csn1: Add unit test showing RadioAccess Capability decoding failure

This RA Cap creaes a decoding error on our CSN1 decoder, but seems to be
handled properly by wireshark's own decoder as well as pycrate.

The ending bit of last byte in "MS RA capability 1" has a "1" which
according to spec should flag the existance of
DownlinkDualCarrierCapability_r7, but nothing else comes after it. This
matches the expectancies as per Length field of the first RA Cap.

Related: SYS#5552
Related: OS#4955
Related: OS#5020
Change-Id: I51235e8575f4b992b44078713ec67bbccfd13293
diff --git a/tests/rlcmac/RLCMACTest.err b/tests/rlcmac/RLCMACTest.err
index d36f248..045ba78 100644
--- a/tests/rlcmac/RLCMACTest.err
+++ b/tests/rlcmac/RLCMACTest.err
@@ -58,3 +58,4 @@
 DCSN1 DEBUG csnStreamDecoder (EGPRS Packet Channel Request): Choice EGPRS_PacketChannelRequest_Choice = 51 |  : Content | RandomBits = 17 | : End Content | 
 DCSN1 DEBUG csnStreamDecoder (EGPRS Packet Channel Request): Choice EGPRS_PacketChannelRequest_Choice = 55 |  : Content | RandomBits = 25 | : End Content | 
 DCSN1 DEBUG csnStreamDecoder (EGPRS Packet Channel Request): DCSN1 ERROR csnStreamDecoder: error STREAM_NOT_SUPPORTED (-8) at EGPRS_PacketChannelRequest_Choice (idx 0)
+DCSN1 INFO csnStreamDecoder (RAcap): MS_RA_capability_value { | Choice MS_RA_capability_value_Choice = 1 | u.Content length = 61 | offset = 1 | RF_Power_Capability = 4 | Exist_A5_bits = 1 | A5_bits = 80 | ES_IND = 1 | PS = 1 | VGCS = 0 | VBS = 0 | Exist_Multislot_capability = 1 |  : Multislot_capability | Exist_HSCSD_multislot_class = 0 | Exist_GPRS_multislot_class = 1 | GPRS_multislot_class = 12 | GPRS_Extended_Dynamic_Allocation_Capability = 1 | Exist_SM = 0 | Exist_ECSD_multislot_class = 0 | Exist_EGPRS_multislot_class = 1 | EGPRS_multislot_class = 12 | EGPRS_Extended_Dynamic_Allocation_Capability = 1 | Exist_DTM_GPRS_multislot_class = 0 | : End Multislot_capability | Exist_Eight_PSK_Power_Capability = 1 | Eight_PSK_Power_Capability = 2 | COMPACT_Interference_Measurement_Capability = 0 | Revision_Level_Indicator = 1 | UMTS_FDD_Radio_Access_Technology_Capability = 1 | UMTS_384_TDD_Radio_Access_Technology_Capability = 0 | CDMA2000_Radio_Access_Technology_Capability = 0 | UMTS_128_TDD_Radio_Access_Technology_Capability = 0 | GERAN_Feature_Package_1 = 1 | Exist_Extended_DTM_multislot_class = 0 | Modulation_based_multislot_class_support = 0 | Exist_HighMultislotCapability = 0 | Exist_GERAN_lu_ModeCapability = 0 | GMSK_MultislotPowerProfile = 0 | EightPSK_MultislotProfile = 0 | MultipleTBF_Capability = 0 | DownlinkAdvancedReceiverPerformance = 0 | ExtendedRLC_MAC_ControlMessageSegmentionsCapability = 0 | DTM_EnhancementsCapability = 0 | Exist_DTM_GPRS_HighMultislotClass = 0 | PS_HandoverCapability = 0 | DTM_Handover_Capability = 0 | Exist_DownlinkDualCarrierCapability_r7 = 1 |  : DownlinkDualCarrierCapability_r7 | DCSN1 ERROR csnStreamDecoder: error NEED_MORE BITS TO UNPACK (-5) at MultislotCapabilityReductionForDL_DualCarrier (idx 72): End DownlinkDualCarrierCapability_r7 |