fw/icE1usb: Import firmware for the icE1usb and icE1usb-proto boards

Currently only the icE1usb-proto is supported. Adaptation for the
final production hardware is yet to be done.

Signed-off-by: Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
diff --git a/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/.gitignore b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d5607c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/Makefile b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67d0a5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+BOARD ?= ice1usb-proto-icebreaker
+CROSS ?= riscv-none-embed-
+CC = $(CROSS)gcc
+OBJCOPY = $(CROSS)objcopy
+ICEPROG = iceprog
+DFU_UTIL = dfu-util
+BOARD_DEFINE=BOARD_$(shell echo $(BOARD) | tr a-z\- A-Z_)
+CFLAGS=-Wall -Os -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32 -ffreestanding -flto -nostartfiles -fomit-frame-pointer -Wl,--gc-section --specs=nano.specs -D$(BOARD_DEFINE) -I. -I../common
+include ../../../gateware/cores/no2usb/fw/fw.mk
+CFLAGS += $(INC_no2usb)
+HEADERS_common := $(addprefix ../common/, \
+	console.h \
+	dma.h \
+	led.h \
+	mini-printf.h \
+	spi.h \
+	utils.h \
+SOURCES_common := $(addprefix ../common/, \
+	../common/start.S \
+	console.c \
+	dma.c \
+	led.c \
+	mini-printf.c  \
+	spi.c \
+	utils.c \
+HEADERS_common += $(HEADERS_no2usb)
+SOURCES_common += $(SOURCES_no2usb)
+	config.h \
+	e1.h \
+	misc.h \
+	usb_str_app.gen.h \
+	$(NULL)
+	e1.c \
+	fw_app.c \
+	misc.c \
+	usb_desc_app.c \
+	usb_e1.c \
+	$(NULL)
+all: fw_app.bin
+fw_app.elf: $(LNK) $(HEADERS_app) $(SOURCES_app) $(HEADERS_common) $(SOURCES_common)
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,$(LNK),--strip-debug -o $@ $(SOURCES_common) $(SOURCES_app)
+%.hex: %.bin
+	../common/bin2hex.py $< $@
+%.bin: %.elf
+	$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
+prog: fw_app.bin
+	$(ICEPROG) -o 640k $<
+dfuprog: fw_app.bin
+	$(DFU_UTIL) -R -a 1 -D $<
+	rm -f *.bin *.hex *.elf *.o *.gen.h
+.PHONY: prog dfuprog clean
diff --git a/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/config.h b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/config.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e10a120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ * config.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2020  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+ */
+#pragma once
+#define SPI_FLASH_BASE	0x80000000
+#define UART_BASE	0x81000000
+#define LED_BASE	0x82000000
+#define USB_CORE_BASE	0x83000000
+#define USB_DATA_BASE	0x84000000
+#define E1_DATA_BASE	0x85000000
+#define DMA_BASE	0x86000000
+#define E1_CORE_BASE	0x87000000
+#define MISC_BASE	0x88000000
diff --git a/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/e1.c b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/e1.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e14b6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/e1.c
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+ * e1.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2020  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+ */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include "console.h"
+#include "e1.h"
+#include "dma.h"
+#include "led.h" // FIXME
+// Hardware
+// --------
+struct e1_chan {
+	uint32_t csr;
+	uint32_t bd;
+} __attribute__((packed,aligned(4)));
+struct e1_core {
+	struct e1_chan rx;
+	struct e1_chan tx;
+} __attribute__((packed,aligned(4)));
+#define E1_RX_CR_ENABLE		(1 <<  0)
+#define E1_RX_CR_MODE_TRSP	(0 <<  1)
+#define E1_RX_CR_MODE_BYTE	(1 <<  1)
+#define E1_RX_CR_MODE_BFA	(2 <<  1)
+#define E1_RX_CR_MODE_MFA	(3 <<  1)
+#define E1_RX_CR_OVFL_CLR	(1 << 12)
+#define E1_RX_SR_ENABLED	(1 <<  0)
+#define E1_RX_SR_ALIGNED	(1 <<  1)
+#define E1_RX_SR_BD_IN_EMPTY	(1 <<  8)
+#define E1_RX_SR_BD_IN_FULL	(1 <<  9)
+#define E1_RX_SR_BD_OUT_EMPTY	(1 << 10)
+#define E1_RX_SR_BD_OUT_FULL	(1 << 11)
+#define E1_RX_SR_OVFL		(1 << 12)
+#define E1_TX_CR_ENABLE		(1 <<  0)
+#define E1_TX_CR_MODE_TRSP	(0 <<  1)
+#define E1_TX_CR_MODE_TS0	(1 <<  1)
+#define E1_TX_CR_MODE_TS0_CRC	(2 <<  1)
