cosmetic: OsmoGSMTester: fix dir name

All other subdirs are without dashes, but I added Osmo-GSM-Tester with dashes.
Comply with the naming scheme and remove dashes.

Change-Id: I36d0c94dde5deffba04b27436ae499a42c519bec
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+== Configuration
+The osmo-gsm-tester looks for configuration files in various standard
+directories in this order:
+- '$HOME/.config/osmo-gsm-tester/'
+- '/usr/local/etc/osmo-gsm-tester/'
+- '/etc/osmo-gsm-tester/'
+The config location can also be set by an environment variable
+'$OSMO_GSM_TESTER_CONF', which then overrides the above locations.
+The osmo-gsm-tester expects to find the following configuration files in a
+configuration directory:
+- 'paths.conf'
+- 'resources.conf'
+- 'default-suites.conf' (optional)
+- 'defaults.conf' (optional)
+=== Format: YAML, and its Drawbacks
+The general configuration format used is YAML. The stock python YAML parser
+does have several drawbacks: too many complex possibilities and alternative
+ways of formatting a configuration, but at the time of writing seems to be the
+only widely used configuration format that offers a simple and human readable
+formatting as well as nested structuring. It is recommended to use only the
+exact YAML subset seen in this manual in case the osmo-gsm-tester should move
+to a less bloated parser in the future.
+Careful: if a configuration item consists of digits and starts with a zero, you
+need to quote it, or it may be interpreted as an octal notation integer! Please
+avoid using the octal notation on purpose, it is not provided intentionally.
+=== 'paths.conf'
+The 'paths.conf' file defines where to store the global state (of reserved
+resources) and where to find suite and scenario definitions.
+Any relative paths found in a 'paths.conf' file are interpreted as relative to
+the directory of that 'paths.conf' file.
+state_dir: '/var/run/osmo-gsm-tester'
+suites_dir: './suites'
+scenarios_dir: './scenarios'
+If you would like to set up several separate 'paths.conf' files (not typical),
+note that the 'state_dir' is used to reserve resources, which only works when
+all configurations that share resources also use the same 'state_dir'.
+=== 'resources.conf'
+The 'resources.conf' file defines which hardware is connected to the main unit,
+as well as which limited configuration items (like IP addresses or ARFCNs)
+should be used.
+These resources are allocated dynamically and are not configured explicitly:
+- MSISDN: phone numbers are dealt out to test scripts in sequence on request.
+A 'resources.conf' is structured as a list of items for each resource type,
+where each item has one or more settings -- for an example, see
+These kinds of resource are known:
+	List of IP addresses to run osmo-nitb instances on. The main unit
+	typically has a limited number of such IP addresses configured, which
+	the connected BTS models can see on their network.
+  'addr':::
+	IPv4 address of the local interface.
+	List of available BTS hardware.
+  'label':::
+	human readable label for your own reference
+  'type':::
+	which way to launch this BTS, one of
+	- 'osmo-bts-sysmo'
+	- 'osmo-bts-trx'
+	- 'osmo-bts-octphy'
+	- 'ipa-nanobts'
+  'addr':::
+	remote IP address of the BTS, used to start the BTS and tell it where
+	to find the OsmoNITB.
+  'band':::
+	GSM band that this BTS shoud use (*TODO*: allow multiple bands). One of:
+	- 'GSM-1800'
+	- 'GSM-1900'
+	- (*TODO*: more bands)
+  'trx_list':::
+	Specific TRX configurations for this BTS. There should be as many of
+	these as the BTS has TRXes. (*TODO*: a way to define >1 TRX without
+	special configuration for them.)
+    'hw_addr'::::
+	Hardware (MAC) address of the TRX in the form of '11:22:33:44:55:66',
+	only used for osmo-bts-octphy.  (*TODO*: and nanobts??)
+    'net_device'::::
+	Local network device to reach the TRX's 'hw_addr' at, only used for
+	osmo-bts-octphy.
+	List of ARFCNs to use for running BTSes, which defines the actual RF
+	frequency bands used.
+  'arfcn':::
+	ARFCN number, see e.g.
+	(note that the resource type 'arfcn' contains an item trait also named
+	'arfcn')
+  'band':::
+	GSM band name to use this ARFCN for, same as for 'bts:band' above.
