLTPROC,Merging Common VTY)
+	$(call command,xsltproc -o generated/combined2.xml \
+		--stringparam with $(PWD)/vty/osmo-pcu_vty_additions.xml \
+		$(MERGE_DOC) generated/combined1.xml, \
+	$(call command,xsltproc ../vty_reference.xsl generated/combined2.xml > generated/docbook_vty.xml, \
+		XSLTPROC,Converting PCU VTY to DocBook)
diff --git a/doc/manuals/chapters/configuration.adoc b/doc/manuals/chapters/configuration.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a86f32
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+++ b/doc/manuals/chapters/configuration.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+== Configuring OsmoPCU
+Contrary to other network elements (like OsmoBSC, OsmoNITB), the
+OsmoPCU has a relatively simple minimum configuration.
+This is primarily because most of the PCU configuration happens
+indirectly from the BSC, who passes the configuation over A-bis OML via
+OsmoBTS and its PCU socket into OsmoPCU.
+A minimal OsmoPCU configuration file is provided below for your reference:
+.Example: Minimal OsmoPCU configuration file (`osmo-pcu.cfg`)
+ flow-control-interval 10 <1>
+ cs 2 <2>
+ alloc-algorithm dynamic <3>
+ alpha 0 <4>
+ gamma 0
+<1> send a BSSGP flow-control PDU every 10 seconds
+<2> start a TBF with the initial coding scheme 2
+<3> dynamically chose between single-slot or multi-slot TBF allocations
+    depending on system load
+<4> disable MS power control loop
+However, there are plenty of tuning parameters for people interested to
+optimize PCU throughput or latency according to their requirements.
+=== Configuring the Coding Schemes and Rate Adaption
+The BSC includes a bit-mask of permitted [E]GPRS coding schemes as part
+of the A-bis OML configuration.  This is passed from the BTS via the PCU
+socket into OsmoPCU.
+Some additional parameters can be set as described below.
+==== Initial Coding Scheme
+You can use the `cs <1-4> [<1-4>]` command at the `pcu` VTY config node
+to set the initial GPRS coding scheme to be used.  The optional second
+value allows to specify a different initial coding scheme for uplink.
+==== Maximum Coding Scheme
+You can use the `cs max <1-4> [<1-4>]` command at the `pcu` VTY config
+node to set the maximum coding scheme that should be used as part of the
+rate adaption.
+==== Rate Adaption Error Thresholds
+You can use the `cs threshold <0-100> <0-100>` command at the `pcu` VTY
+config node to determine the upper and lower limit for the error rate
+percentage to use in the rate adaption.  If the upper threshold is
+reached, a lower coding sheme is chosen, and if the lower threshold is
+reached, a higher coding scheme is chosen.
+==== Rate Adation Link Quality Thresholds
+You can use the `cs link-quality-ranges cs1 <0-35> cs2 <0-35> <0-35> cs3
+<0-35> <0-35> cs4 <0-35>` command at the `pcu` VTY config node to tune
+the link quality ranges for the respecive coding schemes.
+==== Data Size based CS downgrade Threshold
+You can use the `cs downgrade-threshold <1-10000>` command at the `pcu`
+VTY config node to ask the PCU to down-grade the coding scheme if less
+than the specified number of octets are left to be transmitted.
+=== Miscellaneous Configuration / Tuning Parameters
+==== Downlink TBF idle time
+After a down-link TBF is idle (all data in the current LLC downlink
+queue for thi MS has been transmitted), we can keep the TBF established
+for a configurable time.  This avoids having to go through a new one or
+two phase TBF establishment once the next data for downlink arrives.
+You can use the `dl-tbf-idle-time <1-5000>` to specify that time in
+units of milli-seconds.  The default is 2 seconds.
+==== MS idle time
+Using the `ms-idle-time <1-7200>` command at the `pcu` VTY config node
+you can configure the number of seconds for which the PCU should keep
+the MS data structure alive before releasing it if there are no active
+TBF for this MS.
+The OsmoPCU default value is 60 seconds, which is slightly more than
+what 3GPP TS 24.008 recommends for T3314 (44s).
+The MS data structure only consumes memory in the PCU and does not
+require any resources of the air interface.
+==== Forcing two-phase access
+If the MS is using for a single-phase access, you can still force it to
+use a two-phase access using the `two-phase-access` VTY configuration
+command at the `pcu` VTY config node.
+=== Configuring BSSGP flow control
+BSSGP between SGSN and PCU contains a two-level nested flow control
+. one global flow control instance for the overall (downlink) traffic
+  from the SGSN to this PCU
+. a per-MS flow control instance for each individual MS served by this
+  PCU
+Each of the flow control instance is implemented as a TBF (token bucket
+==== Normal BSSGP Flow Control Tuning parameters
+You can use the following commands at the `pcu` VTY config node to tune
+the the BSSGP flow control parameters:
+`flow-control-interval <1-10>`::
+	configure the interval (in seconds) between subsequent flow
+	control PDUs from PCU to SGSN
+`flow-control bucket-time <1-65534>`::
+	set the target downlink maximum queueing time in centi-seconds.
+	The PCU will attempt to adjust the advertised bucket size to match this
