ASF: minor, update copyright

upstream ASFv4 updated the copyright year.
somehow they don't know you should use the range instead of the
last year :/
this change is just so I can't continue diffing ASF files without
false positive.

Change-Id: Ic90e692815b30921bc8750c240ba0a5d3f4ccc70
diff --git a/sysmoOCTSIM/include/instance/tcc4.h b/sysmoOCTSIM/include/instance/tcc4.h
index 6709d38..f37d6cf 100644
--- a/sysmoOCTSIM/include/instance/tcc4.h
+++ b/sysmoOCTSIM/include/instance/tcc4.h
@@ -1,99 +1,99 @@
- * \file
- *
- * \brief Instance description for TCC4
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2018 Microchip Technology Inc.
- *
- * \asf_license_start
- *
- * \page License
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- * \asf_license_stop
- *
- */
-#ifndef _SAME54_TCC4_INSTANCE_
-#define _SAME54_TCC4_INSTANCE_
-/* ========== Register definition for TCC4 peripheral ========== */
-#if (defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
-#define REG_TCC4_CTRLA             (0x43001000) /**< \brief (TCC4) Control A */
-#define REG_TCC4_CTRLBCLR          (0x43001004) /**< \brief (TCC4) Control B Clear */
-#define REG_TCC4_CTRLBSET          (0x43001005) /**< \brief (TCC4) Control B Set */
-#define REG_TCC4_SYNCBUSY          (0x43001008) /**< \brief (TCC4) Synchronization Busy */
-#define REG_TCC4_FCTRLA            (0x4300100C) /**< \brief (TCC4) Recoverable Fault A Configuration */
-#define REG_TCC4_FCTRLB            (0x43001010) /**< \brief (TCC4) Recoverable Fault B Configuration */
-#define REG_TCC4_DRVCTRL           (0x43001018) /**< \brief (TCC4) Driver Control */
-#define REG_TCC4_DBGCTRL           (0x4300101E) /**< \brief (TCC4) Debug Control */
-#define REG_TCC4_EVCTRL            (0x43001020) /**< \brief (TCC4) Event Control */
-#define REG_TCC4_INTENCLR          (0x43001024) /**< \brief (TCC4) Interrupt Enable Clear */
-#define REG_TCC4_INTENSET          (0x43001028) /**< \brief (TCC4) Interrupt Enable Set */
-#define REG_TCC4_INTFLAG           (0x4300102C) /**< \brief (TCC4) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */
-#define REG_TCC4_STATUS            (0x43001030) /**< \brief (TCC4) Status */
-#define REG_TCC4_COUNT             (0x43001034) /**< \brief (TCC4) Count */
-#define REG_TCC4_WAVE              (0x4300103C) /**< \brief (TCC4) Waveform Control */
-#define REG_TCC4_PER               (0x43001040) /**< \brief (TCC4) Period */
-#define REG_TCC4_CC0               (0x43001044) /**< \brief (TCC4) Compare and Capture 0 */
-#define REG_TCC4_CC1               (0x43001048) /**< \brief (TCC4) Compare and Capture 1 */
-#define REG_TCC4_PERBUF            (0x4300106C) /**< \brief (TCC4) Period Buffer */
-#define REG_TCC4_CCBUF0            (0x43001070) /**< \brief (TCC4) Compare and Capture Buffer 0 */
-#define REG_TCC4_CCBUF1            (0x43001074) /**< \brief (TCC4) Compare and Capture Buffer 1 */
-#define REG_TCC4_CTRLA             (*(RwReg  *)0x43001000UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Control A */
-#define REG_TCC4_CTRLBCLR          (*(RwReg8 *)0x43001004UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Control B Clear */
-#define REG_TCC4_CTRLBSET          (*(RwReg8 *)0x43001005UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Control B Set */
-#define REG_TCC4_SYNCBUSY          (*(RoReg  *)0x43001008UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Synchronization Busy */
-#define REG_TCC4_FCTRLA            (*(RwReg  *)0x4300100CUL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Recoverable Fault A Configuration */
-#define REG_TCC4_FCTRLB            (*(RwReg  *)0x43001010UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Recoverable Fault B Configuration */
-#define REG_TCC4_DRVCTRL           (*(RwReg  *)0x43001018UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Driver Control */
-#define REG_TCC4_DBGCTRL           (*(RwReg8 *)0x4300101EUL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Debug Control */
-#define REG_TCC4_EVCTRL            (*(RwReg  *)0x43001020UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Event Control */
-#define REG_TCC4_INTENCLR          (*(RwReg  *)0x43001024UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Interrupt Enable Clear */
-#define REG_TCC4_INTENSET          (*(RwReg  *)0x43001028UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Interrupt Enable Set */
-#define REG_TCC4_INTFLAG           (*(RwReg  *)0x4300102CUL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */
-#define REG_TCC4_STATUS            (*(RwReg  *)0x43001030UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Status */
-#define REG_TCC4_COUNT             (*(RwReg  *)0x43001034UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Count */
-#define REG_TCC4_WAVE              (*(RwReg  *)0x4300103CUL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Waveform Control */
-#define REG_TCC4_PER               (*(RwReg  *)0x43001040UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Period */
-#define REG_TCC4_CC0               (*(RwReg  *)0x43001044UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Compare and Capture 0 */
-#define REG_TCC4_CC1               (*(RwReg  *)0x43001048UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Compare and Capture 1 */
-#define REG_TCC4_PERBUF            (*(RwReg  *)0x4300106CUL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Period Buffer */
-#define REG_TCC4_CCBUF0            (*(RwReg  *)0x43001070UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Compare and Capture Buffer 0 */
-#define REG_TCC4_CCBUF1            (*(RwReg  *)0x43001074UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Compare and Capture Buffer 1 */
-#endif /* (defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
-/* ========== Instance parameters for TCC4 peripheral ========== */
-#define TCC4_CC_NUM                 2        // Number of Compare/Capture units
-#define TCC4_DITHERING              0        // Dithering feature implemented
-#define TCC4_DMAC_ID_MC_0           42
-#define TCC4_DMAC_ID_MC_1           43
-#define TCC4_DMAC_ID_MC_LSB         42
-#define TCC4_DMAC_ID_MC_MSB         43
-#define TCC4_DMAC_ID_MC_SIZE        2
-#define TCC4_DMAC_ID_OVF            41       // DMA overflow/underflow/retrigger trigger
-#define TCC4_DTI                    0        // Dead-Time-Insertion feature implemented
-#define TCC4_EXT                    0        // Coding of implemented extended features
-#define TCC4_GCLK_ID                38       // Index of Generic Clock
-#define TCC4_MASTER_SLAVE_MODE      0        // TCC type 0 : NA, 1 : Master, 2 : Slave
-#define TCC4_OTMX                   0        // Output Matrix feature implemented
-#define TCC4_OW_NUM                 2        // Number of Output Waveforms
-#define TCC4_PG                     0        // Pattern Generation feature implemented
-#define TCC4_SIZE                   16      
-#define TCC4_SWAP                   0        // DTI outputs swap feature implemented
-#endif /* _SAME54_TCC4_INSTANCE_ */

