osmo_ctrl.py: add RateCounters

First user will be the upcoming handover_2G/handover.py test in

Change-Id: Id799b3bb81eb9c04d13c26ff611e40363920300e
diff --git a/selftest/rate_ctrs_test/rate_ctrs_test.py b/selftest/rate_ctrs_test/rate_ctrs_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..935bd9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selftest/rate_ctrs_test/rate_ctrs_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import _prep
+from osmo_gsm_tester.obj.osmo_ctrl import *
+rc = RateCounters()
+print('- empty RateCounters()' + rc.str())
+rc = RateCounters('inst', 'var')
+print('- initialized RateCounters, single var' + rc.str())
+rc.inc('inst', 'var')
+print('- incremented inst.var' + rc.str())
+rc.inc('inst', 'var')
+print('- incremented inst.var again' + rc.str())
+rc.inc('inst', 'var', 5)
+print('- incremented inst.var by 5' + rc.str())
+rc = RateCounters('inst', ('foo', 'var'))
+print('- initialized RateCounters, two vars' + rc.str())
+rc.inc('inst', ('foo', 'var'))
+print('- incremented foo and var' + rc.str())
+rc.inc('inst', 'var')
+print('- incremented var again' + rc.str())
+rc.inc('inst', 'foo', 5)
+print('- incremented foo by 5' + rc.str())
+rc = RateCounters('inst', ('foo', 'var'), instances=range(3))
+print('- initialized RateCounters, two vars, three instances' + rc.str())
+rc.inc('inst', 'foo', instances=0)
+rc.inc('inst', 'var', instances=1)
+print('- incremented foo and var on separate instances' + rc.str())
+rc.inc('inst', 'var', instances=2)
+print('- incremented var on instance 2' + rc.str())
+rc.inc('inst', 'foo', 5, instances=(1,2))
+print('- incremented foo by 5 on instances 1,2' + rc.str())
+rc_rel = rc.copy()
+print('- copy' + rc_rel.str())
+rc.inc('inst', ('foo', 'var'), 100, instances=range(3))
+print('- increment two vars by 100 on all three instances' + rc.str())
+print('- subtract original copy' + rc.str())
+print('- add original copy' + rc.str())
+rc.inc('inst', ('foo', 'var', 'moo'), 23, instances=range(3), kinds=('per_hour', 'per_day'))
+print('- increment types per_hour, per_day by 23' + rc.str())
+rc2 = rc.copy()
+print('- copy' + rc2.str())
+print('- match? ', (rc == rc2))
+rc2.inc('inst', 'foo')
+print('- increment foo' + rc2.str())
+print('- match? ', (rc == rc2))
+# vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4