Initial Open5GS support

Change-Id: Iff8b88dc22d8f156572839abb48b0c1377c55e33
diff --git a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-freediameter.conf.tmpl b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-freediameter.conf.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3e0f5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-freediameter.conf.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+# This is a sample configuration file for freeDiameter daemon.
+# Most of the options can be omitted, as they default to reasonable values.
+# Only TLS-related options must be configured properly in usual setups.
+# It is possible to use "include" keyword to import additional files
+# e.g.: include "/etc/freeDiameter.d/*.conf"
+# This is exactly equivalent as copy & paste the content of the included file(s)
+# where the "include" keyword is found.
+##  Peer identity and realm
+# The Diameter Identity of this daemon.
+# This must be a valid FQDN that resolves to the local host.
+# Default: hostname's FQDN
+#Identity = "";
+Identity = "${diameter.identity}.localdomain";
+# The Diameter Realm of this daemon.
+# Default: the domain part of Identity (after the first dot).
+#Realm = "";
+Realm = "localdomain";
+##  Transport protocol configuration
+# The port this peer is listening on for incoming connections (TCP and SCTP).
+# Default: 3868. Use 0 to disable.
+Port = ${diameter.listen_port};
+# The port this peer is listening on for incoming TLS-protected connections (TCP and SCTP).
+# See TLS_old_method for more information about TLS flavours.
+# Note: we use TLS/SCTP instead of DTLS/SCTP at the moment. This will change in future version of freeDiameter.
+# Default: 5868. Use 0 to disable.
+SecPort = 0;
+# Use RFC3588 method for TLS protection, where TLS is negociated after CER/CEA exchange is completed
+# on the unsecure connection. The alternative is RFC6733 mechanism, where TLS protects also the
+# CER/CEA exchange on a dedicated secure port.
+# This parameter only affects outgoing connections.
+# The setting can be also defined per-peer (see Peers configuration section).
+# Default: use RFC6733 method with separate port for TLS.
+# Disable use of TCP protocol (only listen and connect over SCTP)
+# Default : TCP enabled
+# Disable use of SCTP protocol (only listen and connect over TCP)
+# Default : SCTP enabled
+# This option is ignored if freeDiameter is compiled with DISABLE_SCTP option.
+# Prefer TCP instead of SCTP for establishing new connections.
+# This setting may be overwritten per peer in peer configuration blocs.
+# Default : SCTP is attempted first.
+# Default number of streams per SCTP associations.
+# This setting may be overwritten per peer basis.
+# Default : 30 streams
+#SCTP_streams = 30;
+##  Endpoint configuration
+# Disable use of IP addresses (only IPv6)
+# Default : IP enabled
+# Disable use of IPv6 addresses (only IP)
+# Default : IPv6 enabled
+# Specify local addresses the server must bind to
+# Default : listen on all addresses available.
+#ListenOn = "";
+#ListenOn = "2001:200:903:2::202:1";
+#ListenOn = "fe80::21c:5ff:fe98:7d62%eth0";
+ListenOn = "${diameter.listen_address}";
+##  Server configuration
+# How many Diameter peers are allowed to be connecting at the same time ?
+# This parameter limits the number of incoming connections from the time
+# the connection is accepted until the first CER is received.
+# Default: 5 unidentified clients in paralel.
+#ThreadsPerServer = 5;
+##  TLS Configuration
+# TLS is managed by the GNUTLS library in the freeDiameter daemon.
+# You may find more information about parameters and special behaviors
+# in the relevant documentation.
+# Credentials of the local peer
+# The X509 certificate and private key file to use for the local peer.
+# The files must contain PKCS-1 encoded RSA key, in PEM format.
+# (These parameters are passed to gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key_file function)
+# Default : NO DEFAULT
+#TLS_Cred = "<x509 certif file.PEM>" , "<x509 private key file.PEM>";
+#TLS_Cred = "/etc/ssl/certs/freeDiameter.pem", "/etc/ssl/private/freeDiameter.key";
+TLS_Cred = "${diameter.inst_prefix}/etc/freeDiameter/${diameter.identity}.cert.pem", "${diameter.inst_prefix}/etc/freeDiameter/${diameter.identity}.key.pem";
+# Certificate authority / trust anchors
+# The file containing the list of trusted Certificate Authorities (PEM list)
+# (This parameter is passed to gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file function)
+# The directive can appear several times to specify several files.
+# Default : GNUTLS default behavior
+#TLS_CA = "<file.PEM>";
+TLS_CA = "${diameter.inst_prefix}/etc/freeDiameter/cacert.pem";
+# Certificate Revocation List file
+# The information about revoked certificates.
+# The file contains a list of trusted CRLs in PEM format. They should have been verified before.
+# (This parameter is passed to gnutls_certificate_set_x509_crl_file function)
+# Note: openssl CRL format might have interoperability issue with GNUTLS format.
+# Default : GNUTLS default behavior
+#TLS_CRL = "<file.PEM>";
+# GNU TLS Priority string
+# This string allows to configure the behavior of GNUTLS key exchanges
+# algorithms. See gnutls_priority_init function documentation for information.
+# You should also refer to the Diameter required TLS support here:
+# Default : "NORMAL"
+# Example: TLS_Prio = "NONE:+VERS-TLS1.1:+AES-128-CBC:+RSA:+SHA1:+COMP-NULL";
+#TLS_Prio = "NORMAL";
+# Diffie-Hellman parameters size
+# Set the number of bits for generated DH parameters
+# Valid value should be 768, 1024, 2048, 3072 or 4096.
+# (This parameter is passed to gnutls_dh_params_generate2 function,
+# it usually should match RSA key size)
+# Default : 1024
+#TLS_DH_Bits = 1024;
+# Alternatively, you can specify a file to load the PKCS#3 encoded
+# DH parameters directly from. This accelerates the daemon start
+# but is slightly less secure. If this file is provided, the
+# TLS_DH_Bits parameters has no effect.
+# Default : no default.
