ctrl: Extend ctrl command to optionally handle alg+ki

Extend the existing ctrl command to be able to specify the
algorithm and Ki. In contrast to the VTY no size check is
done. Together with the VTY this code only supports a small
part of what is supported by libosmocore.

The algorithm and ki are considered optional but if a valid
algorithm other than "none" is passed, a KI must be passed as

Extend the test coverage by passing the potential values. It
is not verified that the KI/algorithm is stored.
diff --git a/openbsc/tests/ctrl_test_runner.py b/openbsc/tests/ctrl_test_runner.py
index 21850e3..7a12643 100644
--- a/openbsc/tests/ctrl_test_runner.py
+++ b/openbsc/tests/ctrl_test_runner.py
@@ -469,6 +469,33 @@
         self.assertEquals(r['var'], 'number-of-bts')
         self.assertEquals(r['value'], '1')
+    def testSubscriberAddWithKi(self):
+        """Test that we can set the algorithm to none, xor, comp128v1"""
+        r = self.do_set('subscriber-modify-v1', '2620345,445566')
+        self.assertEquals(r['mtype'], 'SET_REPLY')
+        self.assertEquals(r['var'], 'subscriber-modify-v1')
+        self.assertEquals(r['value'], 'OK')
+        r = self.do_set('subscriber-modify-v1', '2620345,445566,none')
+        self.assertEquals(r['mtype'], 'SET_REPLY')
+        self.assertEquals(r['var'], 'subscriber-modify-v1')
+        self.assertEquals(r['value'], 'OK')
+        r = self.do_set('subscriber-modify-v1', '2620345,445566,xor')
+        self.assertEquals(r['mtype'], 'ERROR')
+        self.assertEquals(r['error'], 'Value failed verification.')
+        r = self.do_set('subscriber-modify-v1', '2620345,445566,comp128v1,00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF')
+        self.assertEquals(r['mtype'], 'SET_REPLY')
+        self.assertEquals(r['var'], 'subscriber-modify-v1')
+        self.assertEquals(r['value'], 'OK')
+        r = self.do_set('subscriber-modify-v1', '2620345,445566,none')
+        self.assertEquals(r['mtype'], 'SET_REPLY')
+        self.assertEquals(r['var'], 'subscriber-modify-v1')
+        self.assertEquals(r['value'], 'OK')
     def testSubscriberAddRemove(self):
         r = self.do_set('subscriber-modify-v1', '2620345,445566')
         self.assertEquals(r['mtype'], 'SET_REPLY')