initial with config
diff --git a/3G+2G.deps b/3G+2G.deps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b905d4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3G+2G.deps
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# project	build these first
+libosmo-abis	libosmocore
+libosmo-netif	libosmo-abis
+libosmo-sccp	libosmo-netif
+openggsn	libosmocore
+osmo-iuh	libosmo-sccp libasn1c
+osmo-hlr	libosmo-abis
+osmo-mgw	libosmo-netif
+osmo-msc	osmo-iuh osmo-mgw
+osmo-bsc	libosmo-sccp osmo-mgw
+osmo-sgsn	osmo-iuh
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9efce66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+This provides a set of top-level makefiles to build variants of the Osmocom
+source trees. It is inteded for the core network components and related
+projects, but works generically.
+The idea is to have all your Osmocom git clones in ./src, while keeping one or
+more separate build trees in ./make-*.
+Run ./ with a choice of projects (2G only or also 3G?)
+and a choice of configure options, for example:
+  ./ 3G+2G.deps all_enabled.opts
+This generates a new dir containing a Makefile. When you run make in it, this
+will clone the source trees (if not present yet) and build all of them in the
+right order:
+  cd make-3G+2G.deps-all_enabled.opts/
+  make
+If you make modifications in one of the source trees, this Makefile will pick
+it up, rebuild the project and also rebuild all dependencies (according to the
+*.deps file the Makefile was generated from).
+If you modify the *.deps or *.opts file, you can easily run 'make regen' in a
+make-* subdir to regenerate the Makefile from the same files.
+In your make-* subdir there are empty status files that are touched for every
+completed make target. From these, 'make' can detect what needs to be rebuilt.
+You can manually remove them to force a rebuild of a specific target.
+For example, if you 'rm .make.libosmocore.autoconf', libosmocore and all
+projects depending on libosmocore will be rebuilt from scratch.
+For more details on the *.opts and *.deps syntax, read the docs at the top of
+It is also easily possible to keep sources and build trees in various
+configurations, see the command line options of ./
diff --git a/all_enabled.opts b/all_enabled.opts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad7fa6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/all_enabled.opts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+osmo-mgw --enable-mgcp-transcoding
+osmo-msc --enable-smpp --enable-iu --enable-mgcp-transcoding --enable-external-tests
+osmo-bsc --enable-osmo-bsc --enable-nat --enable-mgcp-transcoding --enable-external-tests
+osmo-sgsn --enable-iu --enable-external-tests
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a68bc00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+Generate a top-level makefile that builds the Osmocom 2G + 3G network components.
+  ./ projects.deps [configuration.opts] [-o Makefile.output]
+Configured by text files:
+  *.deps: whitespace-separated listing of
+    project_name depends_on_project_1 depends_on_project_2 ...
+  *.opts: whitespace-separated listing of
+    project_name --config-opt-1 --config-opt-2 ...
+Thus it is possible to choose between e.g.
+- 2G+3G or 2G-only by picking a different projects_and_deps.conf,
+- and between building each of those with or without mgcp transcoding support
+  by picking a different configure_opts.conf.
+From the Makefile nature, the dependencies extend, no need to repeat common deps.
+When this script is done, a Makefile has been generated that allows you to
+build all projects at once by issuing 'make', but also to refresh only parts of
+it when some bits in the middle have changed. The makefile keeps local progress
+marker files like .make.libosmocore.configure; if such progress marker is
+removed or becomes outdated, that step and all dependent ones are re-run.
+This is helpful in daily hacking across several repositories.
+import sys
+import os
+import argparse
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
+  help='''Config file containing projects to build and
+dependencies between those''')
+  help='''Config file containing project name and
+./configure options''',
+  default=None, nargs='?')
+parser.add_argument('-m', '--make-dir', dest='make_dir',
+  help='''Place Makefile in this dir (default: create
+a new dir named after deps and opts files).''')
+parser.add_argument('-s', '--src-dir', dest='src_dir', default='./src',
+  help='Parent dir for all git clones.')
+parser.add_argument('-b', '--build-dir', dest='build_dir',
+  help='''Parent dir for all build trees (default:
+directly in the make-dir).''')
+parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', dest='url', default='ssh://go',
+  help='''git clone base URL. Default is 'ssh://go',
+e.g. add this to your ~/.ssh/config:
+  host go
+  hostname
+  port 29418
+Alternatively pass '-u git://'.''')
+parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output', default='Makefile',
+  help='''Makefile filename (default: 'Makefile').''')
+parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', dest='jobs', default='9',
+  help='''-j option to pass to 'make'.''')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+def read_projects_deps(path):
+  'Read deps config and return tuples of (project_name, which-other-to-build-first).'
+  l = []
+  for line in open(path):
+    line = line.strip()
+    if not line or line.startswith('#'):
+      continue
+    tokens = line.split()
+    l.append((tokens[0], tokens[1:]))
+  return l
+def read_configure_opts(path):
+  'Read config opts file and return tuples of (project_name, config-opts).'
+  if not path:
+    return {}
+  return dict(read_projects_deps(path))
+def gen_make(proj, deps, configure_opts, jobs, make_dir, src_dir, build_dir, url):
+  src_proj = os.path.join(src_dir, proj)
+  build_proj = os.path.join(build_dir, proj)
+  make_to_src = os.path.relpath(src_dir, make_dir)
+  make_to_src_proj = os.path.relpath(src_proj, make_dir)
+  make_to_build_proj = os.path.relpath(build_proj, make_dir)
+  build_to_src = os.path.relpath(src_proj, build_proj)
+  if configure_opts:
+    configure_opts_str = ' '.join(configure_opts)
+  else:
+    configure_opts_str = ''
+  # special hack for libsmpp34: cannot build in parallel
+  if proj == 'libsmpp34':
+    jobs = 1
+  return r'''
+### {proj} ###
+	@echo "\n\n\n===== $@\n"
+	test -d {src} || mkdir -p {src}
+	test -d {src_proj} || git -C {src} clone {url}/{proj}
+	touch $@
+.make.{proj}.autoconf: .make.{proj}.clone {src_proj}/
+	@echo "\n\n\n===== $@\n"
+	cd {src_proj}; autoreconf -fi
+	touch $@
+.make.{proj}.configure: .make.{proj}.autoconf {deps_installed}
+	@echo "\n\n\n===== $@\n"
+	-chmod -R ug+w {build_proj}
+	-rm -rf {build_proj}
+	mkdir -p {build_proj}
+	cd {build_proj}; {build_to_src}/configure {configure_opts}
+	touch $@
+	touch $@
+.PHONY: .make.{proj}.detect_edits
+	@test -z "$(shell find {src_proj} -newer .make.{proj}.last_edited -name "*.[hc]")" || (touch .make.{proj}.last_edited; echo {proj} edited)
+.make.{proj}.build: .make.{proj}.configure .make.{proj}.last_edited
+	@echo "\n\n\n===== $@\n"
+	$(MAKE) -C {build_proj} -j {jobs} check
+	touch $@
+.make.{proj}.install: .make.{proj}.build
+	@echo "\n\n\n===== $@\n"
+	$(MAKE) -C {build_proj} install
+	touch $@
+    url=url,
+    proj=proj,
+    jobs=jobs,
+    src=make_to_src,
+    src_proj=make_to_src_proj,
+    build_proj=make_to_build_proj,
+    build_to_src=build_to_src,
+    deps_installed=' '.join(['.make.%s.install' % d for d in deps]),
+    configure_opts=configure_opts_str)
+projects_deps = read_projects_deps(args.projects_and_deps_file)
+configure_opts = read_configure_opts(args.configure_opts_file)
+make_dir = args.make_dir
+if not make_dir:
+  make_dir = 'make-%s-%s' % (args.projects_and_deps_file, args.configure_opts_file)
+if not os.path.isdir(make_dir):
+  os.makedirs(make_dir)
+build_dir = args.build_dir
+if not build_dir:
+  build_dir = make_dir
+output = os.path.join(make_dir, args.output)
+print('Writing to %r' % output)
+with open(output, 'w') as out:
+  out.write('# This Makefile was generated by %s\n' % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
+  # convenience: add a regen target that updates the generated makefile itself
+  out.write(r'''
+default: all
+# regenerate this Makefile, in case the deps or opts changed
+.PHONY: regen
+	{script} {projects_and_deps} {configure_opts} -m {make_dir} -o {makefile} -s {src_dir} -b {build_dir}
+    script=os.path.relpath(sys.argv[0], make_dir),
+    projects_and_deps=os.path.relpath(args.projects_and_deps_file, make_dir),
+    configure_opts=os.path.relpath(args.configure_opts_file, make_dir),
+    make_dir='.',
+    makefile=args.output,
+    src_dir=os.path.relpath(args.src_dir, make_dir),
+    build_dir=os.path.relpath(build_dir, make_dir),
+    ))
+  # now the actual useful build rules
+  out.write('all: \\\n\t' + ' \\\n\t'.join([ '.make.%s.detect_edits .make.%s.install' % (p,p) for p, d in projects_deps ]) + '\n\n')
+  for proj, deps in projects_deps:
+    out.write(gen_make(proj, deps, configure_opts.get(proj),,
+                       make_dir, args.src_dir, build_dir, args.url))