sms: Add dummy script to create subscribers and SMS

This is creating 1000 subscribers and 30 SMS each. The SMS
itself is badly formatted (not a valid 7bit encoding) but
it should be enough for a stress test.
diff --git a/openbsc/contrib/sms/ b/openbsc/contrib/sms/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da0643e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openbsc/contrib/sms/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+"I create output for some simple SQL statements for the HLR db"
+Eval [
+"Create tables if they don't exist"
+Transcript show: 'CREATE TABLE SMS (
+                    created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
+                    sent TIMESTAMP,
+                    sender_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
+                    receiver_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
+                    deliver_attempts INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
+                    valid_until TIMESTAMP,
+                    reply_path_req INTEGER NOT NULL,
+                    status_rep_req INTEGER NOT NULL,
+                    protocol_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
+                    data_coding_scheme INTEGER NOT NULL,
+                    ud_hdr_ind INTEGER NOT NULL,
+                    dest_addr TEXT,
+                    user_data BLOB,
+                    header BLOB,
+                    text TEXT);'; nl;
+	     show: 'CREATE TABLE Subscriber (
+                    created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
+                    updated TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
+                    imsi NUMERIC UNIQUE NOT NULL,
+                    name TEXT,
+                    extension TEXT UNIQUE,
+                    authorized INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
+                    tmsi TEXT UNIQUE,
+                    lac INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);'; nl.
+"Create some dummy subscribers"
+num_sub := 1000.
+num_sms := 30.
+lac := 1.
+Transcript show: 'BEGIN;'; nl.
+1 to: num_sub do: [:each |
+   Transcript show: 'INSERT INTO Subscriber
+                        (imsi, created, updated, authorized, lac, extension)
+                        VALUES
+                        (%1, datetime(''now''), datetime(''now''), 1, %2, %3);' %
+                        {(274090000000000 + each). lac. each}; nl.
+1 to: num_sms do: [:sms |
+    1 to: num_sub do: [:sub |
+        Transcript show: 'INSERT INTO SMS
+                            (created, sender_id, receiver_id, valid_until,
+                             reply_path_req, status_rep_req, protocol_id,
+                             data_coding_scheme, ud_hdr_ind, dest_addr,
+                             text) VALUES
+                            (datetime(''now''), 1, %1, ''2222-2-2'',
+                             0, 0, 0,
+                             0, 0, ''123456'',
+                             ''abc'');' % {sub}; nl.
+    ]
+Transcript show: 'COMMIT;'; nl.