+#define E1_TX_CR_MODE_TS0_CRC_E	(3 <<  1)
+#define E1_TX_CR_TICK_LOCAL	(0 <<  3)
+#define E1_TX_CR_TICK_REMOTE	(1 <<  3)
+#define E1_TX_CR_ALARM		(1 <<  4)
+#define E1_TX_CR_LOOPBACK	(1 <<  5)
+#define E1_TX_CR_UNFL_CLR	(1 << 12)
+#define E1_TX_SR_ENABLED	(1 <<  0)
+#define E1_TX_SR_BD_IN_EMPTY	(1 <<  8)
+#define E1_TX_SR_BD_IN_FULL	(1 <<  9)
+#define E1_TX_SR_BD_OUT_EMPTY	(1 << 10)
+#define E1_TX_SR_BD_OUT_FULL	(1 << 11)
+#define E1_TX_SR_UNFL		(1 << 12)
+#define E1_BD_VALID		(1 << 15)
+#define E1_BD_CRC1		(1 << 14)
+#define E1_BD_CRC0		(1 << 13)
+#define E1_BD_ADDR(x)		((x) & 0x7f)
+#define E1_BD_ADDR_MSK		0x7f
+#define E1_BD_ADDR_SHFT		0
+static volatile struct e1_core * const e1_regs = (void *)(E1_CORE_BASE);
+static volatile uint8_t * const e1_data = (void *)(E1_DATA_BASE);
+volatile uint8_t *
+e1_data_ptr(int mf, int frame, int ts)
+	return &e1_data[(mf << 9) | (frame << 5) | ts];
+unsigned int
+e1_data_ofs(int mf, int frame, int ts)
+	return (mf << 9) | (frame << 5) | ts;
+// FIFOs
+// -----
+/* Note: FIFO works at 'frame' level (i.e. 32 bytes) */
+struct e1_fifo {
+	/* Buffer zone associated with the FIFO */
+	unsigned int base;
+	unsigned int mask;
+	/* Pointers / Levels */
+	unsigned int wptr[2];	/* 0=committed 1=allocated */
+	unsigned int rptr[2];	/* 0=discared  1=peeked    */
+	/* Utils */
+static void
+e1f_reset(struct e1_fifo *fifo, unsigned int base, unsigned int len)
+	memset(fifo, 0x00, sizeof(struct e1_fifo));
+	fifo->base = base;
+	fifo->mask = len - 1;
+static unsigned int
+e1f_allocd_frames(struct e1_fifo *fifo)
+	/* Number of frames that are allocated (i.e. where we can't write to) */
+	return (fifo->wptr[1] - fifo->rptr[0]) & fifo->mask;
+static unsigned int
+e1f_valid_frames(struct e1_fifo *fifo)
+	/* Number of valid frames */
+	return (fifo->wptr[0] - fifo->rptr[0]) & fifo->mask;
+static unsigned int
+e1f_unseen_frames(struct e1_fifo *fifo)
+	/* Number of valid frames that haven't been peeked yet */
+	return (fifo->wptr[0] - fifo->rptr[1]) & fifo->mask;
+static unsigned int
+e1f_free_frames(struct e1_fifo *fifo)
+	/* Number of frames that aren't allocated */
+	return (fifo->rptr[0] - fifo->wptr[1] - 1) & fifo->mask;
+static unsigned int
+e1f_ofs_to_dma(unsigned int ofs)
+	/* DMA address are 32-bits word address. Offsets are 32 byte address */
+	return (ofs << 3);
+static unsigned int
+e1f_ofs_to_mf(unsigned int ofs)
+	/* E1 Buffer Descriptors are always multiframe aligned */
+	return (ofs >> 4);
+	/* Debug */
+static void
+e1f_debug(struct e1_fifo *fifo, const char *name)
+	unsigned int la, lv, lu, lf;
+	la = e1f_allocd_frames(fifo);
+	lv = e1f_valid_frames(fifo);
+	lu = e1f_unseen_frames(fifo);
+	lf = e1f_free_frames(fifo);
+	printf("%s: R: %u / %u | W: %u / %u | A:%u  V:%u  U:%u  F:%u\n",
+		name,
+		fifo->rptr[0], fifo->rptr[1], fifo->wptr[0], fifo->wptr[1],
+		la, lv, lu, lf
+	);
+	/* Frame level read/write */
+static unsigned int
+e1f_frame_write(struct e1_fifo *fifo, unsigned int *ofs, unsigned int max_frames)
+	unsigned int lf, le;
+	lf = e1f_free_frames(fifo);
+	le = fifo->mask - fifo->wptr[0] + 1;
+	if (max_frames > le)
+		max_frames = le;
+	if (max_frames > lf)
+		max_frames = lf;
+	*ofs = fifo->base + fifo->wptr[0];
+	fifo->wptr[1] = fifo->wptr[0] = (fifo->wptr[0] + max_frames) & fifo->mask;
+	return max_frames;
+static unsigned int
+e1f_frame_read(struct e1_fifo *fifo, unsigned int *ofs, int max_frames)
+	unsigned int lu, le;
+	lu = e1f_unseen_frames(fifo);
+	le = fifo->mask - fifo->rptr[1] + 1;
+	if (max_frames > le)
+		max_frames = le;
+	if (max_frames > lu)
+		max_frames = lu;
+	*ofs = fifo->base + fifo->rptr[1];
+	fifo->rptr[0] = fifo->rptr[1] = (fifo->rptr[1] + max_frames) & fifo->mask;
+	return max_frames;
+	/* MultiFrame level split read/write */
+static bool
+e1f_multiframe_write_prepare(struct e1_fifo *fifo, unsigned int *ofs)
+	unsigned int lf;
+	lf = e1f_free_frames(fifo);
+	if (lf < 16)
+		return false;
+	*ofs = fifo->base + fifo->wptr[1];
+	fifo->wptr[1] = (fifo->wptr[1] + 16) & fifo->mask;
+	return true;
+static void
+e1f_multiframe_write_commit(struct e1_fifo *fifo)