+	List of modems reachable via ofono and information on the inserted SIM
+	card. (Note: the MSISDN is allocated dynamically in test scripts)
+  'label':::
+	human readable label for your own reference
+  'path':::
+	ofono's path for this modem, like '/modemkind_99'
+  'imsi':::
+	IMSI of the inserted SIM card, like '"123456789012345"'
+  'ki':::
+	16 byte authentication/encryption KI of the inserted SIM card, in
+	hexadecimal notation (32 characters) like +
+	'"00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff"' (*TODO*: authentication algorithm,
+	currently always comp128v1)
+Side note: at first sight it might make sense to the reader to rather structure
+e.g. the 'nitb_iface' or 'arfcn' configuration as +
+'"arfcn: GSM-1800: [512, 514, ...]"', +
+but the more verbose format is chosen to stay consistent with the general
+structure of resource configurations, which the resource allocation algorithm
+uses to resolve required resources according to their traits. These
+configurations look cumbersome because they exhibit only one trait / a trait
+that is repeated numerous times. No special notation for these cases is
+available (yet).
+=== 'default-suites.conf' (optional)
+The 'default-suites.conf' file contains a list of 'suite:scenario+scenario+...'
+combination strings as defined by the ' -s' commandline
+option. If invoking the '' without any suite definitions, the
+'-s' arguments are taken from this file instead. Each of these suite + scenario
+combinations is run in sequence.
+A suite name must match the name of a directory in the 'suites_dir' as defined
+by 'paths.conf'.
+A scenario name must match the name of a configuration file in the
+'scenarios_dir' as defined by 'paths.conf' (optionally without the '.conf'
+For 'paths.conf', see <<paths_conf>>.
+Example of a 'default-suites.conf' file:
+- sms:sysmo
+- voice:sysmo+tch_f
+- voice:sysmo+tch_h
+- voice:sysmo+dyn_ts
+- sms:trx
+- voice:trx+tch_f
+- voice:trx+tch_h
+- voice:trx+dyn_ts
+=== 'defaults.conf' (optional)
+Each binary run by osmo-gsm-tester, e.g. 'osmo-nitb' or 'osmo-bts-sysmo',
+typically has a configuration file template that is populated with values for a
+trial run.
+Some of these values are provided by the 'resources.conf' from the allocated
+resource(s), but not all values can be populated this way: some osmo-nitb
+configuration values like the network name, encryption algorithm or timeslot
+channel combinations are in fact not resources (only the nitb's interface
+address is). These additional settings may be provided by the scenario
+configurations, but in case the provided scenarios leave some values unset,
+they are taken from this 'defaults.conf'. (A 'scenario.conf' providing a
+similar setting always has precedence over the values given in a
+*TODO* better match this format with 'resources.conf'?
+Example of a 'defaults.conf':
+  net:
+    mcc: 1
+    mnc: 868
+    short_name: osmo-gsm-tester
+    long_name: osmo-gsm-tester
+    auth_policy: closed
+    encryption: a5 0
+  location_area_code: 23
+  base_station_id_code: 63
+  stream_id: 255
+  osmobsc_bts_type: sysmobts
+  trx_list:
+  - max_power_red: 22
+    arfcn: 868
+    timeslot_list:
+    - phys_chan_config: CCCH+SDCCH4
+    - phys_chan_config: SDCCH8
+    - phys_chan_config: TCH/F_TCH/H_PDCH
+    - phys_chan_config: TCH/F_TCH/H_PDCH
+    - phys_chan_config: TCH/F_TCH/H_PDCH
+    - phys_chan_config: TCH/F_TCH/H_PDCH
+    - phys_chan_config: TCH/F_TCH/H_PDCH
+    - phys_chan_config: TCH/F_TCH/H_PDCH
+*TODO*: detailed descriptions
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+== Debugging
+*TODO*: describe how to invoke 'ipdb3' and step into a suite's test script
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+== Introduction with Examples
+The osmo-gsm-tester is software to run automated tests of real GSM hardware,
+foremost to verify that ongoing Osmocom software development continues to work
+with various BTS models, while being flexibly configurable and extendable.
+A 'main unit' (general purpose computer) is connected via ethernet and/or USB to
+any number of BTS models and to any number of GSM modems via USB. The modems
+and BTS instances' RF transceivers are typically wired directly to each other
+via RF distribution chambers to bypass the air medium and avoid disturbing real
+production cellular networks. Furthermore, the setup may include adjustable RF
+attenuators to model various distances between modems and base stations.
