mgcp_ratectr: refactor rate counter and set group name

The rate counter group is currently only referenced by an index. In a
system with multiple trunks this makes it difficult to say which rate
counter group belongs to which trunk sinde the index that is used does
not necessarly corespond to a specific trunk.

Since rate counter groups can now get a human readable name assigned, we
should do that.

Also E1 specific rate counters only make sense for E1-trunks, so they
should not be present on the virtual trunk.

Change-Id: I5e7f0e9081a06af48e284afa5c36a095b2847704
diff --git a/src/libosmo-mgcp/mgcp_protocol.c b/src/libosmo-mgcp/mgcp_protocol.c
index 29d27d4..895dd9e 100644
--- a/src/libosmo-mgcp/mgcp_protocol.c
+++ b/src/libosmo-mgcp/mgcp_protocol.c
@@ -1560,7 +1560,7 @@
 		return NULL;
-        mgcp_ratectr_global_alloc(cfg, &cfg->ratectr);
+	mgcp_ratectr_global_alloc(cfg);
 	return cfg;