Introduce initial Amarisoft ENB support

* object class expects the amarisoft software to be placed in directory
  provided by env var AMARISOFT_PATH_ENB. On local runs, it will run the
  software from there. On remote runs it will copy over that directory to
  the slave.
* Configuration provided works with 6 PRBs, but probably won't work for
  other values (yet).
* ZMQ support not yet available, only UHD.

One can select the Amarisoft ENB by declaring it in resources.conf:
- label: AmarisoftENB-B200
  type: amarisoftenb
  rf_dev_type: uhd
  rf_dev_args: "type=b200,serial=317B9FE,recv_frame_size=9232,send_frame_size=9232"
  remote_user: jenkins

And running:
$ export AMARISOFT_PATH_ENB=/path/to/binaries
$ ... -s 4g:amarisoftenb-rftype@uhd+srsue-rftype@UHD+mod-enb-nprb@6 -t ping

Change-Id: I1ddf4962ea6438ad977382ab201b724028ca46b3
diff --git a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e16fe7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+# osmo_gsm_tester: specifics for running an SRS eNodeB process
+# Copyright (C) 2020 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH
+# Author: Pau Espin Pedrol <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+import os
+import pprint
+from . import log, util, config, template, process, remote
+from . import enb
+def rf_type_valid(rf_type_str):
+    return rf_type_str in ('uhd')
+#reference: srsLTE.git srslte_symbol_sz()
+def num_prb2symbol_sz(num_prb):
+    if num_prb <= 6:
+        return 128
+    if num_prb <= 15:
+        return 256
+    if num_prb <= 25:
+        return 384
+    if num_prb <= 50:
+        return 768
+    if num_prb <= 75:
+        return 1024
+    if num_prb <= 110:
+        return 1536
+    raise log.Error('invalid num_prb %r', num_prb)
+def num_prb2base_srate(num_prb):
+    return num_prb2symbol_sz(num_prb) * 15 * 1000
+class AmarisoftENB(enb.eNodeB):
+    REMOTE_DIR = '/osmo-gsm-tester-amarisoftenb'
+    BINFILE = 'lteenb'
+    CFGFILE = 'amarisoft_enb.cfg'
+    CFGFILE_SIB1 = 'amarisoft_sib1.asn'
+    CFGFILE_SIB23 = 'amarisoft_sib23.asn'
+    CFGFILE_RF = 'amarisoft_rf_driver.cfg'
+    CFGFILE_DRB = 'amarisoft_drb.cfg'
+    LOGFILE = 'lteenb.log'
+    def __init__(self, suite_run, conf):
+        super().__init__(suite_run, conf, 'amarisoftenb')
+        self.ue = None
+        self.epc = None
+        self.run_dir = None
+        self._bin_prefix = None
+        self.config_file = None
+        self.config_sib1_file = None
+        self.config_sib23_file = None
+        self.config_rf_file = None
+        self.config_drb_file = None
+        self.log_file = None
+        self.process = None
+        self.rem_host = None
+        self.remote_config_file =  None
+        self.remote_config_sib1_file = None
+        self.remote_config_sib23_file = None
+        self.remote_config_rf_file = None
+        self.remote_config_drb_file = None
+        self.remote_log_file = None
+        self._num_prb = 0
+        self._txmode = 0
+        self.suite_run = suite_run
+        self.remote_user = conf.get('remote_user', None)
+        if not rf_type_valid(conf.get('rf_dev_type', None)):
+            raise log.Error('Invalid rf_dev_type=%s' % conf.get('rf_dev_type', None))
+    def bin_prefix(self):
+        if self._bin_prefix is None:
+            self._bin_prefix = os.getenv('AMARISOFT_PATH_ENB', AmarisoftENB.REMOTE_DIR)
+        return self._bin_prefix
+    def cleanup(self):
+        if self.process is None:
+            return
+        if self.setup_runs_locally():
+            return
+        # copy back files (may not exist, for instance if there was an early error of process):
+        try:
+            self.rem_host.scpfrom('scp-back-log', self.remote_log_file, self.log_file)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log(repr(e))
+    def setup_runs_locally(self):
+        return self.remote_user is None
+    def start(self, epc):
+        self.log('Starting AmarisoftENB')
+        self.epc = epc
+        self.run_dir = util.Dir(self.suite_run.get_test_run_dir().new_dir(
+        self.configure()
+        self._start()
+        # send t+Enter to enable console trace
+        self.dbg('Enabling console trace')
+        self.process.stdin_write('t\n')
+    def _start(self):
+        if self.setup_runs_locally():
+            env = { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': util.prepend_library_path(self.inst) }
+            binary = self.inst.child('.', AmarisoftENB.BINFILE)
+            self.dbg(run_dir=self.run_dir, binary=binary, env=env)
+            args = (binary, os.path.abspath(self.config_file))
+            self.process = process.Process(, self.run_dir, args, env=env)
+        else:
+            remote_env = { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': self.remote_inst }
+            remote_binary = self.remote_inst.child('', AmarisoftENB.BINFILE)
+            args = (remote_binary, self.remote_config_file)
+            self.process = self.rem_host.RemoteProcess(AmarisoftENB.BINFILE, args, remote_env=remote_env)
+        self.suite_run.remember_to_stop(self.process)
+        self.process.launch()
+    def gen_conf_file(self, path, filename, values):
+        self.dbg('AmarisoftENB ' + filename + ':\n' + pprint.pformat(values))
+        with open(path, 'w') as f:
+            r = template.render(filename, values)
+            self.dbg(r)
+            f.write(r)
+    def configure(self):
