[gsm_04_11] Free transaction on RX_RP_ACK for SMS

When only one SMS is sent, the freeing of the lchan will
automatically free all transactions on the lchan.

However, if there are several SMS sent at once, the call
to gsm411_send_sms_lchan will create a new transaction
with the same caracteristics as the previous one. If
the old one is not free'd, the next call to trans_find_by_id
(triggered by the next incoming RP-ACK) will not return the good
transaction and things go haywire.

Signed-off-by: Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
1 file changed
tree: 32eeeeedf57a07aa3dc2920a5d8b2dc91fee4867
  1. hlrsync/
  2. linux-kernel/
  3. openbsc/
  4. wireshark/