Initial revision
diff --git a/gtp/pdp.h b/gtp/pdp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9ca62a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gtp/pdp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ *  OpenGGSN - Gateway GPRS Support Node
+ *  Copyright (C) 2002 Mondru AB.
+ * 
+ *  The contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+ *  General Public License Version 2, provided that the above copyright
+ *  notice and this permission notice is included in all copies or
+ *  substantial portions of the software.
+ * 
+ *  The initial developer of the original code is
+ *  Jens Jakobsen <>
+ * 
+ *  Contributor(s):
+ * 
+ */
+#ifndef _PDP_H
+#define _PDP_H
+#define PDP_MAX 1024             /* Max number of PDP contexts */
+#define PDP_DEBUG 0              /* Print debug information */
+/* GTP Information elements from 29.060 v3.9.0 7.7 Information Elements */
+/* Also covers version 0. Note that version 0 6: QOS Profile was superceded *
+ * by 135: QOS Profile in version 1 */
+struct sl_t {
+int l;
+char *v;
+struct ul_t {
+int l;
+unsigned char *v;
+struct ul16_t {
+int l;
+unsigned char v[16];
+struct ul66_t {
+int l;
+unsigned char v[66];
+struct ul255_t {
+int l;
+unsigned char v[255];
+/* ***********************************************************
+ * Information storage for each PDP context
+ *
+ * Information storage for each PDP context is defined in 
+ * 23.060 section 13.3 and 03.60. Includes IMSI, MSISDN, APN, 
+ * PDP-type, PDP-address (IP address), sequence numbers, charging ID.
+ * For the SGSN it also includes radio related mobility
+ * information.
+ * The following structure is a combination of the storage 
+ * requirements for each PDP context for the GGSN and SGSN.
+ * It contains both 23.060 as well as 03.60 parameters.
+ * Information is stored in the format for information elements
+ * described in 29.060 and 09.60.
+ * 31 * 4 + 15 structs +  = 120 + 15 structs ~ 2k / context
+ * Structs: IP address 16+4 bytes (6), APN 255 bytes (2)
+ * QOS: 255 bytes (3), msisdn 16 bytes (1), 
+ *
+ * TODO: We need to consider who manages the pdp_t hash tables
+ * Is it gtp_lib, or is it the application?
+ * I suppose that it will be gtp_lib. 
+ * SGSN will ask gtplib for new pdp_t. Fill out the fields,
+ * and pass it on to gtp_create_pdp_req.
+ * GGSN will receive gtp_create_pdp_ind, create new pdp_t and
+ * send responce to SGSN.
+ * SGSN will receive response and gtplib will find the 
+ * original pdp_t corresponding to the request. This will be
+ * passed on to the application.
+ * Eventually the SGSN will close the connection, and the
+ * pdp_t will be freed by gtplib in SGSN and GGSN
+ * This means that gtplib need to have functions to
+ * allocate, free, sort and find pdp_t
+ * (newpdp, freepdp, getpdp)
+ * Hash tables: TID, IMSI, IP etc.) 
