srsue.conf.tmpl: update args for 21.04 changes to include NSA

this also removes the entire help text around arguments (that
were very outdated already) and only leaves the actual values with changes.

Change-Id: Icb9e8e7b1c68cf024db3a7273af791f017c32003
diff --git a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/srsue.conf.tmpl b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/srsue.conf.tmpl
index bdca6bd..8fd405b 100644
--- a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/srsue.conf.tmpl
+++ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/srsue.conf.tmpl
@@ -2,35 +2,22 @@
 #                   srsUE configuration file
-# RF configuration
-# dl_earfcn: Downlink EARFCN code.
-# freq_offset: Uplink and Downlink optional frequency offset (in Hz)
-# tx_gain: Transmit gain (dB).
-# rx_gain: Optional receive gain (dB). If disabled, AGC if enabled
-# Optional parameters:
-# dl_freq:            Override DL frequency corresponding to dl_earfcn
-# ul_freq:            Override UL frequency corresponding to dl_earfcn
-# nof_radios:         Number of available RF devices
-# nof_rf_channels:    Number of RF channels per radio
-# nof_rx_ant:         Number of RX antennas per channel
-# device_name:        Device driver family. Supported options: "auto" (uses first found), "UHD" or "bladeRF"
-# device_args:        Arguments for the device driver. Options are "auto" or any string.
-#                     Default for UHD: "recv_frame_size=9232,send_frame_size=9232"
-#                     Default for bladeRF: ""
-# device_args_2:      Arguments for the RF device driver 2.
-# device_args_3:      Arguments for the RF device driver 3.
-# time_adv_nsamples:  Transmission time advance (in number of samples) to compensate for RF delay
-#                     from antenna to timestamp insertion.
-#                     Default "auto". B210 USRP: 100 samples, bladeRF: 27.
-# burst_preamble_us:  Preamble length to transmit before start of burst.
-#                     Default "auto". B210 USRP: 400 us, bladeRF: 0 us.
-# continuous_tx:      Transmit samples continuously to the radio or on bursts (auto/yes/no).
-#                     Default is auto (yes for UHD, no for rest)
+% if int(ue.tx_gain) > 0:
+tx_gain = ${ue.tx_gain}
+% endif
+% if int(ue.rx_gain) > 0:
+rx_gain = ${ue.rx_gain}
+% endif
+freq_offset = ${ue.freq_offset}
+nof_antennas = ${ue.num_antennas}
+device_name = ${ue.rf_dev_type}
+device_args = ${ue.rf_dev_args},${ue.rf_dev_sync}
 % if int(ue.num_carriers) == 4:
 dl_earfcn = 2850,3050,3250,3350
 % elif int(ue.num_carriers) == 2:
@@ -44,75 +31,17 @@
 % if ue.get('ul_freq', -1) != -1:
 ul_freq = ${ue.ul_freq}
 % endif
-freq_offset = ${ue.freq_offset}
-% if int(ue.tx_gain) > 0:
-tx_gain = ${ue.tx_gain}
-% endif
-% if int(ue.rx_gain) > 0:
-rx_gain = ${ue.rx_gain}
-% endif
-#nof_radios = 1
-nof_antennas = ${ue.num_antennas}
 nof_carriers = ${ue.num_carriers}
-device_name = ${ue.rf_dev_type}
-# For best performance in 2x2 MIMO and >= 15 MHz use the following device_args settings:
-#     USRP B210: num_recv_frames=64,num_send_frames=64
-# For best performance when BW<5 MHz (25 PRB), use the following device_args settings:
-#     USRP B210: send_frame_size=512,recv_frame_size=512
-device_args = ${ue.rf_dev_args},${ue.rf_dev_sync}
-#time_adv_nsamples = auto
-#burst_preamble_us = auto
-#continuous_tx     = auto
-# Packet capture configuration
-# Packet capture is supported at both MAC and NAS layers.
-# MAC-layer packets are captured to file in the compact format
-# decoded by the Wireshark mac-lte-framed dissector.
-# To use this dissector, edit the preferences for DLT_USER to
-# add an entry with DLT=147, Payload Protocol=mac-lte-framed.
-# For more information see:
-# NAS-layer packets are dissected with DLT=148, and
-# Payload Protocol = nas-eps.
-# enable:       Enable MAC layer packet captures (true/false)
-# filename:     File path to use for MAC packet captures
-# nas_enable:   Enable NAS layer packet captures (true/false)
-# nas_filename: File path to use for NAS packet captures
 enable = ${'mac' if ue.enable_pcap else 'none'}
 mac_filename = ${ue.pcap_filename}
 mac_nr_filename = /tmp/ue_mac_nr.pcap
 nas_filename = /tmp/ue_nas.pcap
-# Log configuration
-# Log levels can be set for individual layers. "all_level" sets log
-# level for all layers unless otherwise configured.
-# Format: e.g. phy_level = info
-# In the same way, packet hex dumps can be limited for each level.
-# "all_hex_limit" sets the hex limit for all layers unless otherwise
-# configured.