+The osmo-gsm-tester software runs on the main unit to orchestrate the various
+GSM hardware and run predefined test scripts. It typically receives binary
+packages from a jenkins build service. It then automatically configures and
+launches an Osmocom core network on the main unit and sets up and runs BTS
+models as well as modems to form a complete ad-hoc GSM network. On this setup,
+predefined test suites, combined with various scenario definitions, are run to
+verify stability of the system.
+The osmo-gsm-tester is implemented in Python (version 3). It uses the ofono
+daemon to control the modems connected via USB. BTS software is either run
+directly on the main unit (e.g. for osmo-bts-trx, osmo-bts-octphy), run via SSH
+(e.g. for a sysmoBTS) or assumed to run on a connected BTS model (e.g. for
+ip.access nanoBTS).
+.Typical osmo-gsm-tester setup
+digraph G {
+	rankdir=LR;
+	jenkins
+	subgraph cluster_gsm_hardware {
+		label = "GSM Hardware";
+		style=dotted
+		modem0 [shape=box label=Modem]
+		modem1 [shape=box label=Modem]
+		modem2 [shape=box label=Modem]
+		osmo_bts_sysmo [label="sysmocom sysmoBTS\nrunning osmo-bts-sysmo" shape=box]
+		B200 [label="Ettus B200" shape=box]
+		octphy [label="Octasic octphy BTS" shape=box]
+		nanoBTS [label="ip.access nanoBTS" shape=box]
+		rf_distribution [label="RF distribution"]
+		{modem0 modem1 modem2 osmo_bts_sysmo B200 octphy nanoBTS}->rf_distribution [dir=both arrowhead="curve" arrowtail="curve"]
+	}
+	subgraph cluster_main_unit {
+	  label = "Main Unit"
+	  osmo_gsm_tester [label="Osmo-GSM-Tester\ntest suites\n& scenarios"]
+	  ofono [label="ofono daemon"]
+	  OsmoNITB
+	  osmo_bts_trx [label="osmo-bts-trx"]
+	  osmo_bts_octphy [label="osmo-bts-octphy"]
+	}
+	jenkins->osmo_gsm_tester [label="trial\n(binaries)"]
+	osmo_gsm_tester->jenkins [label="results"]
+	ofono->modem0 [label="USB"]
+	ofono->modem1 [label="USB"]
+	ofono->modem2 [label="USB"]
+	osmo_gsm_tester-> {OsmoNITB osmo_bts_trx osmo_bts_octphy}
+	osmo_gsm_tester-> osmo_bts_sysmo [taillabel="SSH"]
+	osmo_gsm_tester-> ofono [taillabel="DBus"]
+	osmo_bts_trx->B200 [label="USB"]
+	osmo_bts_octphy->octphy [label="raw eth"]
+	{osmo_bts_sysmo B200 octphy nanoBTS}->OsmoNITB [label="eth"]
+=== Typical Test Script
+A typical single test script (part of a suite) may look like this:
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from osmo_gsm_tester.test import *
+print('use resources...')
+nitb = suite.nitb()
+bts = suite.bts()
+ms_mo = suite.modem()
+ms_mt = suite.modem()
+print('start nitb and bts...')
+assert nitb.running()
+wait(nitb.subscriber_attached, ms_mo, ms_mt)
+sms = ms_mo.sms_send(ms_mt.msisdn)
+wait(ms_mt.sms_received, sms)
+=== Resource Resolution
+- A global configuration defines which hardware is connected to the
+  osmo-gsm-tester main unit.
+- Each suite contains a number of test scripts. The amount of resources a test
+  may use is defined by the test suite's 'suite.conf'.
+- Which specific modems, BTS models, NITB IP addresses etc. are made available
+  to a test run is typically determined by a combination of scenario
+  configurations -- or picked automatically if not.