+ *************************************************************/
+struct pdp_t {
+  /* Parameter determining if this PDP is in use. */
+  uint8_t     inuse;    /* 0=free. 1=used by somebody */
+  /* Pointers related to hash tables */
+  struct pdp_t *tidnext;
+  struct pdp_t *ipnext;
+  /* Parameters shared by all PDP context belonging to the same MS */
+  void *ipif;           /* IP network interface */
+  void *asap;           /* Application specific service access point */
+  uint64_t    imsi;     /* International Mobile Subscriber Identity.*/
+  struct ul16_t msisdn; /* The basic MSISDN of the MS. */
+  uint8_t     mnrg;     /* Indicates whether the MS is marked as not reachable for PS at the HLR. (1 bit, not transmitted) */
+  uint8_t     cch_sub;  /* The charging characteristics for the MS, e.g. normal, prepaid, flat-rate, and/or hot billing subscription. (not transmitted) */
+  uint16_t    traceref; /* Identifies a record or a collection of records for a particular trace. */
+  uint16_t    tracetype;/* Indicates the type of trace. */
+  struct ul_t triggerid;/* Identifies the entity that initiated the trace. */
+  struct ul_t omcid;    /* Identifies the OMC that shall receive the trace record(s). */
+  uint8_t     rec_hlr;  /* Indicates if HLR or VLR is performing database recovery. (1 bit, not transmitted) */
+  /* Parameters specific to each individual PDP context */
+  uint8_t     pdp_id;   /* Index of the PDP context. (PDP context identifier) */
+  uint8_t     pdp_state;/* PDP State Packet data protocol state, INACTIVE or ACTIVE. (1 bit, not transmitted) */
+  /* struct ul_t pdp_type; * PDP type; e.g. PPP or IP. */
+  /* struct ul_t pdp_addr; * PDP address; e.g. an IP address. */
+  struct ul66_t eua;    /* End user address. PDP type and address combined */
+  uint8_t     pdp_dyn;  /* Indicates whether PDP Address is static or dynamic. (1 bit, not transmitted) */
+  struct ul255_t apn_req;/* The APN requested. */
+  struct ul255_t apn_sub;/* The APN received from the HLR. */
+  struct ul255_t apn_use;/* The APN Network Identifier currently used. */
+  uint8_t     nsapi;    /* Network layer Service Access Point Identifier. (4 bit) */
+  uint16_t    ti;       /* Transaction Identifier. (4 or 12 bit) */
+  uint32_t    teic_own; /* (Own Tunnel Endpoint Identifier Control) */
+  uint32_t    teid_own; /* (Own Tunnel Endpoint Identifier Data I) */
+  uint32_t    teic_gn;  /* Tunnel Endpoint Identifier for the Gn and Gp interfaces. (Control plane) */
+  uint32_t    teid_gn;  /* Tunnel Endpoint Identifier for the Gn and Gp interfaces. (Data I) */
+  uint32_t    tei_iu;   /* Tunnel Endpoint Identifier for the Iu interface. */
+  uint16_t    fllc;     /* (Local Flow Label Control, gtp0) */
+  uint16_t    fllu;     /* (Local Flow Label Data I, gtp0) */
+  uint16_t    flrc;     /* (Remote gn/gp Flow Label Control, gtp0) */
+  uint16_t    flru;     /* (Remote gn/gp Flow Label Data I, gtp0) */
+  struct ul_t tft;      /* Traffic flow template. */
+  /*struct ul16_t sgsnc;  * The IP address of the SGSN currently serving this MS. (Control plane) */
+  /*struct ul16_t sgsnu;  * The IP address of the SGSN currently serving this MS. (User plane) */
+  /*struct ul16_t ggsnc;  * The IP address of the GGSN currently used. (Control plane) */
+  /*struct ul16_t ggsnu;  * The IP address of the GGSN currently used. (User plane) */
+  struct ul16_t gsnlc;  /* The IP address of the local GSN. (Control plane) */
+  struct ul16_t gsnlu;  /* The IP address of the local GSN. (User plane) */
+  struct ul16_t gsnrc;  /* The IP address of the remote GSN. (Control plane) */