-# Format: e.g. phy_hex_limit = 32
-# Logging layers: rf, phy, mac, rlc, pdcp, rrc, nas, gw, usim, all
-# Logging levels: debug, info, warning, error, none
-# filename: File path to use for log output. Can be set to stdout
-#           to print logs to standard output
-# file_max_size: Maximum file size (in kilobytes). When passed, multiple files are created.
-#                If set to negative, a single log file will be created.
 all_level = ${ue.log_all_level}
 phy_lib_level = none
@@ -121,19 +50,7 @@
 file_max_size = -1
 nas_level = ${ue.log_nas_level}
-# USIM configuration
-# mode:   USIM mode (soft/pcsc)
-# algo:   Authentication algorithm (xor/milenage)
-# op/opc: 128-bit Operator Variant Algorithm Configuration Field (hex)
-#         - Specify either op or opc (only used in milenage)
-# k:      128-bit subscriber key (hex)
-# imsi:   15 digit International Mobile Subscriber Identity
-# imei:   15 digit International Mobile Station Equipment Identity
-# pin:    PIN in case real SIM card is used
-# reader: Specify card reader by it's name as listed by 'pcsc_scan'. If empty, try all available readers.
 mode = soft
 algo = ${ue.auth_algo}
@@ -143,20 +60,8 @@
 k    = ${}
 imsi = ${ue.imsi}
 imei = 353490069873319
-#reader =
-#pin  = 1234
-# RRC configuration
-# ue_category:       Sets UE category (range 1-5). Default: 4
-# release:           UE Release (8 to 10)
-# feature_group:     Hex value of the featureGroupIndicators field in the
-#                    UECapabilityInformation message. Default 0xe6041000
-# mbms_service_id:   MBMS service id for autostarting MBMS reception
-#                    (default -1 means disabled)
-# mbms_service_port: Port of the MBMS service
 % if "dl_qam256" in ue.features or "ul_qam64" in ue.features:
 ue_category       = 8
@@ -170,234 +75,27 @@
 #ue_category       = 4
 #release           = 8
 % endif
-#feature_group     = 0xe6041000
-#mbms_service_id   = -1
-#mbms_service_port = 4321
-# NAS configuration
-# apn:               Set Access Point Name (APN)
-# apn_protocol:      Set APN protocol (IPv4, IPv6 or IPv4v6.)
-# user:              Username for CHAP authentication
-# pass:              Password for CHAP authentication
-# force_imsi_attach: Whether to always perform an IMSI attach
-# eia:               List of integrity algorithms included in UE capabilities
-#                      Supported: 1 - Snow3G, 2 - AES
-# eea:               List of ciphering algorithms included in UE capabilities
-#                      Supported: 0 - NULL, 1 - Snow3G, 2 - AES
-#apn = internetinternet
-#apn_protocol = ipv4
-#user = srsuser
-#pass = srspass
-#force_imsi_attach = false
-#eia = 1,2
-#eea = 0,1,2
-# GW configuration
-# netns:                Network namespace to create TUN device. Default: empty
-# ip_devname:           Name of the tun_srsue device. Default: tun_srsue
-# ip_netmask:           Netmask of the tun_srsue device. Default:
-#netns =
-#ip_devname = tun_srsue
-#ip_netmask =
-# GUI configuration
-# Simple GUI displaying PDSCH constellation and channel freq response.
-# (Requires building with srsGUI)
-# enable:               Enable the graphical interface (true/false)
-enable = false
-# Channel emulator options:
-# enable:            Enable/Disable internal Downlink/Uplink channel emulator
-# -- Fading emulator
-# fading.enable:     Enable/disable fading simulator
-# fading.model:      Fading model + maximum doppler (E.g. none, epa5, eva70, etu300, etc)
-# -- Delay Emulator     delay(t) = delay_min + (delay_max - delay_min) * (1 + sin(2pi*t/period)) / 2
-#                       Maximum speed [m/s]: (delay_max - delay_min) * pi * 300 / period
-# delay.enable:      Enable/disable delay simulator
-# delay.period_s:    Delay period in seconds.
-# delay.init_time_s: Delay initial time in seconds.
-# delay.maximum_us:  Maximum delay in microseconds
-# delay.minumum_us:  Minimum delay in microseconds
-# -- Radio-Link Failure (RLF) Emulator
-# rlf.enable:        Enable/disable RLF simulator
-# rlf.t_on_ms:       Time for On state of the channel (ms)
-# rlf.t_off_ms:      Time for Off state of the channel (ms)
-# -- High Speed Train Doppler model simulator
-# hst.enable:        Enable/Disable HST simulator
-# hst.period_s:      HST simulation period in seconds
-# hst.fd_hz:         Doppler frequency in Hz
-# hst.init_time_s:   Initial time in seconds
-#enable        = false
-#enable        = false
-#model         = none
-#enable        = false
-#period_s      = 3600
-#init_time_s   = 0
-#maximum_us    = 100
-#minimum_us    = 10
-#enable        = false
-#t_on_ms       = 10000
-#t_off_ms      = 2000
-#enable        = false
-#period_s      = 7.2
-#fd_hz         = 750.0
-#init_time_s   = 0.0
-#enable        = false
-#enable        = false
-#model         = none
-#enable        = false
-#period_s      = 3600
-#init_time_s   = 0
-#maximum_us    = 100
-#minimum_us    = 10
-#enable        = false
-#t_on_ms       = 10000
-#t_off_ms      = 2000
-#enable        = false
-#period_s      = 7.2
-#fd_hz         = -750.0
-#init_time_s   = 0.0
-# PHY configuration options
-# rx_gain_offset:       RX Gain offset to add to rx_gain to calibrate RSRP readings
-# prach_gain:           PRACH gain (dB). If defined, forces a gain for the tranmsission of PRACH only.,
-#                       Default is to use tx_gain in [rf] section.
