gsm_04_11: Support for implicit CP-ACK in case of multi-SMS

See GSM 04.11 Chapter 5.4 for details. The idea is that when
multi-SMS are mobile originated, it's possible the CP-ACK of
the previous transaction to be lost and the reception of a
new CP-DATA for a new transaction should close previous transaction
"as-if" we had received the CP-ACK ...

Note that testing is hard since it's an exceptional condition that's
hard to create. I tested by temporarly disabling CP-ACK processing
and checked it worked as expected.

Signed-off-by: Sylvain Munaut <>
1 file changed
tree: e59e9159a197832aa88e6efbe9272de283c8ecb2
  1. hlrsync/
  2. linux-kernel/
  3. openbsc/
  4. rrlp-ephemeris/
  5. wireshark/