+#TLS_DH_File = "<file.PEM>";
+##  Timers configuration
+# The Tc timer of this peer.
+# It is the delay before a new attempt is made to reconnect a disconnected peer.
+# The value is expressed in seconds. The recommended value is 30 seconds.
+# Default: 30
+#TcTimer = 30;
+# The Tw timer of this peer.
+# It is the delay before a watchdog message is sent, as described in RFC 3539.
+# The value is expressed in seconds. The default value is 30 seconds. Value must
+# be greater or equal to 6 seconds. See details in the RFC.
+# Default: 30
+#TwTimer = 30;
+##  Applications configuration
+# Disable the relaying of Diameter messages?
+# For messages not handled locally, the default behavior is to forward the
+# message to another peer if any is available, according to the routing
+# algorithms. In addition the "0xffffff" application is advertised in CER/CEA
+# exchanges.
+# Default: Relaying is enabled.
+# Number of server threads that can handle incoming messages at the same time.
+# Default: 4
+#AppServThreads = 4;
+# Other applications are configured by loaded extensions.
+##  Extensions configuration
+#  The freeDiameter framework merely provides support for
+# Diameter Base Protocol. The specific application behaviors,
+# as well as advanced functions, are provided
+# by loadable extensions (plug-ins).
+#  These extensions may in addition receive the name of a
+# configuration file, the format of which is extension-specific.
+# Format:
+#LoadExtension = "/path/to/extension" [ : "/optional/configuration/file" ] ;
+# Examples:
+#LoadExtension = "extensions/sample.fdx";
+#LoadExtension = "extensions/sample.fdx":"conf/sample.conf";
+# Extensions are named as follow:
+# dict_* for extensions that add content to the dictionary definitions.
+# dbg_*  for extensions useful only to retrieve more information on the framework execution.
+# acl_*  : Access control list, to control which peers are allowed to connect.
+# rt_*   : routing extensions that impact how messages are forwarded to other peers.
+# app_*  : applications, these extensions usually register callbacks to handle specific messages.
+# test_* : dummy extensions that are useful only in testing environments.
+# The dbg_msg_dump.fdx extension allows you to tweak the way freeDiameter displays some
+# information about some events. This extension does not actually use a configuration file
+# but receives directly a parameter in the string passed to the extension. Here are some examples:
+## LoadExtension = "dbg_msg_dumps.fdx" : "0x1111"; # Removes all default hooks, very quiet even in case of errors.
+## LoadExtension = "dbg_msg_dumps.fdx" : "0x2222"; # Display all events with few details.
+## LoadExtension = "dbg_msg_dumps.fdx" : "0x0080"; # Dump complete information about sent and received messages.
+# The four digits respectively control: connections, routing decisions, sent/received messages, errors.
+# The values for each digit are:
+#  0 - default - keep the default behavior
+#  1 - quiet   - remove any specific log
+#  2 - compact - display only a summary of the information
+#  4 - full    - display the complete information on a single long line
+#  8 - tree    - display the complete information in an easier to read format spanning several lines.
+LoadExtension = "${diameter.inst_prefix}/lib/freeDiameter/dbg_msg_dumps.fdx" : "0x8888";
+LoadExtension = "${diameter.inst_prefix}/lib/freeDiameter/dict_rfc5777.fdx";
+LoadExtension = "${diameter.inst_prefix}/lib/freeDiameter/dict_mip6i.fdx";
+LoadExtension = "${diameter.inst_prefix}/lib/freeDiameter/dict_nasreq.fdx";
+LoadExtension = "${diameter.inst_prefix}/lib/freeDiameter/dict_nas_mipv6.fdx";
+LoadExtension = "${diameter.inst_prefix}/lib/freeDiameter/dict_dcca.fdx";
+LoadExtension = "${diameter.inst_prefix}/lib/freeDiameter/dict_dcca_3gpp.fdx";
+##  Peers configuration
+#  The local server listens for incoming connections. By default,
+# all unknown connecting peers are rejected. Extensions can override this behavior (e.g., acl_wl).
+#  In addition to incoming connections, the local peer can
+# be configured to establish and maintain connections to some
+# Diameter nodes and allow connections from these nodes.
+#  This is achieved with the ConnectPeer directive described below.
+# Note that the configured Diameter Identity MUST match
+# the information received inside CEA, or the connection will be aborted.
+# Format:
+#ConnectPeer = "diameterid" [ { parameter1; parameter2; ...} ] ;
+# Parameters that can be specified in the peer's parameter list:
+#  No_TCP; No_SCTP; No_IP; No_IPv6; Prefer_TCP; TLS_old_method;
+#  No_TLS;       # assume transparent security instead of TLS. DTLS is not supported yet (will change in future versions).
+#  Port = 5868;  # The port to connect to
+#  TcTimer = 30;
+#  TwTimer = 30;
+#  ConnectTo = "";
+#  ConnectTo = "2001:200:903:2::202:1";
+#  TLS_Prio = "NORMAL";
+#  Realm = ""; # Reject the peer if it does not advertise this realm.
+# Examples:
+#ConnectPeer = "";
+#ConnectPeer = "old.diameter.serv" { TcTimer = 60; TLS_old_method; No_SCTP; Port=3868; } ;
+ConnectPeer = "${diameter.connect_name}.localdomain" { ConnectTo = "${diameter.connect_address}"; Port = ${diameter.connect_port}; No_TLS; };
diff --git a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-hssd.yaml.tmpl b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-hssd.yaml.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..830e8cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-hssd.yaml.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+db_uri: ${epc.db_uri}
+# logger:
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_INFO to all domain level
+#   - If `level` is omitted, the default level is OGS_LOG_INFO)
+#   - If `domain` is omitted, the all domain level is set from 'level'
+#    (Nothing is needed)
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_ERROR to all domain level
+#   - `level` can be set with none, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace
+#    level: error
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_DEBUG to mme/emm domain level
+#    level: debug
+#    domain: mme,emm
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_TRACE to all domain level
+#    level: trace
+#    domain: core,fd,hss,event,mem,sock
+    file: ${hss.log_filename}
+    level: debug
+    freeDiameter: ${hss.diameter_filename}
+# parameter:
+#  o Number of output streams per SCTP associations.