+ * \file

+ *

+ * \brief Instance description for TCC4

+ *

+ * Copyright (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc.

+ *

+ * \asf_license_start

+ *

+ * \page License

+ *

+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

+ *

+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.

+ * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at

+ * 

+ *

+ * 

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT

+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

+ * limitations under the License.

+ *

+ * \asf_license_stop

+ *

+ */


+#ifndef _SAME54_TCC4_INSTANCE_

+#define _SAME54_TCC4_INSTANCE_


+/* ========== Register definition for TCC4 peripheral ========== */

+#if (defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))

+#define REG_TCC4_CTRLA             (0x43001000) /**< \brief (TCC4) Control A */

+#define REG_TCC4_CTRLBCLR          (0x43001004) /**< \brief (TCC4) Control B Clear */

+#define REG_TCC4_CTRLBSET          (0x43001005) /**< \brief (TCC4) Control B Set */

+#define REG_TCC4_SYNCBUSY          (0x43001008) /**< \brief (TCC4) Synchronization Busy */

+#define REG_TCC4_FCTRLA            (0x4300100C) /**< \brief (TCC4) Recoverable Fault A Configuration */

+#define REG_TCC4_FCTRLB            (0x43001010) /**< \brief (TCC4) Recoverable Fault B Configuration */

+#define REG_TCC4_DRVCTRL           (0x43001018) /**< \brief (TCC4) Driver Control */

+#define REG_TCC4_DBGCTRL           (0x4300101E) /**< \brief (TCC4) Debug Control */

+#define REG_TCC4_EVCTRL            (0x43001020) /**< \brief (TCC4) Event Control */

+#define REG_TCC4_INTENCLR          (0x43001024) /**< \brief (TCC4) Interrupt Enable Clear */

+#define REG_TCC4_INTENSET          (0x43001028) /**< \brief (TCC4) Interrupt Enable Set */

+#define REG_TCC4_INTFLAG           (0x4300102C) /**< \brief (TCC4) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */

+#define REG_TCC4_STATUS            (0x43001030) /**< \brief (TCC4) Status */

+#define REG_TCC4_COUNT             (0x43001034) /**< \brief (TCC4) Count */

+#define REG_TCC4_WAVE              (0x4300103C) /**< \brief (TCC4) Waveform Control */

+#define REG_TCC4_PER               (0x43001040) /**< \brief (TCC4) Period */

+#define REG_TCC4_CC0               (0x43001044) /**< \brief (TCC4) Compare and Capture 0 */

+#define REG_TCC4_CC1               (0x43001048) /**< \brief (TCC4) Compare and Capture 1 */

+#define REG_TCC4_PERBUF            (0x4300106C) /**< \brief (TCC4) Period Buffer */

+#define REG_TCC4_CCBUF0            (0x43001070) /**< \brief (TCC4) Compare and Capture Buffer 0 */

+#define REG_TCC4_CCBUF1            (0x43001074) /**< \brief (TCC4) Compare and Capture Buffer 1 */


+#define REG_TCC4_CTRLA             (*(RwReg  *)0x43001000UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Control A */

+#define REG_TCC4_CTRLBCLR          (*(RwReg8 *)0x43001004UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Control B Clear */

+#define REG_TCC4_CTRLBSET          (*(RwReg8 *)0x43001005UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Control B Set */

+#define REG_TCC4_SYNCBUSY          (*(RoReg  *)0x43001008UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Synchronization Busy */

+#define REG_TCC4_FCTRLA            (*(RwReg  *)0x4300100CUL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Recoverable Fault A Configuration */

+#define REG_TCC4_FCTRLB            (*(RwReg  *)0x43001010UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Recoverable Fault B Configuration */

+#define REG_TCC4_DRVCTRL           (*(RwReg  *)0x43001018UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Driver Control */

+#define REG_TCC4_DBGCTRL           (*(RwReg8 *)0x4300101EUL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Debug Control */

+#define REG_TCC4_EVCTRL            (*(RwReg  *)0x43001020UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Event Control */

+#define REG_TCC4_INTENCLR          (*(RwReg  *)0x43001024UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Interrupt Enable Clear */

+#define REG_TCC4_INTENSET          (*(RwReg  *)0x43001028UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Interrupt Enable Set */

+#define REG_TCC4_INTFLAG           (*(RwReg  *)0x4300102CUL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */

+#define REG_TCC4_STATUS            (*(RwReg  *)0x43001030UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Status */

+#define REG_TCC4_COUNT             (*(RwReg  *)0x43001034UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Count */

+#define REG_TCC4_WAVE              (*(RwReg  *)0x4300103CUL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Waveform Control */

+#define REG_TCC4_PER               (*(RwReg  *)0x43001040UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Period */

+#define REG_TCC4_CC0               (*(RwReg  *)0x43001044UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Compare and Capture 0 */

+#define REG_TCC4_CC1               (*(RwReg  *)0x43001048UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Compare and Capture 1 */

+#define REG_TCC4_PERBUF            (*(RwReg  *)0x4300106CUL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Period Buffer */

+#define REG_TCC4_CCBUF0            (*(RwReg  *)0x43001070UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Compare and Capture Buffer 0 */

+#define REG_TCC4_CCBUF1            (*(RwReg  *)0x43001074UL) /**< \brief (TCC4) Compare and Capture Buffer 1 */

+#endif /* (defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */


+/* ========== Instance parameters for TCC4 peripheral ========== */

+#define TCC4_CC_NUM                 2        // Number of Compare/Capture units

+#define TCC4_DITHERING              0        // Dithering feature implemented

+#define TCC4_DMAC_ID_MC_0           42

+#define TCC4_DMAC_ID_MC_1           43

+#define TCC4_DMAC_ID_MC_LSB         42

+#define TCC4_DMAC_ID_MC_MSB         43

+#define TCC4_DMAC_ID_MC_SIZE        2

+#define TCC4_DMAC_ID_OVF            41       // DMA overflow/underflow/retrigger trigger

+#define TCC4_DTI                    0        // Dead-Time-Insertion feature implemented

+#define TCC4_EXT                    0        // Coding of implemented extended features

+#define TCC4_GCLK_ID                38       // Index of Generic Clock

+#define TCC4_MASTER_SLAVE_MODE      0        // TCC type 0 : NA, 1 : Master, 2 : Slave

+#define TCC4_OTMX                   0        // Output Matrix feature implemented

+#define TCC4_OW_NUM                 2        // Number of Output Waveforms

+#define TCC4_PG                     0        // Pattern Generation feature implemented

+#define TCC4_SIZE                   16      

+#define TCC4_SWAP                   0        // DTI outputs swap feature implemented


+#endif /* _SAME54_TCC4_INSTANCE_ */