+	fifo->wptr[0] = (fifo->wptr[0] + 16) & fifo->mask;
+static bool
+e1f_multiframe_read_peek(struct e1_fifo *fifo, unsigned int *ofs)
+	unsigned int lu;
+	lu = e1f_unseen_frames(fifo);
+	if (lu < 16)
+		return false;
+	*ofs = fifo->base + fifo->rptr[1];
+	fifo->rptr[1] = (fifo->rptr[1] + 16) & fifo->mask;
+	return true;
+static void
+e1f_multiframe_read_discard(struct e1_fifo *fifo)
+	fifo->rptr[0] = (fifo->rptr[0] + 16) & fifo->mask;
+static void
+e1f_multiframe_empty(struct e1_fifo *fifo)
+	fifo->rptr[0] = fifo->rptr[1] = (fifo->wptr[0] & ~15);
+// Main logic
+// ----------
+enum e1_pipe_state {
+	IDLE	= 0,
+	BOOT	= 1,
+	RUN	= 2,
+	RECOVER	= 3,
+static struct {
+	struct {
+		uint32_t cr;
+		struct e1_fifo fifo;
+		int in_flight;
+		enum e1_pipe_state state;
+	} rx;
+	struct {
+		uint32_t cr;
+		struct e1_fifo fifo;
+		int in_flight;
+		enum e1_pipe_state state;
+	} tx;
+} g_e1;
+e1_init(bool clk_mode)
+	/* Global state init */
+	memset(&g_e1, 0x00, sizeof(g_e1));
+	/* Reset FIFOs */
+	e1f_reset(&g_e1.rx.fifo,   0, 128);
+	e1f_reset(&g_e1.tx.fifo, 128, 128);
+	/* Enable Rx */
+	g_e1.rx.cr = E1_RX_CR_OVFL_CLR |
+	             E1_RX_CR_MODE_MFA |
+	             E1_RX_CR_ENABLE;
+	e1_regs->rx.csr = g_e1.rx.cr;
+	/* Enable Tx */
+	g_e1.tx.cr = E1_TX_CR_UNFL_CLR |
+	             (clk_mode ? E1_TX_CR_TICK_REMOTE : E1_TX_CR_TICK_LOCAL) |
+	             E1_TX_CR_MODE_TS0_CRC_E |
+		     E1_TX_CR_ENABLE;
+	e1_regs->tx.csr = g_e1.tx.cr;
+	/* State */
+	g_e1.rx.state = BOOT;
+	g_e1.tx.state = BOOT;
+#include "dma.h"
+unsigned int
+e1_rx_need_data(unsigned int usb_addr, unsigned int max_frames)
+	unsigned int ofs;
+	int tot_frames = 0;
+	int n_frames;
+	while (max_frames) {
+		/* Get some data from the FIFO */
+		n_frames = e1f_frame_read(&g_e1.rx.fifo, &ofs, max_frames);
+		if (!n_frames)
+			break;
+		/* Copy from FIFO to USB */
+		dma_exec(e1f_ofs_to_dma(ofs), usb_addr, n_frames * (32 / 4), false, NULL, NULL);
+		/* Prepare Next */
+		usb_addr += n_frames * (32 / 4);
+		max_frames -= n_frames;
+		tot_frames += n_frames;
+		/* Wait for DMA completion */
+		while (dma_poll());
+	}
+	return tot_frames;
+unsigned int
+e1_tx_feed_data(unsigned int usb_addr, unsigned int frames)
+	unsigned int ofs;
+	int n_frames;
+	while (frames) {
+		/* Get some space in FIFO */
+		n_frames = e1f_frame_write(&g_e1.tx.fifo, &ofs, frames);
+		if (!n_frames) {
+			printf("[!] TX FIFO Overflow %d %d\n", frames, n_frames);
+			break;
+		}
+		/* Copy from USB to FIFO */
+		dma_exec(e1f_ofs_to_dma(ofs), usb_addr, n_frames * (32 / 4), true, NULL, NULL);
+		/* Prepare next */
+		usb_addr += n_frames * (32 / 4);
+		frames -= n_frames;
+		/* Wait for DMA completion */
+		while (dma_poll());
+	}
+	return frames;
+unsigned int
+	return e1f_valid_frames(&g_e1.tx.fifo);
+unsigned int
+	return e1f_valid_frames(&g_e1.rx.fifo);
+	uint32_t bd;
+	unsigned int ofs;
+	/* Active ? */
+	if ((g_e1.rx.state == IDLE) && (g_e1.tx.state == IDLE))
+		return;
+	/* HACK: LED link status */
+	if (e1_regs->rx.csr & 2)
+		led_color(0, 48, 0);
+	else
+		led_color(48, 0, 0);
+	/* Recover any done TX BD */
+	while ( (bd = e1_regs->tx.bd) & E1_BD_VALID ) {
+		e1f_multiframe_read_discard(&g_e1.tx.fifo);
+		g_e1.tx.in_flight--;
+	}
+	/* Recover any done RX BD */
+	while ( (bd = e1_regs->rx.bd) & E1_BD_VALID ) {
+		/* FIXME: CRC status ? */
+		e1f_multiframe_write_commit(&g_e1.rx.fifo);
+		if ((bd & (E1_BD_CRC0 | E1_BD_CRC1)) != (E1_BD_CRC0 | E1_BD_CRC1))
+			printf("b: %03x\n", bd);
+		g_e1.rx.in_flight--;
+	}
+	/* Boot procedure */
+	if (g_e1.tx.state == BOOT) {
+		if (e1f_unseen_frames(&g_e1.tx.fifo) < (16 * 5))
+			return;
+		/* HACK: LED flow status */
+		led_blink(true, 200, 1000);
+		led_breathe(true, 100, 200);
+	}
+	/* Handle RX */
+		/* Misalign ? */
+	if (g_e1.rx.state == RUN) {
+		if (!(e1_regs->rx.csr & E1_RX_SR_ALIGNED)) {
+			printf("[!] E1 rx misalign\n");
+			g_e1.rx.state = RECOVER;
+		}
+	}
+		/* Overflow ? */
+	if (g_e1.rx.state == RUN) {
+		if (e1_regs->rx.csr & E1_RX_SR_OVFL) {
+			printf("[!] E1 overflow %d\n", g_e1.rx.in_flight);
+			g_e1.rx.state = RECOVER;
+		}
+	}
