Add missing ranap_ies_defs.h (generated from 'make regen' but we want it committed)
diff --git a/include/osmocom/ranap/ranap_ies_defs.h b/include/osmocom/ranap/ranap_ies_defs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea50eb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/osmocom/ranap/ranap_ies_defs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2652 @@
+ * This file had been created by script v0.5osmo1
+ * Please do not modify this file but regenerate it via script.
+ * Created on: 2016-01-11 12:45:00.144035 by neels
+ * from ['../asn1//ranap/RANAP-PDU-Contents.asn']
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include <osmocom/ranap/ranap_common.h>
+#ifndef RANAP_IES_DEFS_H_
+#define RANAP_IES_DEFS_H_
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_ReleasedItemIEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleasedItem_t raB_ReleasedItem;
+} RANAP_RAB_ReleasedItemIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_Iu_ReleaseRequestIEs_s {
+    RANAP_Cause_t cause;
+} RANAP_Iu_ReleaseRequestIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_UESpecificInformationIndicationIEs_s {
+    uint16_t   presenceMask;
+    RANAP_UESBI_Iu_t uesbI_Iu; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_UESpecificInformationIndicationIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteFailureIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_Cause_t            cause;
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteFailureIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_MBMSCNDe_RegistrationResponseIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_TMGI_t             tmgi;
+    RANAP_GlobalRNC_ID_t     globalRNC_ID;
+    RANAP_Cause_t            cause; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_MBMSCNDe_RegistrationResponseIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_SecurityModeRejectIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_Cause_t            cause;
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_SecurityModeRejectIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RANAP_RelocationInformationIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                         presenceMask;
+    RANAP_RAB_ContextList_RANAP_RelocInf_t raB_ContextList_RANAP_RelocInf; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_RANAP_RelocationInformationIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_CN_DomainIndicator_t cN_DomainIndicator;
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_GlobalRNC_ID_t     globalRNC_ID; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RelocationCancelAcknowledgeIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_RelocationCancelAcknowledgeIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_SRVCC_CSKeysResponseIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_IntegrityProtectionKey_t integrityProtectionKey;
+    RANAP_EncryptionKey_t    encryptionKey;
+    RANAP_SRVCC_Information_t srvcC_Information;
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_SRVCC_CSKeysResponseIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_MBMSCNDe_RegistrationRequestIEs_s {
+    uint16_t      presenceMask;
+    RANAP_TMGI_t  tmgi;
+    RANAP_GlobalCN_ID_t globalCN_ID; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_MBMSCNDe_RegistrationRequestIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_PagingIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                     presenceMask;
+    RANAP_CN_DomainIndicator_t   cN_DomainIndicator;
+    RANAP_PermanentNAS_UE_ID_t   permanentNAS_UE_ID;
+    RANAP_TemporaryUE_ID_t       temporaryUE_ID; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_PagingAreaID_t         pagingAreaID; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_PagingCause_t          pagingCause; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_NonSearchingIndication_t nonSearchingIndication; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_DRX_CycleLengthCoefficient_t drX_CycleLengthCoefficient; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_PagingIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_GERAN_Iumode_RAB_Failed_RABAssgntResponse_ItemIEs_s {
+    RANAP_GERAN_Iumode_RAB_Failed_RABAssgntResponse_Item_t geraN_Iumode_RAB_Failed_RABAssgntResponse_Item;
+} RANAP_GERAN_Iumode_RAB_Failed_RABAssgntResponse_ItemIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_ResetResourceItemIEs_s {
+    RANAP_ResetResourceItem_t iuSigConIdItem;
+} RANAP_ResetResourceItemIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_LocationReportingControlIEs_s {
+    RANAP_RequestType_t requestType;
+} RANAP_LocationReportingControlIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteRequestIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_IuSignallingConnectionIdentifier_t oldIuSigConId;
+    RANAP_IuSignallingConnectionIdentifier_t iuSigConId;
+    RANAP_GlobalRNC_ID_t                     relocation_SourceRNC_ID;
+    RANAP_ExtendedRNC_ID_t                   relocation_SourceExtendedRNC_ID; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_GlobalRNC_ID_t                     relocation_TargetRNC_ID;
+    RANAP_ExtendedRNC_ID_t                   relocation_TargetExtendedRNC_ID; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupList_EnhancedRelocCompleteReq_t raB_SetupList_EnhancedRelocCompleteReq; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteRequestIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_FailedItemIEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_FailedItem_t raB_FailedItem;
+} RANAP_RAB_FailedItemIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_MBMSUELinkingResponseIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                  presenceMask;
+    RANAP_UnsuccessfulLinking_IEs_t unsuccessfulLinkingList; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_MBMSUELinkingResponseIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_QueuedItemIEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_QueuedItem_t raB_QueuedItem;
+} RANAP_RAB_QueuedItemIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_CN_InvokeTraceIEs_s {
+    uint16_t         presenceMask;
+    RANAP_TraceType_t traceType; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_TraceReference_t traceReference;
+    RANAP_TriggerID_t triggerID; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_UE_ID_t    ue_id; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_OMC_ID_t   omc_id; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_CN_InvokeTraceIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs_s {
+    RANAP_Cause_t cause;
+} RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RelocationRequestAcknowledgeIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                                     presenceMask;
+    RANAP_TargetRNC_ToSourceRNC_TransparentContainer_t target_ToSource_TransparentContainer; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupList_RelocReqAck_t            raB_SetupList_RelocReqAck; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RAB_FailedList_t                       raB_FailedList; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_ChosenIntegrityProtectionAlgorithm_t   chosenIntegrityProtectionAlgorithm; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_ChosenEncryptionAlgorithm_t            chosenEncryptionAlgorithm; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t               criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_RelocationRequestAcknowledgeIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RelocationFailureIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_Cause_t            cause;
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_RelocationFailureIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RABs_failed_to_reportItemIEs_s {
+    RANAP_RABs_failed_to_reportItem_t raB_FailedtoReportItem;
+} RANAP_RABs_failed_to_reportItemIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RelocationPreparationFailureIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_Cause_t            cause;
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_RelocationPreparationFailureIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_ToBeReleasedItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_ToBeReleasedItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_t raB_ToBeReleasedItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes;
+} RANAP_RAB_ToBeReleasedItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RABs_ContextFailedtoTransferItemIEs_s {
+    RANAP_RABs_ContextFailedtoTransferItem_t raB_ContextFailedtoTransferItem;
+} RANAP_RABs_ContextFailedtoTransferItemIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RelocationRequiredIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                      presenceMask;
+    RANAP_RelocationType_t        relocationType;
+    RANAP_Cause_t                 cause;
+    RANAP_SourceID_t              sourceID;
+    RANAP_TargetID_t              targetID;
+    RANAP_OldBSS_ToNewBSS_Information_t oldBSS_ToNewBSS_Information; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_RelocationRequiredIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_MBMSSessionStopIEs_s {
+    RANAP_MBMSCNDe_Registration_t mbmscnDe_Registration;
+} RANAP_MBMSSessionStopIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_MBMSSessionUpdateFailureIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_SessionUpdateID_t  sessionUpdateID;
+    RANAP_Cause_t            cause;
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_MBMSSessionUpdateFailureIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_ResetIEs_s {
+    uint16_t             presenceMask;
+    RANAP_Cause_t        cause;
+    RANAP_CN_DomainIndicator_t cN_DomainIndicator;
+    RANAP_GlobalRNC_ID_t globalRNC_ID; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_ResetIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_LocationRelatedDataFailureIEs_s {
+    RANAP_Cause_t cause;
+} RANAP_LocationRelatedDataFailureIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_ResetResourceAcknowledgeIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_CN_DomainIndicator_t cN_DomainIndicator;
+    RANAP_ResetResourceAckList_t iuSigConIdList;
+    RANAP_GlobalRNC_ID_t     globalRNC_ID; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_ResetResourceAcknowledgeIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_MBMSRegistrationRequestIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                      presenceMask;
+    RANAP_MBMSRegistrationRequestType_t mbmsRegistrationRequestType;
+    RANAP_TMGI_t                  tmgi;
+    RANAP_GlobalRNC_ID_t          globalRNC_ID; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_MBMSRegistrationRequestIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_UplinkInformationExchangeRequestIEs_s {
+    RANAP_InformationExchangeID_t informationExchangeID;
+    RANAP_InformationExchangeType_t informationExchangeType;
+    RANAP_CN_DomainIndicator_t cN_DomainIndicator;
+    RANAP_GlobalRNC_ID_t      globalRNC_ID;
+} RANAP_UplinkInformationExchangeRequestIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_MBMSSessionStopResponseIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_Cause_t            cause; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_MBMSSessionStopResponseIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_ContextItemIEs_RANAP_RelocInf_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_ContextItem_RANAP_RelocInf_t raB_ContextItem_RANAP_RelocInf;
+} RANAP_RAB_ContextItemIEs_RANAP_RelocInf_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_LocationRelatedDataRequestIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                         presenceMask;
+    RANAP_LocationRelatedDataRequestType_t locationRelatedDataRequestType; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_LocationRelatedDataRequestIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_DataForwardingItem_SRNS_CtxReq_IEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_DataForwardingItem_SRNS_CtxReq_t raB_DataForwardingItem_SRNS_CtxReq;
+} RANAP_RAB_DataForwardingItem_SRNS_CtxReq_IEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_ReleaseItemIEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleaseItem_t raB_ReleaseItem;
+} RANAP_RAB_ReleaseItemIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_DataVolumeReportRequestItemIEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_DataVolumeReportRequestItem_t raB_DataVolumeReportRequestItem;
+} RANAP_RAB_DataVolumeReportRequestItemIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_InformationTransferConfirmationIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_InformationTransferID_t informationTransferID;
+    RANAP_CN_DomainIndicator_t cN_DomainIndicator;
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_GlobalRNC_ID_t     globalRNC_ID;
+} RANAP_InformationTransferConfirmationIEs_t;
+#define INITIALUE_MESSAGEIES_RANAP_RAC_PRESENT                        (1 << 0)
+typedef struct RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                           presenceMask;
+    RANAP_CN_DomainIndicator_t         cN_DomainIndicator;
+    RANAP_LAI_t                        lai;
+    RANAP_RAC_t                        rac; ///< Conditional field
+    RANAP_SAI_t                        sai;
+    RANAP_NAS_PDU_t                    nas_pdu;
+    RANAP_IuSignallingConnectionIdentifier_t iuSigConId;
+    RANAP_GlobalRNC_ID_t               globalRNC_ID;
+} RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_SRNS_ContextResponseIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                           presenceMask;
+    RANAP_RAB_ContextList_t            raB_ContextList; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RABs_ContextFailedtoTransferList_t raB_ContextFailedtoTransferList; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t     criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_SRNS_ContextResponseIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_ResetResourceAckItemIEs_s {
+    RANAP_ResetResourceAckItem_t iuSigConIdItem;
+} RANAP_ResetResourceAckItemIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_SRNS_DataForwardCommandIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_RAB_DataForwardingList_t raB_DataForwardingList; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_SRNS_DataForwardCommandIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RelocationRequestIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                                     presenceMask;