+  struct ul16_t gsnru;  /* The IP address of the remote GSN. (User plane) */
+  uint8_t  vplmn_allow; /* Specifies whether the MS is allowed to use the APN in the domain of the HPLMN only, or additionally the APN in the domain of the VPLMN. (1 bit) */
+  uint8_t qos_sub0[3];  /* The quality of service profile subscribed. */
+  uint8_t qos_req0[3];  /* The quality of service profile requested. */
+  uint8_t qos_neg0[3];  /* The quality of service profile negotiated. */
+  struct ul255_t qos_sub;  /* The quality of service profile subscribed. */
+  struct ul255_t qos_req;  /* The quality of service profile requested. */
+  struct ul255_t qos_neg;  /* The quality of service profile negotiated. */
+  uint8_t     radio_pri;/* The RLC/MAC radio priority level for uplink user data transmission. (4 bit) */
+  uint16_t    flow_id;  /*  Packet flow identifier. */
+  /* struct ul_t bssqos_neg; * The aggregate BSS quality of service profile negotiated for the packet flow that this PDP context belongs to. (NOT GTP)*/
+  uint8_t     sndcpd;   /* SNDCP sequence number of the next downlink N-PDU to be sent to the MS. */
+  uint8_t     sndcpu;   /* SNDCP sequence number of the next uplink N-PDU expected from the MS. */
+  uint8_t     rec_sgsn; /* Indicates if the SGSN is performing database recovery. (1 bit, not transmitted) */
+/*  uint16_t    gtpsnd;    GTP-U sequence number of the next downlink N-PDU to be sent to the SGSN / received from the GGSN. */
+/*  uint16_t    gtpsnu;    GTP-U sequence number of the next uplink N-PDU to be received from the SGSN / sent to the GGSN */
+  uint16_t    gtpsntx;  /* GTP-U sequence number of the next downlink N-PDU to be sent (09.60 section */
+  uint16_t    gtpsnrx;  /* GTP-U sequence number of the next uplink N-PDU to be received (09.60 section */
+  uint8_t     pdcpsndd; /* Sequence number of the next downlink in-sequence PDCP-PDU to be sent to the MS. */
+  uint8_t     pdcpsndu; /* Sequence number of the next uplink in-sequence PDCP-PDU expected from the MS. */
+  uint32_t    cid;      /* Charging identifier, identifies charging records generated by SGSN and GGSN. */
+  uint16_t    cch_pdp;  /* The charging characteristics for this PDP context, e.g. normal, prepaid, flat-rate, and/or hot billing. */
+  struct ul16_t rnc_addr;/* The IP address of the RNC currently used. */
+  uint8_t     reorder;  /* Specifies whether the GGSN shall reorder N-PDUs received from the SGSN / Specifies whether the SGSN shall reorder N-PDUs before delivering the N-PSUs to the MS. (1 bit) */
+  struct ul255_t pco_req;  /* Requested packet control options. */
+  struct ul255_t pco_neg;  /* Negotiated packet control options. */
+  uint32_t    selmode;  /* Selection mode. */
+  uint64_t    tid;      /* (Combination of imsi and nsapi) */
+/* functions related to pdp_t management */
+int pdp_init();
+int pdp_newpdp(struct pdp_t **pdp, uint64_t imsi, uint8_t nsapi,
+	       struct pdp_t *pdp_old);
+int pdp_freepdp(struct pdp_t *pdp);
+int pdp_getpdp(struct pdp_t **pdp);
+int pdp_getgtp0(struct pdp_t **pdp, uint16_t fl);
+int pdp_getgtp1(struct pdp_t **pdp, uint32_t teid);
+int pdp_tidhash(uint64_t tid);
+int pdp_tidset(struct pdp_t *pdp, uint64_t tid);
+int pdp_tiddel(struct pdp_t *pdp);
+int pdp_tidget(struct pdp_t **pdp, uint64_t tid);
+int pdp_iphash(void* ipif, struct ul66_t *eua);
+int pdp_ipset(struct pdp_t *pdp, void* ipif, struct ul66_t *eua);
+int pdp_ipdel(struct pdp_t *pdp);
+int pdp_ipget(struct pdp_t **pdp, void* ipif, struct ul66_t *eua);
+int pdp_ntoeua(struct in_addr *src, struct ul66_t *eua);
+uint64_t pdp_gettid(uint64_t imsi, uint8_t nsapi);
+int ulcpy(void* dst, void* src, size_t size);
+#endif	/* !_PDP_H */