+        self.inst = util.Dir(os.path.abspath(self.bin_prefix()))
+        lib = self.inst.child('lib')
+        if not self.inst.isfile('', AmarisoftENB.BINFILE):
+            raise log.Error('No %s binary in' % AmarisoftENB.BINFILE, self.inst)
+        self.config_file = self.run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE)
+        self.config_sib1_file = self.run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_SIB1)
+        self.config_sib23_file = self.run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_SIB23)
+        self.config_rf_file = self.run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_RF)
+        self.config_drb_file = self.run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_DRB)
+        self.log_file = self.run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.LOGFILE)
+        if not self.setup_runs_locally():
+            self.rem_host = remote.RemoteHost(self.run_dir, self.remote_user, self._addr)
+            remote_prefix_dir = util.Dir(AmarisoftENB.REMOTE_DIR)
+            self.remote_inst = util.Dir(remote_prefix_dir.child(os.path.basename(str(self.inst))))
+            remote_run_dir = util.Dir(remote_prefix_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.BINFILE))
+            self.remote_config_file = remote_run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE)
+            self.remote_config_sib1_file = remote_run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_SIB1)
+            self.remote_config_sib23_file = remote_run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_SIB23)
+            self.remote_config_rf_file = remote_run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_RF)
+            self.remote_config_drb_file = remote_run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_DRB)
+            self.remote_log_file = remote_run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.LOGFILE)
+        values = dict(enb=config.get_defaults('enb'))
+        config.overlay(values, dict(enb=config.get_defaults('amarisoftenb')))
+        config.overlay(values, dict(enb=self.suite_run.config().get('enb', {})))
+        config.overlay(values, dict(enb=self._conf))
+        config.overlay(values, dict(enb={ 'mme_addr': self.epc.addr() }))
+        self._num_prb = int(values['enb'].get('num_prb', None))
+        assert self._num_prb
+        self._txmode = int(values['enb'].get('transmission_mode', None))
+        assert self._txmode
+        self._num_cells = int(values['enb'].get('num_cells', None))
+        assert self._num_cells
+        config.overlay(values, dict(enb={ 'num_ports': self.num_ports() }))
+        logfile = self.log_file if self.setup_runs_locally() else self.remote_log_file
+        config.overlay(values, dict(enb=dict(log_filename=logfile)))
+        self.gen_conf_file(self.config_file, AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE, values)
+        self.gen_conf_file(self.config_sib1_file, AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_SIB1, values)
+        self.gen_conf_file(self.config_sib23_file, AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_SIB23, values)
+        self.gen_conf_file(self.config_rf_file, AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_RF, values)
+        self.gen_conf_file(self.config_drb_file, AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_DRB, values)
+        if not self.setup_runs_locally():
+            self.rem_host.recreate_remote_dir(self.remote_inst)
+            self.rem_host.scp('scp-inst-to-remote', str(self.inst), remote_prefix_dir)
+            self.rem_host.recreate_remote_dir(remote_run_dir)
+            self.rem_host.scp('scp-cfg-to-remote', self.config_file, self.remote_config_file)
+            self.rem_host.scp('scp-cfg-sib1-to-remote', self.config_sib1_file, self.remote_config_sib1_file)
+            self.rem_host.scp('scp-cfg-sib23-to-remote', self.config_sib23_file, self.remote_config_sib23_file)
+            self.rem_host.scp('scp-cfg-rr-to-remote', self.config_rf_file, self.remote_config_rf_file)
+            self.rem_host.scp('scp-cfg-drb-to-remote', self.config_drb_file, self.remote_config_drb_file)
+    def ue_add(self, ue):
+        if self.ue is not None:
+            raise log.Error("More than one UE per ENB not yet supported (ZeroMQ)")
+        self.ue = ue
+    def running(self):
+        return not self.process.terminated()
+    def num_prb(self):
+        return self._num_prb
+    def num_ports(self):
+        if self._txmode == 1:
+            return 1
+        return 2
+    def ue_max_rate(self, downlink=True):
+        # The max rate for a single UE per PRB configuration in TM1
+        max_phy_rate_tm1_dl = { 6 : 3.5e6,
+                               15 : 11e6,
+                               25 : 18e6,
+                               50 : 36e6,
+                               75 : 55e6,
+                               100 : 75e6 }
+        max_phy_rate_tm1_ul = { 6 : 0.9e6,
+                               15 : 4.7e6,
+                               25 : 10e6,
+                               50 : 23e6,
+                               75 : 34e6,
+                               100 : 51e6 }
+        if downlink:
+            max_rate = max_phy_rate_tm1_dl[self.num_prb()]
+        else:
+            max_rate = max_phy_rate_tm1_ul[self.num_prb()]
+        #TODO: calculate for non-standard prb numbers.