+	target.
+==== Extended BSSGP Flow Control Tuning parameters
+There are some extended flow control related parameters at the `pcu` VTY
+config node that override the automatic flow control as specified in the
+BSSGP specification.  Use them with care!
+`flow-control force-bvc-bucket-size <1-6553500>`::
+	force the BVC (global) bucket size to the given number of octets
+`flow-control force-bvc-leak-rate <1-6553500>`::
+	force the BVC (global) bucket leak rate to the given number of bits/s
+`flow-control force-ms-bucket-size <1-6553500>`::
+	force the per-MS bucket size to the given number of octets
+`flow-control force-ms-leak-rate <1-6553500>`::
+	force the per-MS bucket leak rate to the given number of bits/s
+=== Configuring LLC queue
+The downlink LLC queue in the PCU towards the MS can be tuned with a
+variety of parameters at the `pcu` VTY config node, depending on your
+`queue lifetime <1-65534>`::
+	Each downlink LLC PDU is assigned a lifetime by the SGSN, which
+	is respected by the PDU *unless* you use this command to
+	override the PDU lifetime with a larger value (in centi-seconds)
+`queue lifetime infinite`::
+	Never drop LLC PDUs, i.e. give them an unlimited lifetime.
+`queue hysteresis <1-65535>`::
+	When the downlink LLC queue is full, the PCU starts dropping
+	packets.  Using this parameter, we can set the lifetime
+	hysteresis in centi-seconds, i.e. it will continue discarding
+	until "lifetime - hysteresis" is reached.
+`queue codel`::
+	Use the 'CoDel' (Controlled Delay) scheduling algorithm, which
+	is designed to overcome buffer bloat.  It will use a default
+	interval of 4 seconds.
+`queue codel interval <1-1000>`::
+	Use the 'CoDel' (Controlled Delay) scheduling algorithm, which
+	is designed to overcome buffer bloat.  Use the specified
+	interval in centi-seconds.
+`queue idle-ack-delay <1-65535>`::
+	Delay the request for an ACK after the last downlink LLC frame
+	by the specified amount of centi-seconds.
+=== Configuring MS power control
+GPRS MS power control works completely different than the close MS power
+control loop in circuit-switched GSM.
+Rather than instructing the MS constantly about which transmit power to
+use, some parameters are provided to the MS by which the MS-based power
+control algorithm is tuned.
+See 3GPP TS 05.08 for further information on the algorithm and the
+You can set those parameters at the `pcu` VTY config node as follows:
+`alpha <0-10>`::
+	Alpha parameter for MS power contrl in units of 0.1.
+	Make sure to set the alpha value at System Information 13 (in
+	the BSC), too!
+`gamma <0-62>`::
+	Set the gamma parameter for MS power control in units of dB.
+=== Enabling EGPRS
+If you would like to test the currently (experimental) EGPRS support of
+OsmoPCU, you can enable it using the `egprs` command at the `pcu` VTY
+config  node.
+WARNING: EPGRS functionality is highly experimental at the time of this
+writing.  Please only use if you actively would like to participate in
+the OsmoPCU EGPRS development and/or testing.  You will also need an
+EGPRS capable OsmoBTS+PHY, which means `osmo-bts-sysmo` or
+`osmo-bts-litecell15` with their associated PHY.
diff --git a/doc/manuals/chapters/overview.adoc b/doc/manuals/chapters/overview.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e13a7b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/manuals/chapters/overview.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+== Overview
+=== About OsmoPCU
+OsmoPCU is the Osmocom implementation of the GPRS PCU (Packet Control
+Unit) element inside the GPRS network.
+The OsmoPCU is co-located within the BTS and connects to OsmoBTS via its
+PCU socket inteface.
+On the other side, OsmoPCU is connected via the Gb interface to the
+.GPRS network architecture with PCU in BTS
+digraph G {
+	rankdir=LR;
+	MS0 [label="MS"]
+	MS1 [label="MS"]
+	MS0->BTS [label="Um"]
+	MS1->BTS [label="Um"]
+	BTS->BSC [label="Abis"]
+	BSC->MSC [label="A"]
+	BTS->PCU [label="pcu_sock"]
+	PCU->SGSN [label="Gb"]
+	SGSN->GGSN [label="GTP"]
+=== Software Components
+OsmoPCU consists of a variety of components, including
+* Gb interface (NS/BSSGP protocol)
+* `pcu_sock` interface towards OsmoBTS
+* TBF management for uplink and downlink TBF
+* RLC/MAC protocol implementation
+* per-MS context for each MS currently served
+* CSN.1 encoding/decoding routines
+==== Gb Implementation
+OsmoPCU implements the ETSI/3GPP specified Gb interface, including TS
+08.16 (NS), TS 08.18 (BSSGP) protocols. As transport layer for NS, it
+supports NS/IP (NS encapsulated in UDP/IP).
+The actual Gb Implementation is part of the libosmogb library, which is
+in turn part of the libosmocore software package.  This allows the same
+Gb implementation to be used from OsmoPCU, OsmoGbProxy as well as
+==== `pcu_sock` Interface to OsmoBTS
+The interface towards OsmoBTS is called 'pcu_sock' and implemented as a
+set of non-standardized primitives over a unix domain socket.  The
+default file system path for this socket is `/tmp/pcu_bts`.
+The PCU socket can be changed on both OmsoBTS and OsmoPCU to a different
+file/path name, primarily to permit running multiple independent BTS+PCU