+#      sctp_streams: 30
+#  o Disable use of IPv4 addresses (only IPv6)
+#      no_ipv4: true
+#  o Disable use of IPv6 addresses (only IPv4)
+#      no_ipv6: true
+#  o Prefer IPv4 instead of IPv6 for estabishing new GTP connections.
+#      prefer_ipv4: true
+#  o Enable Multicast traffic to the UE
+#      multicast: true
+#  o Disable Stateless Address Autoconfiguration for IPv6
+#      no_slaac: true
+# max:
+# o Maximum Number of UE per AMF/MME
+#    ue: 1024
+# o Maximum Number of gNB/eNB per AMF/MME
+#    gnb: 32
+# pool:
+# o The default memory pool size was set assuming 1024 UEs.
+#   To connect more UEs, you need to increase the size further.
+#   - Pool-size 128         => 65536 Number
+#   - Pool-size 256         => 16384 Number
+#   - Pool-size 512         => 4096 Number
+#   - Pool-size 1024        => 1024 Number
+#   - Pool-size 2048        => 512 Number
+#   - Pool-size 8192        => 128 Number
+#   - Pool-size 1024*1024   => 8 Number
+#    128:  65536
+#    256:  16384
+#    512:  4096
+#    1024: 1024
+#    2048: 512
+#    8192: 128
+#    big:  8
diff --git a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-mmed.yaml.tmpl b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-mmed.yaml.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aec578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-mmed.yaml.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+# logger:
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_INFO to all domain level
+#   - If `level` is omitted, the default level is OGS_LOG_INFO)
+#   - If `domain` is omitted, the all domain level is set from 'level'
+#    (Nothing is needed)
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_ERROR to all domain level
+#   - `level` can be set with none, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace
+#    level: error
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_DEBUG to mme/emm domain level
+#    level: debug
+#    domain: mme,emm
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_TRACE to all domain level
+#    level: trace
+#    domain: core,s1ap,nas,fd,gtp,mme,emm,esm,event,tlv,mem,sock
+    file: ${mme.log_filename}
+    level: debug
+    freeDiameter: ${mme.diameter_filename}
+    s1ap:
+      - addr: ${epc.run_addr}
+    gtpc:
+      - addr: ${epc.run_addr}
+    gummei:
+      plmn_id:
+        mcc: ${epc.mcc}
+        mnc: ${epc.mnc}
+      mme_gid: 2
+      mme_code: 1
+    tai:
+      plmn_id:
+        mcc: ${epc.mcc}
+        mnc: ${epc.mnc}
+      tac: 7
+    security:
+        integrity_order : [ EIA2, EIA1, EIA0 ]
+        ciphering_order : [ EEA0, EEA1, EEA2 ]
+    network_name:
+        full: Open5GS
+    mme_name: open5gs-mme0
+# sgwc:
+# <GTP-C Client>
+#  o Specify SGW addresses the GTP-C must connect to
+#  o One SGW is defined.
+#    If prefer_ipv4 is not true, [fe80::2%lo] is selected.
+#    gtpc:
+#      addr:
+#        -
+#        - fe80::2%lo
+#  o Two SGW are defined. MME selects SGW with round-robin manner per UE
+#    gtpc:
+#      - addr:
+#      - addr: fe80::2%lo
+#  o Three SGW are defined. MME selects SGW with round-robin manner per UE
+#    gtpc:
+#      - addr
+#        -
+#        - fe80::2%lo
+#      - addr
+#        -
+#        - fe80::12%lo
+#      - name:
+# <SGW Selection Mode>
+# o Round-Robin
+#   gtpc:
+#     addr:
+#     addr:
+#     addr:
+# o SGW selection by eNodeB TAC
+#   (either single TAC or multiple TACs, DECIMAL representation)
+#   gtpc:
+#     - addr:
+#       tac: 26000
+#     - addr:
+#       tac: [25000, 27000, 28000]
+# o SGW selection by e_cell_id(28bit)
+#   (either single or multiple e_cell_id, HEX representation)
+#   gtpc:
+#     - addr:
+#       e_cell_id: abcde01
+#     - addr:
+#       e_cell_id: [12345, a9413, 98765]
+    gtpc:
+      - addr: ${epc.run_addr}
+        port: 2125
+# smf:
+#  <GTP-C Client>
+#  o By default, the SMF uses the first SMF node.
+#    - To use a different APN for each SMF, specify gtpc.apn as the APN name.
+#    - If the HSS uses WebUI to set the SMF IP for each UE,
+#      you can use a specific SMF node for each UE.
+#  o Two SMF are defined. is used.
+#    [fe80::3%lo]:2123 is ignored.
+#    gtpc:
+#      - addr:
+#      - addr: fe80::3%lo
+#  o One SMF is defined. if prefer_ipv4 is not true,
+#    [fe80::3%lo] is selected.
+#    gtpc:
+#      - addr:
+#        -
+#        - fe80::3%lo
+#  o Two SMF are defined with a different APN.
+#    - Note that if SMF IP for UE is configured in HSS,
+#      the following configurion for this UE is ignored.
+#    gtpc:
+#      - addr:
+#        apn: internet
+#      - addr:
+#        apn: volte
+#  o If APN is omitted, the default APN uses the first SMF node.
+#    gtpc:
+#      - addr:
+#      - addr:
+#        apn: volte
+    gtpc:
+      - addr: ${epc.run_addr}
+        port: 2124
+# parameter:
+#  o Number of output streams per SCTP associations.
+#      sctp_streams: 30
+#  o Disable use of IPv4 addresses (only IPv6)
+#      no_ipv4: true
+#  o Disable use of IPv6 addresses (only IPv4)
+#      no_ipv6: true
+#  o Prefer IPv4 instead of IPv6 for estabishing new GTP connections.
