bsc_hack: Add other known options to the list
diff --git a/openbsc/src/bsc_hack.c b/openbsc/src/bsc_hack.c
index c95bbe2..4cde4dd 100644
--- a/openbsc/src/bsc_hack.c
+++ b/openbsc/src/bsc_hack.c
@@ -76,11 +76,13 @@
 	printf("  Some useful help...\n");
 	printf("  -h --help this text\n");
 	printf("  -d option --debug=DRLL:DCC:DMM:DRR:DRSL:DNM enable debugging\n");
-	printf("  -s --disable-color\n");
 	printf("  -c --config-file filename The config file to use.\n");
+	printf("  -s --disable-color\n");
 	printf("  -l --database db-name The database to use\n");
+	printf("  -a --authorize-everyone. Authorize every new subscriber. Dangerous!.\n");
 	printf("  -p --pcap file  The filename of the pcap file\n");
 	printf("  -T --timestamp Prefix every log line with a timestamp\n");
+	printf("  -V --version. Print the version of OpenBSC.\n");
 	printf("  -P --rtp-proxy Enable the RTP Proxy code inside OpenBSC\n");
 	printf("  -e --log-level number. Set a global loglevel.\n");