+pairs on a single Linux machine without having to use filesystem
+namespaces or other complex configurations.
+NOTE: If you change the PCU socket path on OsmoBTS by means of the
+`pcu-socket` VTY configuration command, you must ensure to make the
+identical change on the OsmoPCU side.
diff --git a/doc/manuals/chapters/running.adoc b/doc/manuals/chapters/running.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9f78c8
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+++ b/doc/manuals/chapters/running.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+== Running OsmoPCU
+The OsmoPCU executable (`osmo-pcu`) offers the following command-line
+*osmo-pcu* [-h|-V] [-D] [-c 'CONFIGFILE'] [-r 'PRIO'] [-m 'MCC'] [-n 'MNC']
+*-h, --help*::
+	Print a short help message about the supported options
+*-V, --version*::
+	Print the compile-time version number of the OsmoBTS program
+//*-D, --daemonize*::
+//	Fork the process as a daemon into background.
+*-c, --config-file 'CONFIGFILE'*::
+	Specify the file and path name of the configuration file to be
+	used. If none is specified, use `osmo-pcu.cfg` in the current
+	working directory.
+*-r, --realtime 'PRIO'*::
+	Enable use of the Linux kernel realtime priority scheduler with
+	the specified priority.
+	It is recommended you use this option on low-performance
+	embedded systems or systems that encounter high non-GSM/GPRS
+	load.
+*-m, --mcc 'MCC'*::
+	Use the given MCC instead of that provided by BTS via PCU socket
+*-n, --mnc 'MNC'*::
+	Use the given MNC instead of that provided by BTS via PCU socket
diff --git a/doc/manuals/osmopcu-usermanual-docinfo.xml b/doc/manuals/osmopcu-usermanual-docinfo.xml
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index 0000000..6bd2b69
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+  <revision>
+    <revnumber>1</revnumber>
+    <date>February 13, 2016</date>
+    <authorinitials>HW</authorinitials>
+    <revremark>
+      Initial version.
+    </revremark>
+  </revision>
+  <author>
+    <firstname>Harald</firstname>
+    <surname>Welte</surname>
+    <email></email>
+    <authorinitials>HW</authorinitials>
+    <affiliation>
+      <shortaffil>sysmocom</shortaffil>
+      <orgname>sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH</orgname>
+      <jobtitle>Managing Director</jobtitle>
+    </affiliation>
+  </author>
+  <year>2013-2016</year>
+  <holder>sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH</holder>
+  <para>
+	Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
+	document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
+	Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software
+	Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts,
+	and no Back-Cover Texts.  A copy of the license is included in
+	the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".
+  </para>
diff --git a/doc/manuals/osmopcu-usermanual.adoc b/doc/manuals/osmopcu-usermanual.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d2b09c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/manuals/osmopcu-usermanual.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+OsmoPCU User Manual
+Harald Welte <>
diff --git a/doc/manuals/osmopcu-vty-reference.xml b/doc/manuals/osmopcu-vty-reference.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e7da47
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  ex:ts=2:sw=42sts=2:et
+  -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V5.0//EN"
+"" [
+<!ENTITY chapter-vty      SYSTEM      "../common/chapters/vty.xml">
+<!ENTITY sections-vty     SYSTEM      "generated/docbook_vty.xml" >
+  <info>
+    <revhistory>
+        <revision>
+            <revnumber>v1</revnumber>
+            <date>5th March 2014</date>
+            <authorinitials>hf</authorinitials>
+            <revremark>Initial version for 0.2-307</revremark>
+        </revision>
+    </revhistory>
+    <title>OsmoPCU VTY Reference</title>
+    <copyright>
+      <year>2014</year>
+    </copyright>
+    <legalnotice>
+      <para>This work is copyright by <orgname>sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH</orgname>. All rights reserved.
+      </para>
+    </legalnotice>
+  </info>
+  <!-- Main chapters-->
+  &chapter-vty;
diff --git a/doc/manuals/vty/osmo-pcu_vty_additions.xml b/doc/manuals/vty/osmo-pcu_vty_additions.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55d75e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/manuals/vty/osmo-pcu_vty_additions.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<vtydoc xmlns='urn:osmocom:xml:libosmocore:vty:doc:1.0'>
+    <node id='14'>
+    <child_of id='4' />
+    <name>PCU Configuration Node</name>
+    <description>The main PCU configuration including the timeslot
+    assignment algorithm and other parameters.</description>
+    </node>
diff --git a/doc/manuals/vty/osmo-pcu_vty_reference.xml b/doc/manuals/vty/osmo-pcu_vty_reference.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf1532d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/manuals/vty/osmo-pcu_vty_reference.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,941 @@
+<vtydoc xmlns='urn:osmocom:xml:libosmocore:vty:doc:1.0'>