+    RANAP_PermanentNAS_UE_ID_t                   permanentNAS_UE_ID; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_Cause_t                                cause;
+    RANAP_CN_DomainIndicator_t                   cN_DomainIndicator;
+    RANAP_SourceRNC_ToTargetRNC_TransparentContainer_t source_ToTarget_TransparentContainer;
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupList_RelocReq_t               raB_SetupList_RelocReq; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_IntegrityProtectionInformation_t       integrityProtectionInformation; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_EncryptionInformation_t                encryptionInformation; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_IuSignallingConnectionIdentifier_t     iuSigConId;
+} RANAP_RelocationRequestIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_SRNS_ContextRequestIEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_DataForwardingList_SRNS_CtxReq_t raB_DataForwardingList_SRNS_CtxReq;
+} RANAP_SRNS_ContextRequestIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_MBMSSessionStartResponseIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                    presenceMask;
+    RANAP_TransportLayerInformation_t transportLayerInformation; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_Cause_t               cause; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_MBMSSessionStartResponseIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_DirectTransferIEs_s {
+    uint16_t  presenceMask;
+    RANAP_NAS_PDU_t nas_pdu;
+    RANAP_LAI_t lai; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RAC_t rac; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_SAI_t sai; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_SAPI_t sapi; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_DirectTransferIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_ResetResourceIEs_s {
+    uint16_t             presenceMask;
+    RANAP_CN_DomainIndicator_t cN_DomainIndicator;
+    RANAP_Cause_t        cause;
+    RANAP_ResetResourceList_t iuSigConIdList;
+    RANAP_GlobalRNC_ID_t globalRNC_ID; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_ResetResourceIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RANAP_EnhancedRelocationInformationResponseIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                                     presenceMask;
+    RANAP_TargetRNC_ToSourceRNC_TransparentContainer_t target_ToSource_TransparentContainer; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupList_EnhRelocInfoRes_t        raB_SetupList_EnhRelocInfoRes; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RAB_FailedList_EnhRelocInfoRes_t       raB_FailedList_EnhRelocInfoRes; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t               criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_RANAP_EnhancedRelocationInformationResponseIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_t raB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes;
+} RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RANAP_EnhancedRelocationInformationRequestIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                                     presenceMask;
+    RANAP_SourceRNC_ToTargetRNC_TransparentContainer_t source_ToTarget_TransparentContainer;
+    RANAP_IuSignallingConnectionIdentifier_t     oldIuSigConIdCS; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_GlobalCN_ID_t                          globalCN_IDCS; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_IuSignallingConnectionIdentifier_t     oldIuSigConIdPS; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_GlobalCN_ID_t                          globalCN_IDPS; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupList_EnhRelocInfoReq_t        raB_SetupList_EnhRelocInfoReq; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_SNA_Access_Information_t               snA_Access_Information; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_UESBI_Iu_t                             uesbI_Iu; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_PLMNidentity_t                         selectedPLMN_ID; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CNMBMSLinkingInformation_t             cnmbmsLinkingInformation; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_RANAP_EnhancedRelocationInformationRequestIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_SecurityModeCommandIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                         presenceMask;
+    RANAP_IntegrityProtectionInformation_t integrityProtectionInformation;
+    RANAP_EncryptionInformation_t    encryptionInformation; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_KeyStatus_t                keyStatus;
+} RANAP_SecurityModeCommandIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RelocationCancelIEs_s {
+    RANAP_Cause_t cause;
+} RANAP_RelocationCancelIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_RelocReqAck_IEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_RelocReqAck_t raB_SetupItem_RelocReqAck;
+} RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_RelocReqAck_IEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_MBMSRegistrationFailureIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_TMGI_t             tmgi; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_GlobalCN_ID_t      globalCN_ID; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_Cause_t            cause;
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_MBMSRegistrationFailureIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_MBMSRABEstablishmentIndicationIEs_s {
+    RANAP_TransportLayerInformation_t transportLayerInformation;
+} RANAP_MBMSRABEstablishmentIndicationIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_MBMSSessionStartFailureIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_Cause_t            cause;
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_MBMSSessionStartFailureIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                     presenceMask;
+    RANAP_RAB_DataVolumeReportList_t raB_DataVolumeReportList; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleasedList_IuRelComp_t raB_ReleasedList_IuRelComp; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_CN_DeactivateTraceIEs_s {
+    uint16_t         presenceMask;
+    RANAP_TraceReference_t traceReference;
+    RANAP_TriggerID_t triggerID; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_CN_DeactivateTraceIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_DataVolumeReportRequestIEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_DataVolumeReportRequestList_t raB_DataVolumeReportRequestList;
+} RANAP_DataVolumeReportRequestIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_RelocationReleaseItemIEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_RelocationReleaseItem_t raB_RelocationReleaseItem;
+} RANAP_RAB_RelocationReleaseItemIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_ModifyRequestIEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_ModifyList_t raB_ModifyList;
+} RANAP_RAB_ModifyRequestIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_SecurityModeCompleteIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                             presenceMask;
+    RANAP_ChosenIntegrityProtectionAlgorithm_t chosenIntegrityProtectionAlgorithm;
+    RANAP_ChosenEncryptionAlgorithm_t    chosenEncryptionAlgorithm; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t       criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_SecurityModeCompleteIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_MBMSRABReleaseIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_Cause_t            cause;
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+typedef struct RANAP_OverloadIEs_s {
+    uint16_t        presenceMask;
+    RANAP_NumberOfSteps_t numberOfSteps; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_GlobalRNC_ID_t globalRNC_ID; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_OverloadIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_RelocReq_IEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_RelocReq_t raB_SetupItem_RelocReq;
+} RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_RelocReq_IEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_ModifyItemIEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_ModifyItem_t raB_ModifyItem;
+} RANAP_RAB_ModifyItemIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_MBMSRegistrationResponseIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_TMGI_t             tmgi; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_GlobalCN_ID_t      globalCN_ID; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_MBMSRegistrationResponseIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_ForwardSRNS_ContextIEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_ContextList_t raB_ContextList;
+} RANAP_ForwardSRNS_ContextIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_UplinkInformationExchangeFailureIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_InformationExchangeID_t informationExchangeID;
+    RANAP_CN_DomainIndicator_t cN_DomainIndicator;
+    RANAP_GlobalCN_ID_t      globalCN_ID; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_Cause_t            cause;
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_UplinkInformationExchangeFailureIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_t raB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoRes;
+} RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_DataVolumeReportIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                    presenceMask;
+    RANAP_RAB_DataVolumeReportList_t raB_DataVolumeReportList; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RABs_failed_to_reportList_t raB_FailedtoReportList; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_DataVolumeReportIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_InformationTransferIndicationIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                presenceMask;
+    RANAP_InformationTransferID_t informationTransferID;
+    RANAP_ProvidedData_t    providedData;
+    RANAP_CN_DomainIndicator_t cN_DomainIndicator;
+    RANAP_GlobalCN_ID_t     globalCN_ID; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_InformationTransferIndicationIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_FailedItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_FailedItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_t raB_FailedItem_EnhRelocInfoRes;
+} RANAP_RAB_FailedItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_InformationTransferFailureIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_InformationTransferID_t informationTransferID;
+    RANAP_CN_DomainIndicator_t cN_DomainIndicator;
+    RANAP_Cause_t            cause;
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_GlobalRNC_ID_t     globalRNC_ID;
+} RANAP_InformationTransferFailureIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_CommonID_IEs_s {
+    RANAP_PermanentNAS_UE_ID_t permanentNAS_UE_ID;
+} RANAP_CommonID_IEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_MBMSUELinkingRequestIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                      presenceMask;
+    RANAP_JoinedMBMSBearerService_IEs_t joinedMBMSBearerServicesList; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_LeftMBMSBearerService_IEs_t leftMBMSBearerServicesList; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_MBMSUELinkingRequestIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_ErrorIndicationIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_Cause_t            cause; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CN_DomainIndicator_t cN_DomainIndicator; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_GlobalRNC_ID_t     globalRNC_ID; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_ErrorIndicationIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RedirectionIndication_IEs_s {
+    uint16_t             presenceMask;
+    RANAP_NAS_PDU_t      nas_pdu;
+    RANAP_RejectCauseValue_t rejectCauseValue;
+    RANAP_NAS_SequenceNumber_t naS_SequenceNumber; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_PermanentNAS_UE_ID_t permanentNAS_UE_ID; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_RedirectionIndication_IEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_DataForwardingItemIEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_DataForwardingItem_t raB_DataForwardingItem;
+} RANAP_RAB_DataForwardingItemIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoReq_IEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoReq_t raB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoReq;
+} RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoReq_IEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_MBMSRABReleaseFailureIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_Cause_t            cause;
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_MBMSRABReleaseFailureIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_DataVolumeReportItemIEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_DataVolumeReportItem_t raB_DataVolumeReportItem;
+} RANAP_RAB_DataVolumeReportItemIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_DirectInformationTransferIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                             presenceMask;
+    RANAP_InterSystemInformationTransferType_t interSystemInformationTransferType; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CN_DomainIndicator_t           cN_DomainIndicator;
+    RANAP_GlobalRNC_ID_t                 globalRNC_ID; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_GlobalCN_ID_t                  globalCN_ID; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_DirectInformationTransferIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RelocationCommandIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                    presenceMask;
+    RANAP_L3_Information_t      l3_Information; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RAB_RelocationReleaseList_t raB_RelocationReleaseList; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RAB_DataForwardingList_t raB_DataForwardingList; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_RelocationCommandIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_UplinkInformationExchangeResponseIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_InformationExchangeID_t informationExchangeID;