+        if self._txmode > 2:
+            max_rate *= 2
+        # We use 3 control symbols for 6, 15 and 25 PRBs which results in lower max rate
+        if self.num_prb() < 50:
+          max_rate *= 0.9
+        return max_rate
+# vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4
diff --git a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6b7722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# osmo_gsm_tester: base classes to share code among eNodeB subclasses.
+# Copyright (C) 2020 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH
+# Author: Pau Espin Pedrol <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from . import log
+class eNodeB(log.Origin, metaclass=ABCMeta):
+    def __init__(self, suite_run, conf, name):
+        super().__init__(log.C_RUN, '%s' % name)
+        self._conf = conf
+        self._addr = conf.get('addr', None)
+        if self._addr is None:
+            raise log.Error('addr not set')
+        self.set_name('%s_%s' % (name, self._addr))
+    def cleanup(self):
+        'Nothing to do by default. Subclass can override if required.'
+        pass
+# PUBLIC (test API included)
+    @abstractmethod
+    def start(self, epc):
+        'Starts ENB, it will connect to "epc"'
+        pass
+    @abstractmethod
+    def ue_add(self, ue):
+        pass
+    @abstractmethod
+    def running(self):
+        pass
+    @abstractmethod
+    def ue_max_rate(self, downlink=True):
+        pass
+    def addr(self):
+        return self._addr
+# vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4
diff --git a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/
index bb44f39..d14ee96 100644
--- a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/
+++ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 from . import bts_sysmo, bts_osmotrx, bts_osmovirtual, bts_octphy, bts_nanobts, bts_oc2g
 from . import modem
 from . import ms_osmo_mobile
-from . import srs_ue, srs_enb
+from . import srs_ue, srs_enb, amarisoft_enb
 from .util import is_dict, is_list
@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@
         'srsenb': srs_enb.srsENB,
+        'amarisoftenb': amarisoft_enb.AmarisoftENB,
diff --git a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/
index 772b447..f5d3fdf 100644
--- a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/
+++ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 import pprint
 from . import log, util, config, template, process, remote
+from . import enb
 def rf_type_valid(rf_type_str):
     return rf_type_str in ('zmq', 'UHD', 'soapy', 'bladeRF')
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@
 def num_prb2base_srate(num_prb):
     return num_prb2symbol_sz(num_prb) * 15 * 1000
-class srsENB(log.Origin):
+class srsENB(enb.eNodeB):
     REMOTE_DIR = '/osmo-gsm-tester-srsenb'
     BINFILE = 'srsenb'
@@ -56,12 +57,7 @@
     PCAPFILE = 'srsenb.pcap'
     def __init__(self, suite_run, conf):
-        super().__init__(log.C_RUN, 'srsenb')
-        self._conf = conf
-        self._addr = conf.get('addr', None)
-        if self._addr is None:
-            raise log.Error('addr not set')
-        self.set_name('srsenb_%s' % self._addr)
+        super().__init__(suite_run, conf, srsENB.BINFILE)
         self.ue = None
         self.epc = None
         self.run_dir = None
@@ -188,7 +184,8 @@
     def gen_conf_file(self, path, filename):
-        values = dict(enb=config.get_defaults('srsenb'))
+        values = dict(enb=config.get_defaults('enb'))
+        config.overlay(values, dict(enb=config.get_defaults('srsenb')))
         config.overlay(values, dict(enb=self.suite_run.config().get('enb', {})))
         config.overlay(values, dict(enb=self._conf))
         config.overlay(values, dict(enb={ 'mme_addr': self.epc.addr() }))
@@ -245,9 +242,6 @@
     def running(self):
         return not self.process.terminated()
-    def addr(self):
-        return self._addr
     def num_prb(self):
         return self._num_prb
diff --git a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/amarisoft_drb.cfg.tmpl b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/amarisoft_drb.cfg.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a200063
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/amarisoft_drb.cfg.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+/* DRB configuration for each QCI value. If no corresponding QCI is
+   found, QCI = 9 is used instead.
+   QCI characteristics in TS 23.203 table 6.1.7 */
+  /**************************************** GBR */
+  {
+    qci: 1, /* UM - real time (RTP for VOIP) */
+    pdcp_config: {
+      discardTimer: 100, /* in ms, 0 means infinity */
+      pdcp_SN_Size: 7,
+      /* ROHC header compression */
+      /*
+      headerCompression: {
+        maxCID: 15,
+        profile0x0001: true, // RTP profile
+        profile0x0002: true, // UDP profile
+        profile0x0004: false, // IP profile
+      },
+      */
+    },
+    rlc_config: {
+      ul_um: {
+        sn_FieldLength: 5,
+      },
+      dl_um: {
+        sn_FieldLength: 5,
+        t_Reordering: 45, /* should be > to max_harq_tx * HARQ latency */
+      },
+    },
+    logical_channel_config: {
+      /* Note: SRB1 has priority 1, SRB2 has priority 3.