+#      prefer_ipv4: true
+#  o Enable Multicast traffic to the UE
+#      multicast: true
+#  o Disable Stateless Address Autoconfiguration for IPv6
+#      no_slaac: true
+#  o Use OAI UE
+#    - Remove HashMME in Security-mode command message
+#    - Use the length 1 of EPS network feature support in Attach accept message
+#      use_openair: true
+# max:
+# o Maximum Number of UE per AMF/MME
+#    ue: 1024
+# o Maximum Number of gNB/eNB per AMF/MME
+#    gnb: 32
+# pool:
+# o The default memory pool size was set assuming 1024 UEs.
+#   To connect more UEs, you need to increase the size further.
+#   - Pool-size 128         => 65536 Number
+#   - Pool-size 256         => 16384 Number
+#   - Pool-size 512         => 4096 Number
+#   - Pool-size 1024        => 1024 Number
+#   - Pool-size 2048        => 512 Number
+#   - Pool-size 8192        => 128 Number
+#   - Pool-size 1024*1024   => 8 Number
+#    128:  65536
+#    256:  16384
+#    512:  4096
+#    1024: 1024
+#    2048: 512
+#    8192: 128
+#    big:  8
+# sctp:
+#  o heartbit_interval : 5000 (5secs)
+#  o rto_initial : 3000 (3secs)
+#  o rto_min : 1000 (1sec)
+#  o rto_max : 5000 (5secs)
+#  o max_num_of_ostreams : 30
+#  o max_num_of_istreams : 65535
+#  o max_attempts : 4
+#  o max_initial_timeout : 8000(8secs)
+#  o usrsctp_udp_port : 9899
+# time:
+#  o Message Wait Duration (Default : 10,000 ms = 10 seconds)
+#  o Message Wait Duration (3000 ms)
+#    message:
+#        duration: 3000
+#  o Handover Wait Duration (Default : 300 ms)
+#    Time to wait for MME to send UEContextReleaseCommand
+#    to the source eNB after receiving HandoverNotify
+#  o Handover Wait Duration (500ms)
+#    handover:
+#        duration: 500
diff --git a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-pcrfd.yaml.tmpl b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-pcrfd.yaml.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d61d8ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-pcrfd.yaml.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+db_uri: ${epc.db_uri}
+# logger:
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_INFO to all domain level
+#   - If `level` is omitted, the default level is OGS_LOG_INFO)
+#   - If `domain` is omitted, the all domain level is set from 'level'
+#    (Nothing is needed)
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_ERROR to all domain level
+#   - `level` can be set with none, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace
+#    level: error
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_DEBUG to mme/emm domain level
+#    level: debug
+#    domain: mme,emm
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_TRACE to all domain level
+#    level: trace
+#    domain: core,fd,pcrf,event,mem,sock
+    file: ${pcrf.log_filename}
+    freeDiameter: ${pcrf.diameter_filename}
+# parameter:
+#  o Number of output streams per SCTP associations.
+#      sctp_streams: 30
+#  o Disable use of IPv4 addresses (only IPv6)
+#      no_ipv4: true
+#  o Disable use of IPv6 addresses (only IPv4)
+#      no_ipv6: true
+#  o Prefer IPv4 instead of IPv6 for estabishing new GTP connections.
+#      prefer_ipv4: true
+#  o Enable Multicast traffic to the UE
+#      multicast: true
+#  o Disable Stateless Address Autoconfiguration for IPv6
+#      no_slaac: true
+#  o Legacy support for pre-release LTE 11 devices to do calling
+#    - Replace IPv4/v6 local addr field in AAR Media-Subcomponent AVP by any
+#      no_ipv4v6_local_addr_in_packet_filter: true
+# max:
+# o Maximum Number of UE per AMF/MME
+#    ue: 1024
+# o Maximum Number of gNB/eNB per AMF/MME
+#    gnb: 32
+# pool:
+# o The default memory pool size was set assuming 1024 UEs.
+#   To connect more UEs, you need to increase the size further.
+#   - Pool-size 128         => 65536 Number
+#   - Pool-size 256         => 16384 Number
+#   - Pool-size 512         => 4096 Number
+#   - Pool-size 1024        => 1024 Number
+#   - Pool-size 2048        => 512 Number
+#   - Pool-size 8192        => 128 Number
+#   - Pool-size 1024*1024   => 8 Number
+#    128:  65536
+#    256:  16384
+#    512:  4096
+#    1024: 1024
+#    2048: 512
+#    8192: 128
+#    big:  8
diff --git a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-sgwcd.yaml.tmpl b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-sgwcd.yaml.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d2bd1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-sgwcd.yaml.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# logger:
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_INFO to all domain level
+#   - If `level` is omitted, the default level is OGS_LOG_INFO)
+#   - If `domain` is omitted, the all domain level is set from 'level'
+#    (Nothing is needed)
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_ERROR to all domain level
+#   - `level` can be set with none, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace
+#    level: error
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_DEBUG to mme/emm domain level
+#    level: debug
+#    domain: mme,emm
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_TRACE to all domain level
+#    level: trace
+#    domain: core,pfcp,gtp,sgwc,event,tlv,mem,sock
+    file: ${sgwc.log_filename}
+    level: debug
+# sgwc:
+#  <GTP-C Server>
+#  o GTP-C Server(, [fe80::2%lo]:2123)
+#    gtpc:
+#      addr:
+#        -
+#        - fe80::2%lo
+#  o On SGW, Same Configuration(,
+#  [fe80::2%lo]:2123) as below.
