Sanitize existing suite names

When first suites were added, osmo-nitb was used. Then new tests using
regular split components were added with "aoip_" prefix. At some point
it was clear that osmo-nitb was being deprecated so new tests for split
components were added without any prefix, as they are expected to be the
default one. Since most current and future development is going to be done
for split components, as well as new tests added, it makes sense to move
the few old testsuites using osmo-nitb to have all "nitb_" prefix, while
keeping the split component tests without prefix as it's the regular
network topology.

Change-Id: Idea2e053d337548e0e9b1b47441dbb262124f909
diff --git a/suites/nitb_debug/ b/suites/nitb_debug/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..595cfd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/suites/nitb_debug/
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from osmo_gsm_tester.testenv import *
+print('use resources...')
+nitb = suite.nitb()
+bts = suite.bts()
+modems = suite.modems(int(prompt('How many modems?')))
+print('start nitb and bts...')
+wait(nitb.bts_is_connected, bts)
+for m in modems:
+  nitb.subscriber_add(m)
+  m.connect(nitb.mcc_mnc())
+while True:
+  cmd = prompt('Enter command: (q)uit (s)ms (g)et-registered (w)ait-registered, call-list [<ms_msisdn>], call-dial <src_msisdn> <dst_msisdn>, call-wait-incoming <src_msisdn> <dst_msisdn>, call-answer <mt_msisdn> <call_id>, call-hangup <ms_msisdn> <call_id>, ussd <command>')
+  cmd = cmd.strip().lower()
+  if not cmd:
+    continue
+  params = cmd.split()
+  if 'quit'.startswith(cmd):
+    break
+  elif 'wait-registered'.startswith(cmd):
+    try:
+      for m in modems:
+         wait(m.is_connected, nitb.mcc_mnc())
+      wait(nitb.subscriber_attached, *modems)
+    except Timeout:
+      print('Timeout while waiting for registration.')
+  elif 'get-registered'.startswith(cmd):
+    print(nitb.imsi_list_attached())
+    print('RESULT: %s' %
+       ('All modems are registered.' if nitb.subscriber_attached(*modems)
+        else 'Some modem(s) not registered yet.'))
+  elif 'sms'.startswith(cmd):
+    for mo in modems:
+      for mt in modems:
+        mo.sms_send(mt.msisdn, 'to ' +
+  elif cmd.startswith('call-list'):
+      if len(params) != 1 and len(params) != 2:
+        print('wrong format')
+        continue
+      for ms in modems:
+        if len(params) == 1 or str(ms.msisdn) == params[1]:
+          print('call-list: %r %r' % (, ms.call_id_list()))
+  elif cmd.startswith('call-dial'):
+    if len(params) != 3:
+      print('wrong format')
+      continue
+    src_msisdn, dst_msisdn = params[1:]
+    for mo in modems:
+      if str(mo.msisdn) == src_msisdn:
+        print('dialing %s->%s' % (src_msisdn, dst_msisdn))
+        call_id = mo.call_dial(dst_msisdn)
+        print('dial success: call_id=%r' % call_id)
+  elif cmd.startswith('call-wait-incoming'):
+    if len(params) != 3:
+      print('wrong format')
+      continue
+    src_msisdn, dst_msisdn = params[1:]
+    for mt in modems:
+      if str(mt.msisdn) == dst_msisdn:
+        print('waiting for incoming %s->%s' % (src_msisdn, dst_msisdn))
+        call_id = mt.call_wait_incoming(src_msisdn)
+        print('incoming call success: call_id=%r' % call_id)
+  elif cmd.startswith('call-answer'):
+    if len(params) != 3:
+      print('wrong format')
+      continue
+    mt_msisdn, call_id = params[1:]
+    for mt in modems:
+      if str(mt.msisdn) == mt_msisdn:
+        print('answering %s %r' % (, call_id))
+        mt.call_answer(call_id)
+  elif cmd.startswith('call-hangup'):
+    if len(params) != 3:
+      print('wrong format')
+      continue
+    ms_msisdn, call_id = params[1:]
+    for ms in modems:
+      if str(ms.msisdn) == ms_msisdn:
+        print('hanging up %s %r' % (, call_id))
+        ms.call_hangup(call_id)
+  elif cmd.startswith('ussd'):
+    if len(params) != 2:
+      print('wrong format')
+      continue
+    ussd_cmd = params[1]
+    for ms in modems:
+        print('modem %s: ussd %s' % (, ussd_cmd))
+        response = ms.ussd_send(ussd_cmd)
+        print('modem %s: response=%r' % (, response))
+  else:
+      print('Unknown command: %s' % cmd)