+         We start from 4 for priority 0.5 and increase the value */
+      priority: 7,
+      prioritisedBitRate: 0, /* in kb/s, -1 means infinity */
+      bucketSizeDuration: 100, /* in ms */
+      logicalChannelGroup: 1,
+      logicalChannelSR_Mask: false,
+      logicalChannelSR_Prohibit: false,
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    qci: 2, /* UM - real time (video) */
+    pdcp_config: {
+      discardTimer: 150, /* in ms, 0 means infinity */
+      pdcp_SN_Size: 12,
+    },
+    rlc_config: {
+      ul_um: {
+        sn_FieldLength: 10,
+      },
+      dl_um: {
+        sn_FieldLength: 10,
+        t_Reordering: 45, /* should be > to max_harq_tx * HARQ latency */
+      },
+    },
+    logical_channel_config: {
+      priority: 9,
+      prioritisedBitRate: 0, /* in kb/s, -1 means infinity */
+      bucketSizeDuration: 100, /* in ms */
+      logicalChannelGroup: 1,
+      logicalChannelSR_Mask: false,
+      logicalChannelSR_Prohibit: false,
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    qci: 3, /* UM - real time (gaming) */
+    pdcp_config: {
+      discardTimer: 100, /* in ms, 0 means infinity */
+      pdcp_SN_Size: 12,
+    },
+    rlc_config: {
+      ul_um: {
+        sn_FieldLength: 10,
+      },
+      dl_um: {
+        sn_FieldLength: 10,
+        t_Reordering: 45, /* should be > to max_harq_tx * HARQ latency */
+      },
+    },
+    logical_channel_config: {
+      priority: 8,
+      prioritisedBitRate: 0, /* in kb/s, -1 means infinity */
+      bucketSizeDuration: 100, /* in ms */
+      logicalChannelGroup: 1,
+      logicalChannelSR_Mask: false,
+      logicalChannelSR_Prohibit: false,
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    qci: 4, /* AM - Non-Conversational Video (Buffered Streaming) */
+    pdcp_config: {
+      discardTimer: 0, /* in ms, 0 means infinity */
+      statusReportRequired: true,
+    },
+    rlc_config: {
+      ul_am: {
+        t_PollRetransmit: 80, /* in ms */
+        pollPDU: 64,
+        pollByte: 125, /* in kBytes, 0 means infinity */
+        maxRetxThreshold: 32,
+      },
+      dl_am: {
+        t_Reordering: 45, /* in ms, should be > to max_harq_tx * HARQ latency */
+        t_StatusProhibit: 60, /* in ms */
+      },
+    },
+    logical_channel_config: {
+      priority: 10,
+      prioritisedBitRate: 8, /* in kb/s, -1 means infinity */
+      bucketSizeDuration: 100, /* in ms */
+      logicalChannelGroup: 1,
+      logicalChannelSR_Mask: false,
+      logicalChannelSR_Prohibit: false,
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    qci: 65, /* UM - real time (MC-PTT voice) */
+    pdcp_config: {
+      discardTimer: 100, /* in ms, 0 means infinity */
+      pdcp_SN_Size: 7,
+      /* ROHC header compression */
+      /*
+      headerCompression: {
+        maxCID: 15,
+        profile0x0001: true, // RTP profile
+        profile0x0002: true, // UDP profile
+        profile0x0004: false, // IP profile
+      },
+      */
+    },
+    rlc_config: {
+      ul_um: {
+        sn_FieldLength: 5,
+      },
+      dl_um: {
+        sn_FieldLength: 5,
+        t_Reordering: 45, /* should be > to max_harq_tx * HARQ latency */
+      },
+    },
+    logical_channel_config: {
+      /* Note: SRB1 has priority 1, SRB2 has priority 3. We add an
+         offset of 4 to the standard priorities */
+      priority: 5,
+      prioritisedBitRate: 0, /* in kb/s, -1 means infinity */
+      bucketSizeDuration: 100, /* in ms */
+      logicalChannelGroup: 1,
+      logicalChannelSR_Mask: false,
+      logicalChannelSR_Prohibit: false,
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    qci: 66, /* UM - real time (non MC-PTT voice) */
+    pdcp_config: {
+      discardTimer: 150, /* in ms, 0 means infinity */
+      pdcp_SN_Size: 12,
+    },
+    rlc_config: {
+      ul_um: {
+        sn_FieldLength: 10,
+      },
+      dl_um: {
+        sn_FieldLength: 10,
+        t_Reordering: 45, /* should be > to max_harq_tx * HARQ latency */
+      },
+    },
+    logical_channel_config: {
+      /* Note: SRB1 has priority 1, SRB2 has priority 3.