+  <node id='0'>

+  </node>

+  <node id='1'>

+    <command id='show version'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='version' doc='Displays program version' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show online-help'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='online-help' doc='Online help' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='list'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='list' doc='Print command list' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='exit'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='help'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='enable'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='enable' doc='Turn on privileged mode command' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='terminal length &lt;0-512&gt;'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />

+        <param name='length' doc='Set number of lines on a screen' />

+        <param name='&lt;0-512&gt;' doc='Number of lines on screen (0 for no pausing)' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='terminal no length'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />

+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

+        <param name='length' doc='Set number of lines on a screen' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='echo .MESSAGE'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='echo' doc='Echo a message back to the vty' />

+        <param name='.MESSAGE' doc='The message to echo' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='who'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='who' doc='Display who is on vty' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show history'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='history' doc='Display the session command history' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging enable'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='enable' doc='Enables logging to this vty' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging disable'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='disable' doc='Disables logging to this vty' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging filter all (0|1)'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='filter' doc='Filter log messages' />

+        <param name='all' doc='Do you want to log all messages?' />

+        <param name='0' doc='Only print messages matched by other filters' />

+        <param name='1' doc='Bypass filter and print all messages' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging color (0|1)'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='color' doc='Configure color-printing for log messages' />

+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t use color for printing messages' />

+        <param name='1' doc='Use color for printing messages' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging timestamp (0|1)'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='timestamp' doc='Configure log message timestamping' />

+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />

+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with current timestamp' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging set-log-mask MASK'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='set-log-mask' doc='Set the logmask of this logging target' />

+        <param name='MASK' doc='The logmask to use' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging set log mask MASK'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='set' doc='Decide which categories to output.' />

+        <param name='log' doc='Log commands' />

+        <param name='mask' doc='Mask commands' />

+        <param name='MASK' doc='The logmask to use' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging level (all|csn1|l1if|rlcmac|rlcmacdata|rlcmacdl|rlcmacul|rlcmacsched|rlcmacmeas|bssgp|pcu|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms) (everything|debug|info|notice|error|fatal)'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />

+        <param name='all' doc='Global setting for all subsystems' />

+        <param name='csn1' doc='Concrete Syntax Notation One (CSN1)' />

+        <param name='l1if' doc='GPRS PCU L1 interface (L1IF)' />

+        <param name='rlcmac' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer (RLCMAC)' />

+        <param name='rlcmacdata' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Data (RLCMAC)' />

+        <param name='rlcmacdl' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Downlink (RLCMAC)' />

+        <param name='rlcmacul' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Uplink (RLCMAC)' />

+        <param name='rlcmacsched' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Scheduling (RLCMAC)' />

+        <param name='rlcmacmeas' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Measurements (RLCMAC)' />

+        <param name='bssgp' doc='GPRS BSS Gateway Protocol (BSSGP)' />

+        <param name='pcu' doc='GPRS Packet Control Unit (PCU)' />

+        <param name='lglobal' doc='Library-internal global log family' />

+        <param name='llapd' doc='LAPD in libosmogsm' />

+        <param name='linp' doc='A-bis Intput Subsystem' />

+        <param name='lmux' doc='A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex' />

+        <param name='lmi' doc='A-bis Input Driver for Signalling' />

+        <param name='lmib' doc='A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)' />

+        <param name='lsms' doc='Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)' />

+        <param name='everything' doc='Log simply everything' />

+        <param name='debug' doc='Log debug messages and higher levels' />

+        <param name='info' doc='Log informational messages and higher levels' />

+        <param name='notice' doc='Log noticable messages and higher levels' />

+        <param name='error' doc='Log error messages and higher levels' />

+        <param name='fatal' doc='Log only fatal messages' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show logging vty'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='logging' doc='Show current logging configuration' />

+        <param name='vty' doc='Show current logging configuration for this vty' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show alarms'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='alarms' doc='Show current logging configuration' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show bts statistics'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='bts' doc='BTS related functionality' />

+        <param name='statistics' doc='Statistics' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show tbf all'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='tbf' doc='information about all current TBFs' />

+        <param name='all' doc='(null)' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+  </node>

+  <node id='2'>

+  </node>

+  <node id='3'>

+    <command id='help'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='list'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='list' doc='Print command list' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write terminal'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+        <param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write file'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+        <param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write memory'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+        <param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show running-config'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='exit'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='disable'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='disable' doc='Turn off privileged mode command' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='configure terminal'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='configure' doc='Configuration from vty interface' />

+        <param name='terminal' doc='Configuration terminal' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='copy running-config startup-config'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='copy' doc='Copy configuration' />

+        <param name='running-config' doc='Copy running config to... ' />

+        <param name='startup-config' doc='Copy running config to startup config (same as write file)' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show startup-config'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='startup-config' doc='Contentes of startup configuration' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show version'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='version' doc='Displays program version' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show online-help'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='online-help' doc='Online help' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='terminal length &lt;0-512&gt;'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />

+        <param name='length' doc='Set number of lines on a screen' />

+        <param name='&lt;0-512&gt;' doc='Number of lines on screen (0 for no pausing)' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='terminal no length'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />

+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

+        <param name='length' doc='Set number of lines on a screen' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='echo .MESSAGE'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='echo' doc='Echo a message back to the vty' />

+        <param name='.MESSAGE' doc='The message to echo' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='who'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='who' doc='Display who is on vty' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show history'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='history' doc='Display the session command history' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='terminal monitor'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />

+        <param name='monitor' doc='Copy debug output to the current terminal line' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='terminal no monitor'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />

+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

+        <param name='monitor' doc='Copy debug output to the current terminal line' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging enable'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='enable' doc='Enables logging to this vty' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging disable'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='disable' doc='Disables logging to this vty' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging filter all (0|1)'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='filter' doc='Filter log messages' />

+        <param name='all' doc='Do you want to log all messages?' />

+        <param name='0' doc='Only print messages matched by other filters' />

+        <param name='1' doc='Bypass filter and print all messages' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging color (0|1)'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='color' doc='Configure color-printing for log messages' />

+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t use color for printing messages' />

+        <param name='1' doc='Use color for printing messages' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging timestamp (0|1)'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='timestamp' doc='Configure log message timestamping' />

+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />

+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with current timestamp' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging set-log-mask MASK'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='set-log-mask' doc='Set the logmask of this logging target' />

+        <param name='MASK' doc='The logmask to use' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging set log mask MASK'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='set' doc='Decide which categories to output.' />