+		/* Recover ready ? */
+	if (g_e1.rx.state == RECOVER) {
+		if (g_e1.rx.in_flight != 0)
+			goto done_rx;
+		e1f_multiframe_empty(&g_e1.rx.fifo);
+	}
+		/* Fill new RX BD */
+	while (g_e1.rx.in_flight < 4) {
+		if (!e1f_multiframe_write_prepare(&g_e1.rx.fifo, &ofs))
+			break;
+		e1_regs->rx.bd = e1f_ofs_to_mf(ofs);
+		g_e1.rx.in_flight++;
+	}
+		/* Clear overflow if needed */
+	if (g_e1.rx.state != RUN) {
+		e1_regs->rx.csr = g_e1.rx.cr | E1_RX_CR_OVFL_CLR;
+		g_e1.rx.state = RUN;
+	}
+	/* Handle TX */
+		/* Underflow ? */
+	if (g_e1.tx.state == RUN) {
+		if (e1_regs->tx.csr & E1_TX_SR_UNFL) {
+			printf("[!] E1 underflow %d\n", g_e1.tx.in_flight);
+			g_e1.tx.state = RECOVER;
+		}
+	}
+		/* Recover ready ? */
+	if (g_e1.tx.state == RECOVER) {
+		if (e1f_unseen_frames(&g_e1.tx.fifo) < (16 * 5))
+			return;
+	}
+		/* Fill new TX BD */
+	while (g_e1.tx.in_flight < 4) {
+		if (!e1f_multiframe_read_peek(&g_e1.tx.fifo, &ofs))
+			break;
+		e1_regs->tx.bd = e1f_ofs_to_mf(ofs);
+		g_e1.tx.in_flight++;
+	}
+		/* Clear underflow if needed */
+	if (g_e1.tx.state != RUN) {
+		e1_regs->tx.csr = g_e1.tx.cr | E1_TX_CR_UNFL_CLR;
+		g_e1.tx.state = RUN;
+	}
+e1_debug_print(bool data)
+	volatile uint8_t *p;
+	puts("E1\n");
+	printf("CSR: Rx %04x / Tx %04x\n", e1_regs->rx.csr, e1_regs->tx.csr);
+	printf("InF: Rx %d / Tx %d\n", g_e1.rx.in_flight, g_e1.tx.in_flight);
+	printf("Sta: Rx %d / Tx %d\n", g_e1.rx.state, g_e1.tx.state);
+	e1f_debug(&g_e1.rx.fifo, "Rx FIFO");
+	e1f_debug(&g_e1.tx.fifo, "Tx FIFO");
+	if (data) {
+		puts("\nE1 Data\n");
+		for (int f=0; f<16; f++) {
+			p = e1_data_ptr(0, f, 0);
+			for (int ts=0; ts<32; ts++)
+				printf(" %02x", p[ts]);
+			printf("\n");
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/e1.h b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/e1.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e68514f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/e1.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ * e1.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2020  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+ */
+#pragma once
+void e1_init(bool clk_mode);
+void e1_poll(void);
+void e1_debug_print(bool data);
+volatile uint8_t *e1_data_ptr(int mf, int frame, int ts);
+unsigned int e1_data_ofs(int mf, int frame, int ts);
diff --git a/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/fw_app.c b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/fw_app.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe1dd01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/fw_app.c
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+ * fw_app.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2020  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+ */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <no2usb/usb.h>
+#include <no2usb/usb_dfu_rt.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include "console.h"
+#include "e1.h"
+#include "led.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "mini-printf.h"
+#include "spi.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+extern const struct usb_stack_descriptors app_stack_desc;
+static void
+	uint8_t buf[8];
+	char *id, *desc;
+	int i;
+	flash_manuf_id(buf);
+	printf("Flash Manufacturer : %s\n", hexstr(buf, 3, true));
+	flash_unique_id(buf);
+	printf("Flash Unique ID    : %s\n", hexstr(buf, 8, true));
+	/* Overwrite descriptor string */
+		/* In theory in rodata ... but nothing is ro here */
+	id = hexstr(buf, 8, false);
+	desc = (char*)app_stack_desc.str[1];
+	for (i=0; i<16; i++)
+		desc[2 + (i << 1)] = id[i];
+static void
+	/* Force re-enumeration */
+	usb_disconnect();
+	/* Boot firmware */
+	volatile uint32_t *boot = (void*)0x80000000;
+	*boot = (1 << 2) | (1 << 0);
+        boot_dfu();
+static volatile uint32_t * const misc_regs = (void*)(MISC_BASE);
+void main()
+	bool e1_active = false;
+	int cmd = 0;
+	/* Init console IO */
+	console_init();
+	puts("Booting App image..\n");
+	/* LED */
+	led_init();
+	/* SPI */
+	spi_init();
+	/* Setup E1 Vref */
+	int d = 25;
+	pdm_set(PDM_E1_CT, true, 128, false);
