gateware/icE1usb: Initial import of production hardware gateware

Current version has second E1 channel disabled to allow the
build to works. Works is in progress to optimize the gateware and
the fpga toolchain to allow full featured build.

Signed-off-by: Sylvain Munaut <>
diff --git a/gateware/icE1usb/rtl/i2c_master_wb.v b/gateware/icE1usb/rtl/i2c_master_wb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a54971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gateware/icE1usb/rtl/i2c_master_wb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ * i2c_master_wb.v
+ *
+ * vim: ts=4 sw=4
+ *
+ * Wishbone wrapper with optional buffering for i2c_master core
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2020  Sylvain Munaut <>
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: CERN-OHL-P-2.0
+ */
+`default_nettype none
+module i2c_master_wb #(
+	parameter integer DW = 3,
+	parameter integer FIFO_DEPTH = 0
+	// IOs
+	output wire scl_oe,
+	output wire sda_oe,
+	input  wire sda_i,
+	// Wishbone
+	output wire [31:0] wb_rdata,
+	input  wire [31:0] wb_wdata,
+	input  wire        wb_we,
+	input  wire        wb_cyc,
+	output wire        wb_ack,
+	output wire ready,
+	// Clock / Reset
+	input  wire clk,
+	input  wire rst
+	// Signals
+	// -------
+	wire [7:0] data_in;
+	wire       ack_in;
+	wire [1:0] cmd;
+	wire       stb;
+	wire [7:0] data_out;
+	wire       ack_out;
+	// Core
+	// ----
+	i2c_master #(
+		.DW(DW)
+	) core_I (
+		.scl_oe  (scl_oe),
+		.sda_oe  (sda_oe),
+		.sda_i   (sda_i),
+		.data_in (data_in),
+		.ack_in  (ack_in),
+		.cmd     (cmd),
+		.stb     (stb),
+		.data_out(data_out),
+		.ack_out (ack_out),
+		.ready   (ready),
+		.clk     (clk),
+		.rst     (rst)
+	);
+	// Bus interface (no buffer)
+	// -------------
+	if (FIFO_DEPTH == 0) begin
+		// No buffer
+		assign wb_rdata = wb_cyc ? { ready, 22'd0, ack_out, data_out } : 32'h00000000;
+		assign cmd      = wb_wdata[13:12];
+		assign ack_in   = wb_wdata[8];
+		assign data_in  = wb_wdata[7:0];
+		assign stb      = wb_cyc & wb_we;
+		assign wb_ack   = wb_cyc;
+	end
+	// Bus interface (FIFO)
+	// -------------
+	if (FIFO_DEPTH > 0) begin
+		// Signals
+		// -------
+		// FIFOs
+		// -----
+	end