4g-iperf3-bidir: modified the test to parameterize the number of ue in the test.

Parameterize the iperf3 bidirectional test for the 4g test suite to execute a
given number of UEs. By default, the number of ue is 1.

Change-Id: I34fb436d581eda12388819b5dee9a3bafd419a7f
diff --git a/sysmocom/suites/4g/iperf3_bidir.py b/sysmocom/suites/4g/iperf3_bidir.py
index 3c94a88..70a2fde 100755
--- a/sysmocom/suites/4g/iperf3_bidir.py
+++ b/sysmocom/suites/4g/iperf3_bidir.py
@@ -6,45 +6,95 @@
 if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')):
   tenv.set_overlay_template_dir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates'))
+# Retrieve the number of physical ue from the test suite configuration.
+test_config = tenv.config_test_specific()
+nof_ue = int(test_config.get("nof_physical_ue", 1))
+print(f'Number of physical ue: {nof_ue}')
+ue_li = []
+# Get the ue from the test configuration.
+for n in range(0, nof_ue):
+  ue_li.append(tenv.modem())
+  print(f'ue index{n}: {ue_li[n]}')
 epc = tenv.epc()
 enb = tenv.enb()
-ue = tenv.modem()
-iperf3srv = tenv.iperf3srv({'addr': epc.tun_addr()})
-iperf3cli = iperf3srv.create_client()
+iperf3srv = []
+for n in range(0, nof_ue):
+  iperf3srv.append(tenv.iperf3srv({'addr': epc.tun_addr()}))
+  iperf3srv[n].set_run_node(epc.run_node())
+  iperf3srv[n].set_port(iperf3srv[n].DEFAULT_SRV_PORT + n)
+# Set the iperf clients in the ue.
+iperf3cli = []
+for n in range(0, nof_ue):
+  iperf3cli.append(iperf3srv[n].create_client())
+  iperf3cli[n].set_run_node(ue_li[n].run_node())
+for n in range(0, nof_ue):
+  epc.subscriber_add(ue_li[n])
 print('waiting for ENB to connect to EPC...')
 wait(epc.enb_is_connected, enb)
 print('ENB is connected to EPC')
+for n in range(0, nof_ue):
+  ue_li[n].connect(enb)
-max_rate_ratio = 0.8
-max_rate_dl = enb.ue_max_rate(downlink=True, num_carriers=ue.num_carriers)
-max_rate_ul = enb.ue_max_rate(downlink=False, num_carriers=ue.num_carriers)
+for n in range(0, nof_ue):
+  iperf3srv[n].start()
-proc = iperf3cli.prepare_test_proc(iperf3cli.DIR_BI, ue.netns(), bitrate=max_rate_dl)
+proc_li = []
-print('waiting for UE to attach...')
-print('UE is attached')
+# Attach all the ue's.
+for n in range(0, nof_ue):
+  max_rate_dl = enb.ue_max_rate(downlink=True, num_carriers=ue_li[n].num_carriers)
+  client = iperf3cli[n].prepare_test_proc(iperf3cli[n].DIR_BI, ue_li[n].netns(), bitrate=max_rate_dl)
+  print(f'Iperf client type: {type(client)}')
+  proc_li.append(client)
-print("Running iperf3 client to %s through %s" % (str(iperf3cli), ue.netns()))
+# Wait for all the ue's attach.
+for n in range(0, nof_ue):
+  print(f'waiting for UE {n} to attach...')
+  wait(ue_li[n].is_registered)
+  print(f'UE {n} is attached')
-iperf3srv.print_results(iperf3cli.proto() == iperf3cli.PROTO_UDP)
+# Execute the iperfs and wait for its finish.
+  for proc in proc_li:
+    proc.launch()
+  for proc in proc_li:
+    proc.wait()
+except Exception as e:
+  for proc in proc_li:
+    try:
+      proc.terminate()
+    except Exception:
+      print("Exception while terminanting process %r" % repr(process))
+  raise e
+for n in range(0, nof_ue):
+  iperf3cli[n].print_results()
+  iperf3srv[n].print_results(iperf3cli[n].proto() == iperf3cli[n].PROTO_UDP)
 # 80% of the maximum rate for half of the test duration
-half_duration = int(round(iperf3cli.time_sec() / 2))
-res_str = ue.verify_metric((max_rate_dl + max_rate_ul) * max_rate_ratio, operation='max_rolling_avg', metric='dl_brate+ul_brate', criterion='gt', window=half_duration)
\ No newline at end of file
+max_rate_ratio = 0.8
+out = ''
+for n in range(0, nof_ue):
+  half_duration = int(round(iperf3cli[n].time_sec() / 2))
+  max_rate_dl = enb.ue_max_rate(downlink=True, num_carriers=ue_li[n].num_carriers)
+  max_rate_ul = enb.ue_max_rate(downlink=False, num_carriers=ue_li[n].num_carriers)
+  res_str = ue_li[n].verify_metric((max_rate_dl + max_rate_ul) * max_rate_ratio, operation='max_rolling_avg', metric='dl_brate+ul_brate', criterion='gt', window=half_duration)
+  print(res_str)
+  out += res_str
+  if n != nof_ue - 1:
+    out += '\n'
\ No newline at end of file