+    RANAP_InformationRequested_t informationRequested; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CN_DomainIndicator_t cN_DomainIndicator;
+    RANAP_GlobalCN_ID_t      globalCN_ID; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_UplinkInformationExchangeResponseIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_MBMSRABReleaseRequestIEs_s {
+    RANAP_Cause_t cause;
+} RANAP_MBMSRABReleaseRequestIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                presenceMask;
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyList_t raB_SetupOrModifyList; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleaseList_t raB_ReleaseList; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_ReleasedItem_IuRelComp_IEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleasedItem_IuRelComp_t raB_ReleasedItem_IuRelComp;
+} RANAP_RAB_ReleasedItem_IuRelComp_IEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteResponseIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                                        presenceMask;
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupList_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_t  raB_SetupList_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RAB_ToBeReleasedList_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_t raB_ToBeReleasedList_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t                  criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteResponseIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_LocationReportIEs_s {
+    uint16_t       presenceMask;
+    RANAP_AreaIdentity_t areaIdentity; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_Cause_t  cause; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RequestType_t requestType; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_LocationReportIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteReq_IEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteReq_t raB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteReq;
+} RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteReq_IEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                  presenceMask;
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedList_t raB_SetupOrModifiedList; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleasedList_t  raB_ReleasedList; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RAB_QueuedList_t    raB_QueuedList; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RAB_FailedList_t    raB_FailedList; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleaseFailedList_t raB_ReleaseFailedList; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_ContextItemIEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_ContextItem_t raB_ContextItem;
+} RANAP_RAB_ContextItemIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_MBMSSessionUpdateResponseIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                    presenceMask;
+    RANAP_SessionUpdateID_t     sessionUpdateID;
+    RANAP_TransportLayerInformation_t transportLayerInformation; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_Cause_t               cause; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_CriticalityDiagnostics_t criticalityDiagnostics; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_MBMSSessionUpdateResponseIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_UeRadioCapabilityMatchResponseIEs_s {
+    RANAP_VoiceSupportMatchIndicator_t voiceSupportMatchIndicator;
+} RANAP_UeRadioCapabilityMatchResponseIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_ReleaseRequestIEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleaseList_t raB_ReleaseList;
+} RANAP_RAB_ReleaseRequestIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteConfirmIEs_s {
+    uint16_t         presenceMask;
+    RANAP_RAB_FailedList_t raB_FailedList; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteConfirmIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_MBMSSessionUpdateIEs_s {
+    RANAP_SessionUpdateID_t    sessionUpdateID;
+    RANAP_DeltaRAListofIdleModeUEs_t deltaRAListofIdleModeUEs;
+} RANAP_MBMSSessionUpdateIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_MBMSSessionStartIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                           presenceMask;
+    RANAP_TMGI_t                       tmgi;
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionIdentity_t        mbmsSessionIdentity; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_MBMSBearerServiceType_t      mbmsBearerServiceType;
+    RANAP_IuSignallingConnectionIdentifier_t iuSigConId;
+    RANAP_RAB_Parameters_t             raB_Parameters;
+    RANAP_PDP_TypeInformation_t        pdP_TypeInformation; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionDuration_t        mbmsSessionDuration;
+    RANAP_MBMSServiceArea_t            mbmsServiceArea;
+    RANAP_FrequenceLayerConvergenceFlag_t frequenceLayerConvergenceFlag; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_RAListofIdleModeUEs_t        raListofIdleModeUEs; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_GlobalCN_ID_t                globalCN_ID; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionRepetitionNumber_t mbmsSessionRepetitionNumber; ///< Optional field
+    RANAP_TimeToMBMSDataTransfer_t     timeToMBMSDataTransfer;
+} RANAP_MBMSSessionStartIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_LocationRelatedDataResponseIEs_s {
+    uint16_t                                 presenceMask;
+    RANAP_BroadcastAssistanceDataDecipheringKeys_t broadcastAssistanceDataDecipheringKeys; ///< Optional field
+} RANAP_LocationRelatedDataResponseIEs_t;
+typedef struct RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs_s {
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItem_t raB_SetupOrModifiedItem;
+} RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs_t;
+typedef struct ranap_message_s {
+    uint8_t procedureCode;
+    uint8_t criticality;
+    uint8_t direction;
+    union {
+        RANAP_CN_DeactivateTraceIEs_t cN_DeactivateTraceIEs;
+        RANAP_CN_InvokeTraceIEs_t cN_InvokeTraceIEs;
+        RANAP_CommonID_IEs_t commonID_IEs;
+        RANAP_DataVolumeReportIEs_t dataVolumeReportIEs;
+        RANAP_DataVolumeReportRequestIEs_t dataVolumeReportRequestIEs;
+        RANAP_DirectInformationTransferIEs_t directInformationTransferIEs;
+        RANAP_DirectTransferIEs_t directTransferIEs;
+        RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteConfirmIEs_t enhancedRelocationCompleteConfirmIEs;
+        RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteFailureIEs_t enhancedRelocationCompleteFailureIEs;
+        RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteRequestIEs_t enhancedRelocationCompleteRequestIEs;
+        RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteResponseIEs_t enhancedRelocationCompleteResponseIEs;
+        RANAP_ErrorIndicationIEs_t errorIndicationIEs;
+        RANAP_ForwardSRNS_ContextIEs_t forwardSRNS_ContextIEs;
+        RANAP_GERAN_Iumode_RAB_Failed_RABAssgntResponse_ItemIEs_t geraN_Iumode_RAB_Failed_RABAssgntResponse_ItemIEs;
+        RANAP_InformationTransferConfirmationIEs_t informationTransferConfirmationIEs;
+        RANAP_InformationTransferFailureIEs_t informationTransferFailureIEs;
+        RANAP_InformationTransferIndicationIEs_t informationTransferIndicationIEs;
+        RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs_t initialUE_MessageIEs;
+        RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs_t iu_ReleaseCommandIEs;
+        RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs_t iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs;
+        RANAP_Iu_ReleaseRequestIEs_t iu_ReleaseRequestIEs;
+        RANAP_LocationRelatedDataFailureIEs_t locationRelatedDataFailureIEs;
+        RANAP_LocationRelatedDataRequestIEs_t locationRelatedDataRequestIEs;
+        RANAP_LocationRelatedDataResponseIEs_t locationRelatedDataResponseIEs;
+        RANAP_LocationReportIEs_t locationReportIEs;
+        RANAP_LocationReportingControlIEs_t locationReportingControlIEs;
+        RANAP_MBMSCNDe_RegistrationRequestIEs_t mbmscnDe_RegistrationRequestIEs;
+        RANAP_MBMSCNDe_RegistrationResponseIEs_t mbmscnDe_RegistrationResponseIEs;
+        RANAP_MBMSRABEstablishmentIndicationIEs_t mbmsrabEstablishmentIndicationIEs;
+        RANAP_MBMSRABReleaseFailureIEs_t mbmsrabReleaseFailureIEs;
+        RANAP_MBMSRABReleaseIEs_t mbmsrabReleaseIEs;
+        RANAP_MBMSRABReleaseRequestIEs_t mbmsrabReleaseRequestIEs;
+        RANAP_MBMSRegistrationFailureIEs_t mbmsRegistrationFailureIEs;
+        RANAP_MBMSRegistrationRequestIEs_t mbmsRegistrationRequestIEs;
+        RANAP_MBMSRegistrationResponseIEs_t mbmsRegistrationResponseIEs;
+        RANAP_MBMSSessionStartFailureIEs_t mbmsSessionStartFailureIEs;
+        RANAP_MBMSSessionStartIEs_t mbmsSessionStartIEs;
+        RANAP_MBMSSessionStartResponseIEs_t mbmsSessionStartResponseIEs;
+        RANAP_MBMSSessionStopIEs_t mbmsSessionStopIEs;
+        RANAP_MBMSSessionStopResponseIEs_t mbmsSessionStopResponseIEs;
+        RANAP_MBMSSessionUpdateFailureIEs_t mbmsSessionUpdateFailureIEs;
+        RANAP_MBMSSessionUpdateIEs_t mbmsSessionUpdateIEs;
+        RANAP_MBMSSessionUpdateResponseIEs_t mbmsSessionUpdateResponseIEs;
+        RANAP_MBMSUELinkingRequestIEs_t mbmsueLinkingRequestIEs;
+        RANAP_MBMSUELinkingResponseIEs_t mbmsueLinkingResponseIEs;
+        RANAP_OverloadIEs_t overloadIEs;
+        RANAP_PagingIEs_t pagingIEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs_t raB_AssignmentRequestIEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs_t raB_AssignmentResponseIEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_ContextItemIEs_t raB_ContextItemIEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_ContextItemIEs_RANAP_RelocInf_t raB_ContextItemIEs_RANAP_RelocInf;
+        RANAP_RAB_DataForwardingItem_SRNS_CtxReq_IEs_t raB_DataForwardingItem_SRNS_CtxReq_IEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_DataForwardingItemIEs_t raB_DataForwardingItemIEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_DataVolumeReportItemIEs_t raB_DataVolumeReportItemIEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_DataVolumeReportRequestItemIEs_t raB_DataVolumeReportRequestItemIEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_FailedItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs_t raB_FailedItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_FailedItemIEs_t raB_FailedItemIEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_ModifyItemIEs_t raB_ModifyItemIEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_ModifyRequestIEs_t raB_ModifyRequestIEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_QueuedItemIEs_t raB_QueuedItemIEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_ReleaseItemIEs_t raB_ReleaseItemIEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_ReleaseRequestIEs_t raB_ReleaseRequestIEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_ReleasedItem_IuRelComp_IEs_t raB_ReleasedItem_IuRelComp_IEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_ReleasedItemIEs_t raB_ReleasedItemIEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_RelocationReleaseItemIEs_t raB_RelocationReleaseItemIEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoReq_IEs_t raB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoReq_IEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs_t raB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteReq_IEs_t raB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteReq_IEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs_t raB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_RelocReq_IEs_t raB_SetupItem_RelocReq_IEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_RelocReqAck_IEs_t raB_SetupItem_RelocReqAck_IEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs_t raB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs;
+        RANAP_RAB_ToBeReleasedItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs_t raB_ToBeReleasedItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs;
+        RANAP_RABs_ContextFailedtoTransferItemIEs_t raBs_ContextFailedtoTransferItemIEs;
+        RANAP_RABs_failed_to_reportItemIEs_t raBs_failed_to_reportItemIEs;
+        RANAP_RANAP_EnhancedRelocationInformationRequestIEs_t ranaP_EnhancedRelocationInformationRequestIEs;
+        RANAP_RANAP_EnhancedRelocationInformationResponseIEs_t ranaP_EnhancedRelocationInformationResponseIEs;
+        RANAP_RANAP_RelocationInformationIEs_t ranaP_RelocationInformationIEs;
+        RANAP_RedirectionIndication_IEs_t redirectionIndication_IEs;
+        RANAP_RelocationCancelAcknowledgeIEs_t relocationCancelAcknowledgeIEs;
+        RANAP_RelocationCancelIEs_t relocationCancelIEs;
+        RANAP_RelocationCommandIEs_t relocationCommandIEs;
+        RANAP_RelocationFailureIEs_t relocationFailureIEs;
+        RANAP_RelocationPreparationFailureIEs_t relocationPreparationFailureIEs;
+        RANAP_RelocationRequestAcknowledgeIEs_t relocationRequestAcknowledgeIEs;
+        RANAP_RelocationRequestIEs_t relocationRequestIEs;
+        RANAP_RelocationRequiredIEs_t relocationRequiredIEs;
+        RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs_t resetAcknowledgeIEs;
+        RANAP_ResetIEs_t resetIEs;
+        RANAP_ResetResourceAckItemIEs_t resetResourceAckItemIEs;
+        RANAP_ResetResourceAcknowledgeIEs_t resetResourceAcknowledgeIEs;
+        RANAP_ResetResourceIEs_t resetResourceIEs;
+        RANAP_ResetResourceItemIEs_t resetResourceItemIEs;
+        RANAP_SRNS_ContextRequestIEs_t srnS_ContextRequestIEs;
+        RANAP_SRNS_ContextResponseIEs_t srnS_ContextResponseIEs;
+        RANAP_SRNS_DataForwardCommandIEs_t srnS_DataForwardCommandIEs;
+        RANAP_SRVCC_CSKeysResponseIEs_t srvcC_CSKeysResponseIEs;
+        RANAP_SecurityModeCommandIEs_t securityModeCommandIEs;
+        RANAP_SecurityModeCompleteIEs_t securityModeCompleteIEs;
+        RANAP_SecurityModeRejectIEs_t securityModeRejectIEs;
+        RANAP_UESpecificInformationIndicationIEs_t ueSpecificInformationIndicationIEs;
+        RANAP_UeRadioCapabilityMatchResponseIEs_t ueRadioCapabilityMatchResponseIEs;
+        RANAP_UplinkInformationExchangeFailureIEs_t uplinkInformationExchangeFailureIEs;
+        RANAP_UplinkInformationExchangeRequestIEs_t uplinkInformationExchangeRequestIEs;
+        RANAP_UplinkInformationExchangeResponseIEs_t uplinkInformationExchangeResponseIEs;
+    } msg;
+} ranap_message;
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-ReleasedItemIEs ies.