+        <param name='log' doc='Log commands' />

+        <param name='mask' doc='Mask commands' />

+        <param name='MASK' doc='The logmask to use' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging level (all|csn1|l1if|rlcmac|rlcmacdata|rlcmacdl|rlcmacul|rlcmacsched|rlcmacmeas|bssgp|pcu|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms) (everything|debug|info|notice|error|fatal)'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />

+        <param name='all' doc='Global setting for all subsystems' />

+        <param name='csn1' doc='Concrete Syntax Notation One (CSN1)' />

+        <param name='l1if' doc='GPRS PCU L1 interface (L1IF)' />

+        <param name='rlcmac' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer (RLCMAC)' />

+        <param name='rlcmacdata' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Data (RLCMAC)' />

+        <param name='rlcmacdl' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Downlink (RLCMAC)' />

+        <param name='rlcmacul' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Uplink (RLCMAC)' />

+        <param name='rlcmacsched' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Scheduling (RLCMAC)' />

+        <param name='rlcmacmeas' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Measurements (RLCMAC)' />

+        <param name='bssgp' doc='GPRS BSS Gateway Protocol (BSSGP)' />

+        <param name='pcu' doc='GPRS Packet Control Unit (PCU)' />

+        <param name='lglobal' doc='Library-internal global log family' />

+        <param name='llapd' doc='LAPD in libosmogsm' />

+        <param name='linp' doc='A-bis Intput Subsystem' />

+        <param name='lmux' doc='A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex' />

+        <param name='lmi' doc='A-bis Input Driver for Signalling' />

+        <param name='lmib' doc='A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)' />

+        <param name='lsms' doc='Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)' />

+        <param name='everything' doc='Log simply everything' />

+        <param name='debug' doc='Log debug messages and higher levels' />

+        <param name='info' doc='Log informational messages and higher levels' />

+        <param name='notice' doc='Log noticable messages and higher levels' />

+        <param name='error' doc='Log error messages and higher levels' />

+        <param name='fatal' doc='Log only fatal messages' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show logging vty'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='logging' doc='Show current logging configuration' />

+        <param name='vty' doc='Show current logging configuration for this vty' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show alarms'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='alarms' doc='Show current logging configuration' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show bts statistics'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='bts' doc='BTS related functionality' />

+        <param name='statistics' doc='Statistics' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show tbf all'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='tbf' doc='information about all current TBFs' />

+        <param name='all' doc='(null)' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+  </node>

+  <node id='4'>

+    <command id='help'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='list'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='list' doc='Print command list' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write terminal'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+        <param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write file'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+        <param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write memory'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+        <param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show running-config'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='exit'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='end'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode.' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='hostname WORD'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='hostname' doc='Set system&apos;s network name' />

+        <param name='WORD' doc='This system&apos;s network name' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='no hostname [HOSTNAME]'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

+        <param name='hostname' doc='Reset system&apos;s network name' />

+        <param name='[HOSTNAME]' doc='Host name of this router' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='password (8|) WORD'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='password' doc='Assign the terminal connection password' />

+        <param name='8' doc='Specifies a HIDDEN password will follow' />

+        <param name='' doc='dummy string ' />

+        <param name='WORD' doc='The HIDDEN line password string' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='password LINE'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='password' doc='Assign the terminal connection password' />

+        <param name='LINE' doc='The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) line password' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='enable password (8|) WORD'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='enable' doc='Modify enable password parameters' />

+        <param name='password' doc='Assign the privileged level password' />

+        <param name='8' doc='Specifies a HIDDEN password will follow' />

+        <param name='' doc='dummy string ' />

+        <param name='WORD' doc='The HIDDEN &apos;enable&apos; password string' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='enable password LINE'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='enable' doc='Modify enable password parameters' />

+        <param name='password' doc='Assign the privileged level password' />

+        <param name='LINE' doc='The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) &apos;enable&apos; password' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='no enable password'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

+        <param name='enable' doc='Modify enable password parameters' />

+        <param name='password' doc='Assign the privileged level password' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='banner motd default'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='banner' doc='Set banner string' />

+        <param name='motd' doc='Strings for motd' />

+        <param name='default' doc='Default string' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='banner motd file [FILE]'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='banner' doc='Set banner' />

+        <param name='motd' doc='Banner for motd' />

+        <param name='file' doc='Banner from a file' />

+        <param name='[FILE]' doc='Filename' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='no banner motd'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