+#    gtpc:
+#      - addr:
+#      - addr: fe80::2%lo
+#  <PFCP Server>
+#  o PFCP Server(, ::1:8805)
+#    pfcp:
+#      - addr:
+#      - addr: ::1
+#  o PFCP-U Server(, [::1]:2152)
+#    pfcp:
+#      name: localhost
+    gtpc:
+      - addr: ${epc.run_addr}
+        port: 2125
+    pfcp:
+      - addr: ${epc.run_addr}
+        port: 8805
+# sgwu:
+#  <PFCP Client>>
+#  o PFCP Client(
+#    pfcp:
+#      addr:
+# o Round-Robin
+#   (note that round robin can be disabled for a particular node
+#     by setting flag 'rr' to 0)
+#  sgwu:
+#    pfcp:
+#      - addr:
+#      - addr:
+#        rr: 0
+#      - addr:
+# o SGWU selection by eNodeB TAC
+#   (either single TAC or multiple TACs, DECIMAL representation)
+#  sgwu:
+#    pfcp:
+#      - addr:
+#        tac: 1
+#      - addr:
+#        tac: [3,5,8]
+# o SGWU selection by UE's APN (either single APN or multiple APNs)
+#  sgwu:
+#    pfcp:
+#      - addr:
+#        apn: ims
+#      - addr:
+#        apn: [internet, web]
+# o SGWU selection by CellID(e_cell_id: 28bit)
+#   (either single e_cell_id or multiple e_cell_id, HEX representation)
+#  sgwu:
+#    pfcp:
+#      - addr:
+#        e_cell_id: 463
+#      - addr:
+#        e_cell_id: [123456789, 9413]
+    pfcp:
+      - addr: ${epc.run_addr}
+        port: 8806
+# parameter:
+#  o Number of output streams per SCTP associations.
+#      sctp_streams: 30
+#  o Disable use of IPv4 addresses (only IPv6)
+#      no_ipv4: true
+#  o Disable use of IPv6 addresses (only IPv4)
+#      no_ipv6: true
+#  o Prefer IPv4 instead of IPv6 for estabishing new GTP connections.
+#      prefer_ipv4: true
+#  o Enable Multicast traffic to the UE
+#      multicast: true
+#  o Disable Stateless Address Autoconfiguration for IPv6
+#      no_slaac: true
+# max:
+# o Maximum Number of UE per AMF/MME
+#    ue: 1024
+# o Maximum Number of gNB/eNB per AMF/MME
+#    gnb: 32
+# pool:
+# o The default memory pool size was set assuming 1024 UEs.
+#   To connect more UEs, you need to increase the size further.
+#   - Pool-size 128         => 65536 Number
+#   - Pool-size 256         => 16384 Number
+#   - Pool-size 512         => 4096 Number
+#   - Pool-size 1024        => 1024 Number
+#   - Pool-size 2048        => 512 Number
+#   - Pool-size 8192        => 128 Number
+#   - Pool-size 1024*1024   => 8 Number
+#    128:  65536
+#    256:  16384
+#    512:  4096
+#    1024: 1024
+#    2048: 512
+#    8192: 128
+#    big:  8
+# time:
+#  o Message Wait Duration (Default : 10,000 ms = 10 seconds)
+#  o Message Wait Duration (3000 ms)
+#    message:
+#        duration: 3000
diff --git a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-sgwud.yaml.tmpl b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-sgwud.yaml.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27dd55c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-sgwud.yaml.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# logger:
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_INFO to all domain level
+#   - If `level` is omitted, the default level is OGS_LOG_INFO)
+#   - If `domain` is omitted, the all domain level is set from 'level'
+#    (Nothing is needed)
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_ERROR to all domain level
+#   - `level` can be set with none, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace
+#    level: error
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_DEBUG to mme/emm domain level
+#    level: debug
+#    domain: mme,emm
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_TRACE to all domain level
+#    level: trace
+#    domain: core,pfcp,gtp,sgwu,event,tlv,mem,sock
+    file: ${sgwu.log_filename}
+    level: debug
+# sgwu:
+#  <PFCP Server>
+#  o PFCP Server(, ::1:8805)
+#    pfcp:
+#      - addr:
+#      - addr: ::1
+#  o PFCP-U Server(, [::1]:2152)
+#    pfcp:
+#      - name: localhost
+#  <GTP-U Server>
+#  o GTP-U Server(, [::1]:2152)
+#    gtpu:
+#      - addr:
+#      - addr: ::1
+#  o GTP-U Server(, [::1]:2152)
+#    gtpu:
+#      - name: localhost
+    pfcp:
+      - addr: ${epc.run_addr}
+        port: 8806
+    gtpu:
+      - addr: ${epc.run_addr}
+        port: 2152
+# sgwc:
+#  <PFCP Client>>
+#  o PFCP Client(
+#    pfcp:
+#      addr:
+    pfcp:
+      - addr: ${epc.run_addr}
+        port: 8805
+# parameter:
+#  o Number of output streams per SCTP associations.
+#      sctp_streams: 30
+#  o Disable use of IPv4 addresses (only IPv6)
+#      no_ipv4: true
+#  o Disable use of IPv6 addresses (only IPv4)
+#      no_ipv6: true
+#  o Prefer IPv4 instead of IPv6 for estabishing new GTP connections.
+#      prefer_ipv4: true
+#  o Enable Multicast traffic to the UE
+#      multicast: true
+#  o Disable Stateless Address Autoconfiguration for IPv6
+#      no_slaac: true
+# max:
+# o Maximum Number of UE per AMF/MME
+#    ue: 1024
+# o Maximum Number of gNB/eNB per AMF/MME
+#    gnb: 32
+# pool:
+# o The default memory pool size was set assuming 1024 UEs.
+#   To connect more UEs, you need to increase the size further.