+         We start from 4 for priority 0.5, ... */
+      priority: 7,
+      prioritisedBitRate: 0, /* in kb/s, -1 means infinity */
+      bucketSizeDuration: 100, /* in ms */
+      logicalChannelGroup: 1,
+      logicalChannelSR_Mask: false,
+      logicalChannelSR_Prohibit: false,
+    },
+  },
+  /**************************************** non GBR */
+  {
+    qci: 5, /* AM - high priority (SIP) */
+    pdcp_config: {
+      discardTimer: 0, /* in ms, 0 means infinity */
+      statusReportRequired: true,
+    },
+    rlc_config: {
+      ul_am: {
+        t_PollRetransmit: 80, /* in ms */
+        pollPDU: 64,
+        pollByte: 125, /* in kBytes, 0 means infinity */
+        maxRetxThreshold: 32,
+      },
+      dl_am: {
+        t_Reordering: 45, /* in ms, should be > to max_harq_tx * HARQ latency */
+        t_StatusProhibit: 60, /* in ms */
+      },
+    },
+    logical_channel_config: {
+      priority: 6,
+      prioritisedBitRate: 8, /* in kb/s, -1 means infinity */
+      bucketSizeDuration: 100, /* in ms */
+      logicalChannelGroup: 1,
+      logicalChannelSR_Mask: false,
+      logicalChannelSR_Prohibit: false,
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    qci: 6, /* AM - Video (buffered streaming) */
+    pdcp_config: {
+      discardTimer: 0, /* in ms, 0 means infinity */
+      statusReportRequired: true,
+    },
+    rlc_config: {
+      ul_am: {
+        t_PollRetransmit: 80, /* in ms */
+        pollPDU: 64,
+        pollByte: 125, /* in kBytes, 0 means infinity */
+        maxRetxThreshold: 32,
+      },
+      dl_am: {
+        t_Reordering: 45, /* in ms, should be > to max_harq_tx * HARQ latency */
+        t_StatusProhibit: 60, /* in ms */
+      },
+    },
+    logical_channel_config: {
+      priority: 12,
+      prioritisedBitRate: 8, /* in kb/s, -1 means infinity */
+      bucketSizeDuration: 100, /* in ms */
+      logicalChannelGroup: 2,
+      logicalChannelSR_Mask: false,
+      logicalChannelSR_Prohibit: false,
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    qci: 7, /* UM - voice, video (live streaming), interactive gaming */
+    pdcp_config: {
+      discardTimer: 100, /* in ms, 0 means infinity */
+      pdcp_SN_Size: 12,
+    },
+    rlc_config: {
+      ul_um: {
+        sn_FieldLength: 10,
+      },
+      dl_um: {
+        sn_FieldLength: 10,
+        t_Reordering: 45, /* should be > to max_harq_tx * HARQ latency */
+      },
+    },
+    logical_channel_config: {
+      priority: 13,
+      prioritisedBitRate: 0, /* in kb/s, -1 means infinity */
+      bucketSizeDuration: 100, /* in ms */
+      logicalChannelGroup: 2,
+      logicalChannelSR_Mask: false,
+      logicalChannelSR_Prohibit: false,
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    qci: 8, /* AM - best effort (Internet traffic) */
+    pdcp_config: {
+      discardTimer: 0, /* in ms, 0 means infinity */
+      statusReportRequired: true,
+    },
+    rlc_config: {
+      ul_am: {
+        t_PollRetransmit: 80, /* in ms */
+        pollPDU: 64,
+        pollByte: 125, /* in kBytes, 0 means infinity */
+        maxRetxThreshold: 32,
+      },
+      dl_am: {
+        t_Reordering: 45, /* in ms, should be > to max_harq_tx * HARQ latency */
+        t_StatusProhibit: 60, /* in ms */
+      },
+    },
+    logical_channel_config: {
+      priority: 14,
+      prioritisedBitRate: 8, /* in kb/s, -1 means infinity */
+      bucketSizeDuration: 100, /* in ms */
+      logicalChannelGroup: 2,
+      logicalChannelSR_Mask: false,
+      logicalChannelSR_Prohibit: false,
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    qci: 9, /* AM - best effort (Internet traffic) */
+    pdcp_config: {
+      discardTimer: 0, /* in ms, 0 means infinity */
+      statusReportRequired: true,
+    },
+    rlc_config: {
+      ul_am: {
+        t_PollRetransmit: 80, /* in ms */
+        pollPDU: 64,
+        pollByte: 125, /* in kBytes, 0 means infinity */
+        maxRetxThreshold: 32,
+      },
+      dl_am: {
+        t_Reordering: 45, /* in ms, should be > to max_harq_tx * HARQ latency */
+        t_StatusProhibit: 60, /* in ms */
+      },
+    },
+    logical_channel_config: {
+      priority: 15,
+      prioritisedBitRate: 8, /* in kb/s, -1 means infinity */
+      bucketSizeDuration: 100, /* in ms */
+      logicalChannelGroup: 3,
+      logicalChannelSR_Mask: false,
+      logicalChannelSR_Prohibit: false,
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    qci: 69, /* AM - high priority (MC-PTT signalling) */
+    pdcp_config: {
+      discardTimer: 0, /* in ms, 0 means infinity */
+      statusReportRequired: true,
+    },
+    rlc_config: {
+      ul_am: {