+ * \param raB_ReleasedItemIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_releaseditemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleasedItemIEs_t *raB_ReleasedItemIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-ReleasedItemIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_ReleasedList Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_ReleasedItemIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_releaseditemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleasedList_t *ranaP_RAB_ReleasedList,
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleasedItemIEs_t *raB_ReleasedItemIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for Iu-ReleaseRequestIEs ies.
+ * \param iu_ReleaseRequestIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_iu_releaserequesties(
+    RANAP_Iu_ReleaseRequestIEs_t *iu_ReleaseRequestIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for Iu-ReleaseRequestIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_Iu_ReleaseRequest Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param iu_ReleaseRequestIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_iu_releaserequesties(
+    RANAP_Iu_ReleaseRequest_t *ranaP_Iu_ReleaseRequest,
+    RANAP_Iu_ReleaseRequestIEs_t *iu_ReleaseRequestIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for UESpecificInformationIndicationIEs ies.
+ * \param ueSpecificInformationIndicationIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_uespecificinformationindicationies(
+    RANAP_UESpecificInformationIndicationIEs_t *ueSpecificInformationIndicationIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for UESpecificInformationIndicationIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_UESpecificInformationIndication Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param ueSpecificInformationIndicationIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_uespecificinformationindicationies(
+    RANAP_UESpecificInformationIndication_t *ranaP_UESpecificInformationIndication,
+    RANAP_UESpecificInformationIndicationIEs_t *ueSpecificInformationIndicationIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for EnhancedRelocationCompleteFailureIEs ies.
+ * \param enhancedRelocationCompleteFailureIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_enhancedrelocationcompletefailureies(
+    RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteFailureIEs_t *enhancedRelocationCompleteFailureIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for EnhancedRelocationCompleteFailureIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteFailure Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param enhancedRelocationCompleteFailureIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_enhancedrelocationcompletefailureies(
+    RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteFailure_t *ranaP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteFailure,
+    RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteFailureIEs_t *enhancedRelocationCompleteFailureIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for MBMSCNDe-RegistrationResponseIEs ies.
+ * \param mbmscnDe_RegistrationResponseIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_mbmscnde_registrationresponseies(
+    RANAP_MBMSCNDe_RegistrationResponseIEs_t *mbmscnDe_RegistrationResponseIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for MBMSCNDe-RegistrationResponseIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_MBMSCNDe_RegistrationResponse Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param mbmscnDe_RegistrationResponseIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_mbmscnde_registrationresponseies(
+    RANAP_MBMSCNDe_RegistrationResponse_t *ranaP_MBMSCNDe_RegistrationResponse,
+    RANAP_MBMSCNDe_RegistrationResponseIEs_t *mbmscnDe_RegistrationResponseIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for SecurityModeRejectIEs ies.
+ * \param securityModeRejectIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_securitymoderejecties(
+    RANAP_SecurityModeRejectIEs_t *securityModeRejectIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for SecurityModeRejectIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_SecurityModeReject Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param securityModeRejectIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_securitymoderejecties(
+    RANAP_SecurityModeReject_t *ranaP_SecurityModeReject,
+    RANAP_SecurityModeRejectIEs_t *securityModeRejectIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RANAP-RelocationInformationIEs ies.
+ * \param ranaP_RelocationInformationIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_ranap_relocationinformationies(
+    RANAP_RANAP_RelocationInformationIEs_t *ranaP_RelocationInformationIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RANAP-RelocationInformationIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RANAP_RelocationInformation Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param ranaP_RelocationInformationIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_ranap_relocationinformationies(
+    RANAP_RANAP_RelocationInformation_t *ranaP_RANAP_RelocationInformation,
+    RANAP_RANAP_RelocationInformationIEs_t *ranaP_RelocationInformationIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for ResetAcknowledgeIEs ies.
+ * \param resetAcknowledgeIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_resetacknowledgeies(
+    RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs_t *resetAcknowledgeIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for ResetAcknowledgeIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_ResetAcknowledge Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param resetAcknowledgeIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_resetacknowledgeies(
+    RANAP_ResetAcknowledge_t *ranaP_ResetAcknowledge,
+    RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs_t *resetAcknowledgeIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RelocationCancelAcknowledgeIEs ies.
+ * \param relocationCancelAcknowledgeIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_relocationcancelacknowledgeies(
+    RANAP_RelocationCancelAcknowledgeIEs_t *relocationCancelAcknowledgeIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RelocationCancelAcknowledgeIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RelocationCancelAcknowledge Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param relocationCancelAcknowledgeIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_relocationcancelacknowledgeies(
+    RANAP_RelocationCancelAcknowledge_t *ranaP_RelocationCancelAcknowledge,
+    RANAP_RelocationCancelAcknowledgeIEs_t *relocationCancelAcknowledgeIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for SRVCC-CSKeysResponseIEs ies.
+ * \param srvcC_CSKeysResponseIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_srvcc_cskeysresponseies(
+    RANAP_SRVCC_CSKeysResponseIEs_t *srvcC_CSKeysResponseIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for SRVCC-CSKeysResponseIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_SRVCC_CSKeysResponse Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param srvcC_CSKeysResponseIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_srvcc_cskeysresponseies(
+    RANAP_SRVCC_CSKeysResponse_t *ranaP_SRVCC_CSKeysResponse,
+    RANAP_SRVCC_CSKeysResponseIEs_t *srvcC_CSKeysResponseIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for MBMSCNDe-RegistrationRequestIEs ies.
+ * \param mbmscnDe_RegistrationRequestIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_mbmscnde_registrationrequesties(
+    RANAP_MBMSCNDe_RegistrationRequestIEs_t *mbmscnDe_RegistrationRequestIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for MBMSCNDe-RegistrationRequestIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_MBMSCNDe_RegistrationRequest Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param mbmscnDe_RegistrationRequestIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_mbmscnde_registrationrequesties(
+    RANAP_MBMSCNDe_RegistrationRequest_t *ranaP_MBMSCNDe_RegistrationRequest,
+    RANAP_MBMSCNDe_RegistrationRequestIEs_t *mbmscnDe_RegistrationRequestIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for PagingIEs ies.
+ * \param pagingIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_pagingies(
+    RANAP_PagingIEs_t *pagingIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for PagingIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_Paging Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param pagingIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_pagingies(
+    RANAP_Paging_t *ranaP_Paging,
+    RANAP_PagingIEs_t *pagingIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for GERAN-Iumode-RAB-Failed-RABAssgntResponse-ItemIEs ies.
+ * \param geraN_Iumode_RAB_Failed_RABAssgntResponse_ItemIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_geran_iumode_rab_failed_rabassgntresponse_itemies(
+    RANAP_GERAN_Iumode_RAB_Failed_RABAssgntResponse_ItemIEs_t *geraN_Iumode_RAB_Failed_RABAssgntResponse_ItemIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for GERAN-Iumode-RAB-Failed-RABAssgntResponse-ItemIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_GERAN_Iumode_RAB_Failed_RABAssgntResponse_List Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param geraN_Iumode_RAB_Failed_RABAssgntResponse_ItemIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_geran_iumode_rab_failed_rabassgntresponse_itemies(
+    RANAP_GERAN_Iumode_RAB_Failed_RABAssgntResponse_List_t *ranaP_GERAN_Iumode_RAB_Failed_RABAssgntResponse_List,
+    RANAP_GERAN_Iumode_RAB_Failed_RABAssgntResponse_ItemIEs_t *geraN_Iumode_RAB_Failed_RABAssgntResponse_ItemIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for ResetResourceItemIEs ies.
+ * \param resetResourceItemIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_resetresourceitemies(
+    RANAP_ResetResourceItemIEs_t *resetResourceItemIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for ResetResourceItemIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_ResetResourceList Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param resetResourceItemIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_resetresourceitemies(
+    RANAP_ResetResourceList_t *ranaP_ResetResourceList,
+    RANAP_ResetResourceItemIEs_t *resetResourceItemIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for LocationReportingControlIEs ies.
+ * \param locationReportingControlIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_locationreportingcontrolies(
+    RANAP_LocationReportingControlIEs_t *locationReportingControlIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for LocationReportingControlIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_LocationReportingControl Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param locationReportingControlIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_locationreportingcontrolies(
+    RANAP_LocationReportingControl_t *ranaP_LocationReportingControl,
+    RANAP_LocationReportingControlIEs_t *locationReportingControlIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for EnhancedRelocationCompleteRequestIEs ies.
+ * \param enhancedRelocationCompleteRequestIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_enhancedrelocationcompleterequesties(
+    RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteRequestIEs_t *enhancedRelocationCompleteRequestIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for EnhancedRelocationCompleteRequestIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteRequest Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param enhancedRelocationCompleteRequestIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_enhancedrelocationcompleterequesties(
+    RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteRequest_t *ranaP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteRequest,
+    RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteRequestIEs_t *enhancedRelocationCompleteRequestIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-FailedItemIEs ies.
+ * \param raB_FailedItemIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_faileditemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_FailedItemIEs_t *raB_FailedItemIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-FailedItemIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_FailedList Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_FailedItemIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_faileditemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_FailedList_t *ranaP_RAB_FailedList,
+    RANAP_RAB_FailedItemIEs_t *raB_FailedItemIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for MBMSUELinkingResponseIEs ies.
+ * \param mbmsueLinkingResponseIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_mbmsuelinkingresponseies(
+    RANAP_MBMSUELinkingResponseIEs_t *mbmsueLinkingResponseIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for MBMSUELinkingResponseIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_MBMSUELinkingResponse Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param mbmsueLinkingResponseIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_mbmsuelinkingresponseies(
+    RANAP_MBMSUELinkingResponse_t *ranaP_MBMSUELinkingResponse,
+    RANAP_MBMSUELinkingResponseIEs_t *mbmsueLinkingResponseIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-QueuedItemIEs ies.
+ * \param raB_QueuedItemIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_queueditemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_QueuedItemIEs_t *raB_QueuedItemIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-QueuedItemIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_QueuedList Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_QueuedItemIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_queueditemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_QueuedList_t *ranaP_RAB_QueuedList,
+    RANAP_RAB_QueuedItemIEs_t *raB_QueuedItemIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for CN-InvokeTraceIEs ies.