+#   - Pool-size 128         => 65536 Number
+#   - Pool-size 256         => 16384 Number
+#   - Pool-size 512         => 4096 Number
+#   - Pool-size 1024        => 1024 Number
+#   - Pool-size 2048        => 512 Number
+#   - Pool-size 8192        => 128 Number
+#   - Pool-size 1024*1024   => 8 Number
+#    128:  65536
+#    256:  16384
+#    512:  4096
+#    1024: 1024
+#    2048: 512
+#    8192: 128
+#    big:  8
+# time:
+#  o Message Wait Duration (Default : 10,000 ms = 10 seconds)
+#  o Message Wait Duration (3000 ms)
+#    message:
+#        duration: 3000
diff --git a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-smfd.yaml.tmpl b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-smfd.yaml.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e01337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-smfd.yaml.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+# logger:
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_INFO to all domain level
+#   - If `level` is omitted, the default level is OGS_LOG_INFO)
+#   - If `domain` is omitted, the all domain level is set from 'level'
+#    (Nothing is needed)
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_ERROR to all domain level
+#   - `level` can be set with none, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace
+#    level: error
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_DEBUG to mme/emm domain level
+#    level: debug
+#    domain: mme,emm
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_TRACE to all domain level
+#    level: trace
+#    domain: core,pfcp,fd,pfcp,gtp,smf,event,tlv,mem,sock
+    file: ${smf.log_filename}
+# smf:
+#  <SBI Server>
+#  o SBI Server(http://<all address available>:80)
+#    sbi:
+#  o SBI Server(http://<any address>:80)
+#    sbi:
+#      - addr:
+#          -
+#          - ::0
+#        port: 7777
+#  o SBI Server(https://<all address avaiable>:443)
+#    sbi:
+#        tls:
+#          key: smf.key
+#          pem: smf.pem
+#  o SBI Server(, http://[::1]:80)
+#    sbi:
+#      - addr:
+#        tls:
+#          key: smf.key
+#          pem: smf.pem
+#      - addr: ::1
+#  o SBI Server(
+#    sbi:
+#      name:
+#  o SBI Server(
+#    sbi:
+#      - addr:
+#        port: 7777
+#  o SBI Server(http://<eth0 IP address>:80)
+#    sbi:
+#      dev: eth0
+#  <PFCP Server>
+#  o PFCP Server(, ::1:8805)
+#    pfcp:
+#      - addr:
+#      - addr: ::1
+#  o PFCP-U Server(, [::1]:2152)
+#    pfcp:
+#      name: localhost
+#  <GTP-C Server>
+#  o GTP-C Server(, [fe80::3%lo]:2123)
+#    gtpc:
+#      addr:
+#        -
+#        - fe80::3%lo
+#  o On SMF, Same configuration
+#    (, [fe80::3%lo]:2123).
+#    gtpc:
+#      - addr:
+#      - addr: fe80::3%lo
+#  <GTP-U Server>>
+#  o GTP-U Server(, [::1]:2152)
+#    gtpu:
+#      - addr:
+#      - addr: ::1
+#  o GTP-U Server(, [::1]:2152)
+#    gtpu:
+#      name: localhost
+#  <Subnet for UE Pool>
+#  o IPv4 Pool
+#    subnet:
+#      addr:
+#  o IPv4/IPv6 Pool
+#    subnet:
+#      - addr:
+#      - addr: 2001:230:cafe::1/48
+#  o Specific DNN/APN(e.g 'ims') uses, 2001:230:babe::1/48
+#    subnet:
+#      - addr:
+#        dnn: internet
+#      - addr: 2001:230:cafe::1/48
+#        dnn: internet
+#      - addr:
+#        dnn: ims
+#      - addr: 2001:230:babe::1/48
+#        dnn: ims
+#  o Pool Range Sample
+#    subnet:
+#      - addr:
+#        range:
+#    subnet:
+#      - addr:
+#        range:
+#          -
+#          -
+#    subnet:
+#      - addr:
+#        range:
+#          - -
+#          -
+#    subnet:
+#      - addr:
+#        range:
+#          -
+#          -
+#      - addr: 2001:230:cafe::1/48
+#        range:
+#          - 2001:230:cafe:a0::0-2001:230:cafe:b0::0
+#          - 2001:230:cafe:c0::0-2001:230:cafe:d0::0
+#  <Domain Name Server>
+#  o Primary/Secondary can be configured. Others are ignored.
+#    dns:
+#      -
+#      -
+#      - 2001:4860:4860::8888
+#      - 2001:4860:4860::8844
+#  <MTU Size>
+#  o Provisioning a limit on the size of the packets sent by the MS
+#    to avoid packet fragmentation in the backbone network
+#    between the MS and the GGSN/PGW and/or across the (S)Gi reference point)
+#    when some of the backbone links does not support
+#    packets larger then 1500 octets
+#  <P-CSCF>
+#  o Proxy Call Session Control Function
+#    p-cscf:
+#      -
+#      - ::1
+#  <SMF Selection - 5G Core only>
+#  1. SMF sends SmfInfo(S-NSSAI, DNN, TAI) to the NRF
+#  2. NRF responds to AMF with SmfInfo during NF-Discovery.
+#  3. AMF selects SMF based on S-NSSAI, DNN and TAI in SmfInfo.
+#  Note that if there is no SmfInfo, any AMF can select this SMF.