+=== Typical 'resources.conf'
+A global configuration of hardware may look like below; for details, see
+- addr:
+- addr:
+- addr:
+- label: sysmoBTS 1002
+  type: osmo-bts-sysmo
+  addr:
+  band: GSM-1800
+- label: octBTS 3000
+  type: osmo-bts-octphy
+  addr:
+  band: GSM-1800
+  trx_list:
+  - hw_addr: 00:0c:90:32:b5:8a
+    net_device: eth0.2342
+- label: Ettus B210
+  type: osmo-bts-trx
+  addr:
+  band: GSM-1800
+- label: nanoBTS 1900
+  type: nanobts
+  addr:
+  band: GSM-1900
+  trx_list:
+  - hw_addr: 00:02:95:00:41:b3
+  - arfcn: 512
+    band: GSM-1800
+  - arfcn: 514
+    band: GSM-1800
+  - arfcn: 540
+    band: GSM-1900
+  - arfcn: 542
+    band: GSM-1900
+- label: m7801
+  path: '/wavecom_0'
+  imsi: 901700000007801
+  ki: D620F48487B1B782DA55DF6717F08FF9
+- label: m7802
+  path: '/wavecom_1'
+  imsi: 901700000007802
+  ki: 47FDB2D55CE6A10A85ABDAD034A5B7B3
+- label: m7803
+  path: '/wavecom_2'
+  imsi: 901700000007803
+  ki: ABBED4C91417DF710F60675B6EE2C8D2
+=== Typical 'suites/*/suite.conf'
+The configuration that reserves a number of resources for a test suite may look
+like this:
+  nitb_iface:
+  - times: 1
+  bts:
+  - times: 1
+  modem:
+  - times: 2
+It may also request e.g. specific BTS models, but this is typically left to
+scenario configurations.
+=== Typical 'scenarios/*.conf'
+For a suite as above run as-is, any available resources are picked. This may be
+combined with any number of scenario definitions to constrain which specific
+resources should be used, e.g.:
+  bts:
+  - type: osmo-bts-sysmo
+Which 'nitb_iface' or 'modem' is used in particular doesn't really matter, so
+it can be left up to the osmo-gsm-tester to pick these automatically.
+Any number of such scenario configurations can be combined in the form
+'<suite_name>:<scenario>+<scenario>+...', e.g. 'my_suite:sysmo+tch_f+amr'.
+=== Typical Invocations
+Each invocation of osmo-gsm-tester deploys a set of pre-compiled binaries for
+the Osmocom core network as well as for the Osmocom based BTS models. To create
+such a set of binaries, see <<trials>>.
+Examples for launching test trials:
+- Run the default suites (see <<default_suites>>) on a given set of binaries:
+---- path/to/my-trial
+- Run an explicit choice of 'suite:scenario' combinations:
+---- path/to/my-trial -s sms:sysmo -s sms:trx -s sms:nanobts
+- Run one 'suite:scenario' combination, setting log level to 'debug' and
+  enabling logging of full python tracebacks, and also only run just the
+  '' test from the suite, e.g. to investigate a test failure:
+---- path/to/my-trial -s sms:sysmo -l dbg -T -t mo_mt
+A test script may also be run step-by-step in a python debugger, see
+=== Resource Reservation for Concurrent Trials
+While a test suite runs, the used resources are noted in a global state
+directory in a reserved-resources file. This way, any number of trials may be
+run consecutively without resource conflicts. Any test trial will only use
+resources that are currently not reserved by any other test suite. The
+reservation state is human readable.
+The global state directory is protected by a file lock to allow access by
+separate processes.
+Also, the binaries from a trial are never installed system-wide, but are run
+with a specific 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' pointing at the trial's 'inst', so that
+several trials can run consecutively without conflicting binary versions.
+Once a test suite run is complete, all its reserved resources are torn down (if
+the test scripts have not done so already), and the reservations are released
+If required resources are unavailable, the test trial fails. For consecutive
+test trials, a test run needs to either wait for resources to become available,
+or test suites need to be scheduled to make sense. (*<- TODO*)
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+== Test API
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+== Trial: Binaries to be Tested
+A trial is a set of pre-built binaries to be tested. They are typically built
+by jenkins using the build scripts found in osmo-gsm-tester's source in the
+'contrib/' dir.
+A trial comes in the form of a directory containing a number of '*.tgz' tar
+archives as well as a 'checksums.md5' file to verify the tar archives'
+When the osmo-gsm-tester is invoked to run on such a trial directory, it will
+create a sub directory named 'inst' and unpack the tar archives into it.
+For each test run on this trial, a new subdirectory in the trial dir is
+created, named in the form of 'run.<timestamp>'. A symbolic link 'last-run'
+will point at the most recently created run dir. This run dir will accumulate
+the rendered configuration files used for the trial run as well as a test log
+(<- *TODO*) and stdout and stderr outputs of the binaries run for the trial.
+(*TODO*->) When the test is complete, jenkins parsable XML reports for the test
+run will be written to the 'run.<timestamp>' subdir.