+        t_PollRetransmit: 80, /* in ms */
+        pollPDU: 64,
+        pollByte: 125, /* in kBytes, 0 means infinity */
+        maxRetxThreshold: 32,
+      },
+      dl_am: {
+        t_Reordering: 45, /* in ms, should be > to max_harq_tx * HARQ latency */
+        t_StatusProhibit: 60, /* in ms */
+      },
+    },
+    logical_channel_config: {
+      priority: 4,
+      prioritisedBitRate: 8, /* in kb/s, -1 means infinity */
+      bucketSizeDuration: 100, /* in ms */
+      logicalChannelGroup: 1,
+      logicalChannelSR_Mask: false,
+      logicalChannelSR_Prohibit: false,
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    qci: 70, /* AM - MC data */
+    pdcp_config: {
+      discardTimer: 0, /* in ms, 0 means infinity */
+      statusReportRequired: true,
+    },
+    rlc_config: {
+      ul_am: {
+        t_PollRetransmit: 80, /* in ms */
+        pollPDU: 64,
+        pollByte: 125, /* in kBytes, 0 means infinity */
+        maxRetxThreshold: 32,
+      },
+      dl_am: {
+        t_Reordering: 45, /* in ms, should be > to max_harq_tx * HARQ latency */
+        t_StatusProhibit: 60, /* in ms */
+      },
+    },
+    logical_channel_config: {
+      priority: 11,
+      prioritisedBitRate: 8, /* in kb/s, -1 means infinity */
+      bucketSizeDuration: 100, /* in ms */
+      logicalChannelGroup: 2,
+      logicalChannelSR_Mask: false,
+      logicalChannelSR_Prohibit: false,
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/amarisoft_enb.cfg.tmpl b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/amarisoft_enb.cfg.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73b4fd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/amarisoft_enb.cfg.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+/* lteenb configuration file version 2018-10-18
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Amarisoft
+ */
+  license_server: {
+    server_addr: "${enb.license_server_addr}",
+    name: "amarisoft",
+  },
+  /* Log filter: syntax: layer.field=value[,...]
+     Possible layers are phy, mac, rlc, pdcp, rrc, nas, s1ap, x2ap, gtpu and
+     all. The 'all' layer is used to address all the layers at the
+     same time.
+     field values:
+     - 'level': the log level of each layer can be set to 'none',
+     'error', 'info' or 'debug'. Use 'debug' to log all the messages.
+     - 'max_size': set the maximum size of the hex dump. 0 means no
+       hex dump. -1 means no limit.
+  */
+  //log_options: "all.level=debug,all.max_size=32",
+  log_options: "all.level=error,all.max_size=0,nas.level=debug,nas.max_size=1,s1ap.level=debug,s1ap.max_size=1,x2ap.level=debug,x2ap.max_size=1,rrc.level=debug,rrc.max_size=1",
+  log_filename: "${enb.log_filename}",
+  /* Enable remote API and Web interface */
+  com_addr: "${enb.addr}:9001",
+  /* RF driver configuration */
+  include "amarisoft_rf_driver.cfg",
+  mme_list: [
+    {
+      /* address of MME for S1AP connection. Must be modified if the MME
+         runs on a different host. */
+      mme_addr: "${enb.mme_addr}",
+    },
+  ],
+  /* GTP bind address (=address of the ethernet interface connected to
+     the MME). Must be modified if the MME runs on a different host. */
+  gtp_addr: "${enb.addr}",
+  /* high 20 bits of SIB1.cellIdentifier */
+  enb_id: 0x19B,
+  /* list of cells */
+  cell_list: [
+  {
+    /* Broadcasted PLMN identities */
+    plmn_list: [
+      "${enb.mcc}${enb.mnc}",
+    ],
+    //dl_earfcn: 300,   /* DL center frequency: 2132 MHz (Band 1) */
+    //dl_earfcn: 900,   /* DL center frequency: 1960 MHz (Band 2) */
+    //dl_earfcn: 1575,  /* DL center frequency: 1842.5 MHz (Band 3) */
+    //dl_earfcn: 2150,  /* DL center frequency: 2130 MHz (Band 4) */
+    //dl_earfcn: 2525,  /* DL center frequency: 881.5 MHz (Band 5) */
+    dl_earfcn: 2850,  /* DL center frequency: 2680 MHz (Band 7) */
+    //dl_earfcn: 6300,  /* 806 MHz (Band 20) */
+    //dl_earfcn: 38050, /* 2600 MHz (band 38) */
+    //dl_earfcn: 40620, /* 2593 MHz (band 41) */
+    //dl_earfcn: 42590, /* 3500 MHz (band 42) */
+    n_id_cell: 1,
+    cell_id: 0x01,
+    tac: 0x0001,
+    root_sequence_index: 204, /* PRACH root sequence index */
+  },
+  ], /* cell_list */
+  /* default cell parameters */
+  cell_default: {
+    n_antenna_dl: 1, /* number of DL antennas */
+    n_antenna_ul: 1, /* number of UL antennas */
+    n_rb_dl: ${enb.num_prb}, /* Bandwidth: 25: 5 MHz, 50: 10 MHz, 75: 15 MHz, 100: 20 MHz */
+    cyclic_prefix: "normal",
+    phich_duration: "normal",
+    phich_resource: "1", /* ratio of NG */
+    /* System Information Block type 1 */
+    sib1: "amarisoft_sib1.asn",
+    /* other SIBs, in same order as the scheduling list in SIB 1 */