+	pdm_set(PDM_E1_P,  true, 128 - d, false);
+	pdm_set(PDM_E1_N,  true, 128 + d, false);
+	/* Setup clock tuning */
+	pdm_set(PDM_CLK_HI, true, 2048, false);
+	pdm_set(PDM_CLK_LO, false,   0, false);
+	/* Enable USB directly */
+	serial_no_init();
+	usb_init(&app_stack_desc);
+	usb_dfu_rt_init();
+	usb_e1_init();
+	/* Start */
+	e1_init(false);		// local tick
+	e1_active = true;
+	led_state(true);
+	usb_connect();
+	/* Main loop */
+	while (1)
+	{
+		/* Prompt ? */
+		if (cmd >= 0)
+			printf("Command> ");
+		/* Poll for command */
+		cmd = getchar_nowait();
+		if (cmd >= 0) {
+			if (cmd > 32 && cmd < 127) {
+				putchar(cmd);
+				putchar('\r');
+				putchar('\n');
+			}
+			switch (cmd)
+			{
+			case 'p':
+				usb_debug_print();
+				break;
+			case 'b':
+				boot_dfu();
+				break;
+			case 'o':
+				e1_debug_print(false);
+				break;
+			case 'O':
+				e1_debug_print(true);
+				break;
+			case 't':
+				printf("%08x\n", misc_regs[0]);
+			case 'e':
+				e1_init(true);
+				e1_active = true;
+				led_state(true);
+				break;
+			case 'E':
+				e1_init(false);
+				e1_active = true;
+				led_state(true);
+				break;
+			case 'c':
+				usb_connect();
+				break;
+			case 'd':
+				usb_disconnect();
+				break;
+			default:
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		/* USB poll */
+		usb_poll();
+		/* E1 poll */
+		if (e1_active) {
+			e1_poll();
+			usb_e1_run();
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/misc.c b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/misc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ceb8c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/misc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * misc.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2020  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+ */
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+struct misc {
+	uint32_t warmboot;
+	uint32_t gpio;
+	uint32_t e1_led;
+	uint32_t _rsvd;
+	struct {
+		uint16_t tx;
+		uint16_t rx;
+	} e1_tick[2];
+	uint32_t gps;
+	uint32_t time;
+	uint32_t pdm[8];
+} __attribute__((packed,aligned(4)));
+static volatile struct misc * const misc_regs = (void*)(MISC_BASE);
+static const int pdm_bits[5] = { 12, 12, 8, 8, 8 };
+pdm_set(int chan, bool enable, unsigned value, bool normalize)
+	if (normalize)
+		value >>= (16 - pdm_bits[chan]);
+	if (enable)
+		value |= 0x80000000;
+	misc_regs->pdm[chan] = value;
+	return misc_regs->e1_tick[0].tx;
diff --git a/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/misc.h b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/misc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36126da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/misc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ * misc.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2020  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+enum pdm_chan {
+	PDM_CLK_LO	= 0,
+	PDM_CLK_HI	= 1,
+	PDM_E1_N	= 2,
+	PDM_E1_P	= 3,
+	PDM_E1_CT	= 4,
+void pdm_set(int chan, bool enable, unsigned value, bool normalize);
+uint16_t e1_tick_read(void);
diff --git a/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/usb_desc_app.c b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/usb_desc_app.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98f2830
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/usb_desc_app.c
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+ * usb_desc_app.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2020  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+ */
+#include <no2usb/usb_proto.h>
+#include <no2usb/usb.h>
+#define NULL ((void*)0)
+#define num_elem(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
+static const struct {
+	/* Configuration */
+	struct usb_conf_desc conf;
+	/* E1 */
+	struct {
+		struct {
+			struct usb_intf_desc intf;
+			struct usb_ep_desc ep_data_in;
+			struct usb_ep_desc ep_data_out;
+			struct usb_ep_desc ep_fb;
+		} __attribute__ ((packed)) off;
+		struct {
+			struct usb_intf_desc intf;
+			struct usb_ep_desc ep_data_in;
+			struct usb_ep_desc ep_data_out;