+#  o S-NSSAI[SST:1] and DNN[internet] - At least 1 DNN is required in S-NSSAI
+#    info:
+#      - s_nssai:
+#          - sst: 1
+#            dnn:
+#              - internet
+#  o S-NSSAI[SST:1 SD:009000] and DNN[internet or ims]
+#    info:
+#      - s_nssai:
+#          - sst: 1
+#            sd: 009000
+#            dnn:
+#              - internet
+#              - ims
+#  o S-NSSAI[SST:1] and DNN[internet] and TAI[PLMN-ID:90170 TAC:1]
+#    info:
+#      - s_nssai:
+#          - sst: 1
+#            dnn:
+#              - internet
+#        tai:
+#          - plmn_id:
+#              mcc: 901
+#              mnc: 70
+#            tac: 1
+#  o If any of conditions below are met:
+#   - S-NSSAI[SST:1] and DNN[internet] and TAI[PLMN-ID:90170 TAC:1-9]
+#   - S-NSSAI[SST:2 SD:000080] and DNN[internet or ims]
+#   - S-NSSAI[SST:4] and DNN[internet] and TAI[PLMN-ID:90170 TAC:10-20,30-40]
+#    info:
+#      - s_nssai:
+#          - sst: 1
+#            dnn:
+#              - internet
+#        tai:
+#          - plmn_id:
+#              mcc: 901
+#              mnc: 70
+#            range:
+#              - 1-9
+#      - s_nssai:
+#          - sst: 2
+#            sd: 000080
+#            dnn:
+#              - internet
+#              - ims
+#      - s_nssai:
+#          - sst: 4
+#            dnn:
+#              - internet
+#        tai:
+#          - plmn_id:
+#              mcc: 901
+#              mnc: 70
+#            range:
+#              - 10-20
+#              - 30-40
+#  o Complex Example
+#    info:
+#      - s_nssai:
+#          - sst: 1
+#            dnn:
+#              - internet
+#          - sst: 1
+#            sd: 000080
+#            dnn:
+#              - internet
+#              - ims
+#          - sst: 1
+#            sd: 009000
+#            dnn:
+#              [internet, ims]
+#          - sst: 2
+#            dnn:
+#              - internet
+#          - sst: 3
+#            sd: 123456
+#            dnn:
+#              - internet
+#        tai:
+#          - plmn_id:
+#              mcc: 901
+#              mnc: 70
+#            tac: [1, 2, 3]
+#          - plmn_id:
+#              mcc: 901
+#              mnc: 70
+#            tac: 4
+#          - plmn_id:
+#              mcc: 901
+#              mnc: 70
+#            tac:
+#              - 5
+#              - 6
+#          - plmn_id:
+#              mcc: 901
+#              mnc: 70
+#            range:
+#              - 100-200
+#              - 300-400
+#          - plmn_id:
+#              mcc: 901
+#              mnc: 70
+#            range:
+#              - 500-600
+#              - 700-800
+#              - 900-1000
+#      - s_nssai:
+#          - sst: 4
+#            dnn:
+#              - internet
+#        tai:
+#          - plmn_id:
+#              mcc: 901
+#              mnc: 70
+#            tac: 99
+    sbi:
+      - addr: ${epc.run_addr}
+        port: 7777
+    pfcp:
+      - addr: ${epc.run_addr}
+        port: 8808
+    gtpc:
+      - addr: ${epc.run_addr}
+        port: 2124
+    gtpu:
+      - addr: ${epc.run_addr}
+        port: 2153
+    subnet:
+      - addr:
+      - addr: 2001:230:cafe::1/48
+    dns:
+      -
+      -
+      - 2001:4860:4860::8888
+      - 2001:4860:4860::8844
+    mtu: 1400
+    freeDiameter: ${smf.diameter_filename}
+# nrf:
+#  <SBI Client>>
+#  o SBI Client(
+#    sbi:
+#      addr:
+#      port: 7777
+#  o SBI Client(,
+#    sbi:
+#      - addr:
+#        tls:
+#          key: nrf.key
+#          pem: nrf.pem
+#      - name:
+#  o SBI Client(http://[fe80::1%lo]:80)
+#    If prefer_ipv4 is true, is selected.
+#    sbi:
+#      addr:
+#        -
+#        - fe80::1%lo
+    sbi:
+      - addr:
+          - ${epc.run_addr}
+        port: 7777
+# upf:
+#  <PFCP Client>>
+#  o PFCP Client(
+#    pfcp:
+#      addr:
+#  <UPF Selection>
+#  o Round-Robin
+#    (note that round robin can be disabled for a particular node
+#     by setting flag 'rr' to 0)
+#  upf:
+#    pfcp:
+#      - addr:
+#      - addr:
+#        rr: 0
+#      - addr:
+#  o UPF selection by eNodeB TAC
+#    (either single TAC or multiple TACs, DECIMAL representation)
+#  upf:
+#    pfcp:
+#      - addr:
+#        tac: 1
+#      - addr:
+#        tac: [3,5,8]
+#  o UPF selection by UE's DNN/APN (either single DNN/APN or multiple DNNs/APNs)
+#  upf:
+#    pfcp:
+#      - addr:
+#        dnn: ims
+#      - addr:
+#        dnn: [internet, web]
+#  o UPF selection by CellID(e_cell_id: 28bit, nr_cell_id: 36bit)
+#    (either single enb_id or multiple enb_ids, HEX representation)
+#  upf:
+#    pfcp:
+#      - addr:
+#        e_cell_id: 463
+#      - addr:
+#        nr_cell_id: [123456789, 9413]
+    pfcp:
+      - addr: ${epc.run_addr}
+        port: 8807
+# parameter:
+#  o Number of output streams per SCTP associations.
+#      sctp_streams: 30
+#  o Disable use of IPv4 addresses (only IPv6)
+#      no_ipv4: true
+#  o Disable use of IPv6 addresses (only IPv4)
+#      no_ipv6: true
+#  o Prefer IPv4 instead of IPv6 for estabishing new GTP connections.
+#      prefer_ipv4: true
+#  o Enable Multicast traffic to the UE
+#      multicast: true
+#  o Disable Stateless Address Autoconfiguration for IPv6
+#      no_slaac: true
+# max:
+# o Maximum Number of UE per AMF/MME
+#    ue: 1024
+# o Maximum Number of gNB/eNB per AMF/MME
+#    gnb: 32
+# pool:
+# o The default memory pool size was set assuming 1024 UEs.
+#   To connect more UEs, you need to increase the size further.