+    sib_sched_list: [ "amarisoft_sib23.asn" ],
+    si_coderate: 0.30,   /* maximum code rate for SI/RA/P-RNTI messages */
+    si_pdcch_format: 2, /* 2 or 3. Log2 of the number of CCEs for PDCCH
+                           for SI/RA/P-RNTI */
+    n_symb_cch: 0, /* number of symbols for CCH (0 = auto) */
+    /* PDSCH dedicated config (currently same for all UEs) */
+    pdsch_dedicated: {
+      p_a: 0,
+    },
+    /* If defined, force for number of CCEs for UE specific PDCCH to
+       2^pdcch_format. Otherwise it is computed from the reported
+       CQI. Range: 0 to 3. */
+    pdcch_format: 1,
+    /* if defined, force the PDSCH MCS for all UEs. Otherwise it is
+       computed from the reported CQI */
+    /* pdsch_mcs: 12, */
+    /* PUSCH dedicated config (currently same for all UEs) */
+    pusch_dedicated: {
+      beta_offset_ack_index: 9,
+      beta_offset_ri_index: 6,
+      beta_offset_cqi_index: 6,
+    },
+    /* MCS for Msg3 (=CCCH RRC Connection Request) */
+    pusch_msg3_mcs: 0,
+    /* this CQI value is assumed when none is received from the UE */
+    initial_cqi: 5,
+    /* if defined, force the PUSCH MCS for all UEs. Otherwise it is
+       computed from the last received SRS/PUSCH. */
+    //  pusch_mcs: 18,
+    transmission_mode: ${enb.transmission_mode},
+    /* Scheduling request period (ms). Must be >= 40 for HD-FDD */
+    sr_period: 20,
+    /* CQI report config */
+    cqi_period: 40, /* period (ms). Must be >= 32 for HD-FDD */
+    /* RI reporting is done with a period of m_ri * cqi_period.
+       m_ri = 0 (default) disables RI reporting. */
+//    m_ri: 8,
+    /* SRS dedicated config. All UEs share these
+       parameters. srs_config_index and freq_domain_position are
+       allocated for each UE) */
+    srs_dedicated: {
+      srs_period: 80, /* period (ms). Must be >= 40 for HD-FDD */
+      srs_bandwidth: 1,
+      srs_hopping_bandwidth: 0,
+    },
+    /* MAC configuration (same for all UEs) */
+    mac_config: {
+       ul_max_harq_tx: 5, /* max number of HARQ transmissions for uplink */
+       dl_max_harq_tx: 5, /* max number of HARQ transmissions for downlink */
+    },
+    /* CPU load limitation */
+    pusch_max_its: 6, /* max number of turbo decoder iterations */
+    /* dynamic power control */
+    dpc: true,
+    dpc_pusch_snr_target: 15,
+    dpc_pucch_snr_target: 10,
+    /* RRC/UP ciphering algorithm preference. EEA0 is always the last. */
+    cipher_algo_pref: [],
+    /* RRC integrity algorithm preference. EIA0 is always the last. */
+    integ_algo_pref: [2, 1],
+    /* (in ms) send RRC connection release after this time of network
+       inactivity */
+    inactivity_timer: 10000,
+    /* SRB configuration */
+    srb_config: [
+      {
+        id: 1,
+        maxRetxThreshold: 32,
+        t_Reordering: 45,
+        t_PollRetransmit: 60,
+      },
+      {
+        id: 2 ,
+        maxRetxThreshold: 32,
+        t_Reordering: 45,
+        t_PollRetransmit: 60,
+      }
+    ],
+    /* DRB configuration */
+    drb_config: "amarisoft_drb.cfg",
+  },
diff --git a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/amarisoft_rf_driver.cfg.tmpl b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/amarisoft_rf_driver.cfg.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbf9b47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/amarisoft_rf_driver.cfg.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+/* Parameters for b2x0 UHD device version 2018-10-18
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Amarisoft
+ */
+rf_driver: {
+    name: "${enb.rf_dev_type}",
+    sync: "none",
+    /* Use this for b2x0 devices. Bandwidth >= 10 Mhz */
+    args: "${enb.rf_dev_args}",
+    /* Use this for bandwidth == 5 Mhz */
+    //args: "send_frame_size=1024,recv_frame_size=1024",
+    /* Use this for bandwidth < 5 Mhz */
+    //args: "send_frame_size=512,recv_frame_size=512",
+tx_gain: 89.0, /* TX gain (in dB) B2x0: 0 to 89.8 dB */
+rx_gain: 60.0, /* RX gain (in dB) B2x0: 0 to 73 dB */
+tx_time_offset: -150, /* in samples */
diff --git a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/amarisoft_sib1.asn.tmpl b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/amarisoft_sib1.asn.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fc5f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/amarisoft_sib1.asn.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+  message c1: systemInformationBlockType1: {
+    cellAccessRelatedInfo {
+      plmn-IdentityList {
+        {
+          plmn-Identity {  /* patched by eNB */
+            mcc {
+              0,
+              0,
+              0
+            },
+            mnc {