+			struct usb_ep_desc ep_fb;
+		} __attribute__ ((packed)) on;
+	} __attribute__ ((packed)) e1;
+	/* CDC */
+#if 0
+	struct {
+		struct usb_intf_desc intf_ctl;
+		struct usb_cs_intf_hdr_desc cs_intf_hdr;
+		struct usb_cs_intf_acm_desc cs_intf_acm;
+		struct usb_cs_intf_union_desc cs_intf_union;
+		uint8_t cs_intf_union_slave;
+		struct usb_ep_desc ep_ctl;
+		struct usb_intf_desc intf_data;
+		struct usb_ep_desc ep_data_out;
+		struct usb_ep_desc ep_data_in;
+	} __attribute__ ((packed)) cdc;
+	/* DFU Runtime */
+	struct {
+		struct usb_intf_desc intf;
+		struct usb_dfu_desc func;
+	} __attribute__ ((packed)) dfu;
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) _app_conf_desc = {
+	.conf = {
+		.bLength                = sizeof(struct usb_conf_desc),
+		.bDescriptorType        = USB_DT_CONF,
+		.wTotalLength           = sizeof(_app_conf_desc),
+#if 0
+		.bNumInterfaces         = 4,
+		.bNumInterfaces         = 2,
+		.bConfigurationValue    = 1,
+		.iConfiguration         = 4,
+		.bmAttributes           = 0x80,
+		.bMaxPower              = 0x32, /* 100 mA */
+	},
+	.e1 = {
+		.off = {
+			.intf = {
+				.bLength		= sizeof(struct usb_intf_desc),
+				.bDescriptorType	= USB_DT_INTF,
+				.bInterfaceNumber	= 0,
+				.bAlternateSetting	= 0,
+				.bNumEndpoints		= 3,
+				.bInterfaceClass	= 0xff,
+				.bInterfaceSubClass	= 0xe1,
+				.bInterfaceProtocol	= 0x00,
+				.iInterface		= 5,
+			},
+			.ep_data_in = {
+				.bLength		= sizeof(struct usb_ep_desc),
+				.bDescriptorType	= USB_DT_EP,
+				.bEndpointAddress	= 0x82,
+				.bmAttributes		= 0x05,
+				.wMaxPacketSize		= 0,
+				.bInterval		= 1,
+			},
+			.ep_data_out = {
+				.bLength		= sizeof(struct usb_ep_desc),
+				.bDescriptorType	= USB_DT_EP,
+				.bEndpointAddress	= 0x01,
+				.bmAttributes		= 0x05,
+				.wMaxPacketSize		= 0,
+				.bInterval		= 1,
+			},
+			.ep_fb = {
+				.bLength		= sizeof(struct usb_ep_desc),
+				.bDescriptorType	= USB_DT_EP,
+				.bEndpointAddress	= 0x81,
+				.bmAttributes		= 0x11,
+				.wMaxPacketSize		= 0,
+				.bInterval		= 3,
+			},
+		},
+		.on = {
+			.intf = {
+				.bLength		= sizeof(struct usb_intf_desc),
+				.bDescriptorType	= USB_DT_INTF,
+				.bInterfaceNumber	= 0,
+				.bAlternateSetting	= 1,
+				.bNumEndpoints		= 3,
+				.bInterfaceClass	= 0xff,
+				.bInterfaceSubClass	= 0xe1,
+				.bInterfaceProtocol	= 0x00,
+				.iInterface		= 5,
+			},
+			.ep_data_in = {
+				.bLength		= sizeof(struct usb_ep_desc),
+				.bDescriptorType	= USB_DT_EP,
+				.bEndpointAddress	= 0x82,
+				.bmAttributes		= 0x05,
+				.wMaxPacketSize		= 388,
+				.bInterval		= 1,
+			},
+			.ep_data_out = {
+				.bLength		= sizeof(struct usb_ep_desc),
+				.bDescriptorType	= USB_DT_EP,
+				.bEndpointAddress	= 0x01,
+				.bmAttributes		= 0x05,
+				.wMaxPacketSize		= 388,
+				.bInterval		= 1,
+			},
+			.ep_fb = {
+				.bLength		= sizeof(struct usb_ep_desc),
+				.bDescriptorType	= USB_DT_EP,
+				.bEndpointAddress	= 0x81,
+				.bmAttributes		= 0x11,
+				.wMaxPacketSize		= 8,
+				.bInterval		= 3,
+			},
+		},
+	},
+#if 0
+	.cdc = {
+		.intf_ctl = {
+			.bLength		= sizeof(struct usb_intf_desc),
+			.bDescriptorType	= USB_DT_INTF,
+			.bInterfaceNumber	= 1,
+			.bAlternateSetting	= 0,
+			.bNumEndpoints		= 1,
+			.bInterfaceClass	= 0x02,
+			.bInterfaceSubClass	= 0x02,
+			.bInterfaceProtocol	= 0x00,
+			.iInterface		= 6,
+		},
+		.cs_intf_hdr = {
+			.bLength		= sizeof(struct usb_cs_intf_hdr_desc),
+			.bDescriptorType	= USB_DT_CS_INTF,
+			.bDescriptorsubtype	= 0x00,
+			.bcdCDC			= 0x0110,
+		},
+		.cs_intf_acm = {
+			.bLength		= sizeof(struct usb_cs_intf_acm_desc),
+			.bDescriptorType	= USB_DT_CS_INTF,
+			.bDescriptorsubtype	= 0x02,
+			.bmCapabilities		= 0x02,
+		},
+		.cs_intf_union = {
+			.bLength		= sizeof(struct usb_cs_intf_union_desc) + 1,
+			.bDescriptorType	= USB_DT_CS_INTF,
+			.bDescriptorsubtype	= 0x06,
+			.bMasterInterface	= 1,
+		},
+		.cs_intf_union_slave = 2,
+		.ep_ctl = {
+			.bLength		= sizeof(struct usb_ep_desc),
+			.bDescriptorType	= USB_DT_EP,
+			.bEndpointAddress	= 0x84,
+			.bmAttributes		= 0x03,
+			.wMaxPacketSize		= 64,
+			.bInterval		= 0x40,