-# cqi_max:              Upper bound on the maximum CQI to be reported. Default 15.
-# cqi_fixed:            Fixes the reported CQI to a constant value. Default disabled.
-# snr_ema_coeff:        Sets the SNR exponential moving average coefficient (Default 0.1)
-# snr_estim_alg:        Sets the noise estimation algorithm. (Default refs)
-#                          Options: pss:   use difference between received and known pss signal,
-#                                   refs:  use difference between noise references and noiseless (after filtering)
-#                                   empty: use empty subcarriers in the boarder of pss/sss signal
-# pdsch_max_its:        Maximum number of turbo decoder iterations (Default 4)
-# nof_phy_threads:      Selects the number of PHY threads (maximum 4, minimum 1, default 3)
-# equalizer_mode:       Selects equalizer mode. Valid modes are: "mmse", "zf" or any
-#                       non-negative real number to indicate a regularized zf coefficient.
-#                       Default is MMSE.
-# sfo_ema:              EMA coefficient to average sample offsets used to compute SFO
-# sfo_correct_period:   Period in ms to correct sample time to adjust for SFO
-# sss_algorithm:        Selects the SSS estimation algorithm. Can choose between
-#                       {full, partial, diff}.
-# estimator_fil_auto:   The channel estimator smooths the channel estimate with an adaptative filter.
-# estimator_fil_stddev: Sets the channel estimator smooth gaussian filter standard deviation.
-# estimator_fil_order:  Sets the channel estimator smooth gaussian filter order (even values perform better).
-#                       The taps are [w, 1-2w, w]
-# snr_to_cqi_offset:    Sets an offset in the SNR to CQI table. This is used to adjust the reported CQI.
-# pregenerate_signals:  Pregenerate uplink signals after attach. Improves CPU performance.
-# interpolate_subframe_enabled: Interpolates in the time domain the channel estimates within 1 subframe. Default is to average.
-# sic_pss_enabled:      Applies Successive Interference Cancellation to PSS signals when searching for neighbour cells.
-#                       Must be disabled if cells have identical channel and timing, for instance if generated from
-#                       the same source.
-# pdsch_csi_enabled:     Stores the Channel State Information and uses it for weightening the softbits. It is only
-#                        used in TM1. It is True by default.
-# pdsch_8bit_decoder:    Use 8-bit for LLR representation and turbo decoder trellis computation (Experimental)
-# force_ul_amplitude:    Forces the peak amplitude in the PUCCH, PUSCH and SRS (set 0.0 to 1.0, set to 0 or negative for disabling)
-#rx_gain_offset      = 62
-#prach_gain          = 30
-#cqi_max             = 15
-#cqi_fixed           = 10
-#snr_ema_coeff       = 0.1
-#snr_estim_alg       = refs
-#pdsch_max_its       = 8    # These are half iterations
 % if ue.rf_dev_type == 'zmq':
 nof_phy_threads     = 2
 % endif
-#equalizer_mode      = mmse
-#sfo_ema             = 0.1
-#sfo_correct_period  = 10
-#sss_algorithm       = full
-#estimator_fil_auto  = false
-#estimator_fil_stddev  = 1.0
-#estimator_fil_order  = 4
-#snr_to_cqi_offset   = 0.0
-#interpolate_subframe_enabled = false
-#sic_pss_enabled     = true
-#pregenerate_signals = false
-#pdsch_csi_enabled  = true
-#pdsch_8bit_decoder = false
 % if float(ue.force_ul_amplitude) > 0:
 force_ul_amplitude = ${ue.force_ul_amplitude}
 % endif
-# Simulation configuration options
-# The UE simulation supports turning on and off airplane mode in the UE.
-# The actions are carried periodically until the UE is stopped.
-# airplane_t_on_ms:   Time to leave airplane mode turned on (in ms)
-# airplane_t_off_ms:  Time to leave airplane mode turned off (in ms)
 airplane_t_on_ms  = ${ue.airplane_t_on_ms}
 airplane_t_off_ms = ${ue.airplane_t_off_ms}
-# General configuration options
-# metrics_csv_enable:   Write UE metrics to CSV file.
-# metrics_period_secs:  Sets the period at which metrics are requested from the UE.
-# metrics_csv_filename: File path to use for CSV metrics.
 metrics_csv_enable  = true
-#metrics_period_secs = 1
 metrics_csv_filename = ${ue.metrics_filename}
 % if ue.rf_dev_type == 'zmq':
 have_tti_time_stats = false
-% endif
+% endif
\ No newline at end of file