Added --net, --nsapi, --gtpversion options
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 846d598..3e038f9 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+2003-11-10: Jens Jakobsen <>
+	Added --net option for sgsnemu. Allow user to specify the network
+	address and mask of the local interface.
+	Added --gtpversion option for sgsnemu. Allow user to specify which
+	GTP version to use.
+	Added --nsapi option for sgsnemu. Allow user to specify which
+	NSAPI to use.
+	Changed the functionality for multiple contexts. Previously
+	contexts were differentiated by nsapi. This limited the number of
+	contexts to 16. Now each context is established with a new imsi
+	and msisdn.
 2003-10-22: Jens Jakobsen <>
 	Support for GTP1. Currently without support for the secondary pdp
 	context activation procedure.