+		},
+		.intf_data = {
+			.bLength		= sizeof(struct usb_intf_desc),
+			.bDescriptorType	= USB_DT_INTF,
+			.bInterfaceNumber	= 2,
+			.bAlternateSetting	= 0,
+			.bNumEndpoints		= 2,
+			.bInterfaceClass	= 0x0a,
+			.bInterfaceSubClass	= 0x00,
+			.bInterfaceProtocol	= 0x00,
+			.iInterface		= 7,
+		},
+		.ep_data_out = {
+			.bLength		= sizeof(struct usb_ep_desc),
+			.bDescriptorType	= USB_DT_EP,
+			.bEndpointAddress	= 0x05,
+			.bmAttributes		= 0x02,
+			.wMaxPacketSize		= 64,
+			.bInterval		= 0x00,
+		},
+		.ep_data_in = {
+			.bLength		= sizeof(struct usb_ep_desc),
+			.bDescriptorType	= USB_DT_EP,
+			.bEndpointAddress	= 0x85,
+			.bmAttributes		= 0x02,
+			.wMaxPacketSize		= 64,
+			.bInterval		= 0x00,
+		},
+	},
+	.dfu = {
+		.intf = {
+			.bLength		= sizeof(struct usb_intf_desc),
+			.bDescriptorType	= USB_DT_INTF,
+#if 0
+			.bInterfaceNumber	= 3,
+			.bInterfaceNumber	= 1,
+			.bAlternateSetting	= 0,
+			.bNumEndpoints		= 0,
+			.bInterfaceClass	= 0xfe,
+			.bInterfaceSubClass	= 0x01,
+			.bInterfaceProtocol	= 0x01,
+			.iInterface		= 8,
+		},
+		.func = {
+			.bLength		= sizeof(struct usb_dfu_desc),
+			.bDescriptorType	= USB_DT_DFU,
+			.bmAttributes		= 0x0d,
+			.wDetachTimeOut		= 1000,
+			.wTransferSize		= 4096,
+			.bcdDFUVersion		= 0x0101,
+		},
+	},
+static const struct usb_conf_desc * const _conf_desc_array[] = {
+	&_app_conf_desc.conf,
+static const struct usb_dev_desc _dev_desc = {
+	.bLength		= sizeof(struct usb_dev_desc),
+	.bDescriptorType	= USB_DT_DEV,
+	.bcdUSB			= 0x0200,
+	.bDeviceClass		= 0,
+	.bDeviceSubClass	= 0,
+	.bDeviceProtocol	= 0,
+	.bMaxPacketSize0	= 64,
+	.idVendor		= 0x1d50,
+	.idProduct		= 0x6145,
+	.bcdDevice		= 0x0003,	/* v0.3 */
+	.iManufacturer		= 2,
+	.iProduct		= 3,
+	.iSerialNumber		= 1,
+	.bNumConfigurations	= num_elem(_conf_desc_array),
+#include "usb_str_app.gen.h"
+const struct usb_stack_descriptors app_stack_desc = {
+	.dev = &_dev_desc,
+	.conf = _conf_desc_array,
+	.n_conf = num_elem(_conf_desc_array),
+	.str = _str_desc_array,
+	.n_str = num_elem(_str_desc_array),
diff --git a/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/usb_e1.c b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/usb_e1.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52fb53b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/usb_e1.c
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+ * usb_e1.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2020  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+ */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <no2usb/usb_hw.h>
+#include <no2usb/usb_priv.h>
+#include "console.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+struct {
+	bool running;
+	int out_bdi;
+	int in_bdi;
+} g_usb_e1;
+/* Hack */
+unsigned int e1_rx_need_data(unsigned int usb_addr, unsigned int max_len);
+unsigned int e1_tx_feed_data(unsigned int usb_addr, unsigned int len);
+unsigned int e1_tx_level(void);
+unsigned int e1_rx_level(void);
+/* ---- */
+usb_ep_boot(const struct usb_intf_desc *intf, uint8_t ep_addr, bool dual_bd);
+static void
+	static uint16_t ticks_prev = 0;
+	uint16_t ticks;
+	uint32_t val = 8192;
+	unsigned int level;
+	/* Compute real E1 tick count (with safety agains bad values) */
+	ticks = e1_tick_read();
+	val = (ticks - ticks_prev) & 0xffff;
+	ticks_prev = ticks;
+	if ((val < 7168) | (val > 9216))
+		val = 8192;
+	/* Bias depending on TX fifo level */
+	level = e1_tx_level();
+	if (level < (3 * 16))
+		val += 256;
+	else if (level > (8 * 16))
+		val -= 256;
+	/* Prepare buffer */
+	usb_data_write(64, &val, 4);
+	usb_ep_regs[1].in.bd[0].ptr = 64;
+	usb_ep_regs[1].in.bd[0].csr = USB_BD_STATE_RDY_DATA | USB_BD_LEN(3);
+	int bdi;
+	if (!g_usb_e1.running)
+		return;
+	/* EP2 IN */
+	bdi = g_usb_e1.in_bdi;
+	while ((usb_ep_regs[2].in.bd[bdi].csr & USB_BD_STATE_MSK) != USB_BD_STATE_RDY_DATA)
+	{
+		uint32_t ptr = usb_ep_regs[2].in.bd[bdi].ptr;
+		uint32_t hdr;
+		/* Error check */
+		if ((usb_ep_regs[2].in.bd[bdi].csr & USB_BD_STATE_MSK) == USB_BD_STATE_DONE_ERR)
+			puts("Err EP2 IN\n");
+		/* Get some data from E1 */
