Fix memory leaks in generated code

The decode_*ies functions did not clean up after them. This change is
taken from changes made to in openair-cn repository.
diff --git a/asn1/utils/ b/asn1/utils/
index 61d0f68..c3d5e17 100755
--- a/asn1/utils/
+++ b/asn1/utils/
@@ -329,16 +329,19 @@
         f.write("                if (asn1_xer_print)\n")
         f.write("                    xer_fprint(stdout, &asn_DEF_%s, %s_p);\n" % (ietypeunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
         if ie[2] in ieofielist.keys():
-            f.write("                if (%s_decode_%s(&%s->%s, %s_p) < 0)\n" % (fileprefix, ietypeunderscore.lower(), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), ienameunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
+            f.write("                if (%s_decode_%s(&%s->%s, %s_p) < 0) {\n" % (fileprefix, ietypeunderscore.lower(), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), ienameunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
             f.write("                    %s_DEBUG(\"Decoding of encapsulated IE %s failed\\n\");\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
+            f.write("                    ASN_STRUCT_FREE(asn_DEF_%s, %s_p);\n" % (ietypeunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
             f.write("                memcpy(&%s->%s, %s_p, sizeof(%s_t));\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), ienameunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst), ietypeunderscore))
+            f.write("                ASN_STRUCT_FREE(asn_DEF_%s, %s_p);\n" % (ietypeunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
         f.write("            } break;\n")
     f.write("            default:\n")
     f.write("                %s_DEBUG(\"Unknown protocol IE id (%%d) for message %s\\n\", (int)ie_p->id);\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), re.sub('-', '_', structName.lower())))
     f.write("                return -1;\n")
     f.write("        }\n")
     f.write("    }\n")
+    f.write("    ASN_STRUCT_FREE(asn_DEF_%s, %s_p);\n" % (asn1cStruct, asn1cStructfirstlower))
     f.write("    return decoded;\n")
@@ -363,8 +366,10 @@
         f.write("            {\n")
         f.write("                %s_t *%s_p;\n" % (prefix + re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '', ie[2]))))
         f.write("                tempDecoded = ANY_to_type_aper(&ie_p->value, &asn_DEF_%s, (void**)&%s_p);\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '', ie[2]))))
-        f.write("                if (tempDecoded < 0) {\n")
+        f.write("                if (tempDecoded < 0 || %s_p == NULL) {\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '', ie[2]))))
         f.write("                    %s_DEBUG(\"Decoding of IE %s for message %s failed\\n\");\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), ienameunderscore, re.sub('-', '_', keyname)))
+        f.write("                    if (%s_p)\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '', ie[2]))))
+        f.write("                        ASN_STRUCT_FREE(asn_DEF_%s, %s_p);\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '', ie[2]))))
         f.write("                    return -1;\n")
         f.write("                }\n")
         f.write("                decoded += tempDecoded;\n")
@@ -450,6 +455,8 @@
             f.write("        return -1;\n")
             f.write("    }\n")
             f.write("    ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&%s->%slist, ie);\n\n" % (firstwordlower, iesaccess))
+            if ie[2] in ieofielist.keys():
+                f.write("    ASN_STRUCT_FREE_CONTENTS_ONLY(asn_DEF_%s, &%s);\n\n" % (ietypeunderscore, ienamefirstwordlower))
     f.write("    return 0;\n")