+ * \param cN_InvokeTraceIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_cn_invoketraceies(
+    RANAP_CN_InvokeTraceIEs_t *cN_InvokeTraceIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for CN-InvokeTraceIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_CN_InvokeTrace Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param cN_InvokeTraceIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_cn_invoketraceies(
+    RANAP_CN_InvokeTrace_t *ranaP_CN_InvokeTrace,
+    RANAP_CN_InvokeTraceIEs_t *cN_InvokeTraceIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for Iu-ReleaseCommandIEs ies.
+ * \param iu_ReleaseCommandIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_iu_releasecommandies(
+    RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs_t *iu_ReleaseCommandIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for Iu-ReleaseCommandIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_Iu_ReleaseCommand Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param iu_ReleaseCommandIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_iu_releasecommandies(
+    RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommand_t *ranaP_Iu_ReleaseCommand,
+    RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs_t *iu_ReleaseCommandIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RelocationRequestAcknowledgeIEs ies.
+ * \param relocationRequestAcknowledgeIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_relocationrequestacknowledgeies(
+    RANAP_RelocationRequestAcknowledgeIEs_t *relocationRequestAcknowledgeIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RelocationRequestAcknowledgeIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RelocationRequestAcknowledge Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param relocationRequestAcknowledgeIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_relocationrequestacknowledgeies(
+    RANAP_RelocationRequestAcknowledge_t *ranaP_RelocationRequestAcknowledge,
+    RANAP_RelocationRequestAcknowledgeIEs_t *relocationRequestAcknowledgeIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RelocationFailureIEs ies.
+ * \param relocationFailureIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_relocationfailureies(
+    RANAP_RelocationFailureIEs_t *relocationFailureIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RelocationFailureIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RelocationFailure Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param relocationFailureIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_relocationfailureies(
+    RANAP_RelocationFailure_t *ranaP_RelocationFailure,
+    RANAP_RelocationFailureIEs_t *relocationFailureIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RABs-failed-to-reportItemIEs ies.
+ * \param raBs_failed_to_reportItemIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rabs_failed_to_reportitemies(
+    RANAP_RABs_failed_to_reportItemIEs_t *raBs_failed_to_reportItemIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RABs-failed-to-reportItemIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RABs_failed_to_reportList Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raBs_failed_to_reportItemIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rabs_failed_to_reportitemies(
+    RANAP_RABs_failed_to_reportList_t *ranaP_RABs_failed_to_reportList,
+    RANAP_RABs_failed_to_reportItemIEs_t *raBs_failed_to_reportItemIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RelocationPreparationFailureIEs ies.
+ * \param relocationPreparationFailureIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_relocationpreparationfailureies(
+    RANAP_RelocationPreparationFailureIEs_t *relocationPreparationFailureIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RelocationPreparationFailureIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RelocationPreparationFailure Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param relocationPreparationFailureIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_relocationpreparationfailureies(
+    RANAP_RelocationPreparationFailure_t *ranaP_RelocationPreparationFailure,
+    RANAP_RelocationPreparationFailureIEs_t *relocationPreparationFailureIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-ToBeReleasedItem-EnhancedRelocCompleteRes-IEs ies.
+ * \param raB_ToBeReleasedItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_tobereleaseditem_enhancedreloccompleteres_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_ToBeReleasedItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs_t *raB_ToBeReleasedItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-ToBeReleasedItem-EnhancedRelocCompleteRes-IEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_ToBeReleasedList_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_ToBeReleasedItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_tobereleaseditem_enhancedreloccompleteres_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_ToBeReleasedList_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_t *ranaP_RAB_ToBeReleasedList_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes,
+    RANAP_RAB_ToBeReleasedItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs_t *raB_ToBeReleasedItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RABs-ContextFailedtoTransferItemIEs ies.
+ * \param raBs_ContextFailedtoTransferItemIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rabs_contextfailedtotransferitemies(
+    RANAP_RABs_ContextFailedtoTransferItemIEs_t *raBs_ContextFailedtoTransferItemIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RABs-ContextFailedtoTransferItemIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RABs_ContextFailedtoTransferList Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raBs_ContextFailedtoTransferItemIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rabs_contextfailedtotransferitemies(
+    RANAP_RABs_ContextFailedtoTransferList_t *ranaP_RABs_ContextFailedtoTransferList,
+    RANAP_RABs_ContextFailedtoTransferItemIEs_t *raBs_ContextFailedtoTransferItemIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RelocationRequiredIEs ies.
+ * \param relocationRequiredIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_relocationrequiredies(
+    RANAP_RelocationRequiredIEs_t *relocationRequiredIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RelocationRequiredIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RelocationRequired Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param relocationRequiredIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_relocationrequiredies(
+    RANAP_RelocationRequired_t *ranaP_RelocationRequired,
+    RANAP_RelocationRequiredIEs_t *relocationRequiredIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for MBMSSessionStopIEs ies.
+ * \param mbmsSessionStopIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_mbmssessionstopies(
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionStopIEs_t *mbmsSessionStopIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for MBMSSessionStopIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_MBMSSessionStop Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param mbmsSessionStopIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_mbmssessionstopies(
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionStop_t *ranaP_MBMSSessionStop,
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionStopIEs_t *mbmsSessionStopIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for MBMSSessionUpdateFailureIEs ies.
+ * \param mbmsSessionUpdateFailureIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_mbmssessionupdatefailureies(
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionUpdateFailureIEs_t *mbmsSessionUpdateFailureIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for MBMSSessionUpdateFailureIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_MBMSSessionUpdateFailure Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param mbmsSessionUpdateFailureIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_mbmssessionupdatefailureies(
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionUpdateFailure_t *ranaP_MBMSSessionUpdateFailure,
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionUpdateFailureIEs_t *mbmsSessionUpdateFailureIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for ResetIEs ies.
+ * \param resetIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_reseties(
+    RANAP_ResetIEs_t *resetIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for ResetIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_Reset Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param resetIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_reseties(
+    RANAP_Reset_t *ranaP_Reset,
+    RANAP_ResetIEs_t *resetIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for LocationRelatedDataFailureIEs ies.
+ * \param locationRelatedDataFailureIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_locationrelateddatafailureies(
+    RANAP_LocationRelatedDataFailureIEs_t *locationRelatedDataFailureIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for LocationRelatedDataFailureIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_LocationRelatedDataFailure Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param locationRelatedDataFailureIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_locationrelateddatafailureies(
+    RANAP_LocationRelatedDataFailure_t *ranaP_LocationRelatedDataFailure,
+    RANAP_LocationRelatedDataFailureIEs_t *locationRelatedDataFailureIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for ResetResourceAcknowledgeIEs ies.
+ * \param resetResourceAcknowledgeIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_resetresourceacknowledgeies(
+    RANAP_ResetResourceAcknowledgeIEs_t *resetResourceAcknowledgeIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for ResetResourceAcknowledgeIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_ResetResourceAcknowledge Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param resetResourceAcknowledgeIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_resetresourceacknowledgeies(
+    RANAP_ResetResourceAcknowledge_t *ranaP_ResetResourceAcknowledge,
+    RANAP_ResetResourceAcknowledgeIEs_t *resetResourceAcknowledgeIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for MBMSRegistrationRequestIEs ies.
+ * \param mbmsRegistrationRequestIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_mbmsregistrationrequesties(
+    RANAP_MBMSRegistrationRequestIEs_t *mbmsRegistrationRequestIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for MBMSRegistrationRequestIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_MBMSRegistrationRequest Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param mbmsRegistrationRequestIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_mbmsregistrationrequesties(
+    RANAP_MBMSRegistrationRequest_t *ranaP_MBMSRegistrationRequest,
+    RANAP_MBMSRegistrationRequestIEs_t *mbmsRegistrationRequestIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for UplinkInformationExchangeRequestIEs ies.
+ * \param uplinkInformationExchangeRequestIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_uplinkinformationexchangerequesties(
+    RANAP_UplinkInformationExchangeRequestIEs_t *uplinkInformationExchangeRequestIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for UplinkInformationExchangeRequestIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_UplinkInformationExchangeRequest Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param uplinkInformationExchangeRequestIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_uplinkinformationexchangerequesties(
+    RANAP_UplinkInformationExchangeRequest_t *ranaP_UplinkInformationExchangeRequest,
+    RANAP_UplinkInformationExchangeRequestIEs_t *uplinkInformationExchangeRequestIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for MBMSSessionStopResponseIEs ies.
+ * \param mbmsSessionStopResponseIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_mbmssessionstopresponseies(
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionStopResponseIEs_t *mbmsSessionStopResponseIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for MBMSSessionStopResponseIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_MBMSSessionStopResponse Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param mbmsSessionStopResponseIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_mbmssessionstopresponseies(
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionStopResponse_t *ranaP_MBMSSessionStopResponse,
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionStopResponseIEs_t *mbmsSessionStopResponseIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-ContextItemIEs-RANAP-RelocInf ies.
+ * \param raB_ContextItemIEs_RANAP_RelocInf Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_contextitemies_ranap_relocinf(
+    RANAP_RAB_ContextItemIEs_RANAP_RelocInf_t *raB_ContextItemIEs_RANAP_RelocInf,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-ContextItemIEs-RANAP-RelocInf ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_ContextList_RANAP_RelocInf Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_ContextItemIEs_RANAP_RelocInf Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_contextitemies_ranap_relocinf(
+    RANAP_RAB_ContextList_RANAP_RelocInf_t *ranaP_RAB_ContextList_RANAP_RelocInf,
+    RANAP_RAB_ContextItemIEs_RANAP_RelocInf_t *raB_ContextItemIEs_RANAP_RelocInf);
+/** \brief Decode function for LocationRelatedDataRequestIEs ies.
+ * \param locationRelatedDataRequestIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_locationrelateddatarequesties(
+    RANAP_LocationRelatedDataRequestIEs_t *locationRelatedDataRequestIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for LocationRelatedDataRequestIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_LocationRelatedDataRequest Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param locationRelatedDataRequestIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_locationrelateddatarequesties(
+    RANAP_LocationRelatedDataRequest_t *ranaP_LocationRelatedDataRequest,
+    RANAP_LocationRelatedDataRequestIEs_t *locationRelatedDataRequestIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-DataForwardingItem-SRNS-CtxReq-IEs ies.
+ * \param raB_DataForwardingItem_SRNS_CtxReq_IEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_dataforwardingitem_srns_ctxreq_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_DataForwardingItem_SRNS_CtxReq_IEs_t *raB_DataForwardingItem_SRNS_CtxReq_IEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-DataForwardingItem-SRNS-CtxReq-IEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_DataForwardingList_SRNS_CtxReq Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_DataForwardingItem_SRNS_CtxReq_IEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_dataforwardingitem_srns_ctxreq_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_DataForwardingList_SRNS_CtxReq_t *ranaP_RAB_DataForwardingList_SRNS_CtxReq,
+    RANAP_RAB_DataForwardingItem_SRNS_CtxReq_IEs_t *raB_DataForwardingItem_SRNS_CtxReq_IEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-ReleaseItemIEs ies.