+		int n = e1_rx_level();
+		if (n > 64)
+			n = 12;
+		else if (n > 32)
+			n = 10;
+		else if (n > 8)
+			n = 8;
+		else if (!n)
+			break;
+		n = e1_rx_need_data((ptr >> 2) + 1, n);
+		/* Write header */
+		hdr = 0x616b00b5;
+		usb_data_write(ptr, &hdr, 4);
+		/* Resubmit */
+		usb_ep_regs[2].in.bd[bdi].csr = USB_BD_STATE_RDY_DATA | USB_BD_LEN((n * 32) + 4);
+		/* Next BDI */
+		bdi ^= 1;
+		g_usb_e1.in_bdi = bdi;
+	}
+	/* EP1 OUT */
+	bdi = g_usb_e1.out_bdi;
+	while ((usb_ep_regs[1].out.bd[bdi].csr & USB_BD_STATE_MSK) != USB_BD_STATE_RDY_DATA)
+	{
+		uint32_t ptr = usb_ep_regs[1].out.bd[bdi].ptr;
+		uint32_t csr = usb_ep_regs[1].out.bd[bdi].csr;
+		uint32_t hdr;
+		/* Error check */
+			puts("Err EP1 OUT\n");
+			goto refill;
+		}
+		/* Grab header */
+		usb_data_read(&hdr, ptr, 4);
+		/* Empty data into the FIFO */
+		int n = ((csr & USB_BD_LEN_MSK) - 4) / 32;
+		n = e1_tx_feed_data((ptr >> 2) + 1, n);
+		/* Refill it */
+		usb_ep_regs[1].out.bd[bdi].csr = USB_BD_STATE_RDY_DATA | USB_BD_LEN(388);
+		/* Next BDI */
+		bdi ^= 1;
+		g_usb_e1.out_bdi = bdi;
+		static int x = 0;
+		if ((x++ & 0xff) == 0xff)
+			puts(".");
+	}
+	/* EP1 IN */
+	if ((usb_ep_regs[1].in.bd[0].csr & USB_BD_STATE_MSK) != USB_BD_STATE_RDY_DATA)
+	{
+		_usb_fill_feedback_ep();
+	}
+static const struct usb_intf_desc *
+_find_intf(const struct usb_conf_desc *conf, uint8_t idx)
+	const struct usb_intf_desc *intf = NULL;
+	const void *sod, *eod;
+	if (!conf)
+		return NULL;
+	sod = conf;
+	eod = sod + conf->wTotalLength;
+	while (1) {
+		sod = usb_desc_find(sod, eod, USB_DT_INTF);
+		if (!sod)
+			break;
+		intf = (void*)sod;
+		if (intf->bInterfaceNumber == idx)
+			return intf;
+		sod = usb_desc_next(sod);
+	}
+	return NULL;
+enum usb_fnd_resp
+_e1_set_conf(const struct usb_conf_desc *conf)
+	const struct usb_intf_desc *intf;
+	printf("e1 set_conf %08x\n", conf);
+	if (!conf)
+		return USB_FND_SUCCESS;
+	intf = _find_intf(conf, 0);
+	if (!intf)
+		return USB_FND_ERROR;
+	printf("e1 set_conf %08x\n", intf);
+	usb_ep_boot(intf, 0x01, true);
+	usb_ep_boot(intf, 0x81, true);
+	usb_ep_boot(intf, 0x82, true);
+enum usb_fnd_resp
+_e1_set_intf(const struct usb_intf_desc *base, const struct usb_intf_desc *sel)
+	if (base->bInterfaceNumber != 0)
+	if (sel->bAlternateSetting != 1)
+		return USB_FND_SUCCESS;
+	/* Hack to avoid re-setting while running ... avoid BD desync */
+	if (g_usb_e1.running)
+		return USB_FND_SUCCESS;
+	g_usb_e1.running = true;
+	/* Configure EP1 OUT / EP2 IN */
+	usb_ep_regs[1].out.status = USB_EP_TYPE_ISOC | USB_EP_BD_DUAL;	/* Type=Isochronous, dual buffered */
+	usb_ep_regs[2].in.status  = USB_EP_TYPE_ISOC | USB_EP_BD_DUAL;	/* Type=Isochronous, dual buffered */
+	/* Configure EP1 IN (feedback) */
+	usb_ep_regs[1].in.status  = USB_EP_TYPE_ISOC; /* Type=Isochronous, single buffered */
+	/* EP2 IN: Prepare two buffers */
+	usb_ep_regs[2].in.bd[0].ptr = 1024;
+	usb_ep_regs[2].in.bd[0].csr = 0;
+	usb_ep_regs[2].in.bd[1].ptr = 1536;
+	usb_ep_regs[2].in.bd[1].csr = 0;
+	/* EP1 OUT: Queue two buffers */
+	usb_ep_regs[1].out.bd[0].ptr = 1024;
+	usb_ep_regs[1].out.bd[0].csr = USB_BD_STATE_RDY_DATA | USB_BD_LEN(388);
+	usb_ep_regs[1].out.bd[1].ptr = 1536;
+	usb_ep_regs[1].out.bd[1].csr = USB_BD_STATE_RDY_DATA | USB_BD_LEN(388);
+	/* EP1 IN: Queue buffer */
+	_usb_fill_feedback_ep();
+enum usb_fnd_resp
+_e1_get_intf(const struct usb_intf_desc *base, uint8_t *alt)
+	if (base->bInterfaceNumber != 0)
+	*alt = g_usb_e1.running ? 1 : 0;
+static struct usb_fn_drv _e1_drv = {
+	.set_conf	= _e1_set_conf,
+        .set_intf       = _e1_set_intf,
+        .get_intf       = _e1_get_intf,
+	memset(&g_usb_e1, 0x00, sizeof(g_usb_e1));
+	usb_register_function_driver(&_e1_drv);
diff --git a/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/usb_str_app.txt b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/usb_str_app.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10887d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/ice40-riscv/icE1usb/usb_str_app.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Console (control)
+Console (data)
+DFU runtime