automatically create db tables on osmo-hlr invocation

If a database file is missing, osmo-hlr creates it, as is the default sqlite3
API behavior -- before this patch, that db file is created, but lacks useful
tables. Actually also create initial tables in it, as osmo-nitb did.

In effect, the 'vty-test' target in tests/ no longer needs to create
a database manually. (The 'ctrl-test' still does, because it also wants to add
subscriber data on top of the bare tables.)

Note: it could be desirable to bail if the desired database file does not
exist. That is however a different semantic from this patch; this is not
changing the fact that a db file is created, this just creates a usable one.

Note: I am about to add osmo-hlr-db-tool to do database migration from
osmo-nitb. For that, it is desirable to bootstrap a usable database, which is
the core reason for this patch.

Don't plainly duplicate hlr.sql to .c, but create db_bootstrap.h as a
BUILT_SOURCE from reading in sql/hlr.sql and mangling via sed to a list of SQL
statement strings. On each db_open(), run this bootstrap sequence.

In sql/hlr.sql, these tweaks are necessary:
* Add 'IF NOT EXISTS' to 'CREATE TABLE', so that the bootstrap sequence can be
  run on an already bootstrapped db.
* Drop the final comment at the bottom, which ended up being an empty SQL
  statement and causing sqlite3 API errors, seemed to have no purpose anyway.

Note: by composing the statement strings as multiline and including the SQL
comments, sqlite3 actually retains the comments contained in table definitions
and prints them back during 'sqlite3 hlr.db .dump'.

Change-Id: If77dbbfe1af3e66aaec91cb6295b687f37678636
diff --git a/src/db_bootstrap.sed b/src/db_bootstrap.sed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60b8243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/db_bootstrap.sed
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Input to this is sql/hlr.sql.
+# We want each SQL statement line wrapped in "...\n", and each end (";") to
+# become a comma:
+#     that may span )
+#   MORE;
+# -->
+#   "  that may span )\n"
+#   "MULTIPLE LINES\n",   <--note the comma here
+#   "MORE\n",
+# just replacing ';' with '\n,' won't work, since sed is bad in printing
+# multiple lines. Also, how to input newlines to sed is not portable across
+# platforms.
+# Match excluding a trailing ';' as \1, keep any trailing ';' in \2
+# Replace trailing ';' as ','