[handover] Real handover algorithm

This implements the handover algorithm (and associated parameters)
as described in Chapter 8 of the book "Performance Enhancements in
a Frequency |Hopping GSM Network" by Thomas Toftegard Nielsen and Jeroen

The parameters such as averaging windows are configured in struct
gsm_network.  We keep some state to trakc up to 10 neighbors as
they are being reported from the MS.

This has so far only been tested in a network with two BTS that
have each other as neighbor.  Networks with morge neighbors might
encounter bugs.
5 files changed
tree: 2631e72801c2e13a2b47564f9616174cb195c372
  1. hlrsync/
  2. linux-kernel/
  3. openbsc/
  4. wireshark/