+ * \param raB_ReleaseItemIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_releaseitemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleaseItemIEs_t *raB_ReleaseItemIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-ReleaseItemIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_ReleaseList Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_ReleaseItemIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_releaseitemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleaseList_t *ranaP_RAB_ReleaseList,
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleaseItemIEs_t *raB_ReleaseItemIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-DataVolumeReportRequestItemIEs ies.
+ * \param raB_DataVolumeReportRequestItemIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_datavolumereportrequestitemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_DataVolumeReportRequestItemIEs_t *raB_DataVolumeReportRequestItemIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-DataVolumeReportRequestItemIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_DataVolumeReportRequestList Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_DataVolumeReportRequestItemIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_datavolumereportrequestitemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_DataVolumeReportRequestList_t *ranaP_RAB_DataVolumeReportRequestList,
+    RANAP_RAB_DataVolumeReportRequestItemIEs_t *raB_DataVolumeReportRequestItemIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for InformationTransferConfirmationIEs ies.
+ * \param informationTransferConfirmationIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_informationtransferconfirmationies(
+    RANAP_InformationTransferConfirmationIEs_t *informationTransferConfirmationIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for InformationTransferConfirmationIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_InformationTransferConfirmation Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param informationTransferConfirmationIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_informationtransferconfirmationies(
+    RANAP_InformationTransferConfirmation_t *ranaP_InformationTransferConfirmation,
+    RANAP_InformationTransferConfirmationIEs_t *informationTransferConfirmationIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for InitialUE-MessageIEs ies.
+ * \param initialUE_MessageIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_initialue_messageies(
+    RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs_t *initialUE_MessageIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for InitialUE-MessageIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_InitialUE_Message Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param initialUE_MessageIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_initialue_messageies(
+    RANAP_InitialUE_Message_t *ranaP_InitialUE_Message,
+    RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs_t *initialUE_MessageIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for SRNS-ContextResponseIEs ies.
+ * \param srnS_ContextResponseIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_srns_contextresponseies(
+    RANAP_SRNS_ContextResponseIEs_t *srnS_ContextResponseIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for SRNS-ContextResponseIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_SRNS_ContextResponse Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param srnS_ContextResponseIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_srns_contextresponseies(
+    RANAP_SRNS_ContextResponse_t *ranaP_SRNS_ContextResponse,
+    RANAP_SRNS_ContextResponseIEs_t *srnS_ContextResponseIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for ResetResourceAckItemIEs ies.
+ * \param resetResourceAckItemIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_resetresourceackitemies(
+    RANAP_ResetResourceAckItemIEs_t *resetResourceAckItemIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for ResetResourceAckItemIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_ResetResourceAckList Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param resetResourceAckItemIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_resetresourceackitemies(
+    RANAP_ResetResourceAckList_t *ranaP_ResetResourceAckList,
+    RANAP_ResetResourceAckItemIEs_t *resetResourceAckItemIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for SRNS-DataForwardCommandIEs ies.
+ * \param srnS_DataForwardCommandIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_srns_dataforwardcommandies(
+    RANAP_SRNS_DataForwardCommandIEs_t *srnS_DataForwardCommandIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for SRNS-DataForwardCommandIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_SRNS_DataForwardCommand Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param srnS_DataForwardCommandIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_srns_dataforwardcommandies(
+    RANAP_SRNS_DataForwardCommand_t *ranaP_SRNS_DataForwardCommand,
+    RANAP_SRNS_DataForwardCommandIEs_t *srnS_DataForwardCommandIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RelocationRequestIEs ies.
+ * \param relocationRequestIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_relocationrequesties(
+    RANAP_RelocationRequestIEs_t *relocationRequestIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RelocationRequestIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RelocationRequest Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param relocationRequestIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_relocationrequesties(
+    RANAP_RelocationRequest_t *ranaP_RelocationRequest,
+    RANAP_RelocationRequestIEs_t *relocationRequestIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for SRNS-ContextRequestIEs ies.
+ * \param srnS_ContextRequestIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_srns_contextrequesties(
+    RANAP_SRNS_ContextRequestIEs_t *srnS_ContextRequestIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for SRNS-ContextRequestIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_SRNS_ContextRequest Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param srnS_ContextRequestIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_srns_contextrequesties(
+    RANAP_SRNS_ContextRequest_t *ranaP_SRNS_ContextRequest,
+    RANAP_SRNS_ContextRequestIEs_t *srnS_ContextRequestIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for MBMSSessionStartResponseIEs ies.
+ * \param mbmsSessionStartResponseIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_mbmssessionstartresponseies(
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionStartResponseIEs_t *mbmsSessionStartResponseIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for MBMSSessionStartResponseIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_MBMSSessionStartResponse Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param mbmsSessionStartResponseIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_mbmssessionstartresponseies(
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionStartResponse_t *ranaP_MBMSSessionStartResponse,
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionStartResponseIEs_t *mbmsSessionStartResponseIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for DirectTransferIEs ies.
+ * \param directTransferIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_directtransferies(
+    RANAP_DirectTransferIEs_t *directTransferIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for DirectTransferIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_DirectTransfer Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param directTransferIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_directtransferies(
+    RANAP_DirectTransfer_t *ranaP_DirectTransfer,
+    RANAP_DirectTransferIEs_t *directTransferIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for ResetResourceIEs ies.
+ * \param resetResourceIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_resetresourceies(
+    RANAP_ResetResourceIEs_t *resetResourceIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for ResetResourceIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_ResetResource Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param resetResourceIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_resetresourceies(
+    RANAP_ResetResource_t *ranaP_ResetResource,
+    RANAP_ResetResourceIEs_t *resetResourceIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RANAP-EnhancedRelocationInformationResponseIEs ies.
+ * \param ranaP_EnhancedRelocationInformationResponseIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_ranap_enhancedrelocationinformationresponseies(
+    RANAP_RANAP_EnhancedRelocationInformationResponseIEs_t *ranaP_EnhancedRelocationInformationResponseIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RANAP-EnhancedRelocationInformationResponseIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RANAP_EnhancedRelocationInformationResponse Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param ranaP_EnhancedRelocationInformationResponseIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_ranap_enhancedrelocationinformationresponseies(
+    RANAP_RANAP_EnhancedRelocationInformationResponse_t *ranaP_RANAP_EnhancedRelocationInformationResponse,
+    RANAP_RANAP_EnhancedRelocationInformationResponseIEs_t *ranaP_EnhancedRelocationInformationResponseIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-SetupItem-EnhancedRelocCompleteRes-IEs ies.
+ * \param raB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_setupitem_enhancedreloccompleteres_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs_t *raB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-SetupItem-EnhancedRelocCompleteRes-IEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_SetupList_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_setupitem_enhancedreloccompleteres_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupList_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_t *ranaP_RAB_SetupList_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes,
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs_t *raB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteRes_IEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RANAP-EnhancedRelocationInformationRequestIEs ies.
+ * \param ranaP_EnhancedRelocationInformationRequestIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_ranap_enhancedrelocationinformationrequesties(
+    RANAP_RANAP_EnhancedRelocationInformationRequestIEs_t *ranaP_EnhancedRelocationInformationRequestIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RANAP-EnhancedRelocationInformationRequestIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RANAP_EnhancedRelocationInformationRequest Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param ranaP_EnhancedRelocationInformationRequestIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_ranap_enhancedrelocationinformationrequesties(
+    RANAP_RANAP_EnhancedRelocationInformationRequest_t *ranaP_RANAP_EnhancedRelocationInformationRequest,
+    RANAP_RANAP_EnhancedRelocationInformationRequestIEs_t *ranaP_EnhancedRelocationInformationRequestIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for SecurityModeCommandIEs ies.
+ * \param securityModeCommandIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_securitymodecommandies(
+    RANAP_SecurityModeCommandIEs_t *securityModeCommandIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for SecurityModeCommandIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_SecurityModeCommand Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param securityModeCommandIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_securitymodecommandies(
+    RANAP_SecurityModeCommand_t *ranaP_SecurityModeCommand,
+    RANAP_SecurityModeCommandIEs_t *securityModeCommandIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RelocationCancelIEs ies.
+ * \param relocationCancelIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_relocationcancelies(
+    RANAP_RelocationCancelIEs_t *relocationCancelIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RelocationCancelIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RelocationCancel Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param relocationCancelIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_relocationcancelies(
+    RANAP_RelocationCancel_t *ranaP_RelocationCancel,
+    RANAP_RelocationCancelIEs_t *relocationCancelIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-SetupItem-RelocReqAck-IEs ies.
+ * \param raB_SetupItem_RelocReqAck_IEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_setupitem_relocreqack_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_RelocReqAck_IEs_t *raB_SetupItem_RelocReqAck_IEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-SetupItem-RelocReqAck-IEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_SetupList_RelocReqAck Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_SetupItem_RelocReqAck_IEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_setupitem_relocreqack_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupList_RelocReqAck_t *ranaP_RAB_SetupList_RelocReqAck,
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_RelocReqAck_IEs_t *raB_SetupItem_RelocReqAck_IEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for MBMSRegistrationFailureIEs ies.
+ * \param mbmsRegistrationFailureIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_mbmsregistrationfailureies(
+    RANAP_MBMSRegistrationFailureIEs_t *mbmsRegistrationFailureIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for MBMSRegistrationFailureIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_MBMSRegistrationFailure Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param mbmsRegistrationFailureIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_mbmsregistrationfailureies(
+    RANAP_MBMSRegistrationFailure_t *ranaP_MBMSRegistrationFailure,
+    RANAP_MBMSRegistrationFailureIEs_t *mbmsRegistrationFailureIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for MBMSRABEstablishmentIndicationIEs ies.
+ * \param mbmsrabEstablishmentIndicationIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_mbmsrabestablishmentindicationies(
+    RANAP_MBMSRABEstablishmentIndicationIEs_t *mbmsrabEstablishmentIndicationIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for MBMSRABEstablishmentIndicationIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_MBMSRABEstablishmentIndication Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param mbmsrabEstablishmentIndicationIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_mbmsrabestablishmentindicationies(
+    RANAP_MBMSRABEstablishmentIndication_t *ranaP_MBMSRABEstablishmentIndication,
+    RANAP_MBMSRABEstablishmentIndicationIEs_t *mbmsrabEstablishmentIndicationIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for MBMSSessionStartFailureIEs ies.
+ * \param mbmsSessionStartFailureIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_mbmssessionstartfailureies(
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionStartFailureIEs_t *mbmsSessionStartFailureIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for MBMSSessionStartFailureIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_MBMSSessionStartFailure Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param mbmsSessionStartFailureIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_mbmssessionstartfailureies(
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionStartFailure_t *ranaP_MBMSSessionStartFailure,
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionStartFailureIEs_t *mbmsSessionStartFailureIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for Iu-ReleaseCompleteIEs ies.
+ * \param iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_iu_releasecompleteies(
+    RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs_t *iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for Iu-ReleaseCompleteIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_Iu_ReleaseComplete Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_iu_releasecompleteies(
+    RANAP_Iu_ReleaseComplete_t *ranaP_Iu_ReleaseComplete,
+    RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs_t *iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for CN-DeactivateTraceIEs ies.
+ * \param cN_DeactivateTraceIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_cn_deactivatetraceies(
+    RANAP_CN_DeactivateTraceIEs_t *cN_DeactivateTraceIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for CN-DeactivateTraceIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_CN_DeactivateTrace Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param cN_DeactivateTraceIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_cn_deactivatetraceies(
+    RANAP_CN_DeactivateTrace_t *ranaP_CN_DeactivateTrace,
+    RANAP_CN_DeactivateTraceIEs_t *cN_DeactivateTraceIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for DataVolumeReportRequestIEs ies.
+ * \param dataVolumeReportRequestIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_datavolumereportrequesties(
+    RANAP_DataVolumeReportRequestIEs_t *dataVolumeReportRequestIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for DataVolumeReportRequestIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_DataVolumeReportRequest Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param dataVolumeReportRequestIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_datavolumereportrequesties(
+    RANAP_DataVolumeReportRequest_t *ranaP_DataVolumeReportRequest,
+    RANAP_DataVolumeReportRequestIEs_t *dataVolumeReportRequestIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-RelocationReleaseItemIEs ies.
+ * \param raB_RelocationReleaseItemIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_relocationreleaseitemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_RelocationReleaseItemIEs_t *raB_RelocationReleaseItemIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-RelocationReleaseItemIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_RelocationReleaseList Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_RelocationReleaseItemIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_relocationreleaseitemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_RelocationReleaseList_t *ranaP_RAB_RelocationReleaseList,
+    RANAP_RAB_RelocationReleaseItemIEs_t *raB_RelocationReleaseItemIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-ModifyRequestIEs ies.
+ * \param raB_ModifyRequestIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_modifyrequesties(
+    RANAP_RAB_ModifyRequestIEs_t *raB_ModifyRequestIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-ModifyRequestIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_ModifyRequest Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_ModifyRequestIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_modifyrequesties(
+    RANAP_RAB_ModifyRequest_t *ranaP_RAB_ModifyRequest,
+    RANAP_RAB_ModifyRequestIEs_t *raB_ModifyRequestIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for SecurityModeCompleteIEs ies.
+ * \param securityModeCompleteIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_securitymodecompleteies(
+    RANAP_SecurityModeCompleteIEs_t *securityModeCompleteIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for SecurityModeCompleteIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_SecurityModeComplete Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param securityModeCompleteIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_securitymodecompleteies(
+    RANAP_SecurityModeComplete_t *ranaP_SecurityModeComplete,
+    RANAP_SecurityModeCompleteIEs_t *securityModeCompleteIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for MBMSRABReleaseIEs ies.
+ * \param mbmsrabReleaseIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_mbmsrabreleaseies(
+    RANAP_MBMSRABReleaseIEs_t *mbmsrabReleaseIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for MBMSRABReleaseIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_MBMSRABRelease Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param mbmsrabReleaseIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_mbmsrabreleaseies(
+    RANAP_MBMSRABRelease_t *ranaP_MBMSRABRelease,
+    RANAP_MBMSRABReleaseIEs_t *mbmsrabReleaseIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for OverloadIEs ies.
+ * \param overloadIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_overloadies(
+    RANAP_OverloadIEs_t *overloadIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for OverloadIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_Overload Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param overloadIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_overloadies(
+    RANAP_Overload_t *ranaP_Overload,
+    RANAP_OverloadIEs_t *overloadIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-SetupItem-RelocReq-IEs ies.
+ * \param raB_SetupItem_RelocReq_IEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_setupitem_relocreq_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_RelocReq_IEs_t *raB_SetupItem_RelocReq_IEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-SetupItem-RelocReq-IEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_SetupList_RelocReq Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_SetupItem_RelocReq_IEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_setupitem_relocreq_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupList_RelocReq_t *ranaP_RAB_SetupList_RelocReq,
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_RelocReq_IEs_t *raB_SetupItem_RelocReq_IEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-ModifyItemIEs ies.
+ * \param raB_ModifyItemIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_modifyitemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_ModifyItemIEs_t *raB_ModifyItemIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-ModifyItemIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_ModifyList Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_ModifyItemIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_modifyitemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_ModifyList_t *ranaP_RAB_ModifyList,
+    RANAP_RAB_ModifyItemIEs_t *raB_ModifyItemIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for MBMSRegistrationResponseIEs ies.
+ * \param mbmsRegistrationResponseIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_mbmsregistrationresponseies(
+    RANAP_MBMSRegistrationResponseIEs_t *mbmsRegistrationResponseIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for MBMSRegistrationResponseIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_MBMSRegistrationResponse Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param mbmsRegistrationResponseIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_mbmsregistrationresponseies(
+    RANAP_MBMSRegistrationResponse_t *ranaP_MBMSRegistrationResponse,
+    RANAP_MBMSRegistrationResponseIEs_t *mbmsRegistrationResponseIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for ForwardSRNS-ContextIEs ies.
+ * \param forwardSRNS_ContextIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_forwardsrns_contexties(
+    RANAP_ForwardSRNS_ContextIEs_t *forwardSRNS_ContextIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for ForwardSRNS-ContextIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_ForwardSRNS_Context Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param forwardSRNS_ContextIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_forwardsrns_contexties(
+    RANAP_ForwardSRNS_Context_t *ranaP_ForwardSRNS_Context,
+    RANAP_ForwardSRNS_ContextIEs_t *forwardSRNS_ContextIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for UplinkInformationExchangeFailureIEs ies.
+ * \param uplinkInformationExchangeFailureIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_uplinkinformationexchangefailureies(
+    RANAP_UplinkInformationExchangeFailureIEs_t *uplinkInformationExchangeFailureIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for UplinkInformationExchangeFailureIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_UplinkInformationExchangeFailure Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param uplinkInformationExchangeFailureIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_uplinkinformationexchangefailureies(
+    RANAP_UplinkInformationExchangeFailure_t *ranaP_UplinkInformationExchangeFailure,
+    RANAP_UplinkInformationExchangeFailureIEs_t *uplinkInformationExchangeFailureIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-SetupItem-EnhRelocInfoRes-IEs ies.
+ * \param raB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_setupitem_enhrelocinfores_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs_t *raB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-SetupItem-EnhRelocInfoRes-IEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_SetupList_EnhRelocInfoRes Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_setupitem_enhrelocinfores_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupList_EnhRelocInfoRes_t *ranaP_RAB_SetupList_EnhRelocInfoRes,
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs_t *raB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for DataVolumeReportIEs ies.
+ * \param dataVolumeReportIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_datavolumereporties(
+    RANAP_DataVolumeReportIEs_t *dataVolumeReportIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for DataVolumeReportIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_DataVolumeReport Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param dataVolumeReportIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_datavolumereporties(
+    RANAP_DataVolumeReport_t *ranaP_DataVolumeReport,
+    RANAP_DataVolumeReportIEs_t *dataVolumeReportIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for InformationTransferIndicationIEs ies.
+ * \param informationTransferIndicationIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_informationtransferindicationies(
+    RANAP_InformationTransferIndicationIEs_t *informationTransferIndicationIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for InformationTransferIndicationIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_InformationTransferIndication Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param informationTransferIndicationIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_informationtransferindicationies(
+    RANAP_InformationTransferIndication_t *ranaP_InformationTransferIndication,
+    RANAP_InformationTransferIndicationIEs_t *informationTransferIndicationIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-FailedItem-EnhRelocInfoRes-IEs ies.
+ * \param raB_FailedItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_faileditem_enhrelocinfores_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_FailedItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs_t *raB_FailedItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-FailedItem-EnhRelocInfoRes-IEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_FailedList_EnhRelocInfoRes Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_FailedItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_faileditem_enhrelocinfores_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_FailedList_EnhRelocInfoRes_t *ranaP_RAB_FailedList_EnhRelocInfoRes,
+    RANAP_RAB_FailedItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs_t *raB_FailedItem_EnhRelocInfoRes_IEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for InformationTransferFailureIEs ies.
+ * \param informationTransferFailureIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_informationtransferfailureies(
+    RANAP_InformationTransferFailureIEs_t *informationTransferFailureIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for InformationTransferFailureIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_InformationTransferFailure Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param informationTransferFailureIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_informationtransferfailureies(
+    RANAP_InformationTransferFailure_t *ranaP_InformationTransferFailure,
+    RANAP_InformationTransferFailureIEs_t *informationTransferFailureIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for CommonID-IEs ies.
+ * \param commonID_IEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_commonid_ies(
+    RANAP_CommonID_IEs_t *commonID_IEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for CommonID-IEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_CommonID Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param commonID_IEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_commonid_ies(
+    RANAP_CommonID_t *ranaP_CommonID,
+    RANAP_CommonID_IEs_t *commonID_IEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for MBMSUELinkingRequestIEs ies.
+ * \param mbmsueLinkingRequestIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_mbmsuelinkingrequesties(
+    RANAP_MBMSUELinkingRequestIEs_t *mbmsueLinkingRequestIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for MBMSUELinkingRequestIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_MBMSUELinkingRequest Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param mbmsueLinkingRequestIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_mbmsuelinkingrequesties(
+    RANAP_MBMSUELinkingRequest_t *ranaP_MBMSUELinkingRequest,
+    RANAP_MBMSUELinkingRequestIEs_t *mbmsueLinkingRequestIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for ErrorIndicationIEs ies.
+ * \param errorIndicationIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_errorindicationies(
+    RANAP_ErrorIndicationIEs_t *errorIndicationIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for ErrorIndicationIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_ErrorIndication Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param errorIndicationIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_errorindicationies(
+    RANAP_ErrorIndication_t *ranaP_ErrorIndication,
+    RANAP_ErrorIndicationIEs_t *errorIndicationIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RedirectionIndication-IEs ies.
+ * \param redirectionIndication_IEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_redirectionindication_ies(
+    RANAP_RedirectionIndication_IEs_t *redirectionIndication_IEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RedirectionIndication-IEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RedirectionIndication Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param redirectionIndication_IEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_redirectionindication_ies(
+    RANAP_RedirectionIndication_t *ranaP_RedirectionIndication,
+    RANAP_RedirectionIndication_IEs_t *redirectionIndication_IEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-DataForwardingItemIEs ies.
+ * \param raB_DataForwardingItemIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_dataforwardingitemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_DataForwardingItemIEs_t *raB_DataForwardingItemIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-DataForwardingItemIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_DataForwardingList Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_DataForwardingItemIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_dataforwardingitemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_DataForwardingList_t *ranaP_RAB_DataForwardingList,
+    RANAP_RAB_DataForwardingItemIEs_t *raB_DataForwardingItemIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-SetupItem-EnhRelocInfoReq-IEs ies.
+ * \param raB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoReq_IEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_setupitem_enhrelocinforeq_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoReq_IEs_t *raB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoReq_IEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-SetupItem-EnhRelocInfoReq-IEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_SetupList_EnhRelocInfoReq Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoReq_IEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_setupitem_enhrelocinforeq_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupList_EnhRelocInfoReq_t *ranaP_RAB_SetupList_EnhRelocInfoReq,
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoReq_IEs_t *raB_SetupItem_EnhRelocInfoReq_IEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for MBMSRABReleaseFailureIEs ies.
+ * \param mbmsrabReleaseFailureIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_mbmsrabreleasefailureies(
+    RANAP_MBMSRABReleaseFailureIEs_t *mbmsrabReleaseFailureIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for MBMSRABReleaseFailureIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_MBMSRABReleaseFailure Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param mbmsrabReleaseFailureIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_mbmsrabreleasefailureies(
+    RANAP_MBMSRABReleaseFailure_t *ranaP_MBMSRABReleaseFailure,
+    RANAP_MBMSRABReleaseFailureIEs_t *mbmsrabReleaseFailureIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-DataVolumeReportItemIEs ies.
+ * \param raB_DataVolumeReportItemIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_datavolumereportitemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_DataVolumeReportItemIEs_t *raB_DataVolumeReportItemIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-DataVolumeReportItemIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_DataVolumeReportList Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_DataVolumeReportItemIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_datavolumereportitemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_DataVolumeReportList_t *ranaP_RAB_DataVolumeReportList,
+    RANAP_RAB_DataVolumeReportItemIEs_t *raB_DataVolumeReportItemIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for DirectInformationTransferIEs ies.
+ * \param directInformationTransferIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_directinformationtransferies(
+    RANAP_DirectInformationTransferIEs_t *directInformationTransferIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for DirectInformationTransferIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_DirectInformationTransfer Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param directInformationTransferIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_directinformationtransferies(
+    RANAP_DirectInformationTransfer_t *ranaP_DirectInformationTransfer,
+    RANAP_DirectInformationTransferIEs_t *directInformationTransferIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RelocationCommandIEs ies.
+ * \param relocationCommandIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_relocationcommandies(
+    RANAP_RelocationCommandIEs_t *relocationCommandIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RelocationCommandIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RelocationCommand Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param relocationCommandIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_relocationcommandies(
+    RANAP_RelocationCommand_t *ranaP_RelocationCommand,
+    RANAP_RelocationCommandIEs_t *relocationCommandIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for UplinkInformationExchangeResponseIEs ies.
+ * \param uplinkInformationExchangeResponseIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_uplinkinformationexchangeresponseies(
+    RANAP_UplinkInformationExchangeResponseIEs_t *uplinkInformationExchangeResponseIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for UplinkInformationExchangeResponseIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_UplinkInformationExchangeResponse Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param uplinkInformationExchangeResponseIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_uplinkinformationexchangeresponseies(
+    RANAP_UplinkInformationExchangeResponse_t *ranaP_UplinkInformationExchangeResponse,
+    RANAP_UplinkInformationExchangeResponseIEs_t *uplinkInformationExchangeResponseIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for MBMSRABReleaseRequestIEs ies.
+ * \param mbmsrabReleaseRequestIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_mbmsrabreleaserequesties(
+    RANAP_MBMSRABReleaseRequestIEs_t *mbmsrabReleaseRequestIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for MBMSRABReleaseRequestIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_MBMSRABReleaseRequest Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param mbmsrabReleaseRequestIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_mbmsrabreleaserequesties(
+    RANAP_MBMSRABReleaseRequest_t *ranaP_MBMSRABReleaseRequest,
+    RANAP_MBMSRABReleaseRequestIEs_t *mbmsrabReleaseRequestIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-AssignmentRequestIEs ies.
+ * \param raB_AssignmentRequestIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_assignmentrequesties(
+    RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs_t *raB_AssignmentRequestIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-AssignmentRequestIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_AssignmentRequest Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_AssignmentRequestIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_assignmentrequesties(
+    RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequest_t *ranaP_RAB_AssignmentRequest,
+    RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs_t *raB_AssignmentRequestIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-ReleasedItem-IuRelComp-IEs ies.
+ * \param raB_ReleasedItem_IuRelComp_IEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_releaseditem_iurelcomp_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleasedItem_IuRelComp_IEs_t *raB_ReleasedItem_IuRelComp_IEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-ReleasedItem-IuRelComp-IEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_ReleasedList_IuRelComp Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_ReleasedItem_IuRelComp_IEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_releaseditem_iurelcomp_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleasedList_IuRelComp_t *ranaP_RAB_ReleasedList_IuRelComp,
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleasedItem_IuRelComp_IEs_t *raB_ReleasedItem_IuRelComp_IEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for EnhancedRelocationCompleteResponseIEs ies.
+ * \param enhancedRelocationCompleteResponseIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_enhancedrelocationcompleteresponseies(
+    RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteResponseIEs_t *enhancedRelocationCompleteResponseIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for EnhancedRelocationCompleteResponseIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteResponse Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param enhancedRelocationCompleteResponseIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_enhancedrelocationcompleteresponseies(
+    RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteResponse_t *ranaP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteResponse,
+    RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteResponseIEs_t *enhancedRelocationCompleteResponseIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for LocationReportIEs ies.
+ * \param locationReportIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_locationreporties(
+    RANAP_LocationReportIEs_t *locationReportIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for LocationReportIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_LocationReport Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param locationReportIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_locationreporties(
+    RANAP_LocationReport_t *ranaP_LocationReport,
+    RANAP_LocationReportIEs_t *locationReportIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-SetupItem-EnhancedRelocCompleteReq-IEs ies.
+ * \param raB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteReq_IEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_setupitem_enhancedreloccompletereq_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteReq_IEs_t *raB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteReq_IEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-SetupItem-EnhancedRelocCompleteReq-IEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_SetupList_EnhancedRelocCompleteReq Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteReq_IEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_setupitem_enhancedreloccompletereq_ies(
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupList_EnhancedRelocCompleteReq_t *ranaP_RAB_SetupList_EnhancedRelocCompleteReq,
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteReq_IEs_t *raB_SetupItem_EnhancedRelocCompleteReq_IEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-AssignmentResponseIEs ies.
+ * \param raB_AssignmentResponseIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_assignmentresponseies(
+    RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs_t *raB_AssignmentResponseIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-AssignmentResponseIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_AssignmentResponse Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_AssignmentResponseIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_assignmentresponseies(
+    RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponse_t *ranaP_RAB_AssignmentResponse,
+    RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs_t *raB_AssignmentResponseIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-ContextItemIEs ies.
+ * \param raB_ContextItemIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_contextitemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_ContextItemIEs_t *raB_ContextItemIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-ContextItemIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_ContextList Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_ContextItemIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_contextitemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_ContextList_t *ranaP_RAB_ContextList,
+    RANAP_RAB_ContextItemIEs_t *raB_ContextItemIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for MBMSSessionUpdateResponseIEs ies.
+ * \param mbmsSessionUpdateResponseIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_mbmssessionupdateresponseies(
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionUpdateResponseIEs_t *mbmsSessionUpdateResponseIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for MBMSSessionUpdateResponseIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_MBMSSessionUpdateResponse Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param mbmsSessionUpdateResponseIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_mbmssessionupdateresponseies(
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionUpdateResponse_t *ranaP_MBMSSessionUpdateResponse,
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionUpdateResponseIEs_t *mbmsSessionUpdateResponseIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for UeRadioCapabilityMatchResponseIEs ies.
+ * \param ueRadioCapabilityMatchResponseIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_ueradiocapabilitymatchresponseies(
+    RANAP_UeRadioCapabilityMatchResponseIEs_t *ueRadioCapabilityMatchResponseIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for UeRadioCapabilityMatchResponseIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_UeRadioCapabilityMatchResponse Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param ueRadioCapabilityMatchResponseIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_ueradiocapabilitymatchresponseies(
+    RANAP_UeRadioCapabilityMatchResponse_t *ranaP_UeRadioCapabilityMatchResponse,
+    RANAP_UeRadioCapabilityMatchResponseIEs_t *ueRadioCapabilityMatchResponseIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-ReleaseRequestIEs ies.
+ * \param raB_ReleaseRequestIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_releaserequesties(
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleaseRequestIEs_t *raB_ReleaseRequestIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-ReleaseRequestIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_ReleaseRequest Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_ReleaseRequestIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_releaserequesties(
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleaseRequest_t *ranaP_RAB_ReleaseRequest,
+    RANAP_RAB_ReleaseRequestIEs_t *raB_ReleaseRequestIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for EnhancedRelocationCompleteConfirmIEs ies.
+ * \param enhancedRelocationCompleteConfirmIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_enhancedrelocationcompleteconfirmies(
+    RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteConfirmIEs_t *enhancedRelocationCompleteConfirmIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for EnhancedRelocationCompleteConfirmIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteConfirm Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param enhancedRelocationCompleteConfirmIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_enhancedrelocationcompleteconfirmies(
+    RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteConfirm_t *ranaP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteConfirm,
+    RANAP_EnhancedRelocationCompleteConfirmIEs_t *enhancedRelocationCompleteConfirmIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for MBMSSessionUpdateIEs ies.
+ * \param mbmsSessionUpdateIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_mbmssessionupdateies(
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionUpdateIEs_t *mbmsSessionUpdateIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for MBMSSessionUpdateIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_MBMSSessionUpdate Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param mbmsSessionUpdateIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_mbmssessionupdateies(
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionUpdate_t *ranaP_MBMSSessionUpdate,
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionUpdateIEs_t *mbmsSessionUpdateIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for MBMSSessionStartIEs ies.
+ * \param mbmsSessionStartIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_mbmssessionstarties(
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionStartIEs_t *mbmsSessionStartIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for MBMSSessionStartIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_MBMSSessionStart Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param mbmsSessionStartIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_mbmssessionstarties(
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionStart_t *ranaP_MBMSSessionStart,
+    RANAP_MBMSSessionStartIEs_t *mbmsSessionStartIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for LocationRelatedDataResponseIEs ies.
+ * \param locationRelatedDataResponseIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_locationrelateddataresponseies(
+    RANAP_LocationRelatedDataResponseIEs_t *locationRelatedDataResponseIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for LocationRelatedDataResponseIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_LocationRelatedDataResponse Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param locationRelatedDataResponseIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_locationrelateddataresponseies(
+    RANAP_LocationRelatedDataResponse_t *ranaP_LocationRelatedDataResponse,
+    RANAP_LocationRelatedDataResponseIEs_t *locationRelatedDataResponseIEs);
+/** \brief Decode function for RAB-SetupOrModifiedItemIEs ies.
+ * \param raB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored
+ *  \param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.
+ **/
+int ranap_decode_rab_setupormodifieditemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs_t *raB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs,
+    ANY_t *any_p);
+/** \brief Encode function for RAB-SetupOrModifiedItemIEs ies.
+ *  \param ranaP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedList Pointer to the ASN1 structure.
+ *  \param raB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs Pointer to the IES structure.
+ **/
+int ranap_encode_rab_setupormodifieditemies(
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedList_t *ranaP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedList,
+    RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs_t *raB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs);
+#endif /* RANAP_IES_DEFS_H_ */