+              0,
+              0
+            }
+          },
+          cellReservedForOperatorUse notReserved
+        }
+      },
+      trackingAreaCode '0000'H, /* patched by eNB */
+      cellIdentity '0000000'H, /* patched by eNB */
+      cellBarred notBarred,
+      intraFreqReselection allowed,
+      csg-Indication FALSE
+    },
+    cellSelectionInfo {
+      q-RxLevMin -70
+    },
+    p-Max 10, /* maximum power allowed for the UE (dBm) */
+    freqBandIndicator 1, /* patched by eNB */
+    schedulingInfoList {
+      {
+        si-Periodicity rf16,
+        sib-MappingInfo {
+          sibType3
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    si-WindowLength ms40,
+    systemInfoValueTag 8
+  }
diff --git a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/amarisoft_sib23.asn.tmpl b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/amarisoft_sib23.asn.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c08b645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/amarisoft_sib23.asn.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+  message c1: systemInformation: {
+    criticalExtensions systemInformation-r8: {
+      sib-TypeAndInfo {
+        sib2: {
+          radioResourceConfigCommon {
+            rach-ConfigCommon {
+              preambleInfo {
+                numberOfRA-Preambles n52
+              },
+              powerRampingParameters {
+                powerRampingStep dB2,
+                preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower dBm-104
+              },
+              ra-SupervisionInfo {
+                preambleTransMax n10,
+                ra-ResponseWindowSize sf10,
+                mac-ContentionResolutionTimer sf40
+              },
+              maxHARQ-Msg3Tx 5
+            },
+            bcch-Config {
+              modificationPeriodCoeff n4
+            },
+            pcch-Config {
+              defaultPagingCycle rf128,
+              nB oneT
+            },
+            prach-Config {
+              rootSequenceIndex 0, /* patched by eNB */
+              prach-ConfigInfo {
+                prach-ConfigIndex 15, /* 20 ms period, subframe 9 */
+                highSpeedFlag FALSE,
+                zeroCorrelationZoneConfig 11,
+                prach-FreqOffset 0
+              }
+            },
+            pdsch-ConfigCommon {
+              referenceSignalPower -5,
+              p-b 1
+            },
+            pusch-ConfigCommon {
+              pusch-ConfigBasic {
+                n-SB 1,
+                hoppingMode interSubFrame,
+                pusch-HoppingOffset 2,
+                enable64QAM FALSE
+              },
+              ul-ReferenceSignalsPUSCH {
+                groupHoppingEnabled FALSE,
+                groupAssignmentPUSCH 0,
+                sequenceHoppingEnabled FALSE,
+                cyclicShift 0
+              }
+            },
+            pucch-ConfigCommon {
+              deltaPUCCH-Shift ds2,
+              nRB-CQI 1,
+              nCS-AN 0,
+              n1PUCCH-AN 11
+            },
+            soundingRS-UL-ConfigCommon setup: {
+              srs-BandwidthConfig bw7,
+              srs-SubframeConfig sc3,
+              ackNackSRS-SimultaneousTransmission TRUE
+            },
+            uplinkPowerControlCommon {
+              p0-NominalPUSCH -67,
+              alpha al07,
+              p0-NominalPUCCH -105,
+              deltaFList-PUCCH {
+                deltaF-PUCCH-Format1 deltaF0,
+                deltaF-PUCCH-Format1b deltaF3,
+                deltaF-PUCCH-Format2 deltaF1,
+                deltaF-PUCCH-Format2a deltaF2,
+                deltaF-PUCCH-Format2b deltaF2
+              },
+              deltaPreambleMsg3 4
+            },
+            ul-CyclicPrefixLength len1
+          },
+          ue-TimersAndConstants {
+            t300 ms200,
+            t301 ms200,
+            t310 ms200,
+            n310 n6,
+            t311 ms10000,
+            n311 n5
+          },
+          freqInfo {
+            additionalSpectrumEmission 1
+          },
+          timeAlignmentTimerCommon infinity
+        },
+        sib3: {
+          cellReselectionInfoCommon {
+            q-Hyst dB2
+          },
+          cellReselectionServingFreqInfo {
+            s-NonIntraSearch 3,
+            threshServingLow 2,
+            cellReselectionPriority 6
+          },
+          intraFreqCellReselectionInfo {
+            q-RxLevMin -61,
+            p-Max 23,
+            s-IntraSearch 5,
+            presenceAntennaPort1 TRUE,
+            neighCellConfig '01'B,
+            t-ReselectionEUTRA 1
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }