OsmoGSMTester: Improve Trial section content

Change-Id: I8d74b02166ea33ad9ab7f987894f4f02064fbebc
diff --git a/doc/manuals/chapters/trial.adoc b/doc/manuals/chapters/trial.adoc
index 86bf12b..bc9fe05 100644
--- a/doc/manuals/chapters/trial.adoc
+++ b/doc/manuals/chapters/trial.adoc
@@ -18,5 +18,14 @@
 * the rendered configuration files used to run the binaries
 * stdout and stderr outputs of the binaries
+* pcap files for processes doing relevant network communication
 * a test log
-* *TODO*: jenkins parsable XML reports
+* jenkins parsable XML (Junit) reports
+The script in 'contrib/jenkins-run.sh' takes care of related tasks such as
+* creating the dir structure,
+* generating md5 sums for the various tar.gz containing software builds to be tested,
+* cleaning up after the build,
+* saving extra logs such as journalctl output from ofonod,
+* generating a final .tar.gz file with all the logs and reports.