error log: clarify for using more resources than reserved

Figure out how many resources were reserved, how many of those match the
requirements, and how many are used, and log one of three matching error
messages for that situation.

For that purpose, allow find()ing reserved resources without logging anything,
using a log_label=None arg.

Change-Id: I1c67600ba69351859e46b8b2f368ee8106db0993
diff --git a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/
index 52b23c7..7cc32bb 100644
--- a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/
+++ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/
@@ -301,7 +301,8 @@
             # list item contains specifics for the particular BTS.
             my_list = self.get(key, [])
-            for_origin.log(log_label, len(want_list), 'x', key, '(candidates: %d)'%len(my_list))
+            if log_label:
+                for_origin.log(log_label, len(want_list), 'x', key, '(candidates: %d)'%len(my_list))
             # Try to avoid a less constrained item snatching away a resource
             # from a more detailed constrained requirement.
@@ -472,11 +473,21 @@
         available = available_dict.get(kind)
         if not available:
-            raise NoResourceExn('When trying to reserve %r nr %d: No unused resource found%s' %
-                                (kind,
-                                 self.count(kind) + 1,
-                                 (' matching %r' % specifics) if specifics else '')
-                               )
+            # cook up a detailed error message for the current situation
+            kind_reserved = self.reserved.get(kind, [])
+            used_count = len([r for r in kind_reserved if USED_KEY in r])
+            matching = self.reserved.find(self.origin, want, raise_if_missing=False, log_label=None).get(kind, [])
+            if not matching:
+                msg = 'none of the reserved resources matches requirements %r' % specifics
+            elif not (used_count < len(kind_reserved)):
+                msg = 'suite.conf reserved only %d x %r.' % (len(kind_reserved), kind)
+            else:
+                msg = ('No unused resource left that matches the requirements;'
+                       ' Of reserved %d x %r, %d match the requirements, but all are already in use;'
+                       ' Requirements: %r'
+                       % (len(kind_reserved), kind, len(matching), specifics))
+            raise NoResourceExn('When trying to use instance nr %d of %r: %s' % (used_count + 1, kind, msg))
         pick = available[0]
         assert not pick.get(USED_KEY)