+        <param name='banner' doc='Set banner string' />

+        <param name='motd' doc='Strings for motd' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='service terminal-length &lt;0-512&gt;'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='service' doc='Set up miscellaneous service' />

+        <param name='terminal-length' doc='System wide terminal length configuration' />

+        <param name='&lt;0-512&gt;' doc='Number of lines of VTY (0 means no line control)' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='no service terminal-length [&lt;0-512&gt;]'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

+        <param name='service' doc='Set up miscellaneous service' />

+        <param name='terminal-length' doc='System wide terminal length configuration' />

+        <param name='[&lt;0-512&gt;]' doc='Number of lines of VTY (0 means no line control)' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='line vty'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='line' doc='Configure a terminal line' />

+        <param name='vty' doc='Virtual terminal' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='service advanced-vty'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='service' doc='Set up miscellaneous service' />

+        <param name='advanced-vty' doc='Enable advanced mode vty interface' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='no service advanced-vty'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

+        <param name='service' doc='Set up miscellaneous service' />

+        <param name='advanced-vty' doc='Enable advanced mode vty interface' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show history'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='history' doc='Display the session command history' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='log stderr'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />

+        <param name='stderr' doc='Logging via STDERR of the process' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='no log stderr'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

+        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />

+        <param name='stderr' doc='Logging via STDERR of the process' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='log file .FILENAME'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />

+        <param name='file' doc='Logging to text file' />

+        <param name='.FILENAME' doc='Filename' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='no log file .FILENAME'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

+        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />

+        <param name='file' doc='Logging to text file' />

+        <param name='.FILENAME' doc='Filename' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='log alarms &lt;2-32700&gt;'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />

+        <param name='alarms' doc='Logging alarms to osmo_strrb' />

+        <param name='&lt;2-32700&gt;' doc='Maximum number of messages to log' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='no log alarms'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

+        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />

+        <param name='alarms' doc='Logging alarms to osmo_strrb' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='log syslog (authpriv|cron|daemon|ftp|lpr|mail|news|user|uucp)'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />

+        <param name='syslog' doc='Logging via syslog' />

+        <param name='authpriv' doc='Security/authorization messages facility' />

+        <param name='cron' doc='Clock daemon (cron/at) facility' />

+        <param name='daemon' doc='General system daemon facility' />

+        <param name='ftp' doc='Ftp daemon facility' />

+        <param name='lpr' doc='Line printer facility' />

+        <param name='mail' doc='Mail facility' />

+        <param name='news' doc='News facility' />

+        <param name='user' doc='Generic facility' />

+        <param name='uucp' doc='UUCP facility' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='log syslog local &lt;0-7&gt;'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />

+        <param name='syslog' doc='Logging via syslog' />

+        <param name='local' doc='Syslog LOCAL facility' />

+        <param name='&lt;0-7&gt;' doc='Local facility number' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='no log syslog'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

+        <param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />

+        <param name='syslog' doc='Logging via syslog' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='pcu'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='pcu' doc='BTS specific configure' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+  </node>

+  <node id='7'>

+    <command id='help'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='list'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='list' doc='Print command list' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write terminal'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+        <param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write file'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+        <param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write memory'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+        <param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show running-config'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='exit'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='end'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode.' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging filter all (0|1)'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='filter' doc='Filter log messages' />

+        <param name='all' doc='Do you want to log all messages?' />

+        <param name='0' doc='Only print messages matched by other filters' />

+        <param name='1' doc='Bypass filter and print all messages' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging color (0|1)'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='color' doc='Configure color-printing for log messages' />

+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t use color for printing messages' />

+        <param name='1' doc='Use color for printing messages' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging timestamp (0|1)'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='timestamp' doc='Configure log message timestamping' />

+        <param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />

+        <param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with current timestamp' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='logging level (all|csn1|l1if|rlcmac|rlcmacdata|rlcmacdl|rlcmacul|rlcmacsched|rlcmacmeas|bssgp|pcu|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms) (everything|debug|info|notice|error|fatal)'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />

+        <param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />

+        <param name='all' doc='Global setting for all subsystems' />

+        <param name='csn1' doc='Concrete Syntax Notation One (CSN1)' />

+        <param name='l1if' doc='GPRS PCU L1 interface (L1IF)' />

+        <param name='rlcmac' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer (RLCMAC)' />

+        <param name='rlcmacdata' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Data (RLCMAC)' />