+#   - Pool-size 128         => 65536 Number
+#   - Pool-size 256         => 16384 Number
+#   - Pool-size 512         => 4096 Number
+#   - Pool-size 1024        => 1024 Number
+#   - Pool-size 2048        => 512 Number
+#   - Pool-size 8192        => 128 Number
+#   - Pool-size 1024*1024   => 8 Number
+#    128:  65536
+#    256:  16384
+#    512:  4096
+#    1024: 1024
+#    2048: 512
+#    8192: 128
+#    big:  8
+# time:
+#  o NF Instance Heartbeat (Default : 0)
+#    NFs will not send heart-beat timer in NFProfile
+#    NRF will send heart-beat timer in NFProfile
+#  o NF Instance Heartbeat (20 seconds)
+#    NFs will send heart-beat timer (20 seconds) in NFProfile
+#    NRF can change heart-beat timer in NFProfile
+#    nf_instance:
+#      heartbeat: 20
+#  o Message Wait Duration (Default : 10,000 ms = 10 seconds)
+#  o Message Wait Duration (3000 ms)
+#    message:
+#        duration: 3000
+#  o Handover Wait Duration (Default : 300 ms)
+#    Time to wait for SMF to send
+#    PFCP Session Modification Request(Remove Indirect Tunnel) to the UPF
+#    after sending Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Response(hoState:COMPLETED)
+#  o Handover Wait Duration (500ms)
+#    handover:
+#        duration: 500
diff --git a/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-upfd.yaml.tmpl b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-upfd.yaml.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f7a25d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osmo_gsm_tester/templates/open5gs-upfd.yaml.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+# logger:
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_INFO to all domain level
+#   - If `level` is omitted, the default level is OGS_LOG_INFO)
+#   - If `domain` is omitted, the all domain level is set from 'level'
+#    (Nothing is needed)
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_ERROR to all domain level
+#   - `level` can be set with none, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace
+#    level: error
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_DEBUG to mme/emm domain level
+#    level: debug
+#    domain: mme,emm
+#  o Set OGS_LOG_TRACE to all domain level
+#    level: trace
+#    domain: core,pfcp,gtp,upf,event,tlv,mem,sock
+    file: ${upf.log_filename}
+# upf:
+#  <PFCP Server>
+#  o PFCP Server(, ::1:8805)
+#    pfcp:
+#      - addr:
+#      - addr: ::1
+#  o PFCP-U Server(, [::1]:2152)
+#    pfcp:
+#      name: localhost
+#  <GTP-U Server>>
+#  o GTP-U Server(, [::1]:2152)
+#    gtpu:
+#      - addr:
+#      - addr: ::1
+#  o GTP-U Server(, [::1]:2152)
+#    gtpu:
+#      name: localhost
+#  <Subnet for UE network>
+#  Note that you need to setup your UE network using TUN device.
+#  (ogstun, ogstun2, ogstunX, ..)
+#  o IPv4 Pool
+#    $ sudo ip addr add dev ogstun
+#    subnet:
+#      addr:
+#  o IPv4/IPv6 Pool
+#    $ sudo ip addr add dev ogstun
+#    $ sudo ip addr add 2001:230:cafe::1/48 dev ogstun
+#    subnet:
+#      - addr:
+#      - addr: 2001:230:cafe::1/48
+#  o Specific DNN/APN(e.g 'ims') uses, 2001:230:babe::1/48
+#    All other APNs use, 2001:230:cafe::1/48
+#    $ sudo ip addr add dev ogstun
+#    $ sudo ip addr add dev ogstun
+#    $ sudo ip addr add 2001:230:cafe::1/48 dev ogstun
+#    $ sudo ip addr add 2001:230:babe::1/48 dev ogstun
+#    subnet:
+#      - addr:
+#        dnn: internet
+#      - addr: 2001:230:cafe::1/48
+#        dnn: internet
+#      - addr:
+#        dnn: ims
+#      - addr: 2001:230:babe::1/48
+#        dnn: ims
+#  o Multiple Devices (default: ogstun)
+#    $ sudo ip addr add dev ogstun
+#    $ sudo ip addr add 2001:230:cafe::1/48 dev ogstun2
+#    $ sudo ip addr add dev ogstun3
+#    $ sudo ip addr add 2001:230:babe::1/48 dev ogstun3
+#    subnet:
+#      - addr:
+#        dnn: internet
+#      - addr: 2001:230:cafe::1/48
+#        dnn: internet
+#        dev: ogstun2
+#      - addr:
+#        dnn: ims
+#        dev: ogstun3
+#      - addr: 2001:230:babe::1/48
+#        dnn: ims
+#        dev: ogstun3
+    pfcp:
+      - addr: ${epc.run_addr}
+        port: 8807
+    gtpu:
+      - addr: ${epc.run_addr}
+        port: 2154
+    subnet:
+      - addr:
+      - addr: 2001:230:cafe::1/48
+# smf:
+#  <PFCP Client>>
+#  o PFCP Client(
+#    pfcp:
+#      addr:
+    pfcp:
+      - addr: ${epc.run_addr}
+        port: 8808
+# parameter:
+#  o Number of output streams per SCTP associations.
+#      sctp_streams: 30
+#  o Disable use of IPv4 addresses (only IPv6)
+#      no_ipv4: true
+#  o Disable use of IPv6 addresses (only IPv4)
+#      no_ipv6: true
+#  o Prefer IPv4 instead of IPv6 for estabishing new GTP connections.
+#      prefer_ipv4: true
+#  o Enable Multicast traffic to the UE
+#      multicast: true
+#  o Disable Stateless Address Autoconfiguration for IPv6
+#      no_slaac: true
+# max:
+# o Maximum Number of UE per AMF/MME
+#    ue: 1024
+# o Maximum Number of gNB/eNB per AMF/MME
+#    gnb: 32
+# pool:
+# o The default memory pool size was set assuming 1024 UEs.
+#   To connect more UEs, you need to increase the size further.
+#   - Pool-size 128         => 65536 Number
+#   - Pool-size 256         => 16384 Number
+#   - Pool-size 512         => 4096 Number
+#   - Pool-size 1024        => 1024 Number
+#   - Pool-size 2048        => 512 Number
+#   - Pool-size 8192        => 128 Number
+#   - Pool-size 1024*1024   => 8 Number
+#    128:  65536
+#    256:  16384
+#    512:  4096
+#    1024: 1024
+#    2048: 512
+#    8192: 128
+#    big:  8
+# time:
+#  o Message Wait Duration (Default : 10,000 ms = 10 seconds)
+#  o Message Wait Duration (3000 ms)
+#    message:
+#        duration: 3000