+        <param name='rlcmacdl' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Downlink (RLCMAC)' />

+        <param name='rlcmacul' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Uplink (RLCMAC)' />

+        <param name='rlcmacsched' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Scheduling (RLCMAC)' />

+        <param name='rlcmacmeas' doc='GPRS RLC/MAC layer Measurements (RLCMAC)' />

+        <param name='bssgp' doc='GPRS BSS Gateway Protocol (BSSGP)' />

+        <param name='pcu' doc='GPRS Packet Control Unit (PCU)' />

+        <param name='lglobal' doc='Library-internal global log family' />

+        <param name='llapd' doc='LAPD in libosmogsm' />

+        <param name='linp' doc='A-bis Intput Subsystem' />

+        <param name='lmux' doc='A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex' />

+        <param name='lmi' doc='A-bis Input Driver for Signalling' />

+        <param name='lmib' doc='A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)' />

+        <param name='lsms' doc='Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)' />

+        <param name='everything' doc='Log simply everything' />

+        <param name='debug' doc='Log debug messages and higher levels' />

+        <param name='info' doc='Log informational messages and higher levels' />

+        <param name='notice' doc='Log noticable messages and higher levels' />

+        <param name='error' doc='Log error messages and higher levels' />

+        <param name='fatal' doc='Log only fatal messages' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+  </node>

+  <node id='8'>

+    <command id='help'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='list'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='list' doc='Print command list' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write terminal'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+        <param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write file'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+        <param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write memory'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+        <param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show running-config'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='exit'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='end'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode.' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='login'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='login' doc='Enable password checking' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='no login'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

+        <param name='login' doc='Enable password checking' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+  </node>

+  <node id='14'>

+    <command id='help'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='list'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='list' doc='Print command list' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write terminal'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+        <param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write file'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+        <param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write memory'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+        <param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='write'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='show running-config'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />

+        <param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='no two-phase-access'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

+        <param name='two-phase-access' doc='Only use two phase access when requested my MS' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='cs &lt;1-4&gt; [&lt;1-4&gt;]'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='cs' doc='Set the Coding Scheme to be used, (overrides BTS config)' />

+        <param name='&lt;1-4&gt;' doc='Initial CS used' />

+        <param name='[&lt;1-4&gt;]' doc='Alternative uplink CS' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='no cs'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

+        <param name='cs' doc='Don&apos;t force given Coding Scheme, (use BTS config)' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='queue lifetime &lt;1-65534&gt;'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='queue' doc='Packet queue options' />

+        <param name='lifetime' doc='Set lifetime limit of LLC frame in centi-seconds (overrides the value given by SGSN)' />

+        <param name='&lt;1-65534&gt;' doc='Lifetime in centi-seconds' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='queue lifetime infinite'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='queue' doc='Packet queue options' />

+        <param name='lifetime' doc='Set lifetime limit of LLC frame in centi-seconds (overrides the value given by SGSN)' />

+        <param name='infinite' doc='Infinite lifetime' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='no queue lifetime'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />

+        <param name='queue' doc='Packet queue options' />

+        <param name='lifetime' doc='Disable lifetime limit of LLC frame (use value given by SGSN)' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='alloc-algorithm (a|b)'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='alloc-algorithm' doc='Select slot allocation algorithm to use when assigning timeslots on PACCH' />

+        <param name='a' doc='Single slot is assigned only' />

+        <param name='b' doc='Multiple slots are assigned for semi-duplex operation' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='two-phase-access'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='two-phase-access' doc='Force two phase access when MS requests single phase access' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='flow-control-interval &lt;1-10&gt;'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='flow-control-interval' doc='Interval between sending subsequent Flow Control PDUs' />

+        <param name='&lt;1-10&gt;' doc='Interval time in seconds' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='alpha &lt;0-10&gt;'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='alpha' doc='Alpha parameter for MS power control in units of 0.1 (see TS 05.08) NOTE: Be sure to set Alpha value at System information 13 too.' />

+        <param name='&lt;0-10&gt;' doc='Alpha in units of 0.1' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='gamma &lt;0-62&gt;'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='gamma' doc='Gamma parameter for MS power control in units of dB (see TS 05.08)' />

+        <param name='&lt;0-62&gt;' doc='Gamma in even unit of dBs' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+    <command id='end'>

+      <params>

+        <param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode' />

+      </params>